Objective: To be able to identify and translate imperfect tense verbs X/XXII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your completed Imperfect Tense worksheet 2. Take a Forming the Imperfect Tense worksheet and place it in the Homework section of your binder 3. HOMEWORK #20: Make flashcards for the starred words on your Imperfect Tense worksheet. Complete your Forming the Imperfect Tense worksheet. MIDTERM EXAM ON THURSDAY 10/25 Objective: To be able to identify and translate imperfect tense verbs X/XXII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your completed Imperfect Tense worksheet 2. Make-ups for High Stakes quizzes today 2:30-3:00 and tomorrow after Advisory 3. Have your homework flashcards (prepositions and imperfect tense) out for inspection 4. Take a Forming the Imperfect Tense worksheet and place it in the Homework section of your binder 5. HOMEWORK #20: Complete your Forming the Imperfect Tense worksheet. MIDTERM EXAM on THURSDAY 10/25 The Present Tense English Verb Form Aspect Latin Verb Form ambulō 1. 2. 3. 4. I walk Simple I am walking Progressive I do walk Emphatic I have walked Completed •Latin only has ONE way to form the present tense •English has FOUR ways •How do we know which English translation to use when translating a Latin verb? •CONTEXT! The Imperfect Tense Latin Verb Form ambulābam English Verb Form Aspect 1. I was walking Progressive 2. I used to walk Habitual •The imperfect tense is used to describe actions which took place over a long period time in the past or were done repeatedly. •Latin has ONE way to form the imperfect tense •English has TWO ways •How do we know which English translation to use? •CONTEXT Identifying Imperfect Tense Verbs in silvā erat nympha pulchra, Dāphnē. cum amīcīs nympha ferās agitābat et virōs nōn amābat. Pēnēus, deus et rīvus, fīliam amābat et eam servābat. Phoebus nympham spectābat et eam cūpiēbat. erat = he/she/it was agitābat = he/she/it was hunting, used to hunt amābat = he/she/it was loving, used to love servābat = he/she/it was preserving, used to preserve spectābat = he/she/it was watching, used to watch cūpiēbat = he/she/it was desiring, used to desire Review the example. Then fill in the chart I vocā ba he/she/it was calling he/she/it used to call t vocō, vocāre dūcō, dūcere audiō, audīre habēbātisII III IV dūc audi habe eba eba ba nt mus tis they were leading they used to lead we were hearing we used to hear you all were hearing you all used to hear Forming the Imperfect Tense If a verb is 1st or 2nd conjugation, add ‘bā’ in between the Present Stem and Personal Ending Ex. 1st vocābat = he/she/it used to call, he/she/it was calling Ex. 2nd habēbātis = you all used to have, you all were having If a verb is 3rd regular, 3rd –iō or 4th conjugation, add ‘ēbā’ in between the Present Stem and Personal Ending Ex. 3rd reg. petēbam = I used to seek, I was seeking Ex. 3rd iō capiēbās = you used to take, you were taking Ex. 4th audiēbāmus = we used to hear, we were hearing Objective: To be able to identify and translate imperfect tense verbs; to be able to answer Reading Comprehension questions and cite a Latin passage X/XXIII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your Forming the Imperfect Tense worksheet (homework) 2. Take out your Imperfect Tense worksheet and turn to the backside (Daphne and Apollo translation) 3. HOMEWORK #21: Complete your “To Be or Not To Be…” handout. MIDTERM EXAM on THURSDAY 10/25 Conjugate habeō, habēre in the imperfect tense habēbam I used to have I was having habēbāmus habēbās you used to have you were having habēbātis habēbat he/she/it used to have he/she/it was having habēbant we used to have we were having you all used to have you all were having they used to have they were having Translate each verb in two ways, where possible. a) currēbāmus we used to run, we were running b) agitābant they used to hunt, they were hunting c) cupiēbam I used to desire, I was desiring d) erat he/she/it was, there was e) spectābās f) vīdent you used to watch, you were watching they see, they are seeing, they do see, they have seen g) timēmus we are afraid h) faciēbat he/she/it used to make, he/she/it was making Objective: To be able to identify and translate imperfect tense verbs X/XIV/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your “To Be or Not to Be” homework worksheet for inspection 2. Make-ups for High Stakes quizzes today 2:303:00 3. Take our your Daphne and Apollo Translation 4. HOMEWORK #21: MIDTERM EXAM on THURSDAY 10/25 Midterm Topics Conjugating a Present Tense Verb Conjugating an Imperfect Tense Verb Declining 1st and 2nd decl. nouns (fem., masc., neuter) Identifying subject, direct object, prepositional phrase, verb Changing verbs and/or nouns from sing. to pl. or pl. to sing. Translating 1-2 sentences from a passage we’ve translated Reading Comprehension question about a passage we’ve translated Daphne and Apollo in silvā erat nympha pulchra, Dāphnē. In the woods there was a beautiful nymph, Daphne cum amīcīs nympha ferās agitābat et virōs nōn amābat. The nymph was hunting wild beasts with her friends and used to not love men. Pēnēus, deus et rīvus, fīliam amābat et eam servābat. Peneus, a god and a river, used to love (his) daughter and used to preserve (protect) her. Phoebus nympham spectābat et eam cūpiēbat. Apollo was watching the nymph and was desiring her. Daphne and Apollo ad nympham currit et exclāmat. (He) runs towards the nymph and shouts. illa timet et ā Phoebō currit. That girl is afraid and runs (away) from Apollo. ad rīvum currit et ā Pēneō auxilium petit. (She) runs to(wards) the river and seeks aid from Peneus. Pēnēus fīliam adiuvat et eam in lauream mūtat. Peneus helps (his) daughter