
Today’s standard-

*Analyze works of literature for what is suggested about the historical period in which they were written.

Objective- Gather information to better understand Shakespeare and his work Romeo & Juliet.

Parker Presents



Life of William Shakespeare

Elizabethan Period 1558-1603


Born around April 23, 1564 in Stratford–on–Avon

3 rd of 8 children

Family was well off

Most quoted, other than the Bible

Life of William Shakespeare

The Dirt !

Married Anne Hathaway at 18 - she was 26!

Three children

Absentee father



London During Shakespeare

s Days

No running water or electricity


London During Shakespeare

s Days

Bathing considered dangerous

Childhood diseases

Children often died young

Small Pox & Bubonic Plague killed thousands

London During Shakespeare

s Days

No running water

Chamber Pots

Open Sewers


London During Shakespeare

s Days


One set used all year long, rarely washed

Underclothing slept in, rarely changed

Clothes handed down from rich to poor

Theater in London

The Theater

First public theater

Demolished in


Theater in London

Theater in London

The Globe

Penny admission

Hard to believe? Think about admission to the movie theater in the ‘ 50s

Theater in London


All men

Female parts played by young boys

No actual kissing or hugging on stage


2000-3000 people from all walks of life

Rich audience sat in covered galleries around stage

Most stood in the pit around platform stage –

“ groundlings ”

The groundling

Poor audience member

Stood around stage in

“ the pit ”

Threw rotten vegetables at bad performances


Ends in the death of one or more of the main characters

Most of

Shakespeare’s tragedies involved historical individuals or events.

The Plays

Tragic Endings

Most tragic heroes are partly to blame for their own fates and end up dying as a result.

All of Shakespeare’s tragedies have a tragic hero.

Tragic Heroes

All of Shakespeare’s tragedies have a tragic hero.

Often makes more than one bad judgment

Usually recognizes his mistakes

We feel sympathy for him.

The hero is often a man of high rank, such as a king or prince.

Will die

Line References

The play’s title is written in italics

The scene is in small Roman numerals

Romeo & Juliet

, II. i. 35

The act is written in capital Roman numerals

The line number is written as a normal number

New Words

In Shakespeare’s time . . .

There were no dictionaries.

There were no spelling rules.

Shakespeare created over 2,000 words.

Wordplay, bawdy jokes, and lofty language appealed to Elizabethan audiences.

Shakespeare’s Words

Hint eyeball majestic laughable generous gloomy fashionable undress

Romeo and Juliet

Think & Write

When family differences stand between two people, it can be destructive because_______________.

Skills for this Unit:

Understand globe theater

Summarize and paraphrase complex text

Analyze characters (protagonist/antagonist, flat/round, static/dynamic, stock)

Analyze conflicts (internal/external),

Analyze stage directions, dialogue and dramatic speeches (monologue, soliloquy, aside)

Analyze theme

What are we about to read?

 This play is a tragedy-it traces the downfall of the main character, often called the tragic hero.

 Tragic hero-admired character, but has a major flaw that causes his downfall.

Overall Structure

 Called a “five act play”

 Act 1-Introduction

 Act 2- Rising Action

 Act 3-Climax

 Act 4-Falling Action

 Act 5- Resolution

Romeo and Juliet: Background

The Elizabethan audience expected a drama to unfold in five predictable segments.

Rising action

• Act II

• Act I


• Act III

Crisis, or turning point

• Act IV

Falling action

• Act V

Climactic moment, resolution

Globe Theater

 The Globe- most famous theater in the history of English stage, for many more of

Shakespeare’s plays were performed there.

 It was a round theater with a central stage open to the sky.

Summarize and Paraphrase: What’s the difference?

 Summarize-briefly stating the idea of a text in a few sentences.

 Paraphrase-summarize a text LINE by LINE.

Analyze Characters

 Dynamic-a character changes and grows

 Static- a character remains the same

 Flat-one dimensional; has only one or two qualities

 Round-multi-dimensional; has many qualities

 Stock character-a stereotypical character

(villian, mean librarian, etc.)

