Sermon PowerPoint

“…was life, and that life was the light of men. [But
there’s more] the light shines in the darkness and the
darkness has not [overcome] it…” (John 1:4-5)
For through Jesus “…all things were
made…” (John 1:3); through Jesus we
know the one true God, who now
qualifies us “…to share in the
inheritance of the…kingdom of light.
For [through Jesus, God] has rescued
us from the dominion of darkness
[bringing] us into the kingdom of the
Son he loves…” (Colossians 1:12-14).
Sure as John notes: though the
world was made through Jesus,
“….the world [in many cases] did
not recognize [Jesus; the
depression and darkness won]…”
“Yet” – John goes on to say. “to all
who did receive him, to those who
believed his name, he gave the right
to become children of God…” (John 1:12)
– or in the fresh translation of Eugene
Peterson, the opportunity “…to be
their true selves, their child of God
selves…” (John 1:12, The Message)
Realize: Not Everything
That Shines Is Saintly
“…Satan… [often] masquerades as
an angel of light…” (2 Corinthians 11:14)
“And the devil…
showed [Jesus]
all the Kingdoms
of the world and
their splendor…
[But Jesus said]
“Away from me
Satan. For it is
written ‘Worship
the Lord…and
serve him only.”
(Matthew 4:8-10) And
“…the devil left
him” (Matthew 4:11).
came and
(Matthew 4:11)
Walk In The Light, Basking In
The Promises of God.
• Isaiah 7:14 tells us that God in
Christ will be “up close and
personal,” Immanuel; indeed
Christmas confirms: God in
Christ is “up close and
personal,” Immanuel. (Matthew 1:23)
• Psalm 45:6-7 tells us that God
in Christ will be anointed and
eternal; indeed Christmas
confirms: God in Christ is
anointed and eternal (Luke 1:33)
• Isaiah 9:1-2 tells us that God in
Christ will be a bright light,
bringing light to His people;
indeed Christmas confirms:
God in Christ is a bright light
bringing light to His people (John
“…the people walking in darkness have
[indeed] seen a great light” to quote
Isaiah. “…On those living in the land
of the shadow of death, a light has
dawned…” (Isaiah 9:2)
To be precise: we must
“…walk… [in]…the
light…before the darkness
overtakes [us]….” (John 12:35);
translated: before we stumble
and fall.
“…the man who walks in the
dark does not know where he is
going. [So] put your trust in
the light while you still have it
so that you may become sons
of light…” (John 12:36)
Send The Light, The
Blessed Gospel Light
“…If we walk in the light as he
is in the light we have
fellowship with one another…”
(1 John 1:7)
“…Jesus Christ laid
down his life for us.
And [so] we ought to
lay down our lives for
our brothers. [To be
precise] if anyone has
material possessions
and sees his brother in
need, but has no pity
on him, how can the
love of God be in him?
Dear children [of God,
of Light] let us not love
with words…but with
actions…” (1 John 3:16-18)
For like Jesus, we’re called to “…lay
down our lives for our brothers…” (I John
3:16); to not only walk in the light, but to
share the light in tangible, enlivening
ways. For Jesus “…was life,” John
reminds us “…and that life was the
light of men; all men, all women, even
those tossed to the sidelines of life.