and changes her into a laurel (tree). Phoebus tamen amat et lauream suam vocat. Apollo, nevertheless, loves and calls the laurel his. in + abl. = in (ex. in Olympō) in + acc. = into (ex. in lauream) Apollo and Daphne Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1622-1625) Located in the Galleria Borghese in Rome Locate at least 2 quotes from your Latin text which describe what is happening in Bernini’s sculpture • Write down the quotes in your binder (3 minutes) • Share your quotes with your group members one at a time and explain why you chose them (4 minutes) Responding to a Reading Comprehension Question Make sure to state your argument clearly Cite evidence from the Latin text in parentheses within the body of your response Translate, using quotations, or paraphrase the evidence you cite Midterm Exam Term 1 Take out a blue or black pen. NO CREDIT will be given for exams written in pencil or a pen of a different color. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE MACRONS (LONG MARKS) WHEREVER NECESSARY. Credit will be deducted, either in part or full, if they are missing. You have the entire period to complete the exam. If you finish early, bring me your test paper and take out other NON-LATIN work. QUIZ on sum, esse (to be) in the PRESENT tense tomorrow in the first 5 minutes of the period. (See your ‘To Be or Not to Be’ worksheet) Objective: To be able to identify and translate perfect tense verbs X/XVI/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out a piece of paper for your sum, esse quiz 2. Once you’ve finished your quiz, take out your “To Be or Not to Be” homework worksheet for inspection 3. Take a Perfect Tense worksheet 4. HOMEWORK #22: Make flashcards for the words starred (*) on your Perfect Tense worksheet QUIZ Write out the Present Tense conjugation of sum, esse (to be) on a sheet of looseleaf Objective: To be able to identify and translate perfect tense verbs XI/V/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your Perfect Tense worksheet and flashcards for starred words 2. Review the Patterns you came up with for the way verbs change when transitioning from Present to Perfect (Past) tense 3. Take a IA Prep Review Worksheet 4. HOMEWORK #23: Complete your IA Prep Review worksheet IN FULL. Vocabulary quiz on words in vocab section on Wednesday Pattern 1A: The verb ending changes when going -vī to the stem from present to perfect (past) tense by adding ____ exclamāre cupīre exclamāvī cupīvī intrāre intrāvī optāre optāvī parāre parāvī petere petīvī pugnāre shout desire look for pugnāvī servāre servāvī preserve spectāre spectāvī watch vocāre vocāvī call Patterns 1B and IC: The ending of the stem changes, by adding either vowels (B) or consonants (C) tenēre terrēre timēre dūcere tenuī terruī timuī dūxī lead Objective: To be able to identify and translate perfect tense verbs XI/VII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your IA Prep Review worksheet for inspection 1. If you did not complete your IA Review packet, you will be moving to another table to complete it now 2. If you have completed your packet, you will pair up with another student to compare your answers 2. HOMEWORK #24: Go to the website (http://magistrasnyder.weebly.com) to obtain ALL worksheets, handouts, PowerPoints, and answer keys for previous exams. IA Prep Review Packet With a partner, review your IA Review Packet answer 1. Review the Multiple Choice (pg. 6) 2. Review the Declension section (pg. 8) 3. Review the Conjugation section (pg. 10) If your answer differs from an answer of your partner, explain your reasoning to your partner “I got this answer because ___________” What class notes/worksheets/quizzes did you use to get your information? “I wasn’t sure about this answer because _________” IA Prep Review Packet Answer Key Once you are done comparing answers with your partner, raise your hand to receive an Answer Key With your partner, correct your answers for all 3 sections (Multiple Choice, Declension, Conjugation) Once you’re done, in your class notes, reflect on the following questions: 1. My strongest section was ______________ because … 2. My weakest section was ______________ because … 3. I can improve my weakest section by _____________ cēdō, cēdere, cessī – I yield, to yield, I yielded Perfect Tense = 3rd PP + Perfect Tense Personal Endings Singular cessī I yielded, I did yield, I have yielded cessistī you yielded cessit he/she/it yielded Plural cessimus cessistis cessērunt we yielded you all yielded they yielded Turn to pg. 9 of your IA Prep Study Guide Fill in the Perfect Personal Endings on your Perfect Tense worksheet 1st sing. “I” 2nd sing. “you” 3rd sing. “he/she/it” -ī -istī -it 1st pl. “we” 2nd pl. “you all” 3rd pl. “they” -imus -istis -ērunt Turn to page 10 and conjugate the verb cēdō, cēdere in the Perfect Tense Objective: To be able to correctly answer Reading Comprehension passages based on a rubric XI/XIV/MMXII Do Now: 1. Open up your binder to a new piece of paper and write your heading on the top 2. Wait to receive a copy of your Reading Comprehension question and accompanying passage 3. Make the following corrections to your handout: 1. 2. oppidum, -ī n. = town, city verbum, -ī n. = word 4. HOMEWORK #25: Complete your translation of the “Itsy Bitsy Bragger” in the Translatiō section of your notes and complete your Reading Comprehension question READING COMPREHENSION: In what way(s) does Arachne offend the gods? How does Minerva punish Arachne for her offenses? Cite at least THREE details from the Latin text in your response. Objective: To be able to review sections of our IA exam to correct common mistakes XI/XV/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your “Itsy Bitsy Bragger” translation and Reading Comprehension response for collection 2. Take a copy of your IA Review worksheet and put your name and date on it and begin to work silently 3. Make the following corrections to your handout of the “Itsy Bitsy Bragger”: 1. 