32 www.observantonline.nl Onafhankelijk weekblad van de Universiteit Maastricht | Redactieadres: Postbus 616 6200 MD Maastricht | Jaargang 34 |15 mei 2014 VERKIEZINGEN 2014 ELECTIONS 2014 Illustration: Simone Golob Elektronische verkiezingen Tussen 19 en 23 mei 16.00 uur vinden verkiezingen plaats voor de medezeggenschapsorganen van de Universiteit Maastricht. Dit jaar vinden verkiezingen plaats voor de studentgeledingen van de Faculteitsraden en de Universiteitsraad en de Dienstraden. Medewerkers van faculteiten kunnen in 2015 weer stemmen. Het hele verkiezingsproces verloopt via internet. Om te kunnen stemmen dient u te beschikken over een maastrichtuniversity account. Om te stemmen gaat u naar: https:// elections.maastrichtuniversity.nl Deze site is tijdens de verkiezingen 24 uur per dag bereikbaar. Op de website van het Centraal Stembureau vindt u alle informatie de verkiezingen en de deelnemende lijsten en kandidaten: www. maastrichtuniversity.nl/verkiezingen. De uitslag van de verkiezingen wordt bekendgemaakt op woensdag 28 mei om 14.00 uur in “het Kruithuis” (SBE, Tongersestraat 53). Iedereen is van harte welkom. Uiteraard wordt de uitslag direct na de officiële bekendmaking ook op de website gepubliceerd. Zetelverdeling raden De Universiteitsraad en de faculteitsraden hebben drie geledingen: de vertegenwoordiging van het WP (wetenschappelijk personeel), van het OBP (ondersteunend en beheerspersoneel) en de studentengeleding. In 2014 vinden er verkiezingen plaats voor de studentgeledingen van Faculteitsraden en Zetelverdeling Universiteitsraad Faculteitsraad FHS Faculteitsraad FASoS Faculteitsraad SBE Faculteitsraad FHML Faculteitsraad FPN Faculteitsraad FdR Geleding WP 6 zetels 4 zetels 4 zetels 4 zetels 6 zetels 4 zetels 5 zetels Universiteitsraad en de Dienstraden. Waar wel/waar geen verkiezingen Niet bij alle geledingen van alle raden zullen dit jaar verkiezingen plaatsvinden. Er zijn geen verkiezingen wanneer er sprake is van evenveel kandidaten als (of minder dan) beschikbare zetels. Faculteitsraden Er vinden geen verkiezingen plaats voor de volgende geledingen binnen Faculteitsraden. Dit betekent de kandidaten op de onderstaande lijsten automatisch gekozen worden. Faculteitsraad FPN: - Lijst 1: MSRP DOPE Dienstraden Er vinden geen verkiezingen plaats voor de volgende Dienstraden. Dit betekent de kandidaten op de onderstaande lijsten automatisch gekozen worden. Dienstraad UB: - Lijst 1: Lijst Odin - Lijst 2: TC/LC - Lijst 3: Pauline Speck - Lijst 4: Lijst Roy Gilissen - Lijst 5: Lijst Diony The elections for the representative bodies of Maastricht University take place between 19 and 23 May 16.00 hrs. This year elections are being held for the student sectors of Faculty Councils and the University Council, and the Service Councils. Employees of faculties can vote again in 2015. The elections will take place entirely via the internet. To be able to vote you need to possess a maastrichtuniversity account. To register your vote, go to https://elections.maastrichtuniversity. nl This site is open during the election period 24 hours a day. You can find information about the elections process, the lists and the candidates on the website of the Central Elections Office. The website also provides help with logging in to the voting programme: www.maastrichtuniversity. nl/elections. The results of the elections will be announced on Wednesday 28 May at 14.00 in the “Kruithuis” (SBE, Tongersestraat 53). Everybody is welcome. Directly after the announcement the results will be published on the elections website. Distribution of seats in the councils The University Council and the Faculty Councils consist of three sections: the representatives of the WP (academic staff), the OBP (administra- Dienstraad SSC: - Lijst 1: Lijst SSC Geleding OBP 3 zetels 2 zetel 1 zetel 1 zetel 3 zetels 1 zetel 1 zetel Electronic Elections Geleding studenten 9 zetels 6 zetels 5 zetels 5 zetels 9 zetels 5 zetels 6 zetels Section University Council Faculty Council FHS Faculty Council FASoS Faculty Council SBE Faculty Council FHML Faculty Council FPN Faculty Council FL WP section 6 seats 4 seats 4 seats 4 seats 6 seats 4 seats 5 seats tive and support staff) and the student section. Service counils No elections take place for the following Service Councils. This means that the candidates on the mentioned below lists will be elected automatically. Service Council UB: - List 1: Lijst Odin - List 2: TC/LC - List 3: Pauline Speck - List 4: Lijst Roy Gilissen - List 5: Lijst Diony Service Council SSC: - List 1: Lijst SSC Service Council ICTS: - List 1: Lijst ICTS 2.014 Service Council Finance: - List 1: Dienstraad Finance Service Council FD: - List 1: Hans Schnock - List 2: Ruben Philipsen - List 3: Roy van Kessel - List 4: Nic Ritzen No lists have been submitted for the MUO Service Council This implies that the seats in this Service Council remain empty for the next two years. OBP section 3 seats 2 seats 1 seats 1 seats 3 seats 1 seats 1 seats Students 9 seats 6 seats 5 seats 5 seats 9 seats 5 seats 6 seats 2 | Observant | 32 | 15 mei 2014 Dienstraad ICTS: - Lijst 1: Lijst ICTS 2.014 Dienstraad Finance: - Lijst 1: Dienstraad Finance Dienstraad FD: - Lijst 1: Hans Schnock - Lijst 2: Ruben Philipsen - Lijst 3: Roy van Kessel - Lijst 4: Nic Ritzen Voor de volgende Dienstraad zijn geen lijsten ingediend. Dit betekent dat deze zetels de komende twee jaar onbezet blijven: Dienstraad MUO Faculteitsraden Er vinden verkiezingen plaats voor de volgende geledingen van de Faculteitsraden: FASoS: Studenten - Lijst 1: VOX: European Studies Representatives (lijstcombinatie met NovUM) - Lijst 2: NovUM (lijstcombinatie met VOX: European Studies Representatives) FdR: Studenten - Lijst 1: NovUM - Lijst 2: MSRP DOPE FHML Studenten - Lijst 1: NovUM - Lijst 2: MSRP DOPE FHS: Studenten -Lijst 1: MSRP DOPE -Lijst 2: NovUM SBE Studenten -Lijst 1: MSRP DOPE -Lijst 2: NovUM Universiteitsraad Verkiezingen vinden plaats voor de studentgeleding van de Universiteitsraad: Studenten - Lijst 1: NovUM - Lijst 2: MSRP DOPE Het stemmen Alleen bij het gebruik van uw maastrichtuniversity account