Plagiarism ARE YOU STEALING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY? What is plagiarism? Meanings of “Plagiarize” to steal and pass off (the ideas or word of another) as one’s own.[1] Following all are consider as plagiarism :[1] Turning Someone else work as our own. Changing word but copying the sentence structure of a source. Copying other’s source code or design without permission of the owner of the source. Introduction The term “plagiarize” is defined as to take (ideas, documents, code, image, etc.) from another and pass them off as one's own without citation. The word plagiarism derived from a Latin word plagiare, which means to kidnap or adduct.[2] Plagiarism can be occur in the form : Plagiarism in document. Plagiarism in code. Plagiarism in algorithm. Plagiarism in design. A plagiarized document detection plays important roles in many applications, such as file management, copyright protection, and plagiarism prevention. Today there are various tools available for detecting plagiarism. Some of the tools are listed below. DocCop Plagium EVE2 WCopyFind So plagiarism is a global problem, which occurs in many different areas of our life. There are many different forms of plagiarism, Plagiarism at schools can be a highly de-motivating factor for teachers and also for students. Type Of Plagiarism There are mainly four different type of plagiarism.[3] I. II. III. IV. Direct Plagiarism. Self Plagiarism. Mosaic Plagiarism. Accidental Plagiarism. Direct Plagiarism :[3] Direct plagiarism means a word to word copy form source document without changing the words with synonymous word or without changing structure of the sentences. Direct plagiarism means just copy the content from the source and paste the content to the destination document and give it to our own name. Self Plagiarism :[3] Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved. Example : If a student submit a project to the faculty which was developed by him earlier under the guidance of other professor. Mosaic Plagiarism :[3] In this type of plagiarism someone copy the content from source and paste it in his document but with changing the word and phrase with its synonymous word and phrase or by just changing the sequence of the sentences. But the original idea was copied from other’s work this type of plagiarism is called mosaic plagiarism. Accidental Plagiarism :[3] The accidental plagiarism occur a documents sentences or block of sentences match with other document but originally this document was not copied from the matched document. Lack of intent does not absolve the student of responsibility for plagiarism. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism and are subject to the same range of consequences as other types of plagiarism. Various Method to Detect Plagiarism There are various type of plagiarism detection method previous diagram and this includes [4] Stylometry Analysis. Web searching Document Comparison This all methods are described in the following section. as shown in the Stylometry Analysis[4] In some cases the original documents may not be available. For example, when someone copies some content from a book which is not in a digital format, or when someone else do some work for a student assignment. In this case all plagiarism detection methods that are based on documents comparison are not useful. This problem motivated some researchers to introduce new methods that do not depend on a reference collection. The intuition behind this class of methods is based on the presumption that every author has a unique style of writing; if this style has changed along with several successive sentences or paragraphs then the document is considered as plagiarized. Document Comparison [4] The major goal of any plagiarism detection system is to highlight copyright violations. A violation can occur when a fragment of text of whatever size and distribution is duplicated between two or. more documents belonging to different authors. This type of method require a collection of document in the database to which the document is compare. This section briefly discusses methods for both semantic and syntactic Plagiarism detection. Semantic-Based Detection[4] Most copy detection system can only compare syntactically similar words and sentences, thus if the copied materials are modified considerably it is difficult to detect plagiarism in such systems. The modification can range from replacing words by their synonyms, to introducing the same concept under different semantics. This type of detection method requires deeply analysis of the sentences and so it requires more time than later one. Semantic based detection method is complex and it can be used to detect plagiarism in document which replace the word with its synonymous ,deleting the word or word insertion from the original document. Syntactic based detection method.