2. 4. oppidum, -ī n. = town, city verbum, -ī n. = word HOMEWORK #26: Calculate your estimate of your Term 1 grade as it stands (without your IA) based on your Homework, Quiz, Midterm, and Translatio grades Term 1 IA Review Worksheet Answer questions 1-6 independently and silently. After 8 minutes have elapsed, I will let you know and you may check your work with your group members. After checking your work with your group members, raise your hand to receive a check of your work from me. Once you receive a check for questions 1-6, I will tell you to move on to #7-9 Objective: To be able to translate Ablative nouns without prepositions XI/XIX/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your IA Exam Corrections for inspection 2. Take a Ablative of Means worksheet and put your name, date, and recitation on it 3. Annotate and translate the sentence: 1. aquā Diana rēgulum in cervum mūtāvit. 4. HOMEWORK #27: Complete your Verb Synopsis and Declension worksheet. Quiz on Wednesday on Ablative of Means. aquā Diana rēgulum in cervum mūtāvit. Diana = Diana (nom. fem. sg. subject) rēgulum = prince (acc. masc. sg. direct object) in cervum = into a deer (acc masc. sg. prep. phrase) mūtāvit = (she) changed (3rd sg. perf. from mūtō, mūtāre) Diana changed the prince into a deer _____water Diana changed the prince into a deer WITH water ***A noun in the ABLATIVE CASE can be used without a preposition to express the MEANS or INSTRUMENT by which the action is done. This noun is ALWAYS an OBJECT or ABSTRACT noun. BWIOF by in with on from The most common way to translate Ablative of Means is “with” Exerceāmus! ANNOTATE & translate the sentences. Choose the BEST Ablative of Means word, based on context, to translate each ABLATIVE noun you see. 1. rōtīs Plūto ex terrā vēnit. [rotae, -ārum, f.pl. chariot (lit. wheels)] Pluto came from the earth in a chariot _________________________________________________ rōtīs = in a chariot (abl. f. pl. from rotae, -ārum f.) Abl. Means: _____________ 2. lacrimīs nympha Pēnēum persuasit. [persuadeō, -ēre, -sī persuade] The nymph persuaded Pēnēus with tears. _________________________________________________ lacrimīs = with tears (abl. f. pl. from lacrima, -ae f.) Abl. Means: ____________ 3. saxō Ops Sāturnum fallit. [fallō, -ere, fefellī deceive] Ops deceives Saturn with a rock. ___________________________________________________ saxo = with a rock (abl. neut. sg. from saxum, -ī n.) Abl. Means: ___________ Objective: To be able to translate Ablative nouns without prepositions XI/XX/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your IA Exam Corrections for inspection 2. Take a Ablative of Means worksheet 3. Take out your HW 27 worksheet 1. Review your homework with your table members 2. Take out a red pen for corrections 4. HOMEWORK #28: Study for your Quiz TOMORROW on Ablative of Means. VERB Synopsis = a verb conjugation in a particular person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (sing. or pl.) combination in different tenses manētis you all remain manēbātis you all were remaining mānsistis you all remained NOUN Declension: giving all Latin forms of a noun in case (nom., acc., abl.) and number (sing., pl.) Objective: To be able to translate Ablative nouns without prepositions XI/XXI/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your Ablative of Means worksheet and turn to the ‘No ‘E-Vite’’ translation 2. Take out your Verb Synopsis/Noun Declension worksheet for inspection 1. Review your homework with your table members 2. Take out a red pen for corrections 3. HOMEWORK #29: Have a great holiday! VERB Synopsis = a verb conjugation in a particular person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (sing. or pl.) combination in different tenses mittimus mittēbāmus we send, we do send, we are sending we were sending, we used to send NOUN Declension: giving all Latin forms of a noun in case (nom., acc., abl.) and number (sing., pl.) 2nd digitus digitī digitum digitōs digitō digitīs digit- Objective: To be able to translate Ablative nouns without prepositions XI/XXI/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your Ablative of Means worksheet and turn to the ‘No ‘E-Vite’’ translation 2. Continue to translate the story in groups 3. HOMEWORK #29: Have a great holiday! TRANSLATION ‘No E-vite’: The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis Work in groups to translate the story 1-2 people will be the translator- lead your group through translation 1 person will annotate – lead your group through annotation 1 person will look up vocabulary – be ready to find vocabulary terms for your group ALL group members should be writing out their translations on their worksheets and be working at the SAME pace ***FIND 1 ABLATIVE OF MEANS NOUN! You should complete the first PARAGRAPH by the end of the period ‘No E-vite’ The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis Thetis erat nympha in altō. Thetis was a nymph in the deep (the sea). avus, deus Prōteus, ōrāculum dīxit: (Her) grandfather, the god Prōteus, spoke an oracle/prophecy: ‘fīlium creābis et fīlius patrem superābit.’ ‘You will produce a son and the son will conquer his father.’ Iuppiter nympham amābat, sed eum Thetis verbīs ōrāculāriīs terruit; Jupiter used to love the nymph, but Thetis terrified him with her prophetic words itaque deus in matrimōnium Pēleos dūxit. And so the god led (her) into the marriage of Peleus. Pēleus nōn erat deus sed vir. Peleus was not a god but a man. Term 2 Quiz 1 Take out a black or blue pen for your quiz on Ablative of Means You have 8 minutes to complete it Once you finish, turn it over and raise your hand Objective: To be able to translate ablative nouns without prepositions; to XI/XXVI/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take a Term 1 Vocabulary List and put in the Vocabulary section of your binder (TOMORROW) 2. Take out your Ablative of Means worksheet and turn to the ‘No ‘E-Vite’’ translation 3. Continue to translate the story in groups (paragraphs 2 and 3) 4. HOMEWORK #30: Make flashcards for Vocabulary Unit V: List A (front side of your Abl. of Means worksheet). QUIZ tomorrow on these 5 words (Latin forms and English definitions) TRANSLATION ‘No E-vite’: The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis Work in groups to translate the story 1-2 people will be the translator- lead your group through translation 1 person will annotate – lead your group through annotation 1 person will look up vocabulary – be ready to find vocabulary terms for your group ALL group members should be writing out their translations on their worksheets and be working at the SAME pace ***FIND 1 ABLATIVE OF MEANS NOUN in paragraph 2! You should complete the rest of the story (paragraphs 2-3) ‘No E-vite’: The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis deī et deae ad nuptiās vēnērunt, sed deam Discordiam nōn invītāvērunt. The gods and goddesses came to the wedding, but they did not invite the goddess Discord. ubi dea ad Olympum vēnit, eam deī ab nuptiīs āvertērunt. When the goddess came to Olympus, the gods turned her away from the wedding. dea īrāta consilium cēpit: The angry goddess seized (formed) a plan: ‘discordiam in animōs agere cupiō. ‘I want to drive discord into (their) minds. ‘No E-vite’: The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis ex aurō mālum faciō. I am making an apple out of gold. Abl. of Means: mālō neut. sg. from mālum, -ī n. Translation: WITH an apple mālō nuptiās pervertere possum.’ I can destroy the wedding with an apple. ad Olympum rēdīit et mālum in medium iēcit. She returned to Olympus and threw the apple into the middle/midst (of the wedding) in mālō aureō erat verbum: On the golden apple was the word: ‘PULCHERRIMAE.’ ‘ FOR THE FAIREST’ The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis by Abraham Bloemaert (1638) 1. Which figure(s) in the painting indicate that this gathering is a wedding? 2. Where is Discord? 3. Give the Latin quote that explains what Discord is doing in the painting ad Olympum rēdīit et mālum in medium iēcit. Objective: To be able to translate nouns in the Genitive case XI/XXVII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take a Genitive case worksheet from your desk 2. Take out a black/blue pen and a red pen 3. Wait to receive your quiz. You will have 5 minutes to complete it. 4. HOMEWORK #28: Complete your Noun Endings Worksheet (including genitive case) deus, -ī m. god nominative _________ sing. ‘deus’ is the _________ form of the word genitive ‘-ī’ tells us the __________________ ending of the word (ex. deī) gender ‘m.’ gives us the _______________ of the word (ex. masculine) English definition ‘god’ is the ___________________ of the word (the word in italics) The Genitive Case We’ve seen the GENITIVE case before in phrases like: of Sicily was great fama Siciliae est magna = the fame ____ We TRANSLATE the genitive case with the word/letter: of ‘s / s’ _______________ or _____________ possession The GENITIVE case is used to show ___________________ with another NOUN. How is the GENITIVE case annotated? The Genitive Case Translation Practice Annotate and translate sentences 1-5 Use your Peleus and Thetis vocabulary to help you The GENITIVE case word will be in italics On the back of your handout, complete you Noun Endings charts Make sure to fill in the 3 missing genitive endings based on the endings of the nouns you saw in your sample sentences. Objective: To be able to translate nouns in the Genitive case in the context of a Latin passage XI/XXVIII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take a Genitive case worksheet from your desk 2. Take out your Noun Synopsis HW #28 for inspection 3. Answer the following in your notes: 1. 2. 3. of or ‘s/s’ How do we translate the genitive case? _______ How do we annotate the genitive case? _______ possession with another The genitive case is used to show _______ noun 4. HOMEWORK #29: Finish your translation for “Olympus’ Next Top Goddess” and answer #1 at the bottom. Genitive case QUIZ on FRIDAY. The Genitive Case: Sentence Translation V. trēs deārum mālum petīvērunt. Three of the goddesses sought the apple. Translation: ___________________________________ gen. pl. f. from dea, -ae f. deārum Genitive noun: _________ ____________________ Noun Endings Supply the missing case endings -a -ae -ae -ārum -us/er -ī -ī -am -ās -ā -īs -um -ō -ōs -īs -um -a -um -a -ō -īs TRANSLATION ‘Olympus’ Next Top Goddess’, Part I: The Birth of Paris Work in groups to translate the story 1-2 people will be the translator- lead your group through translation 1 person will annotate – lead your group through annotation 1 person will look up vocabulary – be ready to find vocabulary terms for your group ALL group members should be writing out their translations on their worksheets and be working at the SAME pace ***FIND 3 GENITIVE NOUNS in paragraph 1! occidet = (he/she/it) will fall You should complete the first 3 lines by the end of the period Objective: To be able to translate nouns in the Genitive case in the context of a Latin passage XI/XXX/MMXII Do Now: 1. Wait to receive back your Olympus’ Next Top Goddess translatiō