Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation Differences between English and Spanish More letters in Spanish alphabet (30) (29) Different pronunciations Letter sounds don’t change!! Vowels A=ah (father) E=eh (day) I=ee (feet) O=oh (go) U=oo (fool) REPITE, POR FAVOR A,E,I,O,U (Ah, eh, ee, oh, oo) REMEMBER These sounds never change!! A: a B: be C: ce CH: che D: de E: e F: efe G: ge H: hache I: i J: jota K: ka L: ele LL: elle M: eme N: ene Ñ: eñe O: o P: pe Q: cu R: ere RR: Doble ere S: ese T: te U: u V: ve W: doble u / doble v X: equis Y: i griega Z: zeta Vowel Practice Pronounce the following nonsense words, remembering that vowel sounds don’t change! abatanama nebebe itipidi otopo umugumu More vowel practice . . . Pronounce the words, remembering the sounds of the vowels! tulemendu sanebini adotute ducatebilo Consonants Most sound similar to English Some are different . . . La letra H (Hache) H is always silent ! Pronounce: Hamaca (hammock) Helado (ice cream) Hilo (thread) Hormiga (ant) Humanidad (humanity) La Letra J (Jota) J sounds like a hard English H. Pronounce: Jalea (jelly) Jefe (chief, leader) Jirafa (giraffe) Joven (young person) Jugo (juice) La letra LL (elle) In most countries, the ll makes a “y” sound. Pronounce: calle (street) bella (beautiful) silla (chair) olla (pan) La letra ñ (eñe) Makes a “ny” sound Pronounce: pestañas (eyelashes) montaña (mountain) baño (bathroom) años (years) La letra R (ere) Makes a soft “d” sound (If the letter “r” starts a word, roll it!) Pronounce: sendero (path) jarabe (syrup) barato (cheap) La Letra RR (erre) Always roll the “rr” Pronounce: carro (car) perro (dog) ferrocarril (railroad) La Letra Z (Zeta) In most countries, the “Z” sounds like the English “S” In Spain, the “Z” makes a “th” sound Pronounce: Zapato (shoe) Bostezo (yawn) Pizarra (chalkboard) Zanahoria (carrot) Special Letter: C (ce) Sounds like “s” if followed by e or I (th sound in Spain) Sounds like “k” if followed by any other letter Casa (house) Caracol (seashell) Celoso (jealous) Ciencias (science) Cicatriz (scar) Special Letter: G (ge) Sounds like “h” if followed by e or i Sounds like “g in girl” if followed by any other letter Gaviota (seagull) Gallo (rooster) General (general) Gimnasio (gymnasium) Gigante (giant) Tough Word #1 Bacatepocupipo Tough Word #2 enchadubanono Tough Word #3 Nillopoturola Last Tough Word Zadepacucecalliñocherra La Tarea Find a written Spanish sentence and be ready to read it to the class tomorrow with perfect pronunciation. You can now pronounce any Spanish word!