ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Reference: Wikipedia – Entity Relationship Diagrams © 2010 – Mark Polczynski All rights reserved ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 1 Goals of System Modeling: 1. To focus on important system features while downplaying less important features, 2. To verify that we understand the user’s environment, 3. To discuss changes and corrections to the user’s requirements at low cost and with minimal risk, 4. To verify that we have documented our understanding in a way that would allow others to construct/maintain the system. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 2 Characteristics of Good Models: 1. Graphical, with support for detailed text descriptions: Picture is worth a thousand words picture links to a thousand words. 2. Top-down partitionable: Globe Continents Countries etc… 3. Minimally redundant: Make changes in just one place in the model. 4. Transparent: Requires no expertise in model building to understand the model. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 3 PFD vs. DFD vs. STD vs. ERD ERD Start STD turns on DFD, Causes PFD to execute Object A Activity 1 Object C Control Flow 1 Decision? Object A Function X Object C Object B Object C Activity 3 Activity 2 Object B Activity 4 Objects C ERD End ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 4 Modeling tools we will be using in this course: Why do we need all these models?! • Context Diagram: Scope and boundaries of model. • Data Flow Diagram: Movement of data and materials – What? • State Transition Diagrams: Transitions between system wait states - When? • Process Flow Diagrams: Actions and decisions – How? • Entity Relationship Diagram: Information stores – Which? • Causal Loop Diagram: System cause and effect relationships. • IBIS Analysis: Description of “fuzzy” decisions. • Monte Carlo Simulation: Entity flow and resource utilization. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 5 Different models reveal different aspects of the system we are modeling. Some are not as useful as others, but you may not know which is most useful when you start. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 6 Where do we start?! An experienced system analyst approaching a new system is confronted with the same dilemma that a new system analyst faces: Where to start the analysis? This course introduces a number modeling and analysis tools and processes suitable for application to a wide range of systems. In terms of an optimal sequence of application of these approaches, the best answer is, of course: Apply them all at once! ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 7 Start With Genchi Genbutsu: • Genchi genbutsu is a principal of lean thinking which roughly translates to: “Go and see for yourself”. • A good place to start your system analysis is to go out and talk to current or perspective system users to see “how things get done”. • As you interview people, you will be taking notes on what you hear and see. • In this course, we capture this info in a basic process flow diagram, to which we add detail as we apply other modeling techniques to the system. • The entity relationship diagram is another excellent tool for capturing this information. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 8 Where should you start?! • As you gain experience using different system modeling tools, you will, in fact, apply them all at the same time to capture a description of the system you are analyzing. • However, with experience, you may find it beneficial to entity relationship diagrams first. • This tool helps to systematically capture the information obtained through interviews in a standardized format. • The tool also reveals gaps and inconsistencies in your description of the system that you will want to correct early in your analysis. • But the ERD can be difficult to grasp, so we have delayed discussing it until after presenting some more (hopefully!) intuitive tools. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 9 Simple Example – Hospital System Model Here is a portion of your notes taken while interviewing staff in a hospital: • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. This simplified narrative description of a hospital system is derived from http://www.umsl.edu/~sauter/analysis/er/er_intro.html We will use the description to illustrate the primary elements of entity relationship (ER) models. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 10 Simple Example – Hospital System Model Here is a portion of your notes taken while interviewing staff in a hospital: • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. When creating an ER model, your primary focus is on on: • “Things” (entities) in the system about which the system needs to store information, and… • What information needs to be stored for each entity. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 11 Common types of entities about which systems need to store information: • Tangible objects - MRI machine, lab report • Roles played - Patient, doctor • Organizational units - Ward, admissions • Sites/locations - Factory, warehouse • Events - Purchase, payment Relationship to DFD: - DFD models flow of data and materials, - ERD models stored information about data and materials. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 12 PFD vs. DFD vs. STD vs. ERD ERD Start STD turns on DFD, Causes PFD to execute Object A Activity 1 Object C Control Flow 1 Decision? Object A Function X Object C Object B Object C Activity 3 Activity 2 Object B Activity 4 Objects C ERD End ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 13 Identifying Entities Generally speaking, entities are nouns, so lets find some nouns in the text description of the hospital… • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. That was easy! What next? ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 14 Attributes: We said that entities are elements of our system for which we need to store information. An entity’s attributes are the individual items of information that we need to store. For example, a patient in the hospital has: • Name • Birth date • Gender • Height • Weight Note that a patient also has a particular eye color, but this hospital system doesn’t need to store this information, so it is not an attribute of this entity. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 15 Key Attributes • Often, different entities will have the same types of attributes. • So, both patients and doctors have birth days, And a patient may even have the same birthday as their doctor. • But every entity must have one attribute that uniquely identifies the entity. • So, both patients and doctors may have social security numbers, But they never have the same social security number. • Thus, for this system, social security number is a key attribute. It can’t be that simple! What else do we need? ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 16 Relationships: Relationships describe how entities are related to one another, e.g. a doctor examines a patient, and a patient is examined by a doctor. To find relationships, just look for the verbs in your text description… • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 17 Note: Arena simulation software also uses the concepts of entity and attribute. Also, Arena resources are a kind of entity in ER diagrams. Don’t worry about this stuff for now, let’s just keep going… Entities are the things that flow through the process we are modeling. • They are the things that get worked on by the process. • Different types of entities can be flowing through the process. Attributes are characteristics that are common to all entities of the same type. • Entities may have many different characteristics, but attributes are just the ones that we care about in the model. • For now, our entities have just two attributes: arrival time and service time. Resources are the things that do the work on the entities. • Just as there can be multiple types of entities in a model, there can be multiple types of resources. • More than one resource or one type of resource may be needed to work on an entity. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 18 So what we know so far is that entity relationship models consist of: • Entities, which have attributes, • Relationships, which describe how entities are related to one another. All we need to do now is to convert all this into a diagram. So let’s do it! ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 19 You may have already seen a simple form of ER diagram… Structured (Indented) Bill-Of-Materials: Assembly Sub-Assembly 1 Component A Sub-Assembly 2 Component B Component C • Assembly uses Sub-Assemblies 1, 2…. • Sub-Assembly 1 uses Components A, B, C… This diagram simply describes the “uses” relationship between assemblies, sub-assemblies, and components. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 20 Here’s another simple form of ER diagram… Org Chart: CEO Vice President of Marketing Northeast Regional Sales Manager Vice President of Engineering Southeast Regional Sales Manger • VPs report to CEO • Sales Managers report to VP of Marketing The org chart shows the “report to” relationships among staff positions. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 21 Here’s What Goes Into an ER Diagram: Entity (Object) Relationship Attribute Noun, “things” often grouped into sixclasses: Roles, events, locations, physical items, devices, organizational units. May be termed “object”. Verb (verb phrase) which describes how entities (objects) are related to one another, e.g. a doctor examines a patient, and a patient is examined by a doctor. Noun, which characterizes an entity, e.g. a doctor has a name, and examines a patient with a name. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 22 Here is the General Form of an ER Diagram: Attribute 1.1 Entity 1 Relationship A Entity 2 Attribute 1.2 Attribute 2.1 Attribute 2.2 ER Diagrams have Entities, Relationships, and Attributes. Often times, Entities are termed Objects. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 23 Here is an Example: Simple model of a patient-doctor relationship: Name* Condition Name* Patient Examined By Examines Doctor Specialty * Indicates a key attribute ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 24 Relationships are always bi-directional: Name Condition Name Patient is examined by a Doctor Patient Examined By Examines Doctor Specialty Doctor examines a Patient There is a simpler way to show this… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 25 Simplified notation: Arrow shows how to read relationship Name Condition Patient Examined By Name Doctor Specialty Patient is examined by a Doctor The arrow simply shows how to read the relationship. The arrow has nothing to do with flow, since nothing “flows” in an ER diagram. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 26 Simplified notation: Arrow shows how to read relationship Name Condition Patient Examines Name Doctor Specialty Doctor examines Patient This diagram is exactly equivalent to the diagram on the previous slide. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 27 Here is an even more simplified ER notation that we will use: Entity Attributes Doctor - Name* - Specialty Relationship Examines Patient - Name* - Condition Direction * Indicates a key attribute ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 28 In Visio, go here for ER diagrams It’s convenient to draw simplified ER diagrams in Visio ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 29 My favorite ER shapes… Entity 1 Attribute 1 Attribute 2 ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Entity 2 Relationship Attribute 1 Attribute 2 30 So now we know what the basic elements of an ER model are, And also the basic components of an ER diagram. Let’s walk through the construction of a diagram using our hospital example… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 31 Identifying Entities Noun, “things” often grouped into six classes: Roles, events, locations, physical items, devices, organizational units. May be termed “object”. • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. To help keep track of things, let’s put this into a matrix format… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 32 Entity-Entity Matrix – Step 1: Entities Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds All we need to do here is go back to the narrative, pull out all the entities, and put them on the axes of the matrix. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 33 Identifying Relationships: Relationships describe how entities are related to one another. To find relationships, just look for the verbs in your text description… • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 34 Entity-Entity Matrix – Step 2: Relationships Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Contain Dispense Now, we go back to the narrative, pull out all the verbs, and put them in the appropriate cells in the matrix. Note: We are just showing the relationships in one direction, so only half the matrix needs to be filled in ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 35 Here’s our basic ER diagram in matrix form with entities and relationships: Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Contain Dispense • Patients are assigned to a ward, and are treated by doctors. • Wards contain beds occupied by patients. • Nurses work in a ward, where they attend to patients. • Patients consume medications dispensed by nurses. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 36 Here’s our basic ER diagram in matrix form with entities and relationships: Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Contain Dispense Hey! What’s with these blank cells?! Are Doctors related to Meds? Are Wards related to Meds? What about all the other blank cells? ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 37 Entity-Entity Matrix – Step 3: Validation Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Perscribe Dispense Contain Stock Missed Missed in in original original verbal description! description! Here are two relationships missed in the initial system description. An advantage of the matrix approach is that it allows thorough examination of all potential relationships. Now let’s build the diagram! ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 38 Building the Diagram: Just for fun, let’s pretend the doctor-patient relationship is the most important part of our system, so let’s start there… Patient Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Treated by Doctors Nurses Doctor Wards Beds Meds Work in Perscribe Dispense Contain Stock ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 39 Building the Diagram: Nurses are pretty important, too, so let’s add them next… Patient Treated by Doctor Attended by Nurse Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Perscribe Dispense Contain Stock ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 40 Now let’s throw in Wards… Assigned to Patient Ward Doctor Attended by Works in Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurse Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Perscribe Dispense Contain Stock ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 41 Now add Beds… Occupies Bed Contain Assigned to Patient Ward Doctor Attended by Works in Patients Patients Doctors Nurses Wards Beds Meds Treated by Treated by Attended by Assigned to Occupy Consume Doctors Nurse Nurses Wards Beds Meds Work in Perscribe Dispense Contain Stock ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 42 Now add Medications… Bed Occupies Contains Assigned to Patient Ward Attended by Works in Stocks Treated by Doctor Consumes Nurse Prescribes Dispenses Medication So, that completes our basic ER diagram for our hospital system analysis. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 43 This is the basic idea behind ER diagrams, now let’s add some detail: • Entity dictionary, • Cardinality, • Logical model vs. physical model, • ER diagram rules, • Many-to-many relationships. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 44 Entity Dictionary: Earlier, we introduced a matrix notation to keep track of entities and relationships. You can see that showing attributes on an ER diagram can get quite cumbersome, so you may choose to show an entities attributes in a separate entity dictionary: Doctor - S.S. No* - Name - Specialty Hospital System Entity Dictionary Doctor S.S.No.