Thesis/Dissertation Office Purdue Graduate School


Guidelines for Preparation of

Your Thesis or Dissertation

UAF Graduate School

Laura Bender, Director x7319

Hope Bickmeier, Coordinator x7464

Faith Fleagle, Coordinator x7464

Juan Goula, Coordinator x5960

Who Writes a Thesis/Dissertation

A dissertation is required of all Ph.D. candidates.

A thesis is required in many Master’s programs

Students doing a “Project” do not need to follow thesis format guidelines. See department for project format guidelines.

The Basics

• This workshop helps ensure compliance with the UAF Thesis

Format Handbook (June 2013)

• Most formatting errors can be easily avoided by carefully reviewing the UAF Thesis Format Handbook (June 2013)

• Most, but not all, formatting issues are addressed in this workshop. Direct further questions/comments to the UAF

Graduate School

The Basics


• All theses and dissertations at UAF are submitted electronically, so there is no need to purchase “thesis paper”, unless you prefer this for your signature pages.

Fonts, Font Size, and Font Variations:

Consistent font and font size for all text (including page


• Font size that is no less than 10 and no more than 12


All thesis will now be printed double sided.

• This changes location of page numbers. They should be on the top left side of a left-sided page and on the top right corner of a right-sided page OR centered at the bottom of each page.

The Basics:

Font Variations and Spacing

Are you using…

• Underlining, bolding, or italics? If so, use them sparingly, consistently or, preferably, not at all.

Spacing needs to be:

• Consistently either 1.5 or 2

• Figure/table captions, footnotes, etc. may be single-spaced.

• References can be single-spaced within the reference, but consistent with the thesis between references.

The Basics: Margins

Consistency is the key!

• Margins must be a minimum of 1.5 inches on the binding side

(center margins), 1.5 inches (top), 1 inch (far left and right, opposite the binding), and 1 inch (bottom) or

• Use 1” margins all around with the page # centered at the bottom of the page with a 0.5” margin from the bottom edge

“Widows and Orphans”

• Avoid these by using using “Widow and Orphan Control” in


• Insert manual page breaks, if necessary, in the final version

The Basics: Page Numbering

Things to watch for

• Number every page (except for the "Signature”, “Title”, and any blank pages.

• Assign lower case Roman numerals to all “preliminary pages”

(starting with the Abstract page as “v”).

• Assign Arabic numerals to all text pages (starting with “1” after the Acknowledgements).

• Place page numbers so that the upper and right edges are a minimum of 1 inch from the from the top and edges of the page.

Signature Page

• Title must be in CAPS and double spaced.

• No degree listed with your name.

• Exact number of lines and committee members.

• Provide names for all people that sign.

• Titles must be EXACT.

• All signatures must be original, no exceptions or substitutes.

• Margins must be within limits,

1” on bottom and right, 1.5” on top and left.

Common Formatting Mistakes on the Signature Page

• Numbering your signature page “i.” This is incorrect. There is no number physically printed on either the signature or title pages

(although both pages are included in the Roman numeral counting and have page numbers listed in the Table of Contents).

• Text should be centered within the page margins (i.e., 1.5 inches left/top, 1.0 inch bottom/right, etc.)

• You should have the EXACT number of signature lines for your committee chair and committee members. No blank lines allowed.

• The outside examiner does not sign the signature page.

• The original signature page must have all the original signatures, except the signature of the Graduate Dean, before turning into the

Graduate School.

• Titles of persons signing must be correct.

• Only the Graduate School Dean dates the signature page.





Presented to the Facult y of the Universit y o f Alaska Fairbanks in Partial Fulfil lme nt of the Requ ir ements for the D egree of



Lynn Rob erts Smit h, B.A.

Fair banks , Alaska

Augu st 2006

Title Page

• Title should be in CAPS and double spaced

• Degree being received should be written out, not abbreviated

• Name should agree with name being written on diploma

• All previous degrees should be listed, no repeats

• Location will always be Fairbanks,


• Date will be May, August or


• No comma between month and year

Common Formatting Mistakes on the Title Page

• Having a page number on Title Page. This is incorrect. There is no number physically printed on either the signature or title pages (although both pages are included in the Roman numeral counting and listed with a page number in the Table of Contents).