Part I 2. Open up to a new sheet of looseleaf and under your heading, identify the 3 genitive nouns from this translation, and give their translation, number, case and dictionary entry 3. Keep out your new Olympus’ Next Top Goddess Part II translatiō and begin to annotate 4. HOMEWORK #30: Genitive case QUIZ on MONDAY. Genitive Case Identification Line 1- rēgīna Trōiae = the queen OF TROY Trōiae = gen. sg. f. from Trōia, -ae Troy Line 1- mater Alexandrī = the mother OF PARIS Alexandrī = gen. sg. m. from Alexander, -drī Paris Line 2 – signum deōrum = the sign OF THE GODS deōrum = gen. pl. m. from deus, -ī god TRANSLATION QUIZ: Open Notes ‘Olympus’ Next Top Goddess’, Part 2: The Judgment of Paris Work in groups to translate the story 1-2 people will be the translator- lead your group through translation 1 person will annotate – lead your group through annotation 1 person will look up vocabulary – be ready to find vocabulary terms for your group I will collect the translatiō worksheet of ONE group member at the end of the period. This will represent the work for your entire table. Objective: To be able identify and translate nounadjective pairs in Latin XII/III/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take an Adjectives packet and immediately begin to fill in all blank spaces and boxes on pg. 1 2. Your Genitive case quiz will occur in the last 12 minutes of the recitation. 3. HOMEWORK #31: 1. Make flashcards for Vocabulary List C on pg. 2 of your packet 2. Vocabulary Quiz on Adjectives on Wednesday 12/5 Introduction to Adjectives Complete pgs. 2 and 3 independently and silently (10 min.) Compare your answers with those of your group members (5 min.) Wait to receive your check from me for your group If you finish early, you may study for your Genitive Quiz Objective: To be able to cite Latin text in order to accurately answer Reading Comprehension responses XII/IV/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take an Adjectives packet for inspection 2. Take out your adjective flashcards for inspection 3. Your Genitive case quiz will take place during the last 10 minutes of the recitation 4. Answer the following in your notes: 1. 2. 3. 5. -us, -a, -um What are the endings of a 2-1-2 adjective? _______________ declension numbers What do the numbers “2-1-2” refer to? _________________ In what 3 ways do adjectives need to agree with the nouns the modify? Gender 1. ________________ Number 2. ________________ Case 3. ________________ HOMEWORK #31: Answer Reading Comprehension questions #2-4 • • Vocabulary Quiz on Adjectives TOMORROW, 12/5 Quiz on Adjectives on Friday 12/7 II. Write in Latin: I. rīvīs parvīs in small rivers (in) ________________ II. factōrum magnōrum of great deeds ________________ aurā bonā III. by a good breeze (ab) ________________ (cum) formā magnā IV. with great beauty ________________ V. silvam malam toward the evil forestad _______________ digitī multī VI. many fingers (subj.) ________________ Why is the preposition ‘in’ optional here? We can use a preposition to say ‘in’ OR we can have an Ablative of Means phrase in which WE supply the preposition in translation using BWIOF In English, which typically comes FIRST- adjective or noun? In Latin, which typically comes FIRST- adjective or noun? READING COMPREHENSION Examine the following responses and rank them in order of quality (1 being the best, 3 being the worst) 1. What image did Hecuba see in her dreams? • Hecuba saw an image of herself “giving birth to a bright torch with flames” (faculam claram … creābat). • Hecuba saw herself making a torch with bright flames. • Hecuba saw herself giving birth to a shining, burning torch (faculam creābat). Take out your worksheet on Olympus’ Next Top Goddess” (Part I: The Birth of Paris) DIRECTIONS: Use your translation from XI/XXVIII to help you answer the following Reading Comprehension questions (#2-4) Answer in English AND give a quotation (ex. in somnīs…vīdit) from the Latin text from which you derived your answer. Make sure to answer the questions using ONLY information given in the passage or discussed in class. For #4, answer in a FULL paragraph. Answer on a sheet of looseleaf with your heading at the top and each question numbered. You do not need to rewrite the questions. Objective: To be able to identify and translate future tense verbs Do Now: XII/V/MMXII 1. Take out your Reading Comprehension questions for inspection. 2. Take a Future Tense worksheet and begin to annotate the Latin passage 3. Your Vocabulary Quiz (on adjectives) is postponed until tomorrow 4. Annotate and translate the following sentence in your notes: ‘ob fīlium Trōia occidet.’ 5. HOMEWORK #32: Make flashcards for Vocabulary List E • Vocabulary Quiz on Adjectives TOMORROW, 12/6 • Quiz on Adjectives on Friday 12/7 ‘ob fīlium Trōia occidet.’ Translation: ‘On account of (your) son Troy will fall.’ What TENSE is the verb occidet? will fall = FUTURE tense The 3 Principal Parts of this verb are occidō, occidere, occidī (I fall, to fall, I fell) How would you write the verb occidet in the PRESENT TENSE? Present Stem (3rd conj.: change ‘-e’ to ‘-i’) + Personal Endings occidit (he/she/it falls) How is the FUTURE form of this verb different than the PRESENT form? Future tense – ‘e’ before ending in occidet Present tense – ‘i’ before ending in occidit Formulae for Forming the Future Tense For the 1st and 2nd conjugations*: ________ + ______ + _____ *Except for the 1st person sg.: ___________________ Stem + Present Personal Endings For the 3rd conjugation*: Present _________ __________ Personal Endings Stem + e +Present For the 4th conjugation*: Present _________ __________ *Except for the 1st person sg.: _______ - _______ + ______ Future Tense worksheet Complete the back side of your worksheet independently (12 minutes). Reference the sentences from which these verbs come, but DO NOT translate the entire passage in full. For vocabulary, look to both the top and right side of the front side of your worksheet. Once I call time, check over your answers with your group members. (3 minutes) Create a Future Tense Formula for the 1st and 2nd conjugations and the 3rd and 4th conjugations 1st person singular. (5 minutes) You MUST receive a check of your work from me before the end of the recitation. Objective: To be able to identify and translate future tense verbs Do Now: XII/VI/MMXII 1. Take out your Future Tense worksheet 2. What is your Formula for forming the FUTURE tense for the 3rd conjugation? Present Stem + Present Personal Endings 1. __________ __________ 3. Your Adjectives quiz is postponed until tomorrow 4. HOMEWORK #32: Complete the translatiō on your Future Tense worksheet on looseleaf • Quiz on Adjectives on TOMORROW Formulae for Forming the Future Tense For the 1st and 2nd conjugations*: ________ + ______ + _____ *Except for the 1st person sg.: ___________________ Stem + Present Personal Endings For the 3rd conjugation*: Present _________ __________ Personal Endings Stem + e +Present For the 4th conjugation*: Present _________ __________ *Except for the 1st person sg.: _______ - _______ + ______ 1. discedam is in the FUTURE tense What verb does this come from? discedō, discedere, discessī What is its conjugation? 3rd regular What is the PRESENT STEM? discede- What is the ending of this verb? -m How does this verb look different than the Present tense? -am ending instead of -ō How is it translated? I will depart Formulae for Forming the Future Tense For the 1st and 2nd conjugations*: ________ + ______ + _____ *Except for the 1st person sg.: ___________________ Stem + Present Personal Endings For the 3rd conjugation*: Present _________ __________ Personal Endings Stem + e +Present For the 4th conjugation*: Present _________ __________ am Present - _______ e *Except for the 1st person sg.: _______ + ______ Stem 2. servābit is in the FUTURE tense What verb does this come from? servō, servāre, servāvī What is its conjugation? 1st What is the PRESENT STEM? servā- What is the ending of this verb? -t How does this verb look different than the Present tense? Adding –bi inbetween Present Stem and Personal Ending How is it translated? he/she/it will preserve Formulae for Forming the Future Tense Present Personal Stem + ______ bi For the 1st and 2nd conjugations*: Present ________ + _____ Endings *Except for the 1st person sg.: ___________________ Stem + Present Personal Endings For the 3rd conjugation*: Present _________ __________ Personal Endings Stem + e +Present For the 4th conjugation*: Present _________ __________ am Present - _______ e *Except for the 1st person sg.: _______ + ______ Stem 4. manēbō is in the FUTURE tense What verb does this come from? maneō, manēre, mansī What is its conjugation? 2nd What is the PRESENT STEM? manē- What is the ending of this verb? -ō How does this verb look different than the Present tense? Adding a ‘b’ between the Present Stem and the Personal Ending How is it translated? I will remain Formulae for Forming the Future Tense Present Personal Stem + ______ bi For the 1st and 2nd conjugations*: Present ________ + _____ Endings No ‘i’ before ‘ō’ *Except for the 1st person sg.: ___________________ Stem + Present Personal Endings For the 3rd conjugation*: Present _________ __________ Personal Endings Stem + e +Present For the 4th conjugation*: Present _________ __________ am Present - _______ e *Except for the 1st person sg.: _______ + ______ Stem Conjugate gerō, gerere, gessī (carry; wear; wage) in the FUTURE tense. 3rd conjugation Person 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person Latin Form (SING.) geram geres geret English Translation Latin Form English Translation (PLURAL) geremus we will carry you will carry geretis you all will carry he/she/it will carry gerent I will carry REMEMBER – 1 A, 5 E’s they will carry Objective: To be able to identify and translate future tense verbs Do Now: XII/VII/MMXII 1. Take out a black/blue pen for your quiz. 2. When you are finished with your quiz, raise your hand and I will collect it. 3. When you are done, take out your HW for collection and wait for a worksheet from me. 4. Complete your Conjugating the Future Tense worksheet and turn it in to me before the end of the recitation. 5. If you finish early, begin to organize your binder. 6. HOMEWORK #33: Binder Check on Monday • Translatiō exam next FRIDAY 12/14 Objective: To be able to use steps to annotate and translate a Latin passage Do Now: XII/X/MMXII 1. Wait to receive back your ‘Growing Crackers’ translation 2. Take 2 worksheets: 1. Verb Synopses (HW) 2. Annotation & Translation: A Step-By-Step Process 3. Write out this sentence at the top of your notebook and THINK about the steps you would take to translate: 1. Ulixes tectum in insulā Ithacae cupit. 