Collateral Valuations

OTCLite Webinar
EMIR Collateral and Valuation Reporting
V1.2 updated
31May14 1
Regulatory Overview
Reporting start date for Collateral and Valuation is August 11th 2014
Derivative contracts still outstanding on 11th August 2014
– must include information pertaining to collateral and valuation as from that date;
– need not include information pertaining to collateral and valuation prior to that date.
Contracts that are terminated before 11th August 2014 need not include
information pertaining to collateral or valuations.
Collateral and valuations must be reported on a daily basis by financial
counterparties and non-financial counterparties who exceed their clearing
threshold as referred to in Article 10(3).
Participants can delegate reporting of collateral and valuation to their
counterparties or a third party provider.
Collateral and valuation is reported as Counterparty data therefore,
counterparties do not need to agree the data reported.
Trade Valuation Reporting
Trade valuations must be submitted to GTR daily. Submissions can be made to GTR intraday or at the end of day.
No calculation will be performed on valuations and the latest report, based on the as of
date time, will be considered the current valuation for that day.
Valuation data can be submitted using any of the following messages*:
Valuation message
Position message
With reference to transactions cleared by a CCP, valuations should be reported on a daily
basis at position level, as maintained and valued by the CCP.
For Non-Financial counterparties who are below the clearing threshold, there is no
obligation to report valuation data.
Any trade valuations submitted by NFC (minus) parties will be withheld and will not be included on
regulatory reports.
As a result of the above, all valuations reported by, or on behalf of, NFC (minus) parties will not be
populated on regulatory reports.
*For submissions to the core applications users can also submit valuations as part of Snapshot messages
Trade Valuation Reporting
For OTC Core and OTC Lite, users can submit valuations through a different service than the
associated trade.
A valuation can be reported through OTC Lite even if the associated trade has been reported through an
OTC core asset class.
– Valuations cannot be submitted through OTC Core for trades reported through OTC Lite.
– Valuations reported through a different service to the associated trade will only be reported on the ESMA
OTC Position report and the ESMA OTC Activity report.
– Valuation messages submitted through OTC Lite will be included in reports produced from the OTC core
asset classes (i.e. the Enhanced Position Reports).
Delegated reporting of valuation messages will follow the same rules as delegated reporting of trades but can be
applied independently of the reporting of trades. A firm can delegate reporting of their trades but independently
report the valuation of those trades or vice versa.
The valuation reported will be that with the latest valuation date time reported for that day, regardless of data
submitter. It will no longer be the case that any self-submission takes precedence over a delegated submission.
There are no jurisdiction or obligation fields on the valuation message
Reporting of the valuations will be determined by the reporting obligations specified on the associated
The message routing to the correct data center is indicated by providing information in the “sendTo “field on
the inbound message
For OTCLite submissions you can include both position AND valuation submissions on the same csv spreadsheet upload as each line will
indicate what type of message is being used. The csv will still require the use of the footer in order to process.
Valuation template EXTRACT
Valuation template EXTRACT
Collateral Valuations
Collateral Valuation Message
A new collateral valuation message has been created to provide for the
reporting of the value of collateral. It is a cross-asset message published on its
own template
All collateral valuations, including those applicable to individual transactions,
must be reported using this message. Collateral valuations will not be
accepted on trade/position messages.
Collateral valuation messages must be submitted daily by the poster of the
collateral. If no submissions are received for a particular collateral portfolio
code on a given reporting date, none will be reported to the regulators.
The party posting collateral has the obligation to report, therefore the Collateral
Value Message will always be provided by, or submitted on behalf of, the party
positing the collateral.
Portfolio code, Collateral Value and Collateral Currency are all from the posters
The Collateral message report the value of the collateral that has currently
been posted for that date – not the movement of collateral day on day
Collateral Valuation Message
Collateral valuations must be reported on behalf of the same entity that is named as
the party to the trade (this can be party 1 or party 2 on the trade message).
Submissions will be made against a new o-code to facilitate a cross asset solution
For incorrect submissions, a new (corrected) submission should be made (rather
than exit/termination) and if multiple collateral valuation messages are submitted on
a given reporting date, the latest valuation date/time is considered the current value.
– Where a collateral value message has been reported when collateral does not
need to be reported (e.g. the receiver of the collateral has reported) a cancel
message will be available to remove the collateral valuation.
Collateral valuations will only be reported to regulators once successfully linked to a
reported trade.
There are no jurisdiction or obligation fields on the collateral valuation message
– Regulatory reporting of collateral valuations will be determined by the reporting obligations
specified on the associated trades.