• Text should be centered within the page margins (i.e., 1.5 inches left/top, 1.0 inch bottom/right, etc.)

• Correct thesis title! Don’t abbreviate or use acronyms, except in a very few cases where they would be universally understood.

• Correct degree title, not abbreviated: Master of Arts, Master of Science,

Master of Fine Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, etc.

• Correct month/year of graduation (December 2014) Note: there is no comma between month and year.

• Text should be evenly spaced or “balanced” on the page

Common Formatting Mistakes on the Abstract Page

• Pagination: This is the first page that has its number printed

(Roman numeral “v”).

• Incorrect page margins.

• No citations should be used in the abstract.

• Because of the electronic submission process there is no longer a limit on the number of words for the abstract. We do recommend that you limit it to two pages or less.

Table of Contents

• Word “Page” above column of page numbers

• Leader dots

• Left & right justified

• Include all chapters and sections

(at all levels)

• Each title in the TOC must match the title in the text EXACTLY

• If only one Appendix, list it in

TOC without title. If there are multiple appendices, use “List of


Common Formatting Mistakes on the

Table of Contents

• Incorrect page margins/pagination

• “Leader dots” are preferred (no “dashes”) and should extend completely and consistently to the page number

• Page numbers on right-hand side should be “justified”

• Each title in the Table of Contents must match the title in the text


• The Table of Contents must be spaced in the same manner as the text.

• If TABLE OF CONTENTS is more than one page, subsequent pages start at 1 1/2 inches from the top

• The word “Page” should be repeated above the right-hand listing of page numbers

• Signature page, title page and Table of Contents must be listed in the

Table of Contents

Common Formatting Mistakes for

List of Figures/List of Tables

• “Leader dots” are preferred (no “dashes”) and should extend completely and consistently to the page number

• Page numbers on right-hand side should be “justified”

• If List of Figures or List of Tables is more than one page, subsequent pages start at 1 1 /

2 inches from the top

• Titles in the text and in the List of Figures and List of Tables must match EXACTLY

• Both the List of Figures and List of Tables must be spaced in the same manner as the text. However, if a second line is required for the title, it can be single-spaced

Figure Example











1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Figure 1.13 Plot of Regional Earnings in 1993.

This shows the net income in the Orange Flavored

Cracker market in the year of the Great Citrus.




• Anything that is not a Table is considered a Figure.

• Figure captions must appear BELOW the Figure.

• All writing in figures should be at least 6 pt ., legible , and reproducible . If possible use the same font size as in the text. Small fonts are used only when there isn’t room for a larger one.

• Page numbering must be the same orientation and location on all pages including landscape oriented pages.

• Color figures are permitted .

However, if you are intending to publish, some journals charge a higher price for color figures.

Table Example

Table 2.1 Artifacts Collected at the Black

River Site Feb. 19-25, 2006 . These artifacts were collected in the third week of a study by the special method of collection and a big group of people.



Mon 7

Wed 20


Bones Gems







• Table captions must appear ABOVE the table.

• Table text font and size should be consistent with the text.

• Each table and figure should have 8-10 word title.

• Tables, Figures and captions must be within the margins.

• Color is permitted in tables, but use only as necessary for clarity.

• Landscape figures and tables must be oriented so the top is on the left-hand side of the page. The page number must be in the normal position on the top right or top left.

Sun 5 35 5

Landscape Example

• Page number is 1” from top & 1” from outside edge of the page as viewed in portrait orientation.

• Landscape figures must be oriented the same way on both sides of the document

(i.e. top of the figure to your left).