heeft u toegang tot het elektronisch stembureau! Wacht u met gebruiken van de directe link naar de website tot maandag 19 mei 2014: pas dan is de module “stem uitbrengen” actief. U kunt uw stem uitbrengen tot en met vrijdag 23 mei 2014 (16.00 uur). Tijdens kantooruren is het mogelijk bij problemen met inloggen of met het uitbrengen van de stem, hulp te vragen bij het Centraal Stembureau. Dat kan per e-mail of per telefoon (gegevens zie hieronder). Het verkiezingsprogramma is gebaseerd op door de UM ondersteunde applicaties (Windows, Internet Explorer en Outlook). Het gebruik van een ander besturings-, browser- of mailprogramma kan problematisch zijn, maar is het zeker niet altijd. Het Centraal Stembureau laat weten dat het geen voorkeur heeft voor programma’s, maar zich aan de richtlijnen van de Universiteit Maastricht houdt. Het Centraal Stembureau aanvaardt geen verantwoordelijkheid voor het niet kunnen uitbrengen van een stem op een computer buiten de UM. Lokale instellingen (als firewalls, virusscanners of een niet door ICTS ondersteunde browser) kunnen dit verhinderen. Councils / sections for which elections are held Bepaling en bekendmaking van de uitslag Faculty councils In de week na de verkiezingen worden de uitslagen berekend. Op dinsdag 27 mei 2014 bepaalt het Centraal Stembureau officieel de uitslag. Daarvan wordt een protocol opgemaakt. De openbare bekendmaking van de uitslag volgt op woensdag 28 mei 14.00 uur in het Kruithuis, Tongersestraat 53. Vanaf 6 juni 2014 deelt het Centraal Stembureau aan iedere kandidaat mee of hij al dan niet gekozen is verklaard. Een gekozene dient binnen 2 weken zijn benoeming te bewilligen, anders vervalt zijn recht op de zetel. Centraal stembureau Het Centraal Stembureau is per e-mail bereikbaar onder verkiezingen@maastrichtuniversity. nl. U kunt het Stembureau daarnaast op werkdagen telefonisch bereiken op (043-) 3883286 of (043)3883197. Veel gestelde vragen “Waarom is de procedure zo lang en kom je niet meteen op de stempagina?” Het antwoordt luidt dat een aantal beveiligingen ingebouwd zijn om zeker te weten welke kiesgerechtigde zich aanmeldt en welke stemrechten hij / zij mag uitoefenen. Het Centraal Stembureau stelt veiligheid boven alles, dus zelfs boven bedieningsgemak. Toch wordt gestreefd naar een gebruikersvriendelijk programma. Indien u opmerkingen hierover heeft, kunt u deze per e-mail aan het Stembureau doorgeven. Daarnaast schrijven de regels voor dat alle lijsten zichtbaar gemaakt worden en van alle lijsten alle kandidaten. Om het elektronisch stembiljet niet vreselijk ingewikkeld te maken, is gekozen voor een systeem met “clicks”. Het kan zijn dat u bij uw beeldscherminstelling moet “scrollen”. “Waar vind ik de namen van alle kandidaten?” Via het kiesprogramma kunt u het overzicht raadplegen van alle lijsten en alle kandidaten. U kunt dit óók doen voor raden en geledingen waarvoor u geen stemrecht heeft. Voorwaarde: inloggen als maastrichtuniversity gebruiker. Bij de module “stem uitbrengen” kunt u alleen die raad en geleding selecteren, waarvoor u stemrecht bezit. Na het uitzoeken van de gewenste lijst en kandidaat wordt u gevraagd uw keuze te bevestigen. U krijgt een melding op het scherm, als uw stem uitgebracht is. “Ik zit achter een firewall en kom niet in het verkiezingsprogramma”. Dit probleem kan zich voordoen bij personen die in een andere organisatie ingelogd zijn – bijvoorbeeld op een stageadres. Dit probleem is sinds kort te omzeilen door uw computer te configureren voor het gebruik van een Virtual Private Network (VPN) client van de Universiteit Maastricht. De VPN client kunt u downloaden via het ICT servicecentrum www.licentiesoftware.unimaas.nl of http://VPN.maastrichtuniversity.nl . Studenten kunnen gebruik maken van “anywhere” van de Universiteitsbibliotheek. Virtual Private Network “trekt” uw computer als het ware in het netwerk en u zult geen firewall meer tegenkomen! this year elections are not being held for all sections of the Faculty Councils. If the number of candidates is equal to or lower than the available seats, there are no elections. no elections take place for the following sections within Faculty Councils. This means that the candidates on the mentioned below lists will be elected automatically. Faculty Council FPN: - List 1: MSRP DOPE (students) Faculty councils Elections take place for the following sections of Faculty Councils. FASoS: Students - List 1: VOX: European Studies Representatives (list combination with NovUM) - List 2: NovUM (list combination with VOX: European Studies Representatives) FdR: Students - List 1: NovUM - List 2: MSRP DOPE FHML Students - List 1: NovUM - List 2: MSRP DOPE FHS: Students -List 1: MSRP DOPE -List 2: NovUM SBE Students -List 1: MSRP DOPE -List 2: NovUM University council Elections take place for the student section of the University Council: Students - List 1: NovUM - List 2: MSRP DOPE Voting you only have access to the electronic polling station if you use your maastrichtuniversity account! Please wait until Monday 19 May to use the direct link to the website, as the module ‘cast your vote’ will not be active before that date. You can cast your vote until Friday 23 May 2014 (16.00 hrs). In case of any problems with logging in or voting, the Central Elections Office can be contacted for help during office hours. Assistance can be requested by e-mail or telephone: verkiezingen@ maastrichtuniversity.nl, 043-3883286 or 0433883197 during office hours. Also visit www. maastrichtuniversity.nl/elections. The elections programme is based on applications that are supported by the UM (Windows, Internet Explorer and Outlook). The use of any other operating system, browser or e-mail programme may occasionally cause problems. The Central Elections Office has no preference for any particular programme, it follows the guidelines of Maastricht University. The Central Elections Office cannot be held responsible if a voter does not succeed in casting a vote on a computer outside the UM. Local settings (like firewalls, virus scanners or the use of a non-supported browser) may prevent you casting your vote. Determining