OBJ009202 MA5300 Broadband Access Equipment Operation and

MA5300 Broadband Access Equipment
Operation and Maintenance
Fixed Network Curriculum
Development Section
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Grasp the basic knowledge of command line
Grasp the basic system configuration
Grasp the basic service and function
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Security Level: Internal
1 Introduction to Command Line Operations
2 Basic System Configuration
3 Port Configuration
4 VLAN Service Configuration
5 Multicast Service Configuration
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Security Level: Internal
Command Line Basis
Login via
serial port
Ordinary user
user mode
MA5300 #
ethernet 7/1/0
configuration mode
Ethernet port configuration mode
vlan-interface 1
vlan 1
line 0
MA5300 command line mode
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Security Level: Internal
VDSL port configuration mode
VLAN interface configuration mode
MA5300(config-vlan-interface 1)#
VLAN interface configuration mode
Line configuration mode
Command Line Basis
Command line help
By entering “?” ,
you can get list of commands with a brief
description under any command mode
MA5300#show ?
Key word matching
MA5300#conf<space> ---- MA5300#configure
Chinese/English language switching
MA5300#Terminal language
Access history commands
Access the previous history command: "Ctrl +P"
Access the next history command: "Ctrl +N"
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Security Level: Internal
1 Introduction to Command Line Operations
2 Basic System Configuration
3 Port Configuration
4 VLAN Service Configuration
5 Multicast Service Configuration
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Security Level: Internal
Setting up Configuration Environment
MA5300 control console provides two configuration modes:
Setting up local configuration environment via the Console
Local maintenance
Setting up configuration environment via Telnet
Local and remote maintenance
In-band Telnet: Occupying service channels
Out-band Telnet: Occupying no service channel
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Security Level: Internal
Setting up Configuration Environment
Setting up a local configuration environment via the Console
Connect the computer serial port with the MA5300 Console via a
standard RS232 serial cable, then configure hyper terminal in
Windows or other operation systems.
RS232 serial port cable
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Security Level: Internal
Setting up Configuration Environment
Open the hyper terminal
Communications-Hyper terminal: Double click
Hypertrm. exe
Setting the HyperTerminal parameters
Enter the name:
MA5300(The name can be defined by
the user)
Connection use:
Directly connect to Serial port 1
(depending on actual conditions)
Port setting:
9600bit/s, 8 data bits, no parity check
1 suspension bit, no flow control
Terminal type:
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VT100 or automatic test
Security Level: Internal
Setting up Configuration Environment
Setting up Configuration Environment via Telnet
Telnet Terminal
LAN local Telnet mode
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Security Level: Internal
Setting up Configuration Environment
Local router
Telnet terminal
WAN remote Telnet configuration mode
Remote router
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Security Level: Internal
Setting up Configuration Environment
User login
Via the Console
After correctly connecting the hyper terminal, press Enter key
according to the prompt to enter the configuration environment
Via Telnet
According to the prompt, enter correct user name and password to
enter the configuration environment
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Security Level: Internal
Basic Maintenance Operations
Out-band NM configuration
MA5300(config)#interface M-Ethernet 7/0/1
Enter the external network interface port mode.
MA5300(config-if-M-Ethernet7/0/1)#ip address
Configure the IP address of the external network interface
MA5300(config-if-M-Ethernet7/0/1)#no shutdown
Activate the external network interface
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Security Level: Internal
Basic Maintenance Operations
In-band NM configuration
MA5300(config)#interface Vlan-interface 1
Enter the Vlan-interface 1 configuration mode .
MA5300(config-Vlan-interface1)#ip address
Configure the equipment with a management address, which should
be configured on vlan virtual interface 1 .
MA5300(config)#ip route
Configure the equipment with a default route.
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Security Level: Internal
Basic Maintenance Operations
SNMP network management configuration
MA5300(config)# snmp-server community public ro
MA5300(config)# snmp-server community private rw
Set the community name and access authority
MA5300(config)# snmp-server enable traps
Enable sending Trap
MA5300(config)# snmp-server host version 1
private 。
Set the address of the destination host to which Trap information is
sent as, and the community name as private.