Other Common Formatting Mistakes

Text of thesis:

• Consistent heading format. Capitalization, use of bold, italics, or underlining must be consistent for a particular level of heading or subheading throughout a monograph and within each chapter

(consistent with journal requirements) for the manuscript format

• Consistent indentation/spacing at the beginning of paragraphs

• Figures and Tables must be numbered in order of appearance in the text. Embedded Figures and Tables should be placed within a page of their first mention (i.e., on the same page or on the following page)

Other Common Formatting Mistakes (cont’d)

Text of thesis (cont’d):

• Define all abbreviations and acronyms the first time they appear in the text, except for those which are generally understood by almost everyone. (DNA; US; standard abbreviations for units like g, ATM, L, or m; and standard abbreviations for states like AK are examples that do not need to be defined)

• The numbers one to ten should be written out, unless the number is a value with associated units (e.g., 1 g or 1 gram, not one gram, but “one large beaker was used to collect the sample” not “1 large beaker was used…”)

• Spell-check AND proofread, carefully. Use U.S. English spelling, unless the intended journal requires British spelling . MS Word will NOT check words that are all capitalized (e.g. your thesis title).

• “Data” is plural, “datum” is singular; “criteria” is plural, “criterion” is singular. “Affect” is a verb, “effect” is a noun

Common Formatting Mistakes (cont’d)


• Quotations over three lines must be typed block style with indentation and no quotation marks or in the style appropriate to the field, and must be spaced consistent with the body of the text

Common Formatting Mistakes (cont’d)



CITED, etc.) consistent with the style manual applicable to your discipline.

• Avoid splitting entries between pages. These must be kept together on the same page.

• Keep your references in alphabetical order, unless you use the numerical style.

• References should be single-spaced within an entry and must be doublespaced between entries.

• List your reference section(s) in the Table of Contents.

• DOUBLE and TRIPLE check that the references you have cited are listed in the reference section and vice-versa. References not cited in the text should not appear in the Reference section.

Monograph vs. Manuscript

How to Choose?

• If you intend to or have already published all or part your thesis as two or more separate papers, the manuscript format is highly recommended. It is not necessary that the manuscripts be accepted or published already.

• In the manuscript format, material that does not “fit” in one of the manuscripts may be included in Appendices.

• The monograph format is fine for relatively short Master’s theses, especially if they are not intended for publication.

• You may use the monograph format for Ph.D. dissertations, but this could translate into a lot of extra work to prepare publishable manuscripts.


• Authorship

• You must be first author on each manuscript included in thesis. You must include a footnote to the chapter title indicating authors and name of journal. If you are not the first author on a paper, you can include it as an appendix, with permission of the other co-author(s).

• Arrangement of Pages

• See page 25 of the Thesis Format Workbook for the proper sequence.

• Abstract

• Chapters can have separate abstracts in addition to the required general abstract.

• Figures, Tables, References, and Appendices

• References and appendices for each manuscript appear at the end of that manuscript (chapter).

Manuscript (cont.)

• DO NOT photocopy the published paper out of the journal and include the copy in your thesis (nor can you just bind in a reprint). Rather, you must print it anew, in a font and style consistent with the rest of the thesis

• Names and addresses required for journals SHOULD NOT appear in the text of your thesis at the beginning of each chapter.

Example of Authorship for

Manuscript Format


• Authorship

A thesis written in collaboration w/others must include a statement in the acknowledgements clearly stating who contributed to the research and writing.

• Arrangement of Pages

• See page 13 of the Thesis Format Workbook for the proper sequence.

• Abstract

• Only ONE general abstract.

• Figures, Tables, References, and Appendices

• Figures and Tables must be embedded. References and Appendices must be placed at the end of the Thesis (not after each chapter).

General Information

Copyrighted Material within your thesis:

• Obtain written, “hard copy” permission from holders of copyrighted material you wish to use in your thesis. This is mandatory.

• “Hard copy” permission can come in the form of a letter, e-mail, etc and must be included somewhere (as an appendix is fine) in the thesis.

IRB/IACUC/Biosafety, etc.

• Approvals must be included in the thesis. We recommend that you mention the approval number in the acknowledgements section and include a copy of the approval letter as an appendix

General Information

Copyright and your thesis:

• Copyright privileges vest immediately upon creating your work, without the requirement of notice or registration, provided that you have not signed away your copyright to a journal/publisher.

