Designing Reusable Frameworks for Test Automation

Presenter: Byron Goodman
National Director of Quality Assurance
 Some
thoughts on automation
 Successful test automation
 Components of a framework
 Some coding standards
 Standard routines
 Let
the machines do the tests
 Easy to create alternate scenarios by
leveraging existing tests
 Using tools can create more interest in
testing activities
 Potential to reduce testing cycle time
 Effective at catching regression bugs
 Tests
break too often!
 Pass or fail results may not be reliable
 Tools are expensive, although there are some
good open source solutions
 Tools may oversimplify or overcomplicate the
degree of effort required to test applications
 More
time spent working on automated tests
than time needed to do the manual testing
 Sporadic interest in implementing automated
 Statements by others that automated testing
is: a sham, ineffective, waste of time
 Shelving of test automation in the interest of
project success
 As
with all project related work, the time
spent creating automated testing must offset
this effort by the return of value. This is
demonstrated in various ways:
• Less time expended during the testing cycle than if
manual testing is the only solution
• More thorough and consistent regression coverage
• Reduce human error and boredom
• Frees up people to test new functionality while
computers test existing functionality
 Strategy
– start simple and work towards a
more complete and complex solution
 Timing – start using tests as soon as they
are written, Do not wait for a completed suite
 Buy-in – Demonstrate to others that each
test does exactly what it is intended to so
that there is confidence in results
 Traceability – Each automated test must
trace back to a specific automated test
 Generally
speaking, some automated testing
is better than no automated testing
 Select the most simple of tests to automate
 Begin by using record and playback to
minimize time investment but to show that
the tool does prove to be effective
 For
years, I have insisted that no tests will be
created using record and playback
 I will admit that there is a place for R&P
 Very light use to prove out the tool and to
minimize the reluctance people may have to
use complicated technology
 However, R&P is does not have much gain in
efficiencies over manual testing
 Many
of us have experience with testing
 Other names– DLLs, namespace, test library
 Its just a fancy name for code that is used to
automate tests
 A testing framework is a set of routines that
are reused by tests that will speed up test
development while increasing test reliability
 Needs
to be recognized to have the same
rigor as any development effort
 Adds value to the overall test effort
 Implements complex and redundant routines
for tests to leverage
 Minimizes the impact of a changing
application to the tests, which reduces test
 Each
layer is developed to promote
portability and reusability
 The more generic a layer, the more reusable
it needs to be
 i.e. the Generic Routines should be able to
work for everyone all the time regardless of
the environments and AUTs
Common Layer
Response Flow
Request Flow
Generic UI Layer
Technology – Specific
Application – Specific
Application Test Layer
 Common
routines that do not interact with
any application
 Generic UI layer, non-technology-specific
manipulation routines
 Technology-specific layer routines
 Application-specific layer routines
 Application-specific Scenario/transactional
layer routines
 Tests layer
 Not
related to the application or an interface
 Build more capability and utility that the test
tool may not have
 Functionality that a tester may need for any
 If written properly, these routines will work
with test tools that use the same
programming language
 Some
control types, like grids, that are
generic and rather independent from the
technology that they are written in
 This is a good place to create additional or
alternate logging
 For
handling specific technologies – i.e.
Browsers, WinForms and WPF.
 Custom controls will be wrapped with calls
that are identical to similar standard controls
 Create interfaces for new versions of
technology if the tool vendor does not yet
have the new technology versions integrated
 Routines
that are specific to the AUT
 Repository for UI mappings
 Defines a handler for every individual
 AUT service interfaces defined and wrapped
 Serves the calls needed for tests to interact
with the AUT
 Use
this as a distinguishable layer if the
routines for scenarios are complex and
 May include multiple forms/pages
 In cases where there will not be a lot of
routines, this can be combined into the
Application-specific manipulation routines
 This
layer will contain only tests
 No test calls any other test
 Tests call into the other layers
 Tests should be very simple as all the
complexity is implemented in the other layers
Common Layer
Response Flow
Request Flow
Generic UI Layer
Technology – Specific
Application – Specific
Application Test Layer
 Using
consistent coding standards promoted
reusability and maintainability
 Standards need to be documented and
followed similar to what project development
would do
 Use code reviews to enforce standards
 Naming
conventions for variables and
• Use human readable names!
 Limit
code complexity
 Separation of layers
 Comments
 Do
not use the control type in the name,
Address, not AddressEdit
 No duplication of control names for any
specific window if the tools would normally
allow this
 Consistent naming of similar controls form to
form, even if the forms label the controls
 Execute
anywhere – tests need to written so
that they do not rely upon a very specific
environment configuration, unless that is the
purpose of the test
 Unattended testing – tests that need human
interaction to execute should be segregated
so that the other tests can all be run
 No
hard coding – use configuration files or
similar mechanisms to store information or
environment values
 In tests, avoid using the automation tool
• Tests should call into the other layers
• This will make tests less likely to fail if the tool vendor
modifies their syntax
• Can make it easier to port tests to new automation
 Overuse
 Design for distributed testing and for
concurrent execution of tests
 An automated test will test just a single test
 No test ever depends upon the successful
actions or completion of a previous test
 Computers don’t care if they do repetitive
 Baseline
 Navigation
 Editing
 Verification
 Tools
already have their own routines defined
for some of this – however, you will get more
flexibility and maintainability using these
 Will
set the environment to the proper state
to start a test
 This state is defined for each AUT and test
 Can be simple to very complex
 Determined by defining a known state that
all tests can reliably execute and get
consistent results
 Used
to determine if a page/form is active
and ready for interaction
 Will navigate to the desired page/form if the
steps required are not complex, or the steps
will not alter the outcome of any test
 Every page/form will have an unique
navigation routines created
 Enters
data into fields, pushes buttons, sets
checkboxes, selects values in lists, etc.
 The control types should not matter when
calling this routine – it will figure out what
the control type is during test execution and
interact with the controls appropriately
 Defined as an unique routine for every
individual page/form
 Reads
data from all controls types
 Determines if the values read result in a
pass or fail
 Responsible for logging results
 Defined as an unique routine for every
individual page/form
 Solution
 Actual code examples
 Dealing with particularly difficult controls
 Configuration management
 Skill sets
 Specific tools’ capabilities
 Beginning
automated tests
 Test framework goals
 Layers of a framework
 Coding standards
 Initial routines that every page/form requires
 Thanks
for your participation