Short Stories_2

Tuesday, Jan.28
• Nuts and Bolts
• Attendance
• Expectations
• Seating Chart
• Library for SSR Book
• You will have 15 minutes of Silent
Sustained Reading at the beginning of
each class.
• Bring Text book, SSR book, and journal
Wednesday, Jan 29
• In your journals answer the following
questions in complete sentences:
1. What is “game” as is relates to hunting?
2. What is suspense?
3. What is a trap? Are all traps physical?
4. What are your views on hunting? Does it
matter if it’s for sport or survival?
5. What do you think this story will be
Thursday, Jan. 30
• Silent Sustained Reading
• Begin reading “The Most Dangerous
Game” p. 13
• Answer questions on the next slides in
your journals.
Questions as we Read
1. How does Rainsford feel about the animals
he hunts?
2. Why are the sailors troubled as they
approach Ship Trap Island?
3. Why is the island called Ship Trap Island?
4. What is the abrupt sound that startles
Rainsford as he reclines in a steamer chair?
5. How does Rainsford arrive at the mysterious
Friday, Jan. 31
• Summarize SSR reading in your journal
• Vocabulary words—write the word and
definition in your journal. Then write a sentence
for each word. (Many definitions are in the text
at the bottom of the page.)
• Continue reading “The Most Dangerous Game.”
Vocabulary List 1
1. Indolently
2. Palpable
3. Disarming
4. Amenities
5. Imprudent
6. Scruples
7. Solicitously
8. Opiate
9. Deplorable
Monday, Feb. 3
Continue Reading “Game” and answering questions (next
Questions Part 2
6. Describe the building that Rainsford
7. Describe General Zaroff’s physical
8. Describe Zaroff’s personality.
9. How does the reader know that Zaroff is
an intelligent and sophisticated man?
10.Who is Ivan?
Tuesday, February 4
• Crossword
• Continue with story
Wednesday, Feb. 5
• Review Vocabulary
• Continue “The Most Dangerous Game”
Questions Part 3
11. How does General Zaroff justify hunting
and killing humans?
12. How does he stock his island with
13. Explain the rules of the hunt.
14.According to Zaroff, why is Rainsford the
“ideal” prey?
15.Where does Rainsford spend the first
night of his hunt?
Questions, Part 4
16. In spite of being hurt, why does Zaroff
congratulate Rainsford on his cleverness?
17.What happened to Lazarus?
18.How can the reader tell who won the
final encounter between Rainsford and
19.Do you think Rainsford’s attitude
towards hunting changes through the
20. Do you agree with Zaroff that “instinct is no match for
reason?” Why or why not?
21. Zaroff calls himself “civilized.” What do you think he means
by that?
22. What does the description “civilized” mean to you?
Thursday, Feb. 6
• SSR—15 minutes
• Journal Contents (next slide)
• Finish Questions on Most Dangerous Game
• Study for vocabulary test
Journal 1 Contents—50 pts.
Pre-reading questions--5
Questions as we read--25
Friday, February 7
Because of the short period, SSR is after the test
Vocabulary Test
New Words
SSR—summarize week’s reading in your reading journal
I will take journals on Monday
Vocabulary List 2
1. Debacle
7. Furtively
8. Imperative
9. Deft
Monday, Feb. 10
• New Words?
• Answer questions 1-6 on p.29
• Quiz on Wednesday on story
• Turn in journals
Tuesday, Feb.11
• Finish Questions 1-6 on P.29
• Extended Questions
• Test on “The Most Dangerous Game”
Wednesday, Feb. 12
• Test on “Most Dangerous Game”
• Bring Reading book tomorrow for book report
Thursday, Feb. 13
• In-class book review
Tuesday, February 18
• Work on Book Reviews
• Read
Wednesday, February 19
• Finish Book Reviews
• Vocabulary Review/ Crossword
• Read
Thursday, February 20
• Journal Contents for tomorrow
• Journal: How can nature threaten human
life? Have you ever been in a threatening
situation caused by nature? How did you
feel and cope? In what recent events did
nature threaten life? (2/3 page)
• Vocabulary Test Tomorrow
Journal 2 Contents—40 pts.
Vocabulary Definitions—10
Vocabulary Sentences—10
Questions 1-6 p.29—10
Today’s Journal write—10
Friday, Feb. 21
• Vocabulary Test
• Write New Words and definitions in your
• Use each in a sentence.