and announcement of the election results in the week after the elections the votes will be counted. On Tuesday 27 May 2014 the Central Elections Office will officially determine the election results. The official declaration of these results will be drawn up. The election results will be announced publicly on Wednesday 28 May at 14.00 hrs in the Kruithuis, located at the Tongersestraat 53. From 6 June 2014 the Central Elections Office will notify each candidate whether he/she has been elected. Persons who have been appointed must officially assent to taking their seat within two weeks, after which their right to the particular seat lapses. Central elections office the standard way to contact the Central Elections Office is by e-mail on verkiezingen@maastrichtuniversity.nl. You may also phone the Electoral Committee on 043- 3883179 or 043- 3883286 during office hours. Frequently asked questions “Why does the Internet voting procedure take so long and why can’t you log in on the voting page straight away?” The answer is that a number of safety features have been built into the programme that will identify the voter who is logging in and the precise voting rights s/he has. Security is paramount to the Central Elections Office, and, consequently, ease of operation comes second. On the other hand, a user-friendly programme is the aim and the Elections Office welcomes any (e-mailed) comments or suggestions to that effect. In addition, the rules prescribe that all lists as well as all nominated candidates must be made visible. In order to keep the electronic ballot paper as uncomplicated as possible, the committee has opted for a ‘click’ system. Depending on the settings of your screen you may have to scroll. “Where do I find the names of all the candidates?” On the elections system you can consult all lists and all candidates, including the councils and sections for which you are not entitled to vote. The only condition is that you log in as a maastrichtuniversity user with your username and password . In the module “cast your vote” you can only select the council and section for which you are entitled to vote. After selecting the desired list and candidate you will be asked to confirm your choice. You will receive an on-screen notification of your vote once it has been cast. “I am behind a firewall and can’t log in to the elections programme”. This problem may present itself if you are logged in at another organisation – for example the organisation where you do your placement. This problem can be avoided by configuring your computer for the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) client of Maastricht University. The VPN client can be downloaded via the ICT service centre www.licentiesoftware.unimaas.nl or http:// VPN.maastrichtuniversity.nl . Virtual Private Network as it were ‘pulls’ your computer into the maastrichtuniversity network and you will not encounter any firewall again. Students can make use of “anywhere” of the University Library. 15 mei 2014 | Observant | 32 | 3 10 Korte stappen om te stemmen 10 Easy steps to vote 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 Go to www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/elections. 2. Click the link to the electronic voting programme. 3. To enter this programme you need to log in with your username and password. 4. You then click the module ‘Cast your vote’. 5. Now you are given a choice of council / section for which you may want to vote: select one. 6. The next page shows the lists of candidates who are taking part: you can have a look without immediately casting your vote. You can also select your favourite list directly. 7. On this page you can also cast a blank vote for the council / section concerned. 8. The next page lists the candidates of one list. You can cast your vote by clicking the circle in front of the name of the candidate you wish to vote for. 9. Confirm your choice. 10.You will receive a message that your vote has been cast. You may repeat this procedure as many times as you have voting rights. Ga naar www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/verkiezingen. Daar treft u een clickable link aan naar het elektronisch verkiezingsprogramma. U moet nu inloggen met uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. Daarna kiest u de module: Stem uitbrengen. U heeft nu de keuze voor welke raad / geleding u een stem wilt uitbrengen: selecteer deze. Op de volgende pagina krijgt u een overzicht van de deelnemende lijsten: u kunt ze inzien, zonder meteen een stem uit te brengen. U kunt ook direct de lijst van uw keuze selecteren. 7. U kunt hier ook blanco stemmen voor de betreffende raad / geleding. 8. De volgende pagina biedt u het overzicht van de kandidaten van een lijst. U brengt uw stem uit door het rondje voor de naam van de kandidaat van uw keuze te selecteren. 9. Bevestig uw keuze. 10.U ontvangt de melding dat uw stem uitgebracht is. U kunt deze procedure zo vaak herhalen als u stemrechten heeft. Universiteitsraad/University Council Studenten/students 1. NovUM 2. MSRP DOPE Bettina Geiling, Michael Dijkstra, Lisbeth Huber, Kilian Crone, Saeed Banaama, Olav de Wit NovUM is the international student representation party. We believe Maastricht University is unique because of its versatility and diversity. This year, one of NovUM’s main goals was finally implemented: free Dutch courses. While this was a great success for us, our work is not done. To continue NovUM’s success we want to mainly focus on four points: better communication, improvement of Study Facilities, implementation of a university-wide Minor Program and improvement of Student Integration. First of all, we believe that necessary information like study documents and deadlines should be easily accessible for students. To achieve this, NovUM wants to combine services like EleUM and MyUM on one platform. This will also enable faculties to communicate better with students. Secondly, NovUM wants to create a study environment where students are able to prepare for their exams by increasing the number of study places and improving the facilities. To make that