Innovative Media and Tools Track 7th Annual International Symposium Emerging Technologies for Online Learning (sponsored by Sloan-C and MERLOT) Shalin Hai-Jew April 2014 NVivo 10 is a widely used qualitative and mixed methods data analysis research tool used in many domain fields. This presentation will showcase some of the capabilities of this software by reviewing how to start a project in NVivo, how to manage complex data, how to begin coding raw information, and some of the methods for making meaning “in vivo” or “within the living” with various analyses and data visualizations. This presentation will include a demonstration of NCapture, a feature for data extraction from some social media platform APIs. For context, this session assumes some basic prior training in qualitative research, such as ethnographies, surveys, interviews, qualitative meta-analyses, portraiture, grounded theory, action research, Delphi studies, and / or others. The goals of this presentation are to introduce NVivo 10 as a data management and analysis tool for qualitative and mixed methods research introduce the concept of multimodal data (from various types of multimedia sources) show data ingestion into the system establish how data may be coded for research value show how data structures may be created from the coded data and then analyzed demonstrate the extraction of a social media platform to open up another data channel for research Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 2 Pre-story Types of qualitative and mixed methods research General timeline of the research process Quality standards Ingestion of data Importation of data sets File types: multimedia NVivo 10 (an overview) Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 3 Data coding Folder and node data structures Codebooks Manual coding Two types of auto-coding Flexible coding structures Coding for matrix analysis Human-machine analysis of data Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 4 Data coding (cont.) Visual models Text search query ▪ Text search query and resulting word tree Manual research journaling Automated ‘event log’ journaling NCapture Essential mechanics My wants re: the software Contact and conclusion Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 5 Multi-year site license at Kansas State University Sociology, anthropology, social work, education, communications studies, mass media, business, veterinary sciences, food sciences, family studies, human ecology, and others; university research office; multi-campus support ▪ Installed in student labs in multiple departments Available to faculty, staff, administrators, and graduate students through protected website (with software download and a university-wide license key) Y1 webinar trainings Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 6 Grounded theory Heuristics / methods of discovery Hermeneutics Life history Participatory action research Phenomenology Ethnography Standard causal analysis (SCA) Narratology; serious narration; storytelling; historical narration Social experimentation Formalization; analysis of “stylized facts” Literary critique Market research Interviews Focus groups Surveys Delphi study; modified eDelphi study Actor-network analysis; electronic social network analysis; social network analysis, and others Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 7 Mixed methods / multimethodology: qualitative research methods with quantitative research elements Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 8 QUALITATIVE METHODS Relativism (with attendant theories, tools, and research practices); post-structuralism and post-modernism Non-measurability of phenomena Narration Culturalism Emergentism Contextualization; social constraints QUANTITATIVE METHODS Positivism (with attendant theories, tools, and research practices) Measurability of phenomena Analysis Behavioralism Individualism Non-contextualization; independent agentry; open choices Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 9 QUALITATIVE METHODS QUANTITATIVE METHODS Situated knowledge Subjectivity Constructionism Experiential and detailed Low n, case-based in vivo: “within the living” (studying empirically inworld) (in Latin) Transcendent or universal knowledge Objectivity Realism Statistical and numerical “Statistical significance” / relatively high n (and even “big data”) in vitro: “within the glass” (experimental model) (in Latin) Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 10 QUALITATIVE METHODS Rigor, saturation, immersion, triangulation Criticality of identification (and methodological mitigation) of researcher biases Centrality of language Unclear end point QUANTITATIVE METHODS Rejection of the null hypothesis Criticality of nullifying researcher biases through strict methodologies Centrality of numbers Generally defined end point Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 11 Single approach designs, with augmentation of either qualitative or quantitative strategies to enhance research richness and outcomes (with a predominant qualitative or quantitative approach) Mixed approach designs, to enhance construct validity for multiple analytical interests Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 12 13 General steps: 1. Initial secondary and primary research 2. Immersive research and documentation 3. Coding and annotation 4. Data analysis 5. Write-up 6. Dissemination Flexible semi-recursive process Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 14 Various quality standards at every step (depending also on ontology and research methods) Protection of human participants (informed consent; protection from harm; voluntary participation throughout; anonymity and confidentiality; beneficence) Data saturation (comprehensive literature review) Data triangulation (multi-sourcing of data) Clear definitions of terms Address of researcher bias Inter-rater reliability; rater norming to standards Transparency in research methods Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 