PowerPoint Presentation - Neanderthal Man

Neanderthal Man
Chaz Pontes and
Mikey Camarena
Environment Topics
Physical Characteristics
Neanderthal man had a
modern size brain with
a bony eye ridge, and
no chin.
Neanderthal man lived
in caves in the Winter
and huts in the Spring,
Summer, and Fall.
Neanderthal man
made many tools that
they used to hunt with
and improve their
skills with fire.
Neanderthal man was
the first early man to
sew clothes.
Food Sources
Neanderthal man
hunted Wooly
Mammoth , Cave
Lions, and Cave
Bears. They also ate
fruits, berries, and
Culture Topics
Neanderthal Man used
language to
communicate, warn
others of predators,
and teach the young.
Neanderthal Man said
simple sentences.
Religion and Customs
Neanderthal Man
believed in spirits and
thought when you die
you have an after life.
Neanderthal Man
cared for others and
buried their dead at
special ceremonies.
Social Structure
Neanderthal man was
between 5 to 5’5 feet
tall. Their brain was a
little bit larger than
modern man. They
also had a bony eye
Neanderthal Man
sewed their own
clothes and wore
animal claws, and
teeth for jewelry.
Their jewelry
consisted of bracelets
and necklaces.