happen we want to increase the accessibility of e-books and study materials and expand the opening hours of the Randwyck library. We believe this will create an atmosphere where every student is able to focus on studying. Thirdly, we believe that minors are a valuable addition to the curriculum of the University. At the moment we do have limited minors which are only accessible in specific faculties. We believe that minor programs from different academic fields will help to broaden your horizon. To make this easier for students, we want the university to take charge and create a universitywide minor program. Our fourth and final focus point is the integration of new students. At various faculties, successful experiments with buddy-programs show the benefits of having someone to help you out during your first weeks of being a student. By extending the program to all faculties NovUM expects not only higher grades, but also better integration for new students into Maastricht’s student life. If you vote NovUM you say yes to a student party that aims for one integrated information system, more study places, a university-wide minor and better integration for new students. NovUM has been involved in improving the university, making it a place where the student comes first. We will do anything in our power to make your time at Maastricht University a great experience. Help us reach our goals! Vote NovUM! Bob Meijer, Thijs Poelstra, Jeroen van Veen, Stephanie Meeuwissen, Sander Tromp, Vincent Maessen, Houssain Daoudi, David Hageman The University Council Candidates of DOPE will represent you next year with policies on the quality of education, study facilities and internationalisation of the university. The highlights can be found below. First, DOPE wants to address the topic of education, education should provide the perfect combination of knowledge and skills needed in the future careers of students. Therefore, the Problem Based Learning-method needs to be fine-tuned to provide the ideal mean of achieving the best preparation on the labour market for graduate students. Digitalization of all courses by using video lectures can help students by providing the ability to watch lectures multiple times. Furthermore, students should be able to excel in different academic fields than their own and be stimulated to broaden their scope by doing minors at other faculties. Therefore the interfaculty minor program should be maintained. Second, the DOPE fraction will focus on improving the study facilities. Many improvements have already been made thanks to the work of last years’ DOPE fraction. For instance new study places, new sport facilities, and improvement of the ICT services. These improvements still need ongoing work to reach their full potential. A specific example is the aim to integrate EleUM, MyUM and Webmail into one comprehensive platform which is user-friendly and reliable. Furthermore DOPE wishes to focus on an easy way to register for courses. This because of the university’s plans on prohibiting late registration now the €35 administrative fee is abolished. DOPE plans to make it possible to apply for an entire study year, so students do not have to worry about course application deadlines. We feel that the university should take a more student centred approach in this matter. Thirdly we will focus on the internationalisation of the university. We want international students to feel at home in Maastricht, with as little administrative burden as possible. We want to establish one information point within the municipality for all administrative questions that might arise during a study period in Maastricht. All communication at this office should be in English to prevent language gaps and miscommunication. As free Dutch language courses are already available to all international students we want to promote them as it helps the integration in Maastricht. Finally, DOPE aims to make the ‘Study Abroad’option available in the curriculum of all studies. Vote DOPE if you want an experienced student representation that protects the quality of our education, improves facilities, stimulates the internationalization of the UM and keeps in touch with you! 4 | Observant | 32 | 15 mei 2014 Overzicht van lijsten, kandidaten en lijstvolgorde aan de Verkiezingen UM 2014 Overview of lists, candidates, and order of lists for the 2014 UM Elections Universiteitsraad/ University Council Studenten/students: 2.MSRP DOPE 1. Lotte Steijns 3. Rosalie Bok 4. Ruben Bel 1.Bettina Geiling 5. Jolien Macken 2.Lisbeth Huber 4.Michael Dijkstra 5.Saeed Banaama Faculteitsraad FHML/ Faculty Council FHML Studenten/students 1.MSRP DOPE 1. Thommy Timmermans 2. Lucas Kramer 3. Pieter Groot 8.Kilian Crone Studenten/students Hans Schnock Roy van Kessel Nic Ritzen Dienstraad ICTS/ Service Council ICTS 4. Rick van der Westen 6.Florian de Roo van Alderwerelt 7.Jan Hoffmann Gekozen zijn/elected are Ruben Philipsen 2. Anna de Nijs 1.NovUM 3.Olav de Wit Faculteitsraad SBE/ Faculty Council SBE 2.NovUM 1 Philipp Warum 2. Stéphanie Le Clercq Drie kandidaten voor drie zetels, geen verkiezingen Three candidates for three seats, no elections 2.MSRP DOPE 1.NovUM 3. Miriam Betz 1. Bob Meijer 1. Hakan Deveci 4. Camillo Rohe Gekozen zijn/elected are 2. Rick Claessen 5. Lennart Heyner Jelle Kouwenhoven 2. Jeroen van Veen 3. Houssain Daoudi 4. Thijs Poelstra 3. Vicky Nwosu 5. Vincent Maessen 4. Zenab Mohseni Faculteitsraad FPN/ Faculty Council FPN 2.MSRP DOPE Studenten/students Dienstraad Finance/ 2. Niels van der Sangen 1.MSRP DOPE Vier kandidaten voor vier zetels, geen verkie- 3. Chris Sauer 1. Hanne van Kasteren zingen 6. Sander Tromp 7. Stephanie Meeuwissen 8. David Hageman Faculteitsraad FASoS/ Faculty Council FASoS Studenten/students 1. Rob Creemers 4. Eva Kist 5. Leonard Nijman 1.VOX: European Studies Representatives 6. Iris Hooft Graafland (lijstcombinatie met / list combination with 7. Mariska Machiels NovUM) 1. Carolin Hehr 2. Lisa Knodt Faculteitsraad FHS/ Faculty Council FHS 2.NovUM (lijstcombinatie met / list combination with VOX: European Studies Representatives) Studenten/students 