• The University retains the right to store, preserve, reproduce or display your thesis for educational purposes.

• You can, if you desire, formally register your copyright directly with the U.S. Copyright Office, or you can authorize ProQuest to register your copyright in your name. This requires an additional

$55.00 fee.

General Information (con’t)


 Is required for all theses and dissertations. The ETD process eliminates the fee for Traditional Publishing. Open Access Publishing is optional and has a $95.00 fee.

Delayed Publication (Embargo)

 Can delay the publishing for 6 months up to two years. Request is made during the ETD submittal process.

Fold-out Pages

 No longer allowed

Reference Formatting

• We STRONGLY recommend that you use a bibliography program to store, track and format your references.

• EndNote is available for free for all graduate students. Contact the Rasmuson Library for details and user advice.

• Several other bibliography programs are available (many for free): ement_software

The Perfectly Formatted Thesis

If the Graduate School deems you have a perfectly formatted thesis you will receive a

UAF Diploma Frame!

How do I submit my thesis?

Getting Started

• Make sure you have your full dissertation or thesis, including appendices, the Abstract and any supplementary files readily available.

• Have the names of all of your committee members.

• Your file preferably should already be in portable document format (.pdf). If not, the ETD Administrator site has tools you can use to convert your file(s).

• Access: UMI ETD Administrator - University of Alaska Fairbanks

• (

Create your own account

• Simple account creation - Click on:

• “Submit my dissertation/thesis”

• “Create an Account”

• Complete the required fields.

• Press the “Sign Up” button

• Check your e-mail for account verification

• Follow the instructions in the message sent to you.

Creating Your Account

Once you are in:

 The Submission Process

 Select the type of publishing you desire: Traditional or Open Access.

o Traditional Publishing means that as owner of the intellectual property and author of the work, you contract with ProQuest to reproduce, distribute and sell copies of your work. Royalty payments are possible with this option. There is NO fee for Traditional Publishing.

o Open Access Publishing means you make your work freely available for viewing or downloading and open access to the full text. Because it is Open

Access, there are no royalties with this option. There is a $95 fee for Open

Access Publishing.

 Select the publishing options: o Select the access options for your work: You may choose whether or not your work is made available immediately through ProQuest, and the type of access you will allow through UAF’s Institutional Repository (IR).

 Select the Access Options o Select the access options that fit your needs.

 Read and approve the UMI/ProQuest and UAF Publishing Agreements: o You will be prompted to accept the UMI/ProQuest Publishing Agreement and will be shown a copy of the UAF Publishing Agreement for download. Please print, sign and bring the original to the Graduate School. Check the “agree” box and continue.

Once you are in (continued):

Contact Information: Enter current information. Do NOT use your

UAF email address here.

• As you complete the submission steps, they will be checked off on the left side of the screen. You do not need to complete the process in a linear order, except if the item is indented.

Dissertation/Thesis Details:

• Enter all necessary data.

• Title: We recommend you do not use symbols in the title, as this may inhibit searches of your thesis by other researchers.

• Abstract: you may cut and paste your abstract, but if you have bold or italics fonts in the Abstract, then click on formatting hints for html codes.

Electronic Thesis or

Dissertation Submission (ETD)

 Upload the PDF file:

• If you do not have a PDF version of your thesis, the ETD Administrator provides a Word to PDF conversion tool.

• The conversion tool will take a Microsoft Word document, or an RFT document, and convert it to


• Is it very important to review the resulting PDF to make sure that there are no formatting

errors or other issues.

• If you receive an error message, you can contact UMI and they will assist you in uploading your file or to figure out what is preventing you from doing so.

• If you upload the wrong version of your document, you can go back and upload the correct version.

• Depending upon your browser, you may see the “Browse” button or “Basic Upload Tool”. They do the same thing.

