Meeting Information Extraction from Meeting Announcement in Korean Kyoungryol Kim Table of Contents 1. Introduction Motivation Goal Problem Definition Contribution 2. The Proposed Method Finding 3. Discussion 2 Introduction 3 Motivation (1/3) : Necessity Everyday we receive a lot of Meeting Announcement Conference, Seminar, Workshop, Meeting, Appointment… Meeting announcement accounts for 17% (30,201 out of 183,022) of emails in Enron Email Dataset. * Enron Email Dataset, August 21, 2009 version, Smartphone era Many people manage schedule using online-calendar via smartphone e.g. Google Calendar But, typing by touch screen keyboard make many errors and even it’s difficult. 4 Goal Extracting schedule information from meeting announcement, and update them to the calendar, automatically. startTime 2011-07-19T14:00 isHeldAt 서울시 중구 명동 1-3 민들레영토 Latitude : 126.9797848, Longitude : 37.5687868 location Landmark 서울지하철 4호선 명동역 8번출구 Latitude : 126.9864660, Longitude : 37.5609660 Meeting Announcement 무더운 날씨가 본격적으로 시작 되는 즈음하여 유니브캐스트의 상반기 평가와 하반기 운영을 위 한 정기팀장회의를 개최합니다. 날짜 : 7월 19일(토) 오후 2시 장소 : 민들레영토 민들레영토 오는길 지도와 같이 명동역 8번 출구로 나오셔서 쭉 상가 끼고 걸어가시 면 저기 YMCA빌딩 1층에 있습 니다. Extract Update 5 Problem Definition To find Meeting Location, the problem divided into 3 parts : 1. Finding locations for each type of complexity. 2. Named entity disambiguation on found locations. 무더운 날씨가 본격적으로 시 작되는 즈음하여 유니브캐스트 의 상반기 평가와 하반기 운영 을 위한 정기팀장회의를 개최 합니다. 날짜 : 7월 19일(토) 오후 2시 장소 : 민들레영토 기본 안건 - 제작지원비 지급 지연에 대 한 설명 - 기금 조정 운영안 - 가을 워크샵 준비위 구성 - 기타(기타 안건으로 상정할 것이 있으면 각 팀장들은 제안 해 주시기 바랍니다) 민들레영토 오는길 지도와 같이 명동역 8번 츨구 로 나오셔서 쭉 상가 끼고 걸 어가시면 저기 YMCA빌딩 1층 에 있습니다. 참고하세요 1. Finding Locations (Location-type NER) 무더운 날씨가 본격적으로 시 작되는 즈음하여 유니브캐스트 의 상반기 평가와 하반기 운영 을 위한 정기팀장회의를 개최 합니다. 날짜 : 7월 19일(토) 오후 2시 장소 : 민들레영토 기본 안건 - 제작지원비 지급 지연에 대 한 설명 - 기금 조정 운영안 - 가을 워크샵 준비위 구성 - 기타(기타 안건으로 상정할 것이 있으면 각 팀장들은 제안 해 주시기 바랍니다) 민들레영토 오는길 지도와 같이 명동역 8번 츨구 로 나오셔서 쭉 상가 끼고 걸 어가시면 저기 YMCA빌딩 1층 에 있습니다. 참고하세요 2. NE Disambiguation Start/End Time Extraction 6 isHeldAt 민들레영토 민들레영토 YMCA빌딩 1층 location Landmark 명동역 8번출구 3. Normalization & Co-reference startTime 2011-07-19T14:00 isHeldAt 서울시 중구 명동 1-3 민들레영토 Latitude : 126.9797848, Longitude : 37.5687868 location Landmark 서울지하철 4호선 명동역 8번출구 Latitude : 126.9864660, Longitude : 37.5609660 7 Definition Definition 1. Location Named Entity A particular point or place in physical space (Wiktionary). [Cyber Space] Exceptionally, If the cyber space is used as a place gathering people, then the cyber space can be a location. e.g. MSN에서 9시에 모입니다. [Road, Street, Transportation] cannot be a location, except if it points particular place or it is necessary to describe the location. e.g. 진천 I/C, 왼쪽에 석촌지하차도가 보임 [Bridge] can be a location. e.g. 납안교, 한강대교 [Train/Subway Station, Bus-stop] can be a location. e.g. 도곡역 1번출구, 뱅뱅사거리 [Address] Full/partial address can be a location. e.g. 