4. HOMEWORK #34: Verb Synopsis • Translatiō exam FRIDAY 12/14 Step 1: Identify the Verb Look through the sentence and find the verbs (usually at the end of the clause). If you have a conjunction (sed but, et and), divide the sentence into CLAUSES (each clause has 1 verb). Ex. Ulixes tectum in insulā Ithacae cupit. VERB Step 2: Translate the Verb UNDERLINE and fully TRANSLATE the VERB. Ex. cupit = he/she/it wants Translating the verb will tell you: what the sentence/clause is about (ex. wanting something, probably that someone doesn’t have) who its subject is (I, you, he/she/it, we, you all, or they) (ex. he/she/it) whether or not there is a direct object (see Step 4). (yes, he wants something) For a LINKING VERB (sum, esse), double underline. You will not find a direct object, but there may be a predicate nominative. Step 3: Find the Subject a) Find and CIRCLE the SUBJECT in the nominative case. Remember, if the verb is singular, your subject will be singular. If the verb is plural, your subject will be plural. Check from the beginning of the clause. b) Try also to find any adjectives or other modifiers (e.g. genitive nouns) and translate them with the subject. c) If there is NO subject, it is either understood, or taken from a previous sentence or clause. d) BUILD your TRANSLATION by combining subject and verb. Ex. Ulixes cupit = Odysseus wants Step 4: Find the Direct Object/Predicate Nominative a) If the verb is an action, it may take a DIRECT OBJECT in the accusative case. If so, find and BOX it (and any modifiers). b) If the verb is a linking verb, look for another noun in the nominative, a predicate nominative, and CIRCLE it. c) BUILD your TRANSLATION by combining subject, verb, and direct object (or predicate nominative). Ex. Ulixes tectum cupit = Odysseus wants a home) Step 5: Annotate and Translate the Rest of the Sentence/Clause a) Annotate (PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES) by drawing an open parenthesis around the preposition and a close around the object of the preposition/the noun that follows (in either the accusative or ablative, depending on the prep). BUILD your TRANSLATION by including the prepositional phrase Ex. Ulixes tectum in insulā cupit = Odysseus wants a home on an island) b) Annotate GENITIVE nouns by “hooking” them to the nouns (or pronouns) they show possession with. BUILD your TRANSLATION by including the genitive noun. Ex. Ulixes tectum in insulā Ithacae cupit = Odysseus wants a home on an the island of Ithaca.) Final Check Read it over to yourself- out loud or in your head. Ask yourself, “does what I’ve written make sense?” Ask yourself “Is there an idiom?” “Have I chosen the best definitions based on context?” “Do I know what’s going on in the passage?” Objective: To be able to use steps to annotate and translate a Latin passage Do Now: XII/XI/MMXII 1. Take out your HW (Verb Synopses) for inspection 2. Take out your Annotation & Translation: A Step-By-Step Process worksheet from yesterday 3. Take out your new Annotation & Translation worksheet 4. HOMEWORK #35: Finish corrections for your ‘Growing Crackers’ translation • Translatiō exam FRIDAY 12/14 Graecus, –ī Greek Trōiānus, -ī Trojan Exerceāmus! Step 1: Graecī cum Trōiānīs bellum gerent sed in tectō manēbō. will sed but in tectō I will remain Step 2: Graecī cum Trōiānīs bellumthey gerent wage/carry manēbō. The Greeks they will but wage/carry I will remain but will wage/carr y I will remain Step 3: Graecī cum Trōiānīs bellum gerent sed in tectō manēbō. The Greeks war Step 4: Graecī cum Trōiānīs bellum gerent sed in tectō Objective: To be able to use steps to annotate and translate a Latin passage Do Now: XII/XI/MMXII 1. Take out your HW (Verb Synopses) for inspection 2. Take out your Annotation & Translation: A Step-By-Step Process worksheet from yesterday 3. Take out your new Annotation & Translation worksheet 4. HOMEWORK #35: Finish corrections for your ‘Growing Crackers’ translation • Translatiō exam FRIDAY 12/14 Verb Synopses 3rd Conjugation mittimus mittēbāmus ‘we’ we send we used to send, we were sending mittemus we will send mīsimus we sent Verb Synopses 2nd conjugation ‘you all’ manētis manēbātis you all remain you all were remaining, you all used to remain manēbitis you all will remain mānsistis you all remained Exerceāmus! (Let’s Practice) Complete the translation building exercise on the back side of your worksheet “Tū Exerceās!” with your GROUP members Copy down the sentence and steps in your notes, but I will only collect 1 copy from you When you are done, raise your hand from a check from me NEXT UP: Wait to receive back your Conjugating the Future Tense worksheet Make corrections in red pen Objective: To be able to identify and translate nouns in the dative case Do Now: XII/XII/MMXII 1. Take a new Dative Case handout 2. Fill in the chart at the bottom of your dative case worksheet with ALL CASE ENDINGS except for those for the dative case 3. Write out the bolded sentence from your translation at the top of your notes HOMEWORK #35: Make flashcards for the starred words on your DATIVE case handout. VOCAB QUIZ on these words tomorrow. • Translatiō exam FRIDAY 12/14 eum domino Scyrī dabō. STEPS 1 and 2: dabō = I will give STEP 3: Subject is “I”. No nominatives STEP 4: eum = him STEP 5: Scyrī = gen., of Scyros dominō = ? I will give him ___master of Scryos I will give him TO the master of Scryos DATIVE CASE = to/for _______ Answers the question “to/for WHOM is the action of the verb done?” Annotate and translate the story ‘Achilles’ on looseleaf paper. Fill in the DATIVE endings as they appear Pay attention to the 2 exceptions that appear at the bottom of the chart. Fill your other DATIVE case endings in accordingly. Objective: To be able to identify and translate nouns in the dative case Do Now: XII/XIII/MMXII 1. Take out a black/blue pen for your vocabulary quiz 2. Take a copy of the Translatiō grading rubric 3. When you are done, take out your Dative case worksheet 1. Fill in the chart at the bottom of your dative case worksheet with ALL CASE ENDINGS except for those for the dative case 2. Complete your translation of the Latin passage “Achilles” with your groups members HOMEWORK #35: STUDY your VERB AND NOUN endings for your Translatiō exam TOMORROW 12/14 Objective: To be able to identify and translate nouns in the dative case Do Now: XII/XIII/MMXII 1. Take out a black/blue