• Turn in journals
Vocabulary List 3
Allocate—to set aside for a specific purpose
Ascetic—rigorous abstinent, austere
Beguile—to influence by trickery; to mislead
Crass—unrefined, gross
Defray—to pay for
Dint—force, power
Enjoin—to direct or order to do something
Envoy—messenger, an agent of a government
Interloper—one who intrudes into a situation; a
10. Vicarious– experience through the actions of feelings of
another; acting done for another
Monday, 24 February
• Begin Reading “The Birds” p.47
• In your journals write the definition of
• The use of clues to hint at events that will
come later.
• Answer questions 1-10
Tuesday, February 25
• Scheduling
Wednesday, February 26
• Library?
• Crossword Puzzle
• Read “The Birds”
• Answer Questions
“The Birds”—
answer in complete sentences
1. What is your first impression of Nat Hocken? (47)
2. What is the alliteration in the first paragraph on p. 48?
What is its effect?
3. What does the image of the man on the tractor with
the birds foreshadow? What is the effect of this
4. On p. 49 we learn that his cabin does not have
electricity. What does that indicate about his
5. What dramatic effect does the sudden disappearance
of the birds have? (50)
6. How does Nat rationalize the birds’ strange behavior?
7. What does the simile “the east wind, like a razor” say
about the wind? (51)
8. How does the writer describe the winter and what is
the effect?
9. How do Mrs. Trigg and Jim react to Nat’s story about
the birds?(52)
10. What textual evidence provides proof of their
Thursday, February 27
• Library for Read 180 Test
• Journal Contents
Journal Contents—20 pts
• Vocabulary Sentences—10
• 10 Questions on “The Birds”
Friday, February 28
• SSR/ Review for test
• Vocabulary 3 Test
• New Words
Vocabulary List 4
1. Deposition—removal from an office or position
2. Discursive—rambling; aimlessly moving from one
subject to another
3. Disdain--scorn
4. Epigram—witty saying
5. Veracity—truthfulness; integrity
6. Ultimatum—final demand
7. Wry—twisted, crooked
8. Curate—to organize or manage exhibits (as in a
9. Ethereal—airy; light; delicate
10. Pedantic—showy about knowledge
Monday, March 3
• Continue Story
• Questions
11. Nat is not able to bury the birds because the wind
sweeps them away. What might this symbolize ?(53)
12. To what are the gulls likened?
13. (54) What kind of person is Nat revealing himself to
be. Why do you think this?
14. What does Nat seem to think about how others are
responding to the birds? (54-5)
15. How has Nat’s explanation of the birds’ behavior
changed? (56-7)
16. What is most frightening about the attack of the birds
on P. 59?
17. Page 60: How do the sound descriptions affect the
18. Page 61-62: Why do you feel Nat hides his growing
concern from his wife?
19. If you were in Nat’s place, would you conceal or share
your feelings with your partner?
20. What to the plane crashes seem to indicate?
21. Page 63: What qualities do you think Nat most values?
Tuesday, March 4
• Finish Story
• Finish Questions
22.Page 64: What details does the author use that make
the birds’ presence increasingly repulsive?
•Page 66-67:
23. Why do you think Nat’s wife is not given a name?
24. What new organizational tactic is being employed by
the birds?
25. When Nat thinks of moving his family, what possibility
does he acknowledge for the first time?
•Page 68
26. Why is the failure of the BBC to broadcast the 7 am
news so disturbing?
27. What might the appearance of the land birds mean?
•Page 69
28. What symbolic meaning does the damaged telephone
29. What does Nat think the “Triggs would understand”?
30. What does his wife understand?
31. What does Nat think has happened to the children?
32. What is the closing mood of the story? How do you
33. What do you think happens next to Nat and his family?
34. How do the BBC radio announcements create suspense
as the story progresses?
35. Why do you think Du Maurier chose birds to be the
attackers in this story?