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Security Level: Internal
Basic Maintenance Operations
Operation terminal configuration
Adding a User
MA5300#terminal user name
Deleting a User
MA5300#no terminal user name
Modifying user level
MA5300#terminal user level
Modifying user password
MA5300#terminal user password
Modifying number re-entries
MA5300#terminal user reenter
Viewing User Information
MA5300#show terminal user
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Security Level: Internal
Basic Maintenance Operations
Board Management
Query a Board
MA5300#show board 0
MA5300#show board 0/2
Add a board
MA5300(config)#board add 0/1 eada
Confirm a Board
MA5300(config)#board confirm 0
Delete a board
MA5300(config)#board delete 0/2
Reset a Board
MA5300(config)#board reset 0/1
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Security Level: Internal
Basic Maintenance Operations
Equipment management
Reset the system
Show CPU Occupancy Ratio MA5300>show cpu 0/7
Display the system time
Set the system time
MA5300> show time
Display the system version
Setting hostname
MA5300(config)#show version 0/7
MA5300(config)#hostname MA5300
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Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
File system configuration
Display the current working directory
Display directory or file information
Delete a file
MA5300#delete file-url
Recover a deleted file
MA5300#undelete file-url
Completely delete files in the recycle bin
MA5300#squeeze file-url
Display the content of a file
MA5300#more file-url
Rename a file
MA5300#rename fileurlsource fileurl-dest
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Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
Configure File Management
Query the initial configuration of the MA5300 intelligent IP integrated
access equipment
MA5300#show startup-config
Query the current configuration of the MA5300 intelligent IP
integrated access equipment
MA5300#show running-config
Save the current configuration
Erase the configuration files in the Flash
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Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
FTP configuration
Serving as an FTP Server
Start the FTP Server
MA5300 (config) #ftp server enable
Set information on the authority of FTP user to access the FTP
MA5300(config)#user abc service-type ftp ftp-directory flash:
password 7 123
Query the FTP server configuration
MA5300(config)#show ftp-server
Query FTP users that have logged in
MA5300(config)# show ftp-user
Serving as an FTP Client:
Confidential Information of Huawei.
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MA5300#ftp X.X.X.X
Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
TFTP Configuration
Get file from the operation terminal
tftp get // aaa.doc
put file to the operation terminal
tftp put aaa.doc //
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Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
Format: slot No /sub-slot No /port No.
Ethernet 7/1/0, Adsl 2/0/1, Vdsl 3/0/23
Port Type
Slot No
Sub0slot No
Port No
GigabitEthernet 7,8
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Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
Port configuration
Enter the port configuration mode.
MA5300(config)# interface Ethernet 7/1/1
Open the port
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/1)#no shutdown
Set the port as a Trunk port
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/1)#switchport mode trunk
Adding a VLAN that is allowed to pass through the Trunk port
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/1)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 3 to 4
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Security Level: Internal
System Management Configuration
Setting the default VLAN ID of a port
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/1)# switchport trunk native vlan 1
Adding the current port to a designated VLAN
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/1)# switchport access vlan 8
Querying the port property
MA5300(config)#show interface
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Security Level: Internal
1 Introduction to Command Line Operations
2 Basic System Configuration
3 Port Configuration
4 VLAN Service Configuration
5 Multicast Service Configuration
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Security Level: Internal
VDSL Port Configuration
VDSL port configuration mode
MA5300(config)#interface vdsl3/0/0
VDSL board configuration mode
MA5300(config)#board-vdsl 3
Setting Port Priority Level
MA5300(config-if-Vdsl3/0/0)#priority 0
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Security Level: Internal
VDSL Port Configuration
Unblocking a VDSL Port
