Unit 6 Objectives

Unit 6
Sports & Activities
Based on Master ASL, J. Zinza
© 2012 Natasha Escalada-Westland
Unit 6
Unit 6 Goals
• To sign about sports
• To understand the Five Parameters of
• To understand the different types of ASL
• To expand classifier skills
• To use the past, present, and future
• To understand and use the Rule of 9
Based on Master ASL Level One by Jason Zinza
Unit 6
Come on
Unit 6
p. 211
Involve, to be
Unit 6
p. 211
Many, a lot
Unit 6
p. 211
All year, year
Unit 6
p. 213
During, in, on
p. 213
Use during to talk about
a non-specific time when
something occurs.
During is used much the
same way as “in” and
“on” are used in English
to talk abut events.
Unit 6
To play
Unit 6
p. 213
Unit 6
p. 213
Tend to, usually
Unit 6
p. 213
Dialogue, MASL p. 212
1. Dialogue. Practice signing the dialogue above
with a partner.
2. Analysis. Identify the following language
features in the dialogue. Explain the purpose
of each feature.
Closing signals
When signs
Non-manual signals
3. After school. Ask a partner what he or she
does after school
Unit 6
When do people play certain sports?
Follow the example shown.
People tend to
bowl year round.
Unit 6
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
To ride a bike
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
To ice skate
Unit 6
p. 214
To jog
Unit 6
p. 214
Karate, martial
Unit 6
p. 214
To scuba dive
Unit 6
p. 214
To snowboard
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
To surf
Unit 6
p. 214
To swim
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
(3 variations)
Unit 6
p. 214
Water polo
Unit 6
p. 214
Unit 6
p. 214
Ask classmates to rate their skill with the
following sports, using the signs to be good
at and to be bad at.
1. Are you good at ____?
2. Are you bad at ____?
3. Do you play ____? Are you
good at it?
4. Do you play ____? Are you
bad at it?
5. What’s your favorite sport?
Unit 6
Words using during are underlined in the English
sentences below. Sign each in ASL placing during
in the correct location (at the beginning).
The sign during is used to explain the general time an action
occurs. It is a when sign, meaning it comes first in an ASL
6. During the week I practice
1. In winter they play hockey.
2. When it rains, people don’t
7. People should not swim in
play golf.
bad weather.
3. On the weekends, I play
8. I have a volleyball practice
on Thursday.
4. We learned to swim in the
9. Over the weekend we
take karate.
5. In nice weather I ride to
10.I work on the weekend.
Unit 6
summer I
You and a Deaf friend are thinking about joining a
sports team. In a complete sentence, explain the
time of year when people usually enjoy the
following activities
Key Signs: during, tend-to
Unit 6
Work with a partner to develop a dialogue using
the prompt below. Your dialogue should include a
greeting, at least six sentences total, a conclusion,
and a farewell.
1. Make weekend plans to play or watch a sport.
2. Compare and contrast the difficulty level of two different
3. Debate which sport is best to play or watch.
Unit 6
Asking Have you…, MASL p. 220
ASL uses the signs to experience and finish to ask questions about whether
someone has or has not done something. These types of questions often
begin with “Have you…” in English, but in ASL the question is asked without
using the sign have. Recall that the sign to have is literal and indicates
possession of something, so using it to ask “Have you gone bowling?” is
incorrect. Instead, the concept of the sign to experience asks “Do you have
any experience with bowling?”
Unit 6
Not yet
p. 220
Have you (experienced)?
Not yet
Unit 6
To bungee jump
Unit 6
p. 222
To camp
Unit 6
p. 222
To exercise, lift
Unit 6
p. 222
To fish
Unit 6
p. 222
To hike
Unit 6
p. 222
To play cards
Unit 6
p. 222
To skateboard
Unit 6
p. 222
To skydive
Unit 6
p. 222
What are the best conceptual matches for
the English phrases below? Select from to
experience, finish, and not yet.
1. I haven’t…
7. She knows how to…
2. Did you…
8. I already did…
3. He did it yesterday…
9. Not yet…
4. Have you tried…
10.Have you already
5. It’s over…
6. I haven’t gone…
11.It’s not ready yet…
12.It’s not done yet…
Unit 6
not yet
Ask a partner whether he or she has tried the
following activities. Your partner will respond
following the cues provided. When done, switch
roles and repeat.