Wednesday, March 5
• Answer Questions 1-7 under Making Meanings”
on p. 73
• Crossword
Thursday, March 6
• Journal Contents
• Test on “The Birds” (open book)
• Vocabulary Test Tomorrow
• Journals due tomorrow
Friday, March 7
• SSR/ Review for Vocabulary Test
• Vocabulary Test
• New Words
Vocabulary 5 List
1. Pedantic—showy about knowledge
2. Quail—cower; shrink in fear
3. Rhetorical—used for style
4. Fatuous—foolish
5. Febrile—feverish
6. Gambol—to skip, dance
7. Concave—curved inward
8. Exalted—noble; sublime
9. Servile—slavish; submissive
10. Countenance—face; expression on the face
Monday, March 10
• SSR—15 minutes
• Complete Journals and turn in
• Vocabulary Test Friday with 20 words—10 last
week; 10 this week
Journal Contents
• Vocabulary Sentences—10
• Questions on The Birds 11-32—25
• Questions from Book—10
Tuesday, 11 March
• SSR – 15 min.
• Open Book test on story
Wednesday, 12 March
• SSR—15 minutes
• Crossword/ flashcards
• Usage exercises
Thursday, 13 March
• Usage Exercises
• Vocabulary Test Tomorrow
• No Journals tomorrow—unless you did not
turn it in last time.
Friday, March 14
• SSR or Study for test
• Vocabulary Test
• New Words—write a sentence for
each in your journal
Vocabulary List 6
1. Accentuate
8. Introspective
2. Ambiguous
9. Provocative
3. Comprehensive 10.Vernacular
4. Felicitous
5. Impregnable
6. Inception
7. Intricacy
Monday, March 17
• SSR—15 min
• Vocabulary packet
• Read selection aloud
• Complete exercises 2 and 3
• Compare definitions with ones they
Tuesday, March 18
• SSR– 15 minutes
• Journal write: Why do people turn out
“good” or “bad”? List factors that affect
the way people turn out.
• Read aloud “Thank you Maam” by
Langston Hughes (p. 120)
• Report directly to the Career Center on
Wednesday & Thursday
Wednesday, March 19
• To Career Center for Career Cruising
Thursday, March 20
• Career Center for Career Cruising
Friday, March 21
• Read pages 120-127 in text
• Answer questions on story p.127 1-8
• Vocabulary Crossword
• Test Monday
• Journals due Monday
• Vocabulary Sentences (lists 5 and 6)
• Questions on story
Monday, 24 March
• SSR– 15 minutes or review for test
• Vocabulary Test
• New Words
• Turn in journals
• Vocabulary Sentences (lists 5 and 6)
• Journal write: What makes a person turn
out good or bad?
• Questions on story (p. 127, 1-6)
End of 2014
“Poison” by Roald Dahl
• Read the story to your self.
• As you read, answer the questions in your journal.
Wednesday, Dec. 12
• Sentence to correct:
nj is a great place to visit but i wouldnt want to live
their (7 changes)
• Finish questions on “Poison”
• Vocabulary Crossword
Thursday, Dec. 13
• Sentence to correct:
• In new jersey the winter’s are two cold for me
(6 changes)
• In your journals,
• Answer “Reviewing the Text” p. 87
• Answer “Making Meanings” (omit #3)
Friday, Dec. 14
• Sentence to correct:
• tanya and raymond were discussing the conflict in
poison (5 changes)
• Complete Open Book “Test”
• Review for vocabulary test Monday
• Journals due Monday
Journal 12 Contents—68 points
Vocabulary Sentences—15
Questions on “Poison”—25
Paragraph (26)—5
Reviewing the Text—5
Making Meanings (complete answers)—18
Monday, Dec. 17
• Sentence to correct:
• sometimes i was irritated that my grandmother
made us conformed to rigid rules
• Vocabulary Test
• New Words for after break
• Turn in Journals
Vocabulary List 13
Concave—curved inward
Exalted—noble; sublime
Servile—slavish; submissive
Countenance—face; expression on the face
Vex(ed)—to irritate
Conception—idea; thought
Cogitation—serious thought; meditation
Fawn—to get favor through flattery
11. Aught—anything at all
12. Chafe(ing)—to rub against
13. Buffet—to struggle against
14. Sinew—tendon; muscular power
15. Recount—tell; narrate
16. Entreat—beg
17. Wrought—formed; shaped
18. Seduce(d)—to persuade to do wrong
19. Conjoint(ly)—united
20. Construe—to interpret
Tuesday, Dec. 18
• Sentence to correct:
• now im aware of how lucky it is to have family
members who shows there concern (6 changes)
• Read “The Gift of the Magi” on p. 202
• Complete the Study Guide
Wednesday, Dec. 19—Happy
• Complete the Study Guide
• In your journals, unscramble the following holiday words
(extra credit):