* Name Specialty Patient S.S.No.* Name Condition ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 45 Cardinality We need to show cardinality of relationships Bed is occupied by only 1 patient at a time. Bed Patient occupies only 1 bed at a time. Occupies Contains Assigned to Patient Ward Attended by Works in Stocks Treated by Doctor Consumes Nurse Prescribes Dispenses Medication ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 46 Cardinality: In order to keep things clear and well-defined, a detailed ER diagram will include “cardinality” notation – Entity Exactly 1 (mandatory) Entity One or more (mandatory) Entity Zero or more (optional) Entity Zero or one (optional) Here’s an example… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 47 Example of Cardinality: Department Runs Supervisor • Supervisors run departments. Staffed by • Departments are staffed by employees. • Employees work on projects. Employee Works on Project ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Now lets add cardinality… 48 Here is an Example: Department Runs Supervisor • One and only one supervisor runs one and only one department. Staffed by • Can’t have more than one supervisor running a department. • Supervisor can’t run more than one department. Employee Works on Project ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 49 Here is an Example: Department Runs Supervisor • One or more departments are staffed by one or more employees. Staffed by Works in Employee • There is at least one person in each department. • A person can work in more than one department, but must be assigned to at least 1 department. Works on Project ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 50 Here is an Example: Department Runs Supervisor • One or more employees work on zero or more projects. • Every project has at least one employee. Staffed by Works in Employee • Some employees don’t work on any projects. Works on Project ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 51 Logical Vs. Physical Models Here is a good time to distinguish between logical and physical models. • The logical model shows what could be, • The physical model shows what actually is for a particular instance. For ER diagrams, cardinality converts logical models into physical models. What does that mean?! ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 52 Cardinality is Implementation Specific: Department Runs Supervisor • One and only one supervisor runs one and only one department. • Can’t have more than one supervisor running a department. • Supervisor can’t run more than one department. Here, the business rules of a particular organization dictate that a supervisor can not run more than one department, so the physical model must reflect this cardinality. But in a logical model, the logical relationship between supervisors and departments doesn’t specify how many supervisors run how many departments., so cardinality is not included. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 53 Adding Cardinality to Hospital Model… Bed Occupies Treated by Patient Contains Doctor Consumes Assigned to Prescribes Attended by Ward Works in Nurse Dispenses Stocks ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Medication 54 Cardinality Matrix: Showing cardinality on an ER diagram can get confusing, but, again, a matrix representation can help. P a tie n ts P a tie n ts D o cto rs N u rse s W a rd s Beds M eds 1 or 1 or o n ly o n ly 0 or m o re m o re 1 1 m o re D o cto rs N u rse s 0 o r m o re 0 o r m o re W a rd s 0 o r m o re Beds 0 or 1 1 o r m o re o n ly 1 0 o r m o re 0 o r m o re o n ly 1 M eds 0 0 0 0 or or or or m o re m o re m o re m o re 1 o r m o re 0 o r m o re Note that we must show both “ends” of the relationship in this matrix: • A bed can be occupied by 0 or 1 patients. • A patient occupies only 1 bed at a time. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 55 Some Rules for ER Diagrams: • The entities in an ER diagram are things that you must store information on in order for the system to work. If you don’t need the entity to make the system work, get rid of it. Do you really need to include information about janitorial services in your hospital ER? • Entities can have many attributes, but you really only need to include the essential attributes relevant to entity-entity relationships. A patient’s driver’s license number is an attribute that probably doesn’t effect the doctor-examines-patient relationship. • Every entity must have a unique key attribute, that allows individual cases (instances) of the entity to be identified. If you can’t tell individual cases apart, then whatever it is that you have identified is not an entity. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 56 Some Rules for ER Diagrams: • If you only have one specific case (instance) of an entity, you don’t need to include it in the ER model. For example, if the hospital has only one doctor, you do not need to include Doctor in the ER model. • If an entity has just one attribute, it may be that the entity can be included as an attribute of a different entity. Check all single-attribute entities for this possibility. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 57 Some Rules for ER Diagrams: • When identifying entities, eliminate: • Synonyms (multiple names for the same entity) • Homonyms (same name used for different entities). Synonym: Service Department calls them customers, and Help Desk calls them contacts, but they are the same people. Homonym: “Market” can be a geographical area to Sales Department and a demographic designation to Marketing Department. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 58 Some Rules for ER Diagrams: Attributes and Relationships A natural way to decompose ER diagrams is to look for groups of entities which are not related to each other… E n tity A E n tity B E n tity X E n tity C E n tity Y ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams E n tity Z 59 Some Rules for ER Diagrams: Self-Referencing Relationships OK, well, what if a doctor examines themself? Wouldn’t the doctor and patient have the same key attribute? Here’s how to show self-referencing relationships: Doctor - S.S. No.* - Name - Specialty Examines ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Patient - S.S. No.* - Name - Condition 60 Some Rules for ER Diagrams: Multiple Relationships Entities may have multiple relationships. Here is an example: Examines Doctor Patient Operates on Many other rules for building good ER models exist. These can be found in the references and supplemental reading for this lecture. We will discuss one additional complication of ER diagrams… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 61 Multiple Relationships Between Multiple Entities B u ye r S e lle r N e g o tia te s p rice Real Estate Agent negotiates price with Buyer and Seller R e a l E sta te Agent N e g o tia te s te rm s B u ye r’s A tto rn e y S e lle r’s A tto rn e y Real Estate Agent negotiates terms with Buyer’s and Seller’s Attorneys Many other rules for building good ER models exist. We will discuss one additional complication of ER diagrams… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 62 Critical Aspect of ER Diagrams: Many-to-Many Relationships It is necessary to eliminate many-to-many relationships in the model. A prime example is seen in our patient/doctor relationship in our hospital ER model… Doctor - Name - Specialty Examines Patient - Name - Condition One or more doctors examine one or more patients. So, who examines who? ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 63 Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships • The literature shows several ways to model many-to-many relationships, none of which is particularly elegant. • But let’s just reason this out how we could resolve this. • The problem is that if you just say many doctors examine many patients… • …you don’t know which doctor examines which patient. • One result of this is that the doctors don’t know which patient to invoice! (Or just invoice them all and let the insurance companies sort things out, since they’ll just deny coverage anyway). So, what must we add to the model to determine which doctor is examining which patient. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 64 Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships: Old: Many doctors examine many patients Examine Doctor - Name* - Specialty Patient - Name* - Condition Add an Examination entity New: One or more doctors perform one and only one examination on a particular date and time. One and only one patient receives one and only one examination on the date/time. Doctor - Name* - Specialty Perform Examination - Date/Time* - Room Receives ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Patient - Name* - Condition 65 Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships: Examine Doctor - Name* - Specialty Patient - Name* - Condition In essence, we turned a relationship into an entity by giving it attributes. By adding the key attribute of Date/Time to the relationship Examine, we now know exactly which doctors examine which patients. Doctor - Name* - Specialty Perform Examination - Date/Time* - Room Receives ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Patient - Name* - Condition 66 Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships: Doctor - Name* - Specialty Perform Examination - Date/Time* - Room Receivies Patient - Name* - Condition Note that doctors in the hospital probably do not randomly walk around the hospital examining any patient they run across (how could they bill for that?!). Rather, they do probably examine patients at some specific time, but this was not shown in our original ER diagram. The point is that the identification of a many-to-one relationship in our model alerted us to a shortcoming to the model, which we subsequently corrected. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 67 So why all the fuss over resolving many-to-many relationships? Well, if you have them in your model, this means one of two things: 1. Your model isn’t complete and accurate, so you need to fix it. 2. The system you are modeling isn’t well-designed. Consider the following… ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 68 Many-To-Many Relationships Can Be Dangerous! Bed Occupies Treated by Patient Contains Doctor Consumes Assigned to Prescribes Attended by Ward Works in Nurse Dispenses What patients are consuming what medications?! Stocks ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams Medication 69 So What?! • Your initial introduction to the system that you are modeling will probably consist of interviews with system users. • You need a way of systematically documenting this information and checking it for accuracy. • ER diagrams provide one good way to accomplish these objectives, so constitute a tool that can assist in your early modeling efforts. • That’s why you may choose to apply this tool first. ENMA 6010: Entity Relationship Diagrams 70