전북 무주군 설천면 심곡리 43-15 [Organization, Company, Heritage, Building] can be a location if it is used to represent the location. [Parenthesis] If the location is ambiguous when the string in the parenthesis is removed and separated by the parenthesis, then the string including parenthesis are the part of the location. e.g. COEX 컨퍼런스센터 4층 (402호), 건국대학교(서울) 의생명연구동 강당, 경인교육대학교 (경기캠퍼스), 부산벡스코(BEXCO) 컨벤션홀 201호, 생명과학관(녹지) 139호 [Enumeration] The different representations for same location are recognized separately. e.g. 장소 ? 가야 레스토랑. 전화/215-654-8900, 주소/1002 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 전주 화산체육관 (전북 전주시 완산구 중화산동 1가 45번지), 2. 장소 : 늘푸름(오산시 은계동 91-8) Definition 2. Meeting Location Meeting Location is the Location where the meeting will be held. Definition 3. Location Landmark Location Landmark is the Location where can be used as a landmark to go to the meeting location. 8 Complexity of the problems d 9 The Proposed Method 1) Location Named Entity Recognition 2) Relation Type Classification 3) Co-reference 4) Normalization 10 Overall Architecture 무더운 날씨가 본격적으로 시작 되는 즈음하여 유니브캐스트의 상반기 평가와 하반기 운영을 위 한 정기팀장회의를 개최합니다. 날짜 : 7월 19일(토) 오후 2시 장소 : 민들레영토 기본 안건 - 제작지원비 지급 지연에 대한 설명 - 기금 조정 운영안 - 가을 워크샵 준비위 구성 - 기타(기타 안건으로 상정할 것 이 있으면 각 팀장들은 제안해 주시기 바랍니다) 민들레영토 오는길 지도와 같이 명동역 8번 츨구로 나오셔서 쭉 상가 끼고 걸어가시 면 저기 YMCA빌딩 1층에 있습 니다. 참고하세요 Input Document 무더운 날씨가 본격적으로 시작 되는 즈음하여 유니브캐스트의 상반기 평가와 하반기 운영을 위 한 정기팀장회의를 개최합니다. 날짜 : 7월 19일(토) 오후 2시 장소 : 민들레영토 기본 안건 - 제작지원비 지급 지연에 대한 설명 - 기금 조정 운영안 - 가을 워크샵 준비위 구성 - 기타(기타 안건으로 상정할 것 이 있으면 각 팀장들은 제안해 주시기 바랍니다) 민들레영토 오는길 지도와 같이 명동역 8번 츨구로 나오셔서 쭉 상가 끼고 걸어가시 면 저기 YMCA빌딩 1층에 있습 니다. 참고하세요 Named Entity Recognition (Location) 무더운 날씨가 본격적으로 시작 되는 즈음하여 유니브캐스트의 상반기 평가와 하반기 운영을 위 한 정기팀장회의를 개최합니다. 날짜 : 7월 19일(토) 오후 2시 장소 : 민들레영토 기본 안건 - 제작지원비 지급 지연에 대한 설명 - 기금 조정 운영안 - 가을 워크샵 준비위 구성 - 기타(기타 안건으로 상정할 것 이 있으면 각 팀장들은 제안해 주시기 바랍니다) 명동 민들레영토 오는길 지도와 같이 명동역 8번 츨구로 나오셔서 쭉 상가 끼고 걸어가시 면 저기 YMCA빌딩 1층에 있습 니다. 참고하세요 Relation Type Classification isHeldAt 민들레영토 민들레영토 YMCA빌딩 1층 location Landmark 명동역 8번출구 Co-reference 서울시 중구 명동 YMCA빌딩 1층 민들레영토 Normalization OUTPUT 11 1) Location Named Entity Recognition 12 Architecture of Location NER Training the system (supervised learning) TF-IDF Calculation Testing the system (actual use and evaluation) Training Corpus Web Input: Morpheme-level tokenized sentence list Tokenization Gazetteer Extraction Feature Extraction Gazetteer Boundary Tagging (IOB2) by CRFs Model Boundary Marking (IOB2) Feature Extraction CRFs Learning TF-IDF Score Data CRFs Model Boundary Merging Output: NE Annotated Email Document 13 NER - Boundary Detection Boundary Tagset : IOB2 Features Linguistic {-2,-1,0,1,2} POS-level word, {-2,-1,0,1,2} POS-tag, POS-tag + length of the word Orthographic : 18 types of the word isKorean, isAlpha, isAlnum, 2DigitNum, ... Gazetteer : Person/Location Pronoun dictionary (ETRI 99) from Training corpus : Heading words, Surrounding words, NE