Nyhetsbrev frå n Nordiskå polisforsknings- nå

Nyhetsbrev från Nordiskå polisforskningsnåtverket: Augusti 2014
Allmänt ......................................................................................................... 3
Femte Nordiska polisforskningskonferensen dokumenteras ................... 3
Omorganisering av norsk politi ................................................................ 3
Svensk polisutbildning valfråga ............................................................... 3
Finsk polisutbildning akademisk .............................................................. 3
Finska Polisyrkeshögskolan mest populära utbildningen ........................ 4
Stort norskt forskningsprojekt: Politimetoder i endring ............................ 5
Svenska Kriminalistföreningen ny hemsida ............................................. 6
Nyt forskningscenter for økonomisk kriminalitet og Cyber Crime ved
Aalborg Universitet .................................................................................. 6
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser ........................................................................ 6
Svensk avhandling om polisstudenters syn på mångfald ........................ 6
Innføring i politivitenskap. ........................................................................ 7
Norsk politi og familjevold........................................................................ 8
Svensk polis: pusselbiten som inte passar in. ......................................... 8
Politiets Efterretningstjeneste – mellem tillid og kontrol .......................... 9
Blekingegade kommissionen har afgivet sin beretning ........................... 9
Svenska BRÅ utvärderar övervakningskameror...................................... 9
Nordisk antologi om ekonomisk brottslighet ...........................................10
Norsk master om rekruttering av ledere i ordenspolitiet .........................10
Norsk master om seleksjonsprosesser i disiplinære organisasjoner ......11
Norsk master om politiets brug av hunder ..............................................11
Anthology of Finnish Police Research ....................................................12
Svensk magister: Polisstudenters kritiska förhållningssätt .....................13
Supervision and Prevention of Environmental Crime in Finland .............13
Environmental Crimes in Finland and in Sweden ...................................14
Finnish guide: A Child as a Complainant during a Criminal Process ......15
Third Sector´s Role in Finnish Safety and Security Collaboration ..........15
Två rapporter om rocker- og bandekriminalitet i Danmark .....................16
Polisens massmediastrategier ...............................................................16
Artiklar, tidskrifter.........................................................................................17
Första numret av Nordisk Politiforskning ute nu .....................................17
Skandinavisk konferense om politipraksis-og-forskning
Bodø 20. og 21. november
Humorns funktion i polisarbete ...............................................................17
Nordisk politiforskning – udfordringer og muligheder .............................18
Utvidelsen i bruk av utradisjonelle politimetoder ....................................18
Familievold som et spesialfagfelt i politiet? ............................................18
Police University College, Finland Research Review .............................19
Collaboration Between the Police and Other Authorities in Finland .......19
Russian and Somali Minorities Distrust of the Police in Helsinki: ...........20
Action Research With or Without the Approval of Top Management .....20
A Practice Theory Analysis of Police and Doctors .................................20
Norwegian Police Murder Case 1926–1950 ...........................................21
European Police Science and Research Bulletin Issue 10 .....................21
Call for Contributions European Police Science and Research Bulletin .22
Call for abstracts Journal of Police Emergency Responses ...................22
Call for papers for Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and
Practice ..................................................................................................22
Konferenser, kurser m.m. ............................................................................23
Öppna föreläsningar vid Polisutbildningen i Växjö. ................................23
Skandinavisk konferanse om politipraksis og –forskning 20-21.11 ........24
Law Enforcement and Public Health Amsterdam 5-8.10 ........................24
Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference Sydney .................25
Lediga tjänster internationellt ......................................................................25
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev ..........................................27
Femte Nordiska polisforskningskonferensen dokumenteras
Den femte Nordiska polisforskningskonferensen hölls den 19-21 augusti. Med 45
seminariepresentationer och över 170 deltagare blev det den största hittills. Konferensen
kommer att dokumenteras på olika sätt. Föreläsningarna av konferensens huvudtalare kommer
inom kort att läggas ut på video på Polisutbildningen vid Linnéuniversitetets hemsida. Det
gäller föreläsningarna av David Bayley, Maurice Punch, Paul Larsson, Lars Holmberg som
alla behandlade polisforskningens ställning. Samma sak gäller Professor Gisli H Gudjonssons
föreläsning “False Confessions and Correcting Injustices”.
Vidare kommer en stor del av seminariernas power point presentationer att göras
Internetadresserna till föreläsningar och presentationer kommer i nästa nummer av
nyhetsbrevet. Innan dess kan man bevaka hemsidan för polisutbildningens forskningsverksamhet:
Den sjätte Nordiska polisforskningskonferensen kommer att hållas 2016 i Oslo.
Omorganisering av norsk politi
Den tidligere omtalte Politianalysen anbefalte en omorganisering av norsk politi og en
reduksjon av antall politidistrikt. Den politiske avgjørelsen om antall politidistrikt er ikke
vedtatt, men i forbindelse med stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet ved Politihøgskolen er
flere politidistrikt nedprioritert og får nå ikke delta på kursene. Dette har ført til en
medieoppslag: Foregriper Politidirektoratet beslutningene før de er demokratisk
Les mer her
Svensk polisutbildning valfråga
Den 14 september är det val i Sverige. Oppositionspartierna Socialdemokraternas juridiska
talesperson Morgan Johansson (och tilltänkt justitieminister) har återkommande uttalat att en
reformering av polisutbildningen mot högskoleutbildning är en fråga av högsta prioritet:
”Bättre utbildning, forskning och metodutveckling. Polisen måste bli en lärande organisation,
och få stöd i sin metodutveckling av kriminologisk forskning av världsklass. Vi måste lära oss
av de goda exempel som finns i andra länder när det gäller polisarbete, så att vi själva kan bli
bättre. Polisutbildningen måste reformeras, förlängas och knytas till högskolan.” (Johansson
Morgan Så får Sverige Europas bästa polis GP 29 juni 2014)
Finsk polisutbildning akademisk
Finsk polisutbildning stärker sin ställning som akademisk högskoleutbildning. Polishögskolan
i Finlands forskningschef skriver i utbildningens nyuitkomna research review:
A new Act on the Police University College entered into force at the beginning of 2014,
replacing the former Act on Police Training passed in 2005. The act brings big changes to the
structure and content of the training provided at the Police University College but also to its
research and development functions.
Under the new act, the basic education for police officers will become a university-level
degree. Police