– The message routing to the correct data center is indicated by providing information in the
“sendTo “field on the inbound message
Collateral Valuation Message
Collateral Valuation Message
Note: additional clarification from ESMA indicates that collateral is expected in one currency only.
DTCC templates in the process of being updated accordingly
Collateral Valuation Example
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Party 1 Collateral valuation
Collateral Held
Party 1 submits collateral
valuation message for
Party 1 posts 1000 EUR as
Party 2 holds 1000 EUR in
collateral to party 2
EUR1000 using their
collateral portfolio code
Party 1 received 200 EUR from
Party 1 submits collateral
Party 2 now holds 800 EUR
party 2 in collateral margin
valuation message for
in collateral
Party 1 received 100 EUR form
Party 1 submits collateral
Party 2 now holds 700 EUR
party 2 in collateral margin
valuation message for
in collateral
Party 1 submits collateral
No change in collateral margin Party 2 still holds 700 EUR in
valuation message for
Party 1 received 1000 EUR
Day 5 form party 2 in collateral
margin movement
Day 6
Party 1 posted 100 EUR from
party 2
Party 1 now holds 300 EUR
in collateral
Party 1 now holds 200 EUR
in collateral
No action needed
No action needed
Party 2 Collateral valuation
No action needed
No action needed
No action needed
No action needed
Party 2 submits collateral
valuation message for
EUR300 using their collateral
portfolio code (which can be
different to the portfolio
code used by Party 1)
Party2 submits collateral
valuation message for
* Note that on day 4 even though there is no change in the collateral being held if there is no submission of a collateral valuation message that day then
collateral will not be reported to ESMA for that day. Party 1 still needs to submit the collateral valuation even though there has been no movement
collateral that day
Collateral Linking
Collateral Linking
The GTR provides two methods for linking collateral portfolios to trades.
Using trade messages
Collateral portfolio codes can be specified on trade submissions
Using a Collateral Link message
The collateral portfolio code and the collateralization type can be submitted on the
existing trade messages (position message for OTCLite).
A new Collateral Link Message can be submitted to link each trade to be associated
with a collateral portfolio.
The trade should be identified using a UTI, USI or Trade Party Transaction Id (or any
combination thereof).
Reporting of collateral will be based upon the open trade population and not the collateral
If a collateral portfolio code exists on an open trade the information held on the trade will be used
to extract collateral valuation data. The collateral value will be identified using:
Trade Party 1 Value / Trade Party 2 Value
Execution Agent Party 1 / Execution Agent Party 2
Collateral Portfolio Code Party 1 / Collateral Portfolio Code Party 2
All three fields must match exactly between the trade and the collateral value.
Collateral Linking
If the collateral portfolio code does not exist on the trade message GTR will look for a collateral link
message. The collateral link message will be identified using
A trade identifier
If UTI matches the UTI will be used
If no match is found on UTI the USI will be used
If no match is found using UTI or USI the Trade Party 1 Transaction Id will be used
Trade Party 1 Value / Trade Party 2 Value
Execution Agent Party 1 / Execution Agent Party 2
Once a collateral link message is identified GTR will look for the collateral value using:
Trade Party 1 Value / Trade Party 2 Value
Execution Agent Party 1 / Execution Agent Party 2
Collateral Portfolio Code Party 1 / Collateral Portfolio Code Party 2 extracted from the link message
All three fields must match exactly between the trade and the collateral value.
Collateral linking is NOT required to be submitted every day. Only additions to the portfolio need to have
a collateral linking message submitted (if the portfolio is not identified on the position message)
You do NOT need to make a new collateral linking submission to remove a trade from a portfolio is it has
matured or terminated, but you should submit a cancel to remove a trade from a portfolio if it had been
added incorrectly
Collateral Linking Message
Collateral Linking Message
Participant Reports
Participant Reports
• MtM Valuations
– The reports that will be updated to include valuations are:
• Enhanced Position Reports (for each OTC core asset class where the
valuation has been submitted through that asset class and not through OTC
• ESMA OTC Position Report (Includes Core and Lite)
• ESMA ETD Position Report
• ESMA OTC Activity Report (Includes Core and Lite)
• ESMA ETD Activity Report
• Submission report (excludes Lite)
• Warning Report (Includes ETD, Core and Lite)
– Valuations submitted through OTC Lite will not appear on OTC core
reports, they will only appear on the consolidated ESMA OTC Position
and Activity Reports.