1. Anne Flotho-Liersch 2. Leonie Mutsaers 3. Brenda Erens 4. Romy Vermeulen 5. Daniëlle Starreveld Chris Keurentjes Ronald Nobbe Service Council Finance Four candidates for four seats, no elections Gekozen zijn/elected are P. Werdens Vijf kandidaten voor vijf zetels, geen verkie- D. Lichner zingen F. van der Tier Five candidates for five seats, no elections Dienstraad UB/ Service Council UB D. Ernes Dienstraad SSC/ Vijf kandidaten voor vijf zetels, geen verkie- Service Council SSC 2. Lisa Hermanns 1.MSRP DOPE zingen Drie kandidaten voor drie zetels, geen verkie- 3. Connel Emig 1. Bas Willemse Five candidates for five seats, no elections zingen 4. James Mackle 5. Sofia Vossen Faculteitsraad FdR/ Faculty Council FL Studenten/students 2. Tijmen Patist 3. Mirte van den Boom 4. Job Hartjes 5. Ruben Verkoelen 2.NovUM 1.NovUM 1. Sophie Mäder 1. Jurgen van Heertum 2. Tara Merk 2. Emily Daemen 3. Gloria Bozyigit 3. Mariana Pelicano de Almeida Gekozen zijn/elected are O. Essers D. van den Heuvel Three candidates for three seats, no elections Gekozen zijn/elected are C. Burdorf Rob Kock R. Gilissen Kim Possen P. Speck Lisette Hegge Dienstraad UB/ Service Council FD Dienstraad MUO/ Vier kandidaten voor vijf zetels, geen verkie- Service Council MUO 4. Tündè Walgraef 4. Pegah Keshaniyan zingen Geen kandidaten, geen verkiezingen 5. Luisa Welling de Arruda 5. Theodore Bertrand-Price Four candidates for five seats, no elections No candidates, no elections De verkiezingskrant is een initiatief van het Centraal Stembureau. De technische realisatie is in handen van Observant. De teksten zijn geschreven door de kandidaten zelf. De foto’s zijn gemaakt door Loraine Bodewes The election magazine is an initiative of the Central Electoral Office. It was created by Observant. The texts were written by the individual candidates. Loraine Bodewes took the photographs 15 mei 2014 | Observant | 32 | 5 Faculteitsraad FASoS/Faculty Council FASoS Studenten/students 1.VOX: European Studies Representatives (lijstcombinatie met/list combination with NovUM) Elections for the Faculty Council are approaching, therefore we would like to present you VOX, the student party from FASoS students for FASoS students and give you a quick overview over our program. VOX was founded in 2012 by the two student organisations Oracle (Arts and Culture) and Concordantia (European studies), to offer the students at FASoS a party that focuses especially on their interests. Last year, the two VOX candidates present in the Faculty Council achieved the opening of more study spaces, the rescheduling of the Fault lines course and a change of the attendance rules. This year, the two VOX candidates running for the Faculty Council, Lisa Knodt and Carolin Hehr, will try to: - Establish a library at FASOS, which provides literature for both study programmes - Increase the amount of study spaces, not only during exams week - Abolish mandatory attendance in lectures - Increase the number of partner universities, in particular outside of Europe - Restrict the amount of exams assigned within one day to one - Reschedule resits to not be in the same week as current exams For more detailed information, check out our FB page, and if you have any idea for improvements or changes concerning FASoS, please feel free to approach us, so we can keep fighting for your interests. live in - it is up to you to make the difference! You have the right to elect representatives that will serve your interests to ensure a better student experience. We are five candidates appointed by NovUM to represent you at the Faculty Council for FASoS in the academic year 2014/2015. NovUM is a non-profit, democratic and transparent student representation party serving all students regardless of nationality and faculty. Our goals to tackle for the next academic year correspond to the 4 pillars NovUM bases its policies on: Achieve progress in regards to quality of our university. Changes in rules for exam and resit scheduling are long overdue. We want to achieve the prohibition of two regular exams on one day and the introduction of a resit week, both privileges afforded to all faculties bar one: ours. Furthermore, recurring themes are the attendance rules where we would like to implement changes according to students’ responses to surveys. Additionally, students deserve concrete feedback on their examination. We want to promote more dialogue with tutors or the course coordinator after an exam. The accessibility of information at our Uni- versity is not up to the standard required and we aim to achieve considerable progress. For example, it is helpful if students find the exam schedule on EleUM without searching on other platforms. We suggest combining courses and promoting more events such as Faculty Drinks to further integration in our faculty, especially between students of different programs. Students should have the possibility to get to know their classmates in an academic and informal environment. With the newest report on the climate change of the UN, we aim to raise the awareness of students on sustainability and environmental issues. Our idea is to put Maastricht University on the forefront of innovation in the field of environmental and financial sustainability. As we are standing to become your representatives, do not think that we will simply fight for our own ideas. It’s always possible to talk to us. This helps us to understand your concerns. If you are passionate about your University and your Faculty, and want a team of professional and motivated personalities elected to represent you, vote NovUM! as members of NovUM! Even though our Faculty may seem too good to be true, we have found pressing issues which we hope to resolve through the aims presented below. However, it is important to emphasise that the only way we can show you our commitment and follow through on these ideas, is if you give us a voice and elect us as your student representative. Firstly, we find that PBL is a distinctive way of teaching at our University; we do however feel that PBL should only be applied where appropriate and should not affect the