1 Chapter 1 NETWORKING BASICS Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS LANS, WANS, AND MANS Three main networking technologies are used to connect computers and networks together: Local area network (LAN) Wide area network (WAN) Metropolitan area network (MAN) 2 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS LAN Used to network computers located in a limited geographical area such as a room, floor, or building Has three main attributes Topology: bus, star, and ring Medium: copper, fiber, and wireless Protocols 3 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS EXAMPLE OF A LAN 4 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS 5 WAN Spans a large geographic area Defined as an internetwork (private or public) that connects many LANs Uses routers and usually point-to-point links Examples of WANs The Internet Private global enterprise networks Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS EXAMPLE OF A WAN 6 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS 7 PROTOCOLS AND SERVICES Facilitate communication between two networked devices Perform data encapsulation Provide a common language to communicating devices Provide either connectionless or connectionoriented services Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS CONNECTIONLESS VS. CONNECTIONORIENTED Connectionless protocols Do not require a connection Have very little overhead Are fast and unreliable Connection-oriented protocols Require a connection Require more overhead Are slower and very reliable 8 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS PHYSICAL LAYER TRANSMISSION 9 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS NETWORK LAYER ADDRESSING 10 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS ROUTING 11 Chapter 1: NETWORKING BASICS 12 SUMMARY LANs, WANs, and MANs allow groups of computers to share information. Signaling protocols are used to transmit data as 1s and 0s. Protocols provide a common language for communication hosts.