The Real Caesar vs. Shakespeare’s Syannah Dozier Similarities and Differences between the Real Julius Caesar By: Sy’annah Dozier and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar The Real Caesar Not yet confirmed, Gaius Julius Caesar's birthday is thought to be about two or three days before the ides of July in 100 BCE. Caesar's father died when he was sixteen, and two years later at the age of eighteen, he married Cornelia, the daughter of a noble and had their only legitimate child, Julia. Shakespeare’s Caesar It is clear that Shakespeare based his play almost exclusively on Plutarch’s narrative of Roman characters. He then translated into English by Thomas North in 1579, The text was popular and Shakespeare certainly had access to it. Their Similarities Caesar dies on the Ides of March both in the play and in real life, but it is not confirmed whether he was actually warned beforehand about his death by a soothsayer as in the play. Their differences In the play, this is in Act 1 Scene 2. Antony offers Caesar the crown thrice, and Caesar refused. In Caesar's actual history, Antony offers him a diadem, ((the symbol of the Hellenistic monarchs)) but Caesar refuses, saying the only King of the Romans is Jupiter.