15 Internal logic and non-contradiction; plausibility Falsifiability of hypotheses and assertions Logical analysis Bounded and delimited assertions Sufficient detail and depth Consistent and appropriate unit(s) of analyses Explanatory power Clear language Intellectual elegance and originality Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 16 Puzzle solving Problem-solving Informative for decision-making Practical applications (decision-making; policies) Data protection against leakage and compromise Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 17 PRIMARY Interviews Surveys (.xls, electronic platform files) Focus groups Cases Observations Oral histories Text, photos, videos, and audio files Social media platform contents (NCapture) SECONDARY Literature reviews YouTube videos (links only) Web pages Social media contents Grey literature Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 18 AUTOMATED (data import wizard, thirdparty tools like Survey Monkey) From electronic survey sites and tools ▪ Cells whited out for open-ended questions; grayed-out cells for fixed response (attribution details) From social media platforms and sites (NCapture in IE and Chrome and extracted into NVivo) From content providers From Excel (codebooks); SPSS; SAS, etc. From bibliographic data managers / citation tools Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 19 MANUAL (drag-and-drop) From online libraries and repositories From Excel Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 20 Text files (.docx, .doc, .rtf, .txt, .pdf, and others) Slideshows (.pptx, .ppt) Datasets (.xls, .rtf, .txt, .doc, and others) Websites captured as .pdfs (using NCapture or other tools) Video files (and link-outs to video files on content-sharing platforms) Audio files (and link-outs to audio files) Image files (virtually all digital image files) and others… Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 21 Requires manual transcription of audio and video files Requires annotation Annotation of audio Annotation of video stills and video segments Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 22 An overview Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 23 Formerly NUDIST (non-numerical unstructured data indexing, searching, and theorizing) Runs on PCs and parallels / virtual machines on Macs; professional Mac version forthcoming June 2014; mobile app access in development Includes add-ins that enable extraction of social media platform data Created by QSR International Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 24 Tool as theory and research methodology “agnostic” and flexible May be a longitudinal many-year project or a short-term one May be individual researcher-based or team-based (without requirement for co-location, even with nonserver based licensure because of data integration options) Live support webinars with responsive presenters (for both broad audiences and organizations with site licenses, at additional cost) Pre-recorded help webinars Textual help supports well documented Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 25 Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 26 Project files saved as .nvp (QSR NVivo Projects) files Back up to server, cloud service, external hard drive, or other device beyond main work device ▪ Coding is time-sensitive and irrecoverable and impossible to recreate if there is data loss May hover over file names at bottom left of opening screen to see the whole path of the files Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 27 Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 28 A PRIORI DATA STRUCTURE Pre-defined with general constructs, data categories, and ideas (based on deductive logic and prior research) MIXED DATA STRUCTURE A priori and emergent data structure EMERGENT DATA STRUCTURE Initially undefined structures with information extracted from the research documentation and researcher journal and other sources (based on inductive logic and interpretation of collected information); aka freecoding Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 29 Units of analysis Data manageability Relevance Ways to flexibly query the data using the software Semantics and terminology Should document and describe all nodes for coding clarity (particularly if there are teams working together on one project); codebook definitions, too Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 30 31 Definitions of codes and their meanings (often with examples) May be static (and predefined, partially defined based on hypothesis and secondary research) May be evolving (and emergent and recorded in codebooks along the way…but initially unstructured) Digital or on paper May be used with one coder or a group Inter-rater reliability (Kappa coefficient in coding comparisons between coders) and norming Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 32 Categories or classifications as nodes Textual / auditory / visual (still) / video information highlighted and marked as belonging to a certain node Highlighting and dragging text (of text or .pdf OCR-text) to node or right clicking and coding to node Highlighting an area (of image or sound or video) and dragging to node or right clicking and coding to node Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 33 “STYLES” IN WORD Ingestion and simultaneous autocoding of MS Word files with questions coded as headings and answers as paragraph styles (styles used to code a mass of data) ALGORITHM-BASED Machine-based emulation of qualitative / mixed methods researcher highlighting of contents into certain nodes Machine-coded information clearly identified as such (with coding easily reversible) Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 34 Nodes used for data structuring (and data visualizations) data clustering for analysis (for patterns and researcher sense-making and understanding) further data querying pattern identification Folders and nodes may be re-named, moved, annotated, regrouped, and