quality of a course. At the end of a course it is also essential to have a method of examination which reflects the students’ knowledge and understanding of the law to its full potential. Furthermore, we believe that at our Faculty, timetables and course books should be released at least three weeks in advance. This will give students the opportunity to plan ahead when considering working hours, extracurricular activities or trips for example, and allow preparation with the necessary materials at the start of each course. We also think that there should be a possibility to have more books and readers available digitally. Not only will our Faculty become more environmentally friendly; “a penny saved is a penny earned.” – Benjamin Franklin Another issue we hope to resolve concerns the accessibility and transparency at our Faculty. We believe more needs to be regulated at a Faculty level; there should be clear rules on the validity of papers, assignments and presentations when taking a resit and only one stylebook should be used Faculty-wide. To enhance the transparency within the Faculty Council we would like to have a section in the Law Student Messages devoted to updates on developments and decisions made in the Faculty Council. Finally, we feel that the integration at our faculty between Dutch and international students desperately needs some love and attention. A way of facilitating this would be by creating the possibility for an ELS student to take an ELS-ELT course and vice versa. Seeing as the topics, contents and exams of many courses are almost identical, a change in language should be a realistic option. Lisa Knodt en Carolin Hehr 2. NovUM (lijstcombinatie met/list combination with Vox) Lisa Hermanns, Anne Flotho-Liersch, James Mackle, Sofia Vossen, Connel Emig Students, colleagues, friends. Do you feel your voice is being heard at FASoS? Whether as trivial as a water dispenser or as important as lowering tuition fees and the environment we study and Faculteitsraad FdR/Faculty Council FL 1. NovUM Gloria Bozyigit, Tündè Walgraef, Luisa Welling de Arruda, Jurgen van Heertum, Emily Daemen We are Jurgen van Heertum, Emily Daemen, Gloria Bozyigit, Tünde Walgraef and Luisa Welling de Arruda. The five of us are running for seats on the Law Faculty Council 6 | Observant | 32 | 15 mei 2014 2. MSRP DOPE Dear fellow students, As you might know, you and your interests at the FoL/Fdr have the right to be represented at the very best level. This year we will again try our outmost best to achieve for you: “a perfect balance between in depth course-related quality in learning, and the optimization of the means already available to you”. We strive for a rewarding system with regards to registering for courses on time; a first come first serve option, were you get to choose which tutorial group at the preferable time you get to attend. We want you to be able to have your readers, electronically made available to you. The digitalization of study materials: E-readers along- side the DocShop, recording of all lectures. More possibilities to have your material printed in the Faculty. For the best study results, improving and maintaining the high quality of tutorial groups, by presenting you with high qualified tutors. To imprint on lecturers the importance of a lecture that covers all the course material. And last but not least, the option for you to make use of exam trainings, supervised by well trained tutors/student tutors. To improve your studies, by bettering the quality of availability of these materials, is our goal upcoming year. Help us to achieve this for you! Vote DOPE! Rosalie Bok en Lotte Steijns Faculteitsraad FHML/Faculty Council FHML Studenten/students 1. NovUM Introducing: Hakan, Zenab, Vicky, and Rick, we are students from this faculty. We are running as candidates for the Faculty Council to improve FHML in terms of efficiency, integration, and quality. Student life can be tough sometimes. Providing good materials to students seems even more important under these circumstances. NovUM FHML will focus on the improvement of study circumstances and the efficiency of the faculty. How can we improve the efficiency? We want to provide more printers in the faculty; this should go hand in hand with an improved printer-distribution. To enhance the learning environment, NovUM wants to arrange for more study spaces within our faculty. Additionally, e-books will have a huge impact on the faculty: since students will no longer be obliged to come to the library, working from home will become much easier. This will lead to more room for students and their study activities. To enhance the learning environment even more, we at NovUM want to create even more study rooms within our faculty. In order to reduce the pressure during exam week, it would be beneficial to remove study activities, so students can focus on revising for their exams. It is better to have more of the study activities focused in the middle of the period instead of a rough beginning into the block or a stressful preparation for the exams. NovUM is the international student party. We advocate sustainability, accessibility, integration, and high quality of education. For us, it is of great significance to only make realistic goals, rather than making empty promises. We are here for you! Please do not hesitate to approach us with problems and your ideas. Together, we will commence into a brighter future for our faculty! Vote excellence, vote NovUM! First, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are Rob, Niels, Chris, Eva, and Iris. We sincerely hope to represent you in the Faculty Council of FHML next year. The Faculty council is an important bridge between students and the faculty board and as such, is actively involved in a variety of administrative matters. For years now, DOPE is the largest and most influential party within the Faculty Council. Throughout the years, its rich experience changed many things to the advantage of students. However, much work still needs to be done, which is why we candidate to work as your representatives for another year. Students