
White Lies
Constance Jiang
Spring 2010
 “White
lie” – a lie told or information
withheld with good intention
 Is
it okay to tell a “white lie”?
Example: 2012
Withheld information
 Consequentialism:
The white lie benefits
the most people.
 Virtue Theory: A good person does not lie.
 Deontology: There are no laws that
dictate the correct action in this situation.
Example: Enders Game
An outright lie
 Precocious
children control real soldiers to
fight wars via a computer but are told
they are only playing a video game.
 Consequentialism: The white lie benefits
the most people.
 Virtue Theory: A good person does not lie.
 Deontology: There are no laws that
dictate the correct action in this situation.
 The
results are the same in both cases.
 Utilitarian: More people benefit if the
white lie is told.
 Virtue Theory: It is wrong to lie.
 Deontology: There are no laws dictating
the correct action in such a situation.