
World Literature 9/2
Do Now
Which accurately explains the correct use of a semicolon the selected sentence?
Hawaii is the hottest state; Alaska is the coldest.
A) A semicolon can link two closely related independent clauses.
B) A semicolon can be inserted to compare and contrast closely related items.
C) Two independent clauses can be joined with a transitional word, preceded by a
D) A semicolon is used between items in a series when one or more of these items
include commas.
“Good help is hard to find.” While it may sound cliché, it can certainly be true as
one father recently discovered. After running an ad in a local newspaper, the father
of twin toddlers interviewed several potential candidates and narrowed it down to
two he thought to be the most qualified. Both women were in their forties and very
pleasant, and he thought that either of them would do an excellent job. Undecided,
he ran a background check on each of the women and was shocked to find that one
of the women had an extensive criminal history and was recently treated in a
mental health facility. Obviously, he hired the other woman. A week later, the father
was shocked when he picked up a newspaper and read that the woman he did not
hire had severely injured a little girl who was under her care.
How does the author support the argument that ‘Good help is hard to find?’
A) by listing the current statistics concerning employment
B) by explaining the procedures for conducting a background check
C) by naming babysitters in the U.S. who have a criminal background
D) by describing an incident involving a father seeking a babysitter
Do Now explanation
The passage describes an incident involving
a father seeking a babysitter. The "hard to
find" part is that he nearly hired a babysitter
who proved to be abusive toward children.
This Week:
- HW Packet #2
- Quiz #2 NEXT
- Binder check #1
Do Now (5 min)
WoTD (3 min)
Review quiz/quiz
corrections (7 min)
Apartheid think and
write (7 min)
“No Future Without
Forgiveness” (30 min)
Newspaper editorial
Grade check/
Assessment #1
What went well? Not so well?
Theme is….
You can correct Part II for half credit
Corrections must be written on loose leaf sheet, and all
answers must be in COMPLETE SENTENCES
For close reading section, you may annotate the paragraph
on the test with a different color pen
WoTD- acquire
Acquire- to obtain, to gain possession through effort or
experience (v)
What do you acquire at the end of high school?
Important vocab from text
Apartheid- a government system based in racial segregation
What does this sound like? (hint: think about US History!)
Desmond Tutu
First Black archbishop of Cape
Town, South Africa
Won the Nobel Peace Prize in
1984 for his work to end
“No Future without Forgiveness”
written after South Africa’s first
multiracial election in 1994
As we read….
Be on the look out for different examples of figurative
Figurative language- language that uses words or
expressions with a meaning that is different the literal
Fill in the chart on your guided notes with a DIRECT quote
from the text as well as an explanation of its significance
During Reading
black person entered the
booth one person and emerged
on the other side a new,
transfigured person.”
After reading…
Analyze the quote on the bottom of your guided notes sheet
What does it mean to analyze?
Analyze- examine methodically and in detail in order to
explain and interpret.
Respond to the prompt on Page 1 of your Journal section of
your binder:
“No Future Reflection”
After reading the LA Times editorial, reflect and respond:
Should felons be able to vote? Why or why not?
In your response, cite AT LEAST 3 PIECES OF EVIDENCE
supporting your claim.