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Week of March 15, 2010
This week’s Sentence:
• we read the novel the giver which was written
by lois lowry and then we wrote an essay
about it
Day One
we – nominative pro.
read – action verb
the – article
novel – common noun
the giver – proper noun
which – relative pro.
was – helping verb
written – action verb
by - preposition
lois lowry – proper noun
and – coordinating conj.
then - adverb
we – nominative pro.
wrote – action verb
an - article
essay – common noun
about - preposition
it – objective pro.
Day Two
• we read the novel (the giver) which (was written) (by
lois lowry) and then we wrote an essay (about it)
(the giver) – appositive phrase
(was written) – verb phrase
(by lois lowry) – prepositional phrase
(about it) – prepositional phrase
[we read the novel (the giver)] – independent clause
[which was written (by lois lowry)] – dependent clause
[then we wrote an essay (about it)] – independ. clause
Day Three
[we read VT the novel (the giver)] [which was
Written VI (by lois lowry)] and [then we wroteVT
an essay (about it)]
Day Four
• We read the novel The Giver, which was written by Lois
Lowry, and then we wrote an essay about it.
• First words of a sentence and proper nouns are always
• Titles of major works are underlined.
• A dependent clause placed in the middle of two
independent clauses should be set off in commas.
• This sentence is declarative.
• 2 independent clauses + 1 dependent clause =
Compound – Complex Sentence
Day Five