Collaboration Policy: CP-9 (Work together as a group, hand in a group submission) Names: _____________________ _____________________ ________________________ SI455 – Advanced Computer Networking Lab4: Pentesting with Metasploit (v1.0) Due 20 Mar by start of class Goals: By the end of this lab, each student should be able to 1. Scan a host to find its open ports 2. Find the version of a server running on an open port 3. Find a CVE that applies to the specific version of the server 4. Find a Metasploit exploit that applies to the CVE 5. Use metasploit to obtain a shell on the server I recommend this payload: set PAYLOAD linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_tcp Extra Credit: You can earn 5 pts extra credit (up to 20 total) for each additional port that you use to obtain a shell with metasploit. List any extra credit on the table below: Port Service List CVE and metasploit exploit that you used 1 Collaboration Policy: CP-9 (Work together as a group, hand in a group submission) Names: _____________________ _____________________ ________________________ SI455 – Advanced Computer Networking Lab4: Pentesting with Metasploit (v1.0) Due 20 Mar by start of class 1. Fill out the following table with the port numbers and names of the services available on (You do not need to find the version of each service) Port 2. Use metasploit to obtain a shell on this box. a. Did you obtain a shell? (Yes/No) b. What is the last line in the /etc/passwd file on target host? Service c. What port number did you exploit? d. What is the version number of the service? e. What (if any) CVEs are associated with that version of the service? f. List the commands that you used in metasploit to gain access. 2