Christian Dream Interpretation 基督教的解夢 Seven Reasons We Should Listen to Our Dreams 應該解夢的七個理由 1. God declared that He WOULD speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament. 在舊約裡神宣告祂會藉著異夢和異象說話 And He said, “Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream” (Num. 12:6). 耶和華說:“你們且聽我的話:你們中間若 有先知,我─耶和華必在異象中向他顯現, 在夢中與他說話。”(民12:6) 2. God declared that He DID speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament. 在舊約裡神宣告祂曾藉著異夢和異象說話。 “I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets” (Hos. 12:10). “ 我已曉諭眾先知,並且加增默示,藉先知設 立比喻。”(何12:10) 3. God declares that He WILL communicate through dreams and visions in the New Testament. 在舊約裡神宣告祂將藉著異夢和異象說話 “And it shall come to pass in the last days,” saith God, “I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:17). “神說:在末後的日子,我要將我的靈澆灌凡 有血氣的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的少 年人要見異象;老年人要做異夢。”(徒2:17) 4. God declares that He WILL COUNSEL us at night through our dreams. 神宣告,在夜裡祂會藉著夢來指示我們。 I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind (inner man) instructs me in the night (Ps. 16:7 NASB). 我必稱頌那指教我的耶和華;我的心腸(內裡 的人)在夜間也警戒我。(詩16:7) 5.Rather than our dreams being fatalistic, dreams are calling us to change SO WE WILL NOT PERISH. 我們的夢不是叫人成為宿命論者,而是要呼 召我們改變不致滅亡 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword (Job 33:14-18, emphasis mine). 神說一次、兩次,世人卻不理會。人躺在床 上沉睡的時候,神就用夢和夜間的異象,開 通他們的耳朵,將當受的教訓印在他們心上, 好叫人不從自己的謀算,不行驕傲的事(原文 是將驕傲向人隱藏),攔阻人不陷於坑裡,不 死在刀下。(伯33:14~18) 7. God grants supernatural gifts THROUGH dreams. 神藉著夢賜予超自然的恩賜 In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, “Ask what I shall give thee....” 在基遍,夜間夢中,耶和華向所羅門顯 現,對他說:「你願我賜你甚麼?你可 以求。」 “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great a people?” 「所以求你賜我智慧,可以判斷你的民, 能辨別是非。不然,誰能判斷這眾多的 民呢?」 “...Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee....” And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream (I Kings 3:5,9,12,15). 「我就應允你所求的,賜你聰明智慧, 甚至在你以前沒有像你的,在你以後也 沒有像你的。…所羅門醒了,不料是個 夢…」(王上3:5,9,12,15) Five Things You Can Do to Help Recall Your Dreams 五個方式幫助回想你的夢 1. Say to yourself, “I believe dreams contain a valid message.” 對自己說:「我相信夢確實含有信息。」 2. Ask God to speak to you through dreams as you fall asleep. 求神在你睡夢中對你說話。 God does answer prayers, especially when prayed in accordance to His will! 神確實回答我們的禱 告,特別是照著祂的旨意來禱告時。 3. Put your journal beside your bed and immediately record your dreams upon awakening. 將你的日誌本放在床邊,以便醒來時馬 上將夢記錄下來。 You will forget most of your dreams by the morning, so get up and write them down when you awaken. 到了早上你會忘掉大部分的夢,所以當 你對夢還很清楚時就起來寫下。 4. Get eight hours of sleep, as the entire last hour will be dream-time. 要睡足八小時, 因為最後一小時會是作夢時刻。 5. Awaken naturally, without the use of an alarm clock, as alarms shatter dream recall and blast tidbits of dreams into oblivion where they are never found. 要自然醒來,不要用鬧鐘;因為鬧鈴會 嚇跑夢的記憶,使你的夢煙消雲散,再 也想不起來。 If you will do the above five things, you will recall dreams every week. 若你能做上述的五件事,每週你都能回 想起你的夢。 Seven Foundational Principles for Interpreting Dreams 解夢的七個基本原則 1. Most dreams are symbolic (including biblical dreams), so view them the same way you would view a political cartoon. Throw the switch in your brain that says, “Look at this symbolically.” 大部分的夢是象徵性的(包括聖經裡的夢), 所以就以看政治漫畫的方式來看這些夢。 要切換你頭腦的開關,說:「去看出象 徵的意義!」 2. The symbols will come from the dreamer’s life, so ask, “What does this symbol mean to me?” or, if working on another’s dream, ask, “What does this symbol mean to you?” 這些象徵會出於做夢者的生活,所以要 問: 「這些象徵對我是什麼意義?」