pen for your vocabulary quiz 2. When you are done, take a copy of the 1. Translatiō grading rubric 2. The Dative case worksheet and your translation 3. Fill in the chart at the bottom of your dative case worksheet with ALL CASE ENDINGS except for those for the dative case 4. Complete your translation of the Latin passage “Achilles” with your groups members HOMEWORK #35: STUDY your VERB AND NOUN endings for your Translatiō exam TOMORROW 12/14 ubi Thetis dominō causam dedit, Lycomēdes nymphae magnae vōtum fēcit. (lines 8-9) When Thetis gave the reason TO THE MASTER, Lycomēdes made a promise TO THE GREAT NYMPH. dominō = dat. masc. sing. nymphae magnae = dat. fem. sing. filiīs** Lycomēdis puerum dedit et cum eīs Achilles habitābat. (lines 10-11) She gave the boy TO THE DAUGHTERS of Lycomedes and Achilles was living (lived) with them. filiīs = dat. pl. fem. DATIVE Case Endings -a -us/er -ī -ārum -ī -ōrum -ae -īs -ō -īs -ō -īs -am -ās -um -ōs -um -a -ā -īs -ō -ō -īs -a -ae -ae -īs -um -ī -ōrum Term 2 Translatiō Exam Write your final version in PEN You may take out a piece of looseleaf to use as scrap paper. Remember the first and last lines (underlined) have been translated for you already. You have the entire recitation to complete your exam. Objective: DWBAT organize vocabulary according to parts of speech; compose Latin sentences XII/XVIII/MMXII Do Now: 1. 2. Take a Term 2 Vocabulary List 4 1. Organize the list alphabetically AND by parts of speech 2. Come up with as many English derivatives and Latin synonyms as you can (I will collect 1 per group) Take a Sentence Composition: Infinitives worksheet 1. Work with you table members. (I will collect 1 per group at random.) HOMEWORK #43: Make flashcards for your Term 2 Vocab List 4. Quiz on Thursday. Objective: DWBAT translate passages with and identify dative case nouns XII/XVIII/MMXII Do Now: 1. Take out your flashcards for the starred words from Iphigenia handout 2. Wait to receive back your Table’s translation and worksheet 1. Make any corrections you see marked in red 2. Finish your translation and dative noun chart for final collection by the end of the recitation 3. If you finish early, you may begin your next assignment (Reading Comprehension for Achilles) HOMEWORK #43: Practice and Vocabulary Worksheet. Vocab quiz tomorrow. Factiōnēs Scores Table # 1st and 2nd Person Personal Pronouns (10) TOTAL (82) I 10 54 3rd II 9 52 4th III ? 45 IV 4 64 6th 1st VI 3 43 7th VII 10 49 5th VIII 7 56 2nd Objective: DWBAT identify and translate 1st and 2nd person personal pronouns Do Now: I/XV/MMXIII 1. Take out your 1st and 2nd Person Personal Pronouns handout from yesterday 2. Wait to receive back your Table’s graded work from yesterday and make corrections with your table members HOMEWORK #50: STUDY for a QUIZ on 1st and 2nd Personal Pronouns tomorrow! Come up with 2 topics you’d like to have more practice with before the IA Consult your Midterm and IA review packet (I/VIII/MMXIII) for a list of topics ‘nōs multa et dura percīcula oppetīvimus’ Aeneas, Anchises, et Ascanius ‘tu es fīlius deae. quō modō ad Afrīcam aut meum in rēgnum vēnistī? quid mihi tē mīsit? nesciō, sed vōs, tē et Trōiānōs vestrōs, accipiēmus; vōbiscum* patriam nostram consociābimus.’ egō meī mihi tu tē tē nōs nōbis vōs vobis Exerceāmus! Translate the following underlined words and phrases into Latin 1. Aeneas says to Dido, ‘You have heard the story of us’ nostrūm/nostrī tū 1. Dido says to Aeneas, ‘I will give help to you’ egō tibi 1. Dido says to the Trojans, ‘Tell your story to me!’ ‘Dicite vestram fabulam mihi!’ 1. The Trojans say to Dido, ‘We beg you- share your kingdom with us!’ Objective: DWBAT exhibit mastery of concepts learned in Term 2 through IA review Do Now: I/XVI/MMXIII 1. Take out a blue/black pen and a red pen for your quiz 2. Take out a piece of looseleaf and write your heading on it 3. Number your looseleaf from 1-4, leave 2 blanks for each number (8 blanks total) HOMEWORK #50: COMPLETE pages 1-9 of your IA Review Packet QUIZ- 1st and 2nd Person Personal Pronouns Translate the following underlined words and phrases into LATIN 1. Aeneas says to Dido, ‘You have heard the story of me’ meī tu 1. Dido says to the Trojans, ‘I will give help to you’ egō vōbis 1. Dido says to the Trojans, ‘You all should tell your story to me!’ mihi!’ vōs 1. The Trojans say to Aeneas, ‘Give help to us! We beg you!’ nōbis tē Term 2 IA Review Packet Once you are done with your IA Review Packet pgs. 19, raise your hand for your Answer Key Use the remainder of the recitation to work on your IA Review Packet Translation and Reading Comp (pgs. 10-12) Work silently and independently. Raise your hand if you have a question for me. If I am speaking with another discipulus/a, please move on in your packet and wait patiently until I am available. Term 2 IA Format All questions will be based on 2 passages: Passage 1- 75-100 words on about the 2nd Punic War Passage 2- 75-100 words on any topic from Roman history/culture 50 multiple choice questions, 45 on grammar, 5 on culture/history Noun ID- 8-12 questions using the numbered chart Synopsis- on verb forms, taken from the passages or created from your vocabulary list Synopsis- on infinitives and participles Translation- 4-6 sentences from the 2 passages Term 2 IA Review Packet Use the remainder of the recitation to complete you IA Review packet. Complete it to the best of your ability without using your notes. If you cannot complete a section, move on. If you’re unsure of something, star it and come back. When you finish, consult your notes to check your answers. If you have a question, raise your hand and I will come over to you. Take out your Ablative Absolute worksheet for inspection