No, but I
Have you…?
Did you ever…?
Unit 6
Crazy for, not crazy for (intense
like or dislike), p. 221
Crazy for reflects more intensity than love it, and not crazy for is less
impassioned than hate.
Unit 6
Exercise I, p. 223
Discerning differences. Below are several phrases in English. Select the ASL
sign from below that best shares the meaning of the English phrase.
Love it
Crazy for
Not crazy for
Don’t like
1. I can’t stand it…
7. She’s not my favorite person…
2. I’m not big on the idea…
8. It’s great!
3. I really like that…
9. I go nuts for…
4. I’m hooked on…
10. I don’t like it at all!
5. I like it okay…
11. I absolutely love this!
6. It’s not too bad…
12. I’m not keen on that…
Unit 6
The 5 Parameters of ASL, p. 224
Each sign in ASL can be broken down and analyzed into five separate features
called the Five Parameters of ASL. If one parameter is wrong, then the
meaning of a sign can be drastically affected – or even disappear and leave
people trying to understand what’s being signed. Signing clearly and precisely
takes time and practice, and being aware of the Five Parameters can help
improve your ASL skills. See how the meaning changes for each of the sign
pairs when one parameter is changed.
I, I am
My, mine
(sort of)
Unit 6
The Five Parameters of ASL, p. 224
Location – Use
the location sign
to show the
general area
where a sign
occurs on or
around the body.
Unit 6
Non-manual signals Includes eyebrow
grammar, mouth
morphemes and facial
expressions for
Change a sign in only one parameter to transform it into
another sign. How many pairs can you think of?
Unit 6
The Literature of ASL, p. 227
Both hearing and Deaf people create and enjoy
literature, artistic works such as stories, poetry, riddles,
and more. The literature of most cultures is written,
though cultures that do not use or have a written
ABC, classifier, and
language also produce a specific type of literature. This
handshape stories
is called oral literature, meaning stories are preserved
and passed down only by the act of storytelling.
Until very recently, the literature produced by the Deaf culture has been primarily
passed from person to person in such a way. Live or recorded storytelling has a
rich tradition in the Deaf culture. Poetry, ABC stories, classifier stories,
handshape rhymes, number stories, narratives, and humor form a highlyregarded body of signed, visual literature passed down from generation to
Unit 6
The Major Forms of Literature of
ASL, p. 227
ASL poetry: Covers a broad spectrum of genres and topics, performed by a Deaf poet.
Deaf poets such as Clayton Valli and Ella Mae Lentz are cherished for their poetry reflecting
the shared Deaf experience.
Classifier stories: Works that use only one or more specific classifiers to tell a complete,
plot-driven story.
Handshape rhymes: Works in which the signer tells an entire story using only one
handshape, often incorporating meter, or rhythm, based on the story’s plot.
ABC stories: Using only the letters of the alphabet in sequence (either A-Z or Z-A), the
signer tells a complete story. ABC stories combine elements of classifier stories and
handshape rhymes.
Number stories: Similar to ABC stories, the signer uses specific number signs to tell a
story. Number signs can be made in sequence like ABC stories (numbers 1-10, for
example), in a challenging pattern (numbers 7, 5, 7, 5, for example), or in reverse order
Narratives: Signed in formal ASL, narratives often relate events and aspects of the shared
Deaf experience, especially humorous tales of being Deaf in a hearing world. ASL
narratives often highlight Deaf history, famous Deaf persons, and Deaf accomplishments or
triumphs over adversity.
Unit 6
The two signs
differentiate between
poems produced by
hearing culture and
those produced by
Deaf performers.
Over the years, Deaf
poets felt the general
sign poetry did not
fully capture the depth
of expression that is
part of ASL poetry, and
eventually the sign
express myself / let it
out became known as
ASL poetry.
Unit 6
p. 230
Story, to tell a story
Unit 6
p. 230
Classifier, Many People, p. 225
Streams of many people going
A popular penguin.
Unit 6
Animals and Seated Position, p. 228
Unit 6
To jump (animal)
Unit 6
p. 229
To sit next to or show seated
position, p. 229
Unit 6
CL: B & Base B,
Flat Objects
Unit 6
p. 228
Bug, ant - crawling
Unit 6
p. 229
Ears (animal)
Unit 6
p. 229
Winding road
Unit 6
p. 229
Use classifiers to describe each illustration. Don’t
forget to identify the person, place or thing being
described by the classifier first.