words External resources : Person : Chosun/ Person DB (64,042) Location : Nate Local DB 35,335, 8,193, Ofood 43,390 BusStop 19,431, Address,B/D 23,365, Subway 1,288, Hotel (Auction accomodation, hotelnjoy) 884, Country/Place name 11,946, School(Elementary~University) 21,957 Syntactic : Position of the POS-level word in the chunk (relative:S/C/E, absolute) Position of the chunk in the sentence (relative:S/SC/CE/E, absolute) Position of the sentence in the document (relative:S/SC/CE/E, absolute) TF-IDF 14 Features : Gazetteer data Location : Shop Name (80,436) Nate Local DB (3~10 chars.) ( Shop DB (3~10 chars.) ( oFood ( Hotel Name (884) Auction Accomodation ( Hotelnjoy ( Public Transportation (20,719) Subway stations Bus-Stop names Address (from Zipcode DB) (23,365) Si/do, Gu/gun, Dong/myun/ri, B/D names 15 Evaluation Result (1/2) Baseline Boundary Detection Target : 13,076 sentences in 1,011 documents. CRFs Model, 10-fold cross validation, 3-order, Exact Matching Baseline is the case applying Word and POS-tag feature only B-Location I-Location 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 90.00% 80.00% 80.00% 70.00% 70.00% 60.00% 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% 40.00% 40.00% 30.00% 30.00% 20.00% 20.00% 10.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% Precision Recall F-measure baseline B-Location Precision 49.99% 47.93% Recall 16.97% F-measure 24.34% Precision Recall F-measure baseline I-Location Precision 24.94% 77.99% 64.84% Recall 39.82% 69.58% 55.11% F-measure 32.99% 73.54% 16 2) Relation Type Classification 17 Architecture of Relation Type Classifier Training the system (supervised learning) Testing the system (actual use and evaluation) Training Corpus Web Tokenization Gazetteer Extraction Gazetteer Feature Extraction Input: Location NE-tagged Document Feature Extraction Relation Type Classification By SVMs Model Template Generation SVMs Learning SVMs Model Output: Extracted NE with Meeting-NE Relation Type 18 Statistics of Relation Types Document-Location Relation Type Classification Target : 1,844 Location-type Terms 848 isHeldAt (45.99%) 161 locationLandmark (8.78%) 835 generalLocation (45.28%) 161 835 General Location isHeldAt locationLandmark 848 19 Features Linguistic 1. Gazetteer A. Named Entity Dictionary Nate Local DB 35,335, 8,193, Ofood 43,390 BusStop 19,431, Address,B/D 23,365, Subway 1,288, Country/Place name 11,946, B. from Training Corpus : Heading words in the current sentence Heading words in the previous sentence NE consisting words 2. Lexical Pattern A. B. C. D. E. POS-tag feature before and next to the NE Is this NE the first location NE next to colon? Is this term in the parenthesis? Is parenthesis opened and closed next to the NE ? Is direction word just next to the NE? Syntactic 3. Syntactic Features A. B. C. D. Is the NE the first or the last Location-type of NE in the sentence? Ratio of location NE in the current sentence to the document Relative position of the NEs in the sentences Is the NE the longest location NE in the sentence? 