或是 對別人的夢,就要問 「這些象徵對你是 什麼意義?」 3. The dream generally speaks of the concerns which your heart is currently facing. So ask, “What issues was I processing the day before I had the dream?” 夢通常是關乎你心裡目前面對的事,所 以要問 「做這夢的前一天,我處理了什 麼問題?」 4. The meaning of the dream must be drawn from the dreamer. Realize you know nothing about the dream, but through dependence upon the Holy Spirit and the skillful use of questions, you can draw the meaning of the dream out from the heart of the dreamer. 夢的意義,必須是由做夢者引出。我們 必須承認,我們對夢是一無所知的,但 藉著倚靠聖靈及善用發問,你可以從做 夢者的心中引出那夢的意義。 5. The dreamer’s heart will leap and “witness” and say, “Aha!” when it hears the right interpretation, so never accept an interpretation that does not bear witness in the dreamer’s heart. 當聽到正確的解釋時,做夢者的心會雀 躍並 「同證」地說 「啊,是的!」。所 以若沒有做夢者心中的同證,就不要接 受這樣的解釋。 6. Dreams reveal but do not condemn. Their goal is to preserve life, not to destroy it (Job 33:13-18). 夢是啟示,不會定罪。夢的目的是要保 存生命,不是毀掉生命。(伯33:13-18) 7. Never make a major decision in your life based only on a dream without receiving additional confirmation from the other ways that God speaks to us and guides us (peace in our hearts, the counsel of others, illumined Scriptures, God’s still small voice, prophecy, anointed reasoning, etc.). 在還沒有領受神用其他方式來印證要對 我們說的或對我們的引導之前 (例如,心 中的平安,他人的輔導,經文的光照, 神微小的聲音,預言,有恩膏的思考..等 等),不要單憑著一個夢就做出生命中重 大的決定。 The Simplest Method for Interpreting a Subjective Dream 解釋主觀的夢最簡單的方法 The best way to interpret a dream is to start with the first symbol and try to interpret that. Then go on to the next symbol, and so on. Continually ask the question, “In what way am I experiencing this symbol in my life at this time?” 解夢最好的方法是從第一個象徵開始解 釋,然後繼續下一個象徵,再繼續下一 個。要不斷的問,「在我目前的生活中, 以何種方式經歷了這些象徵?」 Clues Which May Indicate Your Dream Is About Others 如何判定是「關乎別人的夢」 1. You are an observer of the action. 在夢中你只是旁觀者 If you play an active role in the dream, it is likely a dream about you. If you are only an observer to the activity of the dream, it is likely a dream about others. 如果在夢中你是個活躍的角色,這夢大 概是關乎你的。如果在夢中你只是個旁 觀者,這夢大概是關乎別人的。 2. The dream just does not fit your life. 這夢與你的生活不符 You should always ask God, “Lord, show me any way the events in this dream are revealing struggles my heart is currently facing.” If you cannot see that the dream is talking about an issue you are facing, and your spiritual counselor cannot help you see how this may be something your heart is currently processing, then you may assume that the dream is not about you. 要不斷的問神:「主啊,請告訴我這夢中的 事件是否要彰顯任何我心中目前面對的掙 扎。」你若無法看出這夢是關乎你所面對的 問題,你的屬靈輔導也無法幫你看出你的心 中和夢相關的事情,你就可以假設這夢不是 關乎你的。 Warnings About Dreams and Visions??? 關於夢與異象的警告??? 1. There are no warnings in the Bible to beware of your own dreams, with the possible exception of Ecclesiastes 5:3,7, which is probably best understood as a reference to “daydreams” since all other references in the Bible to “dreams” are positive. When one verse contradicts many others, you need to seek to understand that one verse in light of the volume of references on the other side of the topic.聖經中並沒警告說要提防你的 夢,除了傳道書5:3,7之外,這經文中的 「夢」或許理解為「白日夢」比較恰當, 因為在聖經中所有提到的作夢都是正面 積極的。當一節經文和其他許多經文相 反時,你需要從其他相關經文的光照中 尋求理解。 2. The only biblical caution concerning dreams, then, is when you are listening to another’s dream. They may be trying to lead you astray, to go after other gods (Jer. 14:14; 23:16,25-27,32; Ezek. 13:1,7; 12:24 Deut. 13:1-5; Jer. 27:9-11; Zec, 10:2). 聖經中唯一關於夢警告是,當你 傾聽別 人的夢 的時候。他們可能會試著把你引 入歧途,去跟隨其他的神。神。