MA5300(config-board-vdsl3)#no block all
Adding a VDSL line profile
MA5300(config)#vdsl line-profile add 2
(Refer to operation manual to see more detail)
Deleting a VDSL line profile
MA5300(config)#vdsl line-profile delete 2
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Security Level: Internal
VDSL Port Configuration
Modifying a VDSL line profile
MA5300(config)#vdsl line-profile modify 2
Querying VDSL line profile
MA5300(config)#show vdsl line-profile 2
Activating a VDSL Port
MA5300(config-board-vdsl3)#activate all 1
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Security Level: Internal
VDSL Port Configuration
Resetting a VDSL port
MA5300(config-board-vdsl3)#port reset 23
Viewing VDSL port information
MA5300(config-board-vdsl3)#show port state 23
MA5300(config)#show interface vdsl3/0/23
Viewing port line parameters
MA5300(config-board-vdsl3)#show line config 23
MA5300(config-board-vdsl3)#show line state 23
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Security Level: Internal
ADSL Port Configuration
Entering ADSL port configuration mode
MA5300(config)#interface adsl11/0/0
Entering ADSL board configuration mode
MA5300(config)#board-adsl 11
Setting Port Priority Level
MA5300(config-if-Adsl11/0/0)#priority 0
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Security Level: Internal
ADSL Port Configuration
Setting Maximum Multicast Group Counts of a Port
MA5300(config-if-Adsl11/0/0)#multicast max-group-count 2
Setting VPI and VCI
MA5300(config-if-Adsl11/0/0)#adsl pvc vpi 0 vci 35
or MA5300(config)#adsl pvc vpi 0 vci 35
Unblocking an ADSL Port
MA5300(config-board-adsl11)#no block all
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Security Level: Internal
ADSL Port Configuration
Adding an ADSL Line Alarm Profile
MA5300(config)#adsl line-profile add 3
(Refer to operation manual to see more detail)
Deleting an ADSL Line Alarm Profile
MA5300(config)#adsl line-profile delete 3
Modifying an ADSL Line Alarm Profile
MA5300(config)#adsl line-profile modify 3
Querying ADSL line alarm profile information
MA5300(config)#show adsl line-profile 1
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Security Level: Internal
ADSL Port Configuration
Activating an ADSL Port
MA5300(config-board-adsl11)#activate all 1
or MA5300(config)#adsl activate adsl11/0/0 to adsl11/0/23 1
Resetting ADSL Chipset
MA5300(config-board-adsl11)#chipset reset 1
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Security Level: Internal
ADSL Port Configuration
Querying ADSL Port Information
MA5300(config-board-adsl11)#show port state 23
MA5300(config)#show interface adsl11/0/23
Viewing line parameters of a port
MA5300(config-board-adsl11)#show line config 23
MA5300(config-board-adsl11)#show line state 23
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Security Level: Internal
1 Introduction to Command Line Operations
2 Basic System Configuration
3 Port Configuration
4 VLAN Service Configuration
5 Multicast Service Configuration
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Security Level: Internal
General VLAN Service Configuration
Networking requirements:
VLAN 2: user adsl 2/0/0, user adsl 2/0/1;
VLAN 3: user adsl 2/0/2 to user adsl 2/0/16
Uplink port: Ethernet 7/1/0,
Upper layer network equipment requires VLAN ID of the users.
Upper network
2/0/0 2/0/1
vlan 2
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vlan 3
Security Level: Internal
General VLAN Service Configuration
Configuration steps:
ADSL link configuration
Create a vlan domain according to the requirement, which should
include the corresponding client port (ADSL port)
Add an upstream trunk port, and set vlans that are permitted to
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Security Level: Internal
General VLAN Service Configuration
Create a new vlan 2
MA5300(config)#vlan 2
vlan2 contains adsl ports 2/0/0 and 2/0/1
MA5300(config-vlan2)#switchport adsl 2/0/0 to adsl 2/0/1
MA5300(config)#vlan 3
MA5300(config-vlan3)#switchport adsl 2/0/2 to adsl 2/0/16
MA5300(config-vlan3)# exit
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Security Level: Internal
General VLAN Service Configuration
MA5300(config)#interface Ethernet 7/1/0
Configure the upstream Ethernet port as a TRUNK port
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/0)#switchport mode trunk
Configure the port that it allows transparent transmission of
frames with VLAN ID 2 or 3
MA5300(config-if-Ethernet7/1/0)#switchport trunk allowed vlan
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Security Level: Internal
SmartVLAN Service Configuration
Networking requirements:
All of users isolated with each other,
Uplink port: Ethernet 7/1/0,
Upper layer network equipment requires no VLAN ID of the users.