[4] Unlike semantic-based, syntactic-based methods do not consider the meaning of words, phrases, or sentence. Thus the two words “exactly” and “equally” are considered different. This is of course a major limitation of these methods in detecting some kinds of plagiarism. Nevertheless they can provide significant speedup gain comparing to semantic-based methods especially for large data sets since the comparison does not involve deeper analysis of the structure and/or the semantics of terms. Web based plagiarism detection method[4] The web base plagiarism detection method use search engine API and this can be achieved by various available tool for detecting the plagiarism. In this method we have to just input the document we want to check and wait until the result is calculated. This Method checks document to various source document from various web sites and find how much our document is plagiarized. This type of detection method requires internet connection to the computer. Comparison of plagiarism Detection method Web searching Doc. comparison Stylometry Analysis Compare query document with other source document from various source using internet connection. Compare query document with other source document stored in the database in same computer. Presumption that every author has a unique style of wring. If this style has changed along with several successive sentences then doc. Is considered as plagiarized. Internet Connection. Required. Not required. Not required. Source Document in Required. digital form. Required. Not required. How does it work? Use. Mostly this method is Mostly used by author and Rarely used. used. publisher. Document Comparison Semantic based. Syntactic based. This method is used to compare document This method is used to compare document based on semantic (meaning) of each word. based on syntax of sentences. Require deep analysis of each sentence. Not require deep analysis of each sentence. Require more time to process a document. Require less time to compare document. Used for accurate detection and with small Used for large size document. document size. Document Preprocessing A document has to go through several steps before it can be involved in any comparison. Some of these steps are crucial for measuring the overlap between documents. Pre-processing documents is an essential stage before measuring their similarities. Main steps involve tokenization, stop-word removal, and stemming. This various step are briefly explained in following section. Tokenization[5] The first step in preprocessing is to parse or clean a document by removing irrelevant information, such as punctuation and numbers, remove capitalization and additional spaces. In general a token is a unit of a document that may be used by a system. For Web documents it is important to remove document markup such as HTML tags, java script functions, etc. before the documents compared. Stop-word Removal[5] Stop-words such as “the”, “of” “and”, etc., indicate the structure of a sentence and the relationships between the concepts presented but do not have any meaning on their own and can be safely removed without effecting the accuracy of measuring how similar two documents is. Document Chunking[5] A procedure of breaking a given document into smaller units (tokens) is called chunking. The chunking procedure is an important issue in any copy detection system since this procedure will influence the accuracy of the system as well as its performance Operational Framework of Plagiarism Detection Method. The operational framework is divided in the two phases Phase 1: Corporal Plagiarism Detection. Phase 2: Web Based Plagiarism Detection. Initial Study and Literature Review This is the first step in plagiarism detection technique and this step includes an initial study of the document being submitted by the person who wants to check document. Corpus preparation The various document are collected of various field like bioinformatics, software engineering, networking, artificial intelligence and soft computing, and engineering informatics in database to match with query document. Document Preprocessing. In this step various redundant information are remove by tokenization, stop word removal and steaming to speeding up the operation. Applying Plagiarism Detection Techniques Two Approach used : (1) Semantic Relatedness (2) N-grams N-gram Approach Example : Web document retrieval : This is the starting of the second phase and this step check the document to online source document through internet. Decision And Conclusion : Based on the result of the phase1 and phase2 the decision has been made whether document is plagiarized or not. Various tool for detecting plagiarism DocCop :[6] This is one of the most simple and basic tools. The tool chunks the query document into N-grams (consecutive words of length N) and then uses the grams as queries. It then measures the degree of plagiarism by the percentage of queries with non-empty response from the search engines divided by the number of all queries. Eve2 – Essay Verification Engine [6] Eve2 is a windows based system, installed on individual workstations. It is not easily installed on servers. Papers are submitted by cutting and pasting plain text, Microsoft Word, or Word Perfect documents into a text box. The program then searches internet resources for matching text. Reports are provided within a few minutes, highlighting suspect text, and indicating the percentage of the paper that is plagiarized. Eve2 is available through individual or site licenses. Downloads are free for 15 days, with the cost of an individual license being $US19.99. Each user must purchase an individual license. The software must only be used by the lecturer who owns the license: it cannot be used by a lecturer from another class to check their students’ assignments. CopyCatchGold[6] Copy Catch Gold is stand-alone desktop software which can be either installed on a single PC or on a network. It detects collusion between students by checking similarities between words and phrases within work submitted by one group of students. The program allows the lecturer to set due dates for assignments, after which no papers can be submitted. Results, which are password controlled, are available after this due date. Algorithm used for plagiarism detection method. AlgorithmPlagDet.doc References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) d.html (17) (18) to avoid it (19) (20)