(耶 14:14;23:16,25-27,32;結13:1,7; 12:24;申13:1-5;耶27:9-11;亞10:2) A Method for Interpreting Your Dreams 解夢的方法 Keep a journal beside your bed and ask God to give you dreams which you will immediately record upon awakening. It is important that you know the setting of the dream, that is, the issues on your heart when you went to bed. 將你的日誌本放在床邊並求神將夢給你, 醒來時馬上將夢記錄下來。記下夢的環 境背景是很重要的,這是你睡前在心中 帶著的問題。 The Key Question Approach Leading to Heart Revelation (guided self-discovery) 引到心中啟示的關鍵問題(引導自己發現) a) Write the dreamer’s name on the top right corner of the blackboard so everyone can address him or her by name. Have the dreamer standing or sitting in the front of the room, available to answer questions from the group. 將做夢者的名字寫在黑板右上角,讓大 家以名字稱呼他/她。讓作夢者站或坐在 前面,好回答其他人的發問。 b) The dreamer reads the dream aloud twice. While the dream is being read, someone writes on a blackboard the key elements and events of the dream, leaving space between each. If no blackboard is present, each member of the group should create a list on a paper for their own reference. 做夢者大聲的將夢唸兩遍,同時找一人 將夢的關鍵要素和事件寫在黑板上,每 個要素及事件之間都留空行。若沒黑板, 每個人就在紙上將其列出來。 c) Ask the dreamer:詢問做夢者: “What was the key feeling in the dream?” 「在夢裡主要的感覺是什麼?」 · “What was the key action in the dream?” 「在夢裡主要的動作是什麼?」 · “In what area of your life are you experiencing these?” 「在你生命中的哪些 方面正經歷這些?」 c) Ask the dreamer:詢問做夢者: This will give the dreamer and the group a reference point as to the setting of the dream, and what issue is likely being discussed. The answers to these questions can be listed across the top of the blackboard after the phrases “Key Feeling” and “Key Action.” 這樣可以給做夢者和其他人參考的觀點 來為這夢定位,並知道該討論哪些問題。 問題的答案可分別列在黑板上 「主要感 覺」和「主要動作」之下。 d) Beginning with the first event/element of the dream and continuing to the last one, listeners then ask questions like the following: 以夢的第一個事件/要素開始,並繼續直 到最後一個。傾聽者就可問以下的問題: - What is the dominant trait of that person? 那人最顯著的特質是什麼? - What emotion does that animal represent to you? 那個動物代表你怎樣的情緒? - In what way are you experiencing (the event described in the dream) in your life at this time? 你當時的生活中有哪些情況正在經歷這 些(在夢裡描述的事件)? e) If the dreamer cannot come up with an answer to any of the above questions: 若做夢者無法回答上述的問題: Remind him to relax and tune to flowing thoughts, rather than analytical thoughts, thus moving from his mind to his heart. 提醒他/她放鬆並轉向即時流露的意念, 而不是分析式的意念,如此就可從他的 理性轉到他的心。 Have the group brainstorm (“heart storm”), offering suggestions of what the item in the dream might mean. These are listed on the board. 按照黑板所列的事項,請小組作腦力激 盪(心靈激盪),提供一些建議來解釋夢裡 事項可能的意義。 The dreamer then comes to the board and draws a line through the ones that definitely do not ring true in his heart, and circles the ones which his heart leaps to, offering any interpretation God is revealing to him. 之後作夢者將明顯不符合他心中感受的 劃掉,將使他心踴躍的圈起來,敘述任 何神啟示給他的解釋。 2.Break the class into groups of four to six and have them work for two to three hours on dreams of individuals within their groups. Follow the “Rules for Interpreting Dreams in a Group” given above. Instruct the groups to use “The Key Question Approach.” If they need help, they should raise their hand to attract the attention of the classroom leader to come and work with their group. 將全班分成4~6人一組,讓他們用2~3個 小時提出每個人的夢。按照上述“在小 組中解夢的原則”,指導小組使用“關 鍵問題”。若小組需要協助,可舉手讓 帶領者知道,去幫助此小組。 When the seminar/classroom leader is not assisting a specific group, he should rotate from group to group making sure things are progressing well in each. 當這課程的帶領者不必去協助某個小組 時,他就要巡視每個小組,確認討論過 程的順利。 © 2003 Mark & Patti Virkler – May be freely reproduced for use in teaching situations. Books and resources at