Participant Reports
• Collateral Valuations
Collateral valuations will not be populated on the GTR position reports. This exclusion will
apply to
• Enhanced Position Reports
• ESMA OTC Position Report
• ESMA ETD Position Report
• ESMA OTC Activity Report
• ESMA ETD Activity Report
The following fields will be added to the above reports but will not be populated:
• Collateralisation
• Value of the collateral
• Currency of the collateral value
The following fields will be added to the above reports and will be populated if submitted via
trade messages. They will not be populated if submitted on Collateral Link messages.
• Collateral Portfolio Indicator
• Collateral portfolio code
Participant Reports
Collateral Submission Report
A new collateral report will be created to indicate collateral posted by the report recipient
This will provide participants with a view of the collateral that is reported as being posted by
The collateral reports will be asset class and service agnostic, meaning all collateral from the
OTC Core, Lite and ETD service will appear on the same collateral report.
The report will only show data related to the trade party where that party has reported the
collateral. The report will include the following fields:
Trade Party Prefix
Trade Party Value
Execution Agent prefix
Execution Agent Value
Data Submitter prefix
Data Submitter value
Collateral portfolio code
Value of the collateral
Currency of the collateral value
Send To
Users will only be able to access collateral reports where they are posting collateral.
This report will be available for download under a new o-code.
Participant Reports
• Counterparty Data Masking
– When reporting an allege message on position and activity reports the
following fields will be masked:
• MTM Value Party 2
• MTM Currency Party 2
• Valuation Datetime Party 2
• Valuation Type Party 2
• Collateral portfolio code
• Collateral Portfolio Indicator
• Collateralized
• Value of the collateral
• Currency of the collateral value
Warning Reports
Collateral warnings will not be produced because given the method proposed for
reporting collateral to participants and regulators it will not be possible to provide
warnings for those portfolios not linked to trades.
- Valuation warning reports will be introduced. Note that valuation warnings are
produced in end of day reports, there are no warning messages (WACKs) associated
with valuation submissions.
Valuation warnings (NFC(minus) excluded from this population) :
• Where there is an obligation to ESMA and no valuation has been received.
• Where there is an obligation to ESMA and no valuation has been received
for the current day.
One exceptional scenario exists whereby the data submitter will not receive this warning
• If a trade is reported through an OTC core asset class and valuation
reporting is delegated to a third party who uses OTC Lite, it will be possible
to provide warnings to the trade parties but not to the third party data
Collateral Valuation
Collateral Linking
Position Message
Valuation Message
Collateral Valuation Message
Collateral Linking Message
New only
(correction by subsequent New)
New and Cancel
New and Cancel
Who Submits
All parties to the trade that have a
reporting obligation to ESMA
(unless non-financial under the
clearing threshold)
The poster of collateral
The poster of collateral
When they submit
Every day the position is live, on a
T+1 basis
Every day that collateral is posted
regardless of whether the
collateral held changed that day or
Only when the transactions in
a given portfolio changes
Implication of not
Last known (stale) valuation is
reported to ESMA
No collateral is reported to ESMA
Collateral valuation only
reported to ESMA if linked to
a live position
OTC Lite Client Support
• Dedicated OTCLite webpage
Includes recorded presentations, user guide, connectivity guide, up to date
template and a schedule of online demonstrations
• Dedicated OTC Lite Support team
– Support available in multiple European languages
– Email support: (UAT queries); (production queries)
– Hotline support:
• Europe/UK/Asia: +44 (0)207-136-6328 (Options 1,3)
– Regular live webinars available in multiple European languages
(schedule published on the OTCLite website)
The content, information and any materials (“data”) provided by DTCC Deriv/SERV LLC
(Deriv/SERV) and/or its affiliated companies or subsidiaries in this presentation is on an “as
is” basis. Deriv/SERV expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the
accuracy of any data provided, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance
and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use of the data.
Deriv/SERV shall not have any liability, duty or obligation for or relating to the data contained
herein, any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or delays in the data, or for any actions taken in
reliance thereon. In no event shall Deriv/SERV be liable for damages, including, without
limitation, damages resulting from lost data or information or lost profits or revenue, the costs
of recovering such data, the costs of substitute data, claims by third parties of for other similar
costs, or any special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of the use of the data.
Any unauthorized use, including but not limited to copying, distributing, transmitting or otherwise of
any data appearing herein may violate the intellectual property rights of Deriv/SERV under
any intellectual property laws such as copyright laws, trademark laws and communications,
regulations and statutes.