20 Experiment : Features (1/3) 1. Gazetteer Feature 1A A.Named Entity Dictionary I. II. III. IV. V. Collected from the web Check if each morpheme, eojeol or term matches the word in the dictionary. Nate Local DB,, Ofood Address, Building name Bus-stop, Subway station Country name Location-related Vocabulary B.from Training Corpus : I. II. isHeldAt R (%) F (%) locationLandmark P (%) R (%) F (%) Acc. (%) I 59.32 / 98.94 / 74.17 57.14 / 02.45 / 04.71 59.09 +II 60.45 / 93.99 / 73.58 47.62 / 06.13 / 10.87 58.39 +III 63.12 / 89.52 / 74.04 62.96 / 31.29 / 41.80 60.76 +IV 64.55 / 88.57 / 74.68 62.96 / 31.29 / 41.80 62.30 +V 70.64 / 86.45 / 77.75 70.91 / 47.85 / 57.14 67.20 locationLandmark P (%) R (%) F (%) Acc. (%) P (%) Feature 1 (A+B) Heading words in the current sentence. Heading words in the previous sentence. Heading word is the word before the colon in the sentence e.g. 장소 : 피오레웨딩컨벤션 (봉계동 여수 세무서 옆) III. Eojeol-level NE consisting words P (%) isHeldAt R (%) F (%) +I 81.45 / 85.87 / 83.60 71.09 / 55.83 / 62.54 75.17 +II 80.56 / 84.92 / 82.68 69.40 / 57.06 / 62.63 75.03 +III 84.86 / 87.16 / 86.00 77.44 / 63.19 / 69.59 79.93 21 Experiment : Features (2/3) 2. Lexical Patterns A. POS-tag feature just before and next to the NE e.g. 장소 : 피오레웨딩컨벤션 (봉계동 여수 세무서 옆) B. Is this NE the first location NE next to colon? Feature 1+2 (A~G) isHeldAt R (%) F (%) locationLandmark P (%) R (%) F (%) Acc. (%) +A 86.52 / 86.93 / 86.72 77.10 / 61.96 / 68.71 80.77 +B 86.94 / 86.22 / 86.58 73.79 / 65.64 / 69.48 80.63 34 direction words : 위, 아래, 밑, 옆, 앞, 내, 외, … e.g. 장소 : 피오레웨딩컨벤션 (봉계동 여수 세무서 옆) +C 87.98 / 86.22 / 87.09 76.19 / 68.71 / 72.26 81.05 Is the unit of length appeared in the next 3 eojeols of the NE? +D 88.38 / 86.93 / 87.65 75.33 / 69.33 / 72.20 80.63 +E 88.52 / 87.16 / 87.83 77.18 / 70.55 / 73.22 81.82 +F 88.76 / 87.40 / 88.07 77.70 / 70.55 / 73.95 82.10 +G 88.33 / 87.40 / 87.86 80.41 / 73.01 / 76.53 82.24 e.g. 장소 : 피오레웨딩컨벤션 (봉계동 여수 세무서 옆) C. Is this NE in the parenthesis? e.g. 장소 : 피오레웨딩컨벤션 (봉계동 여수 세무서 옆) D. Is parenthesis opened and closed next to the NE ? e.g. 장소 : 피오레웨딩컨벤션 (봉계동 여수 세무서 옆) E. F. Is direction word just next to the NE? G. P (%) [0-9]+(m|km|ft|yd|mile|미터|킬로미터|피트|야드|마일|리|초|분|시간) Is transportation words contained in the left eojeol? 22 Experiment : Features (3/3) 3. Syntactic Features A. Is the NE the first or the last Location-type of NE in the sentence? e.g. (1호선에서 갈아탈 경우 동묘역에서 6호선을 갈아타고 봉화산방향으로 타고 오시면 2번째 정거장이 보문역입니다. B. C. D. E. Ratio of NEs in the current sentence to the document (<25%,<50%,<75%,<100%,=100%) Relative position of the sentence to the document. (S / SC / CE / E) Relative position of the eojeol to the sentence. (S / SC / CE / E) Relative position of the NEs in the sentence (S / SC / CE / E) e.g. (1호선에서 갈아탈 