and their respective studies have absolute priority for us. We want to make sure that also your voice is heard within FHML! We stand for clear and transparent communication and testing, so that you, the students of Medicine, ITM, AKO, Biomedical Sciences, Health Sciences and European Public Health, can get the most out of your studies. In addition, we want to achieve that all lectures are videotaped and accessible online, which is standard practice in other faculties already. Furthermore, we want to increase and broaden the cooperation’s, electives and exchange programs within The Netherlands and abroad. Although we aim to be an international university, ERASMUS programs and intra-university programs are still difficult to organize and fit within one’s own program. We strive to make this possible and feasible for every FHML student. As a whole party, we will take your matters seriously and fight for one year and beyond to improve the study climate within FHML. At any time, we will be available for any input and remarks you consider important. Even beyond the election week, we very much appreciate if you keep us updated on current problems, your ideas for improvements and opinion on FHML and university matters. Please feel free to address your question to ask during the election week! Vote DOPE for the Faculty and University council to make your vote count! Hakan Deveci, Vicky Nwosu, Zenab Mohseni, Rick Claessen 2. MSRP DOPE Leonard Nijman, Rob Creemers, Chris Sauer, Iris Hooft Graafland 15 mei 2014 | Observant | 32 | 7 Faculteitsraad FHS/Faculty Council FHS Studenten/students 1. MSRP DOPE For the upcoming elections we, as representatives for the FHS faculty council, have 3 points of improvement for the faculty. First, we want to establish a faculty wide cooperation with corporate internship programs, allowing for easier procedures for students who want to develop themselves inside an organization. Second, we believe that the input given by students should be successfully monitored and used in the faculty council in order to provide for a high level of representation. We plan to do this by using preexisting forms of communication such as social media platforms and informal gatherings, in combination with an enhanced effort to work together with the other study associations throughout the company. As a third, we hope to build a stronger network of tutors, as a result of extensive training by current course coordinators. On top of the advantages of the PBL system, this will enhance the quality of education itself. Thus, in one sentence, we believe, that by providing internships, enhancing the range and quality of representation and implementing training for tutors, we can make this faculty a better place! Dear Students, Tutors, Professors, boys, girls and cats, tion in the vending machines as well as supporting and expanding the GECCO initiative “Sustainable Apples” which provides seasonal and local fruits. Moreover, let’s talk about accessibility and transparency! We believe that it is an important part of the learning process to receive feedback on one’s work, don’t you? Therefore, we would like to introduce standardised inspection hours in the second week of the new period. This is to insure feedback remains relevant within the students’ interest and to keep the grading process within 10 working days. Last but not least, let’s support the MSC students in their endeavours. We are aware that studying abroad is a major component of the university experience. As it has not yet been established at the Maastricht Science Programme and therefore unavailable to its students, we would like to integrate them into the UCM exchange program. So, if you want to help us to enhance the quality, sustainability, transparency and integration of FHS, then vote NovUM FHS in the upcoming elections! Support us so we can support you! Bas Willemse, Mirte van den Boom, Tijmen Patist, Job Hartjes, Ruben Verkoelen 2. NovUM Tara Merk, Sophie Mäder, Mariana Pelicano de Almeida, Theodore Bertrand-Price, Pegah Keshaniyan Are you happy with what’s happening at FHS? Even though we love our faculty, we do believe that there is some room for improvement. In, what is to follow, we would like to give you a brief overview of the things that we will work on, if we become members of the FHS faculty council. Firstly, let’s consider the quality of FHS: Wouldn’t it be nice to have a better connection with the other departments of the faculty? Thanks to the endeavors of previous FHS members, a strong connection between MSC and UCM has been established. This enables students to choose courses from departments other than their own. We would like to expand this integration to DKE. Furthermore, as some of you will agree, the quality of several courses could be enhanced by using learning methods other than PBL. That is why we want to negotiate alternative ways of learning in courses where the majority of students demand it. Another issue that we want to work on is sustainability. In order to support students’ well-being, their studies and the environment we would like to introduce healthier, organic items and fair trade products. Examples of this are changing the selec- Yours truly, Sophie, Mariana, Pegah, Theodore & Tara Faculteitsraad SBE/Faculty Council SBE Studenten/students 1. MSRP DOPE For many years the Maastricht Students Representative Party DOPE has been striving to improve the quality of student life at our University. We, the candidates of the faculty council 2014-2015 would like to inform you about our vision. Our main goal is to improve and safeguard the quality of education. We are very proud of the PBL system used at our University. However, from our own experience and outspoken concerns from other students, this might not be the best approach for the quantitative courses like QM. Our goal is not to make these courses easier but to increase the effectiveness of learning and foster a deeper understanding by the students. Second, we find it of outmost importance for students to participate in extracurricular activities. The time you are a student is a time to develop