Upper network
vlan 2
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Security Level: Internal
SmartVLAN Service Configuration
Configuration steps:
ADSL link configuration
Create a VLAN, and define it as SmartVLAN
Set upstream Ethernet interfaces and downstream VDSL ports that
SmartVLAN includes.
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Security Level: Internal
SmartVLAN Service Configuration
Create VLAN 2
MA5300(config)#vlan 2
Define the VLAN as SmartVLAN
MA5300(config-vlan2)#svlan-type smart
smartvlan includes upstream port ethernet 7/1/0,and adsl 2/0/0 and
MA5300(config-vlan2)#svlan-upport Ethernet 7/1/0
MA5300(config-vlan2)#switchport adsl 2/0/0 to adsl 2/0/23
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Security Level: Internal
MUX VLAN Configuration
Networking requirements:
The range of VLAN assigned to MA5300A is from 128 to 1023
The range of VLAN assigned to MA5300Bis from 1024 to 1919
Each adsl port is assigned a VLAN automatically
Upper network
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User ……..User
Security Level: Internal
MUX VLAN Configuration
Enabling MUX VLAN
MA5300(config)# mux-vlan
MUX VLAN cannot coexist with a general VLAN or a Smart
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Security Level: Internal
MUX VLAN Configuration
Specifying upstream port of MA5300 A and range of local MUX
MA5300(config)#mux-vlan uplink-port interface 7/1/0 localvlan 128 14
The upstream port must be a port on the ESM board, namely, an
FE port or a GE port.
The start VLAN ID is a multiple of 128 ranging 128~3072.The
number of VLAN groups ranges 0~60.
One board indicates a VLAN group
Usually one MA5300 can have up to 14 interface boards.
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Security Level: Internal
MUX VLAN Configuration
Specifying cascading port of MA5300 A and range of cascading
MA5300(config)# mux-vlan cascading-port interface 7/1/1
cascading-vlan 1024 14
Specifying upstream port of MA5300 B and range of cascading
MA5300(config)#mux-vlan uplink-port interface 7/2/1
vlan 1024 14
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Security Level: Internal
MUX VLAN Configuration
Setting the MUX VLAN for a specified interface board
MA5300(config)#mux-vlan slot 1 start-vlanid 128
Cancel the MUX VLAN setting of a specified interface board
MA5300(config)#mux-vlan slot 6 idle
Setting the MUX VLAN for a specified port
MA5300(config)#mux-vlan interface vdsl 5/0/0 vlan-id 129
Deleting the MUX VLAN of a specified port
MA5300(config)#mux-vlan interface vdsl 5/0/0 idle
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Security Level: Internal
1 Introduction to Command Line Operations
2 Basic System Configuration
3 Port Configuration
4 VLAN Service Configuration
Confidential Information of Huawei.
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5 Multicast Service Configuration
Security Level: Internal
Multicast Service Configuration
Video stream
Multicast router
Video stream
VOD Server
Video stream
group member
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Video stream
group member
Video stream
group member
Security Level: Internal
IGMP Snooping Configuration
Enable IGMP Snooping
MA5300(config)# igmp-snooping enable
IGMP Snooping is disabled by default.
Configuring Aging Time of Multicast Group Member Port
MA5300(config)# igmp-snooping host-aging-time 70
By default, the aging time is 260 seconds.
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Security Level: Internal
IGMP Snooping Configuration
Enabling a User under a Port to Leave an Multicast Quickly
MA5300 (config)# igmp-snooping quick-leave adsl2/0/1
Display the current state of igmp-snooping configuration
MA5300# show igmp-snooping configuration
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Security Level: Internal
Multicast VLAN Configuration
Configure ADSL ports: Bind the template and activate it
Adding the gigabit Ethernet port 7/1/0 of MA5300 into the
upstream port of multicast VLAN.
MA5300(config)#mvlan-upport interface Ethernet 7/1/0
Adding the ADSL ports of MA5300 into the multicast VLAN.
MA5300(config)#mvlan-downport interface adsl 6/1/1 to adsl
Display the port information of multicast VLAN.
MA5300# show multivlan
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Security Level: Internal
Confidential Information of Huawei.
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Security Level: Internal