경우 동묘역에서 6호선을 갈아타고 봉화산방향으로 타고 오시면 2번째 정거장이 보문역입니다. S F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. CE E Is the NE the longest location NE in the sentence? Is this only location NE in the sentence? Is the NE on the previous/next to the NE in the sentence? Is same type of NE in the prev/next sentence ? Is phone number on the left or right side of the NE? Surrounding word (on the right side of the NE, n=1, pos=etc,p,j,m,x ) ? Is Colon included in the curr/prev/next sentence? Is the sentence starts/ends with the NE? # of chunks of the NE (max:99) Length of the NE (max:300) Is location related word included in heading ? Is location related word included in heading of prev. sentence? Feature is the NE which is appeared more than 2, is next to this NE? Is the NE appeared more than 2? isHeldAt Transport Dic Feature (left / right) P (%) R (%) F (%) Order of the ne in the sentence. does sentence starts with special char? +GH 89.42 / 89.10 / 89.26 1+2+3 (G,H) locationLandmark P (%) R (%) F (%) Acc. (%) 79.22 / 75.78 / 77.46 82.23 23 Experiment: Relation Type Classification Meeting-Location Relation Type Classification Target : 1,844 Location-type NEs SVMs 3 classes (multi-class) classifier Total Accuracy : 82.23 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% Precision Recall 40.00% F-measure 20.00% 0.00% isHeldAt locationLandmark isHeldAt locationLandmark Precision 89.42% 79.22% Recall 89.10% 75.78% F-measure 89.26% 77.46% 24 3) Normalization & Co-reference 25 Architecture of Normalizer Address Format 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Country | State/City | City/Gu/Gun | Dong/Eup/Myeon | Ri | House no. | Org. | B/D | Floor | Shop Name | Room no. Subway Format 1 2 3 4 City | Line no. | Station Name | Gate no. isHeldAt 민들레영토 민들레영토 YMCA빌딩 1층 location Landmark 명동역 8번출구 Input Document 민들레영토 민들레영토 YMCA빌딩(A8) / 1층(A9) 명동역(S3) / 8번출구(S4) 민들레영토 민들레영토 YMCA빌딩(A8) / 1층(A9) 서울시(S1) 4호선(S2) 명동역(S3) / 8번출구(S4) Verifying Elements Expansion Subway Addr. Pattern Open Map Services (Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Daum Map, Naver Map) A1 : 대한민국 A2 : 서울시 A3 : 중구 A4 : 명동 A5 : A6 : A7 : A8 : YMCA빌딩 A9 : 1층 A10 : 민들레영토 A11 : - Combine OUTPUT 26 Discussion 1) Limitations 2) Applications 27 Limitations 1. Performance Both system should be refined more in detail, with sophisticated experiment. 2. Scaling Up For our corpus consist of 1,011 emails, the method to cover more data in the real-world should be mentioned. 3. Feature Selection Since we use +165,000 word-gazetteer and many of these features always zero in the training data. In order to save memory and to maximize the performance, these unsupported features need to be removed. 28 Applications 1. Smartphone application Extracting start/end time, location from email and update them to Google Calendar. 2. Contribution to OpenStreetMap community Update found locations automatically to 29