yourself as a person and a potential employee. Houssain Daoudi, Lucas Kramer, Thommy Timmermans, Pieter Groot Your study at the SBE should be the basis for this, but next to that there are a lot of possibilities to develop yourself. There should be more support from the University to students who engage in these activities. Third, we all personally experienced that the room provided by the university to study is becoming scarce. We want to stimulate the process of creating new learning spaces in the inner city. Finally, since the international character of our university is of very high importance we want to focus on sustaining the diversity of the student population within the university. This can be achieved by refocusing promotional activities. We embody this statement about great diversity in ourselves. If you agree that these points need to change, support our team in the upcoming elections and vote for DOPE! 8 | Observant | 32 | 15 mei 2014 2. NovUM Philipp Warum, Camillo Rohe, Miriam Betz, Stéphanie Le Clercq We want to represent YOU! As your candidates for NovUM, we intend to represent the students of the SBE to the best of our ability. With the upcoming 2014 Elections you get the chance to make us your voice in the SBE Faculty Council. We strive to repre- sent you in accordance with the four pillars of NovUM: •Quality •Accessibility •Integration •Sustainability Are you tired of inefficient tutorials due to unmotivated and unprepared tutors? We are here to change that. In order to make tutorials more efficient, we want to establish an additional softskills training for tutors, mandatory for those who lack the required teaching skills. Furthermore, we want to give PhD students a choice of which courses to tutor, so that each tutor’s skills can be matched to a corresponding course. To further increase the tutors’ motivation we want to introduce a monetary incentive system to reward the best tutors. Moreover, general grading criteria should be implemented by means of a standardized table within the course manuals to be used to clarify the grading of oral presentations and participation in a transparent way. Because many students have difficulty planning extracurricular activities due to schedules being posted on short notice, we call for a timely publication of schedules. Students must also get the ability to reserve a limited number of timeframes for extracurricular activities, granted that these are justified. Additionally, we want to introduce a timetable function in the SBEs intranet where all SBE related (student) organisations can publish their events. Since many students do not feel very wellinformed about the Student Council, we plan to organize information evenings and surveys to increase the information exchange between students and the council. Do you want more real-world applications for the theories you learn? We intend to implement voluntary (i.e. not exam-relevant) lectures on current cases to apply your knowledge and encourage broader, critical thinking. To further encourage the development of our international environment we strive to provide free English language courses and promote events that foster exchange across nationalities and cultures. Sustainability is vital to our vision. By means of stronger cooperation with the Green Office and OIKOS, we will provide you with the knowledge and capability to tackle sustainability issues now and in the future. We are looking forward to your comments and suggestions. Vote for your voice, Vote NovUM! Faculteitsraad FPN/Faculty Council FPN Studenten/students 1. MSRP DOPE Beste kiezer, ook dit jaar staan wij weer voor jullie klaar met een frisse, nieuwe lijst van DOPE voor FPN! Op deze lijst staan Hanne van Kasteren, Leonie Mutsaers, Brenda Erens, Romy Vermeulen, Danielle Starreveld. Wij werken dit jaar samen aan een aantal programmapunten voor het verbeteren van het onderwijs op onze faculteit. Vorig jaar hebben we al een belangrijke doelstelling behaald; een curriculum herziening waar meer aandacht besteed zal worden aan schrijfonderwijs. Hier zijn we erg trots op, toch blijven we streven om volgend jaar de kwaliteit van het curriculum te behouden en te verbeteren. Een van onze andere punten is het makkelijker maken voor psychologie studenten om een minor te volgen aan een andere faculteit. Tevens is het verbeteren van de communicatie omtrent volgen van onderwijs in het buitenland een aandachtspunt van ons. Naast deze punten blijven we werken aan het verbeteren van de vaardigheden van de tutoren en het stimuleren van participatie door de studenten in de onderwijsgroepen. Kortom, er is genoeg te doen en we zijn erg blij dat we jou kunnen vertegenwoordigen in de faculteitsraad. Heb je zelf opmerkingen, ideeën of klachten dan kun je altijd bij ons terecht. Vijf kandidaten voor vijf zetels, geen verkiezingen Five candidates for five seats, no elections Romy Vermeulen, Hanne van Kasteren, Leonie Mutsaers, Brenda Erens, Daniëlle Starreveld Dienstraad UB/ Service Council UB Dienstraad ICTS/ Service Council ICTS Dienstraad SSC/ Service Council SSC Vijf kandidaten voor vijf zetels, geen verkiezingen Five candidates for five seats, no elections Drie kandidaten voor drie zetels, geen verkiezingen Three candidates for three seats, no elections Drie kandidaten voor drie zetels, geen verkiezingen Three candidates for three seats, no elections Gekozen zijn/elected are O Essers, D van den Heuvel, C Burdorf R Gilissen, P Speck Gekozen zijn/elected are Jelle Kouwenhoven, Chris Keurentjes, Ronald Nobbe Gekozen zijn/elected are Rob Kock, Kim Possen, Lisette Hegge Dienstraad Finance/ Service Council Finance Dienstraad MUO/ Service Council MUO Vier kandidaten voor vier zetels, geen verkiezingen Four candidates for four seats, no elections Geen kandidaten, geen verkiezingen No candidates, no elections Dienstraad FD/ Service Council FD Vier kandidaten voor vijf zetels, geen verkiezingen Four candidates for five seats, no elections Gekozen zijn/elected are Hans Schnock, Ruben Philipsen, Roy van Kessel, Nic Ritzen Gekozen zijn/elected are P. Werdens, D. Lichner, F. van der Tier, D. Ernes