 Remember a character can be flat and static.

Most flat, static characters are also stereotypical, or stock characters.

 A character can be dynamic and round at the same time.

Analyze Conflicts

 Internal- man vs. self (Example: Should I cheat?)

 External- man vs. man


Dialogue= conversation between characters.

Prose dialogue is written in quotation marks.

 In drama, it generally follows the name of the speaker- seen below

 BENVOLIO. My noble uncle, do you know the cause?

 MONTAGUE. I neither know.

Stage Directions

Notes in a play that describe how the work should be performed, or stagedsuch as scenes, lighting, sound effects and character actions.

Usually set in italics and are sometimes set off in brackets or parentheses.


Scene iii. Friar Lawrence’s cell [Enter FRIAR

LAWRENCE alone, with a basket.]

Stage Directions

Sally: Good Morning, teacher.

Teacher: Good Morning, Sally.

Sally: What do you want us to do this morning?

Teacher: I want you to get out your homework.

Sally: Great.

Same skit with stage directions included.

Sally: (loudly) Good Morning, teacher.

Teacher: (acting irritated) Good Morning,


Sally: (laughs rudely) What do you want us to do this morning?

Teacher: (sternly) I want you to get out your homework.

Sally: (sarcastically) Great.

And again.

Sally: (cheerfully) Good Morning, teacher.

Teacher: (smiles) Good Morning, Sally.

Sally: (sweetly) What do you want us to do this morning?

Teacher: (energetically) I want you to get out your homework.

Sally: (excitedly) Great.

Dramatic Speeches

 Monologue- a long, uninterrupted speech delivered to other characters on stage.

 Soliloquy- (solo) a speech in which a character, alone on stage, reveals private thoughts that the audience is allowed to overhear.

 Aside-a brief remark a character makes to the audience rather than to the other characters.

Now use your guided notes paper- AGAIN.

Romeo & Juliet!!

Romeo and Juliet: Introduction

Verona, Italy

Feud between Capulets and Montagues

The Montagues and the

Capulets hate each other.

Romeo and Juliet: Introduction

Is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Romeo Montague sneaks into a Capulet party.

He and Juliet Capulet can ’ t take their eyes off each other.

That ’ s before the well known romantic exchange on her balcony.

Romeo and Juliet: Introduction

Neither family is pleased with their interest in each other.

But the couple has a friend in the local priest— if only Friar Laurence can coax the families toward peace.

Romeo and Juliet: Introduction

But meanwhile, the feud between the families is getting worse and even leads to revenge and death.

Romeo and Juliet: Background

• In Romeo and Juliet a prologue in sonnet

(type of poem) form summarizes the play for the audience

Prologue- introduction before the first act.

• Most lines in the play, like the lines of a sonnet, are in

iambic pentameter—ten syllables of a steady unaccented/accented pattern.

•Creates a beat/rhythm when read.

Romeo and Juliet question

During the 1300s in Verona, Italy— in the setting for Romeo and Juliet—it was customary for a father to arrange a suitable marriage for his daughter.

Prologue activity

Do 1-5 thoroughly for homework.

Stage Directions Exit Questions

1 & 2

Choose the correct description for the following words in parenthesis:



(at the gate)

A They establish the setting and foreshadow upcoming conflict.

B They contribute to the characterization and relationship between the actors.

C They indicate how the lines should be spoken and describe offstage activity.

D They describe what the stage looks like and how the actors should speak and move.

What would be gained if the drama were performed instead of read?

A The emotions of the characters would be more apparent.

B The characters would be more essential to the plot.

C The plot would come to a conclusion more quickly.

D The foreshadowing would be more effective.


Literature book page 808








Lady Capulet:


Lady Montague:







Servingman 1:

Servingman 2:

Servingman 3:

Romeo and Juliet Exit ticket

Who is fighting in the beginning of

Act I?

What does Aside mean?

Are you confused about the play?

Write your question here on your paper.