changed at any time Coding stripes to indicate density of coding and identify patterns Can always uncode, revise, move nodes around, merge nodes, and even delete them Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 35 Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Individual or Group (based on attributes) ” Variable Variable Variable May export to Microsoft Excel for larger range of data visualizations Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 36 Matrix analysis enabling ability to slice and dice data for findings and insights Within and between-group analysis Enabling comparisons of variables from categories as rows and columns Enabling simple cell counts for comparisons, anomaly detection, others (if relevant) Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 37 Code… Participants / interview subjects as own nodes Participants with demographic data (in attributes and categorizing / classifying data fields such as age group, sex, and others) Participants with close-ended query responses as attributes (such as Likert scale responses, Y/N responses) Questions as own nodes (variables) Matrix analyses results saved in new node(s) Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 38 Text frequency count (with a built-in and modifiable stop-words list) Word clouds (word size and placement centrality = frequency) Treemap (size = frequency) Cluster analysis (branch = coappearance) 39 Human observations and readings / interpretations of the research Text searches Text frequency searches Machine-enhanced data queries Data visualizations and structures Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 40 41 Node hierarchies in any direction (parent, child, etc.) Types of layouts Circular Directed Hierarchical Orthogonal Revealing of relationships between entities More effective with sparse contents Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 42 Words used in a group with “and” to indicate co-location in the same document (not in the same sentence or near-proximity) Data management Find a document or identify an author Identify information for use in a quote Use “summary” view to look at types of sources Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 43 Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 44 Enables intuitions and leads; provides a gist of the data May click over a part of the branch to get its full phrasing May request broader captures (than the narrow 5 words on either side of the focus term), termed “spread coding” May put cursor over phrases in a tree to see the source (which is linked and may be accessed for further exploration) Words in red are ones in initial text search query Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 45 Via built-in memo and Memo Links Via unique folder or node (and variety of multimedia files) 46 Apply real-time event logging to project Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 47 May highlight text for annotation (highlighted in blue and viewable from various approaches) Analyze -> Annotations -> New Annotations Limit annotations because too much blue highlighting will be ignored If too many annotations are needed, that may indicate the need for a coding node instead Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 48 Per Dr. Cynthia Jacobs (of QSR International) Keep a memo for justifying methods for the coding Set up a node for “I am struggling with how to code this” issues for later reference Maintain a node for “good quotes” Keep a “to do” node list Do not delete nodes which you don’t plan to use, but save them in a folder for possible future reference if needed Use a “left off” node to remember where the coding was stopped, so you can find your place later Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 49 An add-on to Chrome or Internet Explorer browsers Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 50 Websites (with or without ads)…as .pdfs Twitter microblogs Facebook text and images LinkedIn text and images YouTube links May require log-ins on the various platforms to access the social media platform APIs (application programming interfaces) A sociometric online ethnography Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 51 Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 52 Collection Coding Analysis Output Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 53 Collection of data in folder and file structures Manual coding and analysis of data electronically (or on paper) (cognitively taxing no matter what form) Wordle (for word clouds), Freemind (spatial outlining), and others Notetaking in MS Word Manual modeling in MS Visio Outputs for dissemination in MS Office Suite and other tools Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 54 Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 55 Wizarding and templating: Clearer setup for different types of qualitative and mixed methods research Quant analysis features: A wider range of basic quant and statistical analysis packages for more of an all-in-one feel A friendlier learning curve: Simpler semantics; more aggressive and interventionist help supports A built-in source bibliographic data manager / citation tool (or an integrated freeware one): Not just EndNote, which is a commercial tool Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 56 A public repository for NVivo data sets (to be released with formal publications) A repository of research journals linked to NVivo- managed data sets and archived research Agreements to enable the release of copyrighted materials in NVivo-based data sets (for this limited purpose) Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 57 Dr. Shalin Hai-Jew, Instructional Designer Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC) 212 Hale Library Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 785-532-5262 The presenter has no tie with QSR International. Setting Up a Qualitative or Mixed Methods Research Project in NVivo 10 to Code and Analyze Data 58