 Note: you must make sure that:

• All fonts are embedded in the originating document. The Mac OS version of MS Word does this automatically. In Windows you must embed your fonts before converting to


• We recommend that your figures are in .jpg format as .png figures have been known to convert the figure background to black when transformed to .pdf

The PDF security setting allows printing and modification of the document.

For more information on saving your thesis to PDF, see the online PDF Help page.

Thesis or Dissertation

Electronic Submission (cont.)

 Uploading Supplementary Files:

 If you have supplementary files, such as maps, CD’s, sound clips, spreadsheets, or research data not included in the thesis, you can upload them here. You may upload as many supplementary files as you need, up to the 1,000 MB limit.

 A thesis with several small data files should be consolidated into one zipped folder.

 If the file is “zipped”, that is how the files will be distributed with the full text.

 You should select the media type of the downloaded supplemental file.

 Maximum file size for entire thesis is 1,000 MB.

Microfilming and Delayed Publication

 Microfilming (Digitizing)

 Required for all theses and dissertations at UAF.

 Processed by ProQuest/UMI

 Delayed Publication (Embargo)

 Can delay UMI/UAF publication.

• This option is used when thesis material is of a sensitive nature; e.g., government or corporate research, intellectual property rights are involved, commercialization is in process; or thesis includes creative work.

• Can choose six months, one year, or two years.

 See section on Publishing Restrictions in ETD site.

 The full text will not be published, but the abstract will be available.

Copyright and Your Thesis

 You retain ownership of your work, unless you have signed an agreement with a journal/publisher granting them your copyright.

 The University retains the right to reproduce or display your thesis for educational purposes.

 You must complete this page in the ETD process, but you do not have to request ProQuest to register your copyright.

 You can request that ProQuest/UMI register your copyright. This requires an additional fee of $55.00 as noted in the ETD submission process.

 You instead can register your copyright directly at the U.S. Copyright

Office ( ) for a $35.00 filing fee.

 If you register your copyright (either directly or through UMI/ProQuest) your thesis must display: “© 20xx Jane Student” as the last line on the

Title Page

© 2012 Luke Anakin Skywalker

Ordering Copies/Services and Summary Page

 Submission Summary:

 Please make sure you review this page. If changes are needed, this is your chance to make them by clicking on the “Change” links.

 Complete the submission by clicking on “Submit


 Copy and service fees (personal copies, copyright, etc.): You will receive a message to “Continue with submission”. This will take you to the Order Summary page and payment information. Include your billing address and credit card information. You complete the submission with clicking

“Submit Dissertation/Thesis & Pay”. This will charge your credit card and submit your ETD to the Graduate School.

Personal Copy Binding Options

 With ETD, the Rasmuson Library only requires one bound copy.

This copy will be printed on thesis paper and will become the archive copy. This one copy is a standing order with ProQuest and can not be opted out.

 You may order personal bound copies through:

 ProQuest/UMI: see ETD submission process. (Covers will be black with gold foil printing, copies will be double-sided).

 UAF Printing Services Center offers spiral, comb and other soft cover binding options.

 Online at Thesis on Demand:

 Online at Thesis Printing and Binding:

 Various other binding businesses.

What Happens Next?

 The Graduate School scans the signed Signature Page.

 The Graduate School reviews your ETD for formatting and reference/citation errors.

 You will receive an e-mail message with a list of corrections needed.

 You have one week (5 business days) from receipt of the email to make the necessary changes and to submit the corrected thesis.

 The Graduate School checks to make sure all the required corrections are made.

 The Graduate School Dean signs the Signature Page – the thesis is now officially approved.

 You upload your final thesis/dissertation into ETD.

What Happens Next (cont.)

 You receive an email notifying you that your thesis has been approved.

 The Graduate School inserts the signature page and approves your thesis in ETD.

 Graduation Services is notified that the thesis requirement has been met.

 Thesis (699) grades are changed from deferred (DF) to pass (P).

 Graduation Services completes a final degree audit to confirm that all requirements for your degree have been met and post your degree to your transcript. Your diploma should follow in the mail about a month after that.



Please complete survey before you leave

Thank you for attending!
