forrest gump review questions

Most people agree that Forrest Gump is a very simple-minded person, nevertheless, he often sees things in
their correct perspective trotting out pearls of wisdom.
*In your groups make a list of words and phrases that best describe Forrest’s character.
*How would you describe Forrest to a friend? Point out his good and bad qualities.
*Explain the message of the each of the main characters : Momma Gump, Forrest Gump, Jenny, Bubba
Blue, Lt. Dan
*How were the lives of Forrest and Jenny different?
One of the big issues in the film is discrimination against those who are different from others in some
way. Is it true? How do we act towards those who are different from us (less intelligent, handicapped,
sick, racially different, have different skin colour, have a different religion, are members of a different
political party, etc.)?
*Do we respect them? Do we ignore them? Do we make fun of them? Do we reject them? Why? Why
*Which event more radically alters Forrest Gump's destiny: meeting and losing
Bubba or meeting and losing Jenny Curran? Discuss the two relationships.
*Why does Jenny want to be “free as a bird”?
*List 5 elements from history he is “involved in” and explain the incident it portrays.
*What is the message of the film? What does the phrase “life is like a box of chocolates you never know
what you are going to get” mean?
*What does the phrase “stupid is as stupid does” mean?
*What about this film makes it still resonate with the audience?
*In what manner is the story told and why is that important?
*List five themes from the film.
*What did you like and not like about this movie?