Unit 6
Watch “Eyes on ASL #11”
again to help you
understand how classifiers
ASL Tenses: Past, Present, Future,
p. 231
Eyes on ASL
#13: Tense
Unit 6
A Survey of ASL Tenses
Karen Alkoby
DePaul University
School of Computer Science
Chicago, IL
How Do Tense Markers Work?,
p. 232
now, today
Look closely at the parameter changes in the signs yesterday and
tomorrow. The beginning location of each sign is on the present tense
area of the ASL Timeline, but the final locations differ: Yesterday moves
toward the shoulder, forming the past tense, and tomorrow moves ahead
of the body, forming the future tense. Once a tense is formed, you don’t
have to keep adding the same tense markers because the context is
clear. However, when you change tenses you must use a new tense
Unit 6
The Past, p. 233
Ago, past
Long time ago, distant past
Before, used to
Other ways to say these ideas
of past in English are “a
month ago,” “a week ago,” “a
year ago,” or “When I was…”
Remember, number can be
included in many of these
signs following the Rule of 9.
Unit 6
Recent Past, p. 233
Recently, a little while ago
Unit 6
Just, very recently
Last month, p. 233
Unit 6
Last week
Unit 6
p. 233
Last year
Unit 6
p. 233
Exercise N, p. 233
2. Today & yesterday. Use vocabulary terms for the past to help sign each
word pair.
1. I go … I went
7. Now … Before
2. They do … They used to
8. This week … Last week
3. This year … Last year
9. A month ago … A year ago
4. Very recently … Long ago
10. A week ago … A month ago
5. This month … Last month
11. Last year … Very recently
6. Today … Yesterday
12. I finished … I just finished
Unit 6
Future, will, it will be
Unit 6
p. 237
Distant future
Unit 6
p. 237
In a few days
Unit 6
p. 237
Next week
Unit 6
p. 237
Next year
Unit 6
p. 237
(2 variations)
Also means “short”
or “brief”
Unit 6
p. 237
Exercise R, p. 237
Concept comprehension. Provide a future tense marker (sign) that best
matches each word or phrase.
1. In a while
7. Later on
2. A year from now
8. In 30 days
3. As soon as I can
9. Not in a million years!
4. A long time from now
10. In the future
5. Day after tomorrow
11. Just a few days from now
6. A week or so later
12. Some day
Unit 6
Number Inclusion: Rule of 9
The Rule of 9 is a pattern at influences a concept’s duration, or how
long something lasts. It is used when signing about a specific period of
time or age. This period is included with the base sign, so that the
difference between week and nine weeks is the incorporation of the
number nine into the dominant hand. Only numbers up to 9 may be
incorporated into a sign.
Use the Rule of 9 with:
Specific number of hours
Specific time of day
Specific number of weeks
Specific number of minutes
Specific number of months
Specific number of days
Specific amount of money
Unit 6
p. 241
Number Inclusion: Rule of 9, p. 241
Example: Days
Base sign: Day
Four days
Seven years old
Three months
Example: Age
Base: Age Spot
Example: Months
Base: Month
Unit 6
Using Tense with the Rule of 9
p. 242
2 weeks ago
12 weeks ago
2 days ago
In 3 months
Last year
In 10 months
Unit 6
3 days ago
2 years ago
Fast, quick
Unit 6
p. 240
Long (time)
Unit 6
p. 240
To stay
Unit 6
p. 240
Exercise W, p. 241
The Rule of 9. Decide whether or not the following phrases should use the rule
of 9 and provide the correct sign for each item.
1. 3 days
9. 4 hours
17. 21 days
2. 5 years old
10. 3 weeks
18. 2 minutes
3. 6 months
11. 5 minutes
19. 7 years old
4. 10 days
12. 12 hours
20. 3 hours
5. 15 minutes
13. 14 days
21. 12 weeks
6. 36 months
14. 10:00
22. 13 months
7. 1 year old
15. 45 minutes
23. 30 days
8. 5 days
16. 10 hours
24. 6:00
Unit 6
To call (a name)
Unit 6
p. 236
To hear
Unit 6
p. 236
To talk
Unit 6
p. 236
Unit 6
p. 236
Narrative: Dummy Hoy, p. 235
Unit 6