
Human Rights.
Those moral rights which every human being enjoys at
every place for all times. e.g. Right to life, liberty,
property, freedom of expression, worship and assembly
Human rights in Islam.
Human rights in Islam are based on two characteristics.
Dignity of man
Equality of mankind
The concept of human rights may be conceptualized
on two levels. On one hand these are :
set of legal and formal articles demanding political
commitment both at national and international levels.
 On the other hand these are a set of social and
cultural values, inherent in democratic and human
societies/communities, such as tolerance, respect for
dignity, social practice, truth and peace
What haqooq-ul-Ebad Are?
These are the rights of the individual upon other people. e.g.
kindness, obedience to parents, justice etc
These are those rights which are related to the society
collectively enforced by the authority of the state, e.g.
Abadats like salat (prayer) and fasting etc.
Freedom is both a principle and a value. It is because human beings are,
are naturally free, that they have a claim to exert all rights and also share
a responsibility as subjects of Law
Equality is a principle that maintains balance of power among and
between different communities in a society/state. The rights of
minorities and anti-slavery laws stem out of this principle. As a
universal value, equality is concerned with the freedoms and rights of
each individual, that is to say, other people are different but are equals
Social justice is the most important aspect of human rights. Human rights are
a prerequisite for a just society. Human rights must be applied to every day
life highlighting an ethical attitude to think in universal terms. Universal may
be defined as what is legitimate and valid for all human beings, that is the
notion of common good In everyday life, justice, as a principle, gives
meaning to the relationships between people, that is individually and
These are categorized as:
Sphere of Man.
Sphere of Family
Sphere of Neighborhood.
Sphere Social Life.
Sphere of Government.
Sphere of Man
Natural affection for children and wife.
Islam considers it not only an instinctive urge but also a
religious obligation.
Rights of Children.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has described:
“ He does not belong to us who does not show mercy to
our young ones and respect to our old ones” (Tirmidhi).
Rights of Spouses
“They are your garments and you are their
“Consort with them in kindness” (4:19)
The prophet (PBUH) has said
“Among you the best are those who are good to
their wives” (Tirmidhi).
Sphere of Family
It includes Parents, brothers, sisters and near relatives.
Rights of Parents
“ And serve Allah. Ascribe nothing as partner unto Him. Show
kindness unto parents.(4:36).
“ And lower unto them the wings of submission through mercy
and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them as they did care for
me when I was little”(17:24).
The Prophet (PBUH) has said:
“Your parents are your heaven and hell” (Ibn Majah).
Rights of Relatives (Silah Rahim)
It means the maintenance and support of blood relationship.
The Quran says,
“ And serve Allah. Ascribe nothing as partner unto Him. Show
kindness unto parents and unto near kindred”(4:36).
The Prophet (PBUH) counted it amongst the requirements of
“He who believes in Allah and the After life must show kindness
to his relatives” (Bukhari)
Sphere of Neighbourhood
“Allah has enjoined to do good, unto neighbors who
are near and unto neighbors who are strangers,
and the companion by your side”(4:36).
The Prophet (PBUH) described,
The Angel Gabriel so repeatedly advised me about
the rights of the neighbourers that I began to think
that my neighbour is meant to be my heir” (Bukhari).
Sphere of Social Life
Rights of the Needy.
And in their wealth and possession (was remembered) the
right of the (needy) , him who asked, and him who (for
some reasons) was prevented (from asking).
Rights of Orphans
Come not near the property of the orphan save with that
which is better till he comes to strength(17:24).
Rights of the Sick.
The Prophet (SAW) expressed seven rights of a
Muslim to other Muslim and one of them is visiting to
the sick. (Bukhari).
The Prophet (SAW) says, when a Muslim pays visit to
a sick Muslim, he remains in the gardens of paradise
till he comes back.
Sphere of Government
In an Islamic society the position of an individual is
predetermined from social and administrative angles.
He is either a ruler or the ruled.
The Prophet (PBUH) says,
He who is entrusted with the responsibility to the Muslims but does not
suffer hardship for them, nor thinks of their betterment will not enter the
paradise” (Muslim).
Critical Analysis
Before the advent of Islam. No idea of universal
brotherhood, liberty or equality. Man a saleable and
purchasable commodity. Tyranny, Slavery and
subjugation of man as norm of society.
 Counter balance Mechanism
 Inbuilt mechanism
 Woman as the object of pleasure
 Rights of one are the duties of others
 Justice denoted as the sweet will of the powerful.
Features of System of Human Right
Creates Social norms & values.
For example: norms & values of Islamic society that
determine the behavior towards your family, relatives etc
Compel to help needy people.
These haqooq try to create sympathy for the poor people &
also inculcate the concept & spirit of helping other human
Islam introduced the principle of “Huqooq and faraiz”,
that are obligatory and mandatory.
Human Rights in Islam were based on Dignity of man
and equality of mankind.
The last sermon of Holy Prophet (PBUH) guarantees the
equality of man and discards all the racial and ethnic
4. Foster the social harmony.
When Muslims are ordered to take care of even their
neighbors so the chances of social harmony increase.
5. Stern accountability for Haqooq-ul-Ebad.
Hadith of the holy prophet (PBUH)
Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave us the best practices & attitudes to
6. Holy Prophet (PBUH) as Practical Example
Islam and Khutba Hujat ul wida
The Magna Carta (1215) provided guarantees against
arbitrary action by the Crown and then Habeas Corpus
Act (1679) was the first attempt to prevent illegal
The American Declaration of Independence of July 4,
1776 proclaimed the natural human rights that were to
be respected by the government. The declaration was
based on the Virginia Convention of June 12,1776,
which proposed the concept of individual rightselonging
to each person
the universal status of human rights is also accepted
by all major religious groups, namely Judaism,
Christianity, Islam Buddhism
the way the concept of human rights is perceived
by different societies/nations is mainly coloured
by the cultural and ideological foundations of the
concerned societies, posing sometimes overt and
covert challenges to the effective implementation of
human rights as legal articles and social principles:
The foremost challenge to establish human rights
practice is the cultural and social diversification. Not all
conventions and covenants are legally accepted by many
countries of the world
Human rights are said to be ‘indivisible’, one cannot
bargain between a political rights such as freedom of
speech and socio-economic right, such as the right to an
adequate standard of living yet some countries will favour
economic, social and cultural rights over civil and political
rights or vice versa
 Spreading human rights across cultures is good but,
it can mean they are piecemeal and unsystematic
more attention should be paid to appropriate
 There is a morass of different instruments which
recognize the human rights of specific groups –
women, children, migrant workers, indigenous