Validity and Reliability & Context Clues Warm-Up

Validity, Reliability, and Context
Clues Weekly Warm-up
using Busting Up Bullying 1100L
Day 1
Read paragraphs 1-3 of the article Busting Up
Bullying 1100L. Underline three or four of the
most important words in each of those
Note-Taking on the Computer
• How are we going to do it?
“Chunk” the text.
Create subtitles for each “chunk.”
Underline/ highlight the two to four most
important words in each “chunk.”
Bullying Victim to Superhero
Day 2
Warm-Up: Take a copy of the article and a ¼ sheet.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
1. Underline a sentence from paragraphs 1, 2, or 3 that provides
the best evidence that bullying has been around for a long time?
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
2. Underline a sentence in the text that is most closely related to
the idea that bullies are most likely bigger or stronger than
someone they bully.
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
3. Look at the word antiquated in paragraph 3. Find context clues
in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 to determine what you think antiquated
means. Write your own definition for antiquated using context
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
1. Which sentence from the text provides the best evidence that
bullying has been around for a long time?
A. Bullying is an important topic of conversation in all schools.
B. One of his jobs was to protect America from the onslaught of
the biggest gang of bullies the world had ever known, the
C. In the early 1940s, a comic book character named Steve
Rogers was introduced as a young man who was a frequent
victim of bullying.
D. Still, Captain America has stood the test of time to provide for
the world a symbol of strength, honor, courage, nobility and
ethical reasoning.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
2. Which of the following sentences in most closely related to the
idea that bullies are most likely bigger or stronger than someone
they bully.
A. While Captain America was fictional, the Nazis were not.
B. Bullying is “using your power, over an extended period of
time, to hurt someone emotionally or physically.”
C. Steve volunteered for a secret government experiment,
turning him into the world’s first “Super Soldier,” Captain
D. There have always been people who feel the need to prove
themselves by putting others down, both literally and
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
3. Read the following sentence:
The antiquated idea that bullying is nothing more than the big
kid taking the little one’s lunch money must be replaced with
the more inclusive, serious reality that bullying is a pervading
theme in our schools and society at large.
Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to
A. old
B. recent
C. creative
D. physical
Day 2
Warm-Up: Take a copy of the article and a ¼ sheet.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
1. Reread paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4. Write one sentence of your
own that can be proven by information from the paragraphs.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
2. Underline a sentence from paragraphs 4, 5, or 6 that is most
closely related to the idea that Steve Rogers was a good model
for everyday teens who may be victims of bullying.
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
3. Look at the word detrimental in paragraph 4. Find context
clues to determine what you think detrimental means. Write your
own definition for detrimental using context clues.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
4. Which statement is best supported by the information in this
article? (paragraphs 1-4)
A. When one person is bullied, it is likely that he will bully others
in the future.
B. Bullying cannot be halted because not enough people are
willing to take a stand for justice.
C. Bullying is a serious problem that requires teamwork from
victims, adults and others to overcome.
D. There are two problems with bullying and their effect on a
victim’s self esteem can be devastating.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
5. Which of the following sentences is most closely related to the
idea that Steve Rogers was a good model for everyday teens who
may be victims of bullying?
A. In the face of injustice, Captain America was designed to be a
defender of liberty.
B. Steve was a small young man growing up in New York and felt
the pressures of the crowd as do many teens today.
C. Steve was chosen to be injected with the Super Soldier serum
because he would know how to use the strength it provided.
D. When he was transformed into a man with incredible
strength, he was a model for character, nobility, honor and
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
6. Read the following sentence:
Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It
devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can
lead to serious anxiety and depression.
Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to
Day 3
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
1. Underline sentences from the article that provide the best
evidence that Steve Rogers was capable of making good decisions.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
2. Underline a statement that is most closely related to the idea
that a major part of dealing with bullying is teaching young people
how to treat each others appropriately. (paragraphs 6, 7 or 8)
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
3. Read the following sentence:
The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to
get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young
people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle.
Use context clues to write your own definition for encompasses.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
7. Which sentence from the article provides the least evidence
that Steve Rogers was capable of making appropriate decisions?
A. He knew when to take on a challenge and when to walk away.
B. In the face of injustice, Captain America was designed to be a
defender of liberty.
C. Steve was chosen to be injected with the Super Soldier serum
because he would know how to use the strength it provided.
D. When he was transformed into a man with incredible
strength, he was a model for character, nobility, honor and
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
8. Which of the following statements is most closely related to the
idea that a major part of dealing with bullying is teaching young
people how to treat each other appropriately.
A. Bullying and hatred go hand in hand.
B. Someone who bullies is often simply modeling a learned
C. When trying to stop the bullying epidemic, a fundamental
element is emphasizing the need to treat one another with
D. Both (bullying and hatred) begin when one person judges
another and believes that the other person is “less” than he or
she is.
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
9. Read the following sentence:
The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to
get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young
people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle.
Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to
A. behaves like
B. excludes
C. follows
D. includes
Day 4
Warm-Up: Take a copy of the article and a ¼ sheet of paper.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
1. Underline or star evidence that supports the idea that
sometimes, witnesses of bullying just choose to ignore it?
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
2. Underline or star a statement related to the idea that Steve
Rogers was not only concerned about helping himself.
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
3. Read the following sentence:
Such an atrocity begins in our hearts and minds.
Use context clues to determine a meaning for the word atrocity.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
10. Which of the following provides the best evidence that
sometimes, people just choose to ignore bullying?
A. Many didn’t want to get involved, while perhaps others were
just glad it wasn’t happening to them.
B. Both (bullying and hatred) begin when one person judges
another and believes that the other person is “less” than he or
she is.
C. In an event of history named the Holocaust, this ruler
orchestrated the killing of an estimated 6,000,000 Jewish
people in Europe.
D. Although school bullies probably don’t intend to take their
victimization beyond the level of physical or verbal abuse,
bullying begins with the same seed of hatred.
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
11. Which of the following statements is most closely related to the
idea that Steve Rogers was not only concerned about helping
A. He stood tall and protected the rights of others.
B. He knew when to take on a challenge and when to walk away.
C. His strengths allowed him to escape the persecution of being
D. Steve was a small young man growing up in New York and felt
the pressures of the crowd as do many teens today.
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
12. Read the following sentence:
Such an atrocity begins in our hearts and minds.
Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to
atrocity ?
A. evil act
B. beauty
C. location
D. difference
Day 5
Test using the Technical Extension from the
820L Unit: “Bullying and Mob Mentality”
Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2)
1. Which sentence from the text provides the best evidence that when people are around
others, they might become more likely to be bullies?
A. And the larger the group, the more the chance for violence.
B. The Internet creates a perfect environment for group behavior.
C. It is not only humans who make decisions based on the actions of others.
D. This theory states that an individual may behave and even think differently when part of
a group.
2. Which sentence from the article best supports the idea that it does not take many people
to influence a big group?
A. It’s human nature to want to be accepted by “the group.”
B. Cyberbullying uses technology to hurt, threaten, or embarrass someone.
C. Crowd behavior, or “mob mentality,” magnifies the beliefs, emotions, and actions of a
D. And through the study of human migration, they found that a minority of five percent
of a group’s members can influence the rest of a group.
3. Which statement is best supported by the information in this article?
A. “Mobs” are something that have just become popular in recent years.
B. People’s attitudes about others can spread from person to person, affecting the
behavior of crowds of people.
C. When scientists studied other species, they found that animals are not influenced by
other animals in their groups.
D. People don’t often use the internet to bully others because they don’t want their
comments to be anonymous (no one knows who they are).
4. Which of the following statements is most closely related to the idea that people often
act like the people they are around?
A. People tend to adopt the beliefs and actions of the group.
B. This theory states that group behaviors and ideas develop slowly.
C. It is not only humans who make decisions based on the actions of others.
D. This theory states that an individual may behave and even think differently when
part of a group.
5. Which of the following statements is most closely related to the idea that sometimes
people act like those in the mob just to fit in?
A. The larger the Mob, the more damaging their actions.
B. Others may act like they have a bullying mindset in order to be part of the group.
C. They may try to intimidate someone, or make it look like someone else is out to hurt
D. Crowd behavior, or “mob mentality,” magnifies the beliefs, emotions, and actions of a
6. Which of the following sentences provides the LEAST evidence that during the Holocaust
many German citizens participated in the murder of Jews only because they felt the
pressure of the crowd?
A. Members of the Mob might recognize themselves in each other.
B. They will often change their individual beliefs to be accepted by the crowd.
C. Others may act like they have a bullying mindset in order to be part of the group.
D. First, contagion theory states that the spread of mood and behavior is contagious,
much like catching a cold.
Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3)
7. Read the following sentence:
But is it possible that every Nazi was intent on murder?
Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to intent?
A. inside
B. against
C. powerful
D. going along with
8. Read the following sentence:
Often, though, this groupthink leads to actions and decisions that are not ideal.
Which of the following phrases is most similar in meaning to groupthink?
A. when all individuals in a crowd believe the same thing
B. when a crowd is forced to believe the thoughts of others.
C. when individual people assemble against their will for the benefit of others
D. when an individual does not go along with the group for fear of how they will
9. Read the following sentence:
Its effects are equal in frequency and severity to in-person bullying.
Which of the following phrases is most similar in meaning to severity?
10. Read the following sentence:
Mob mentality magnifies their behavior, which can then spiral into more and more
attacks and violence.
Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to the phrase spiral into?
11. Read the following sentence:
Crowd behavior, or “mob mentality,” magnifies the beliefs, emotions, and actions of a
Which of the following definitions is most similar in meaning to mob mentality?
A. the way an entire group of people thinks
B. the creativity of an entire group of people
C. the manner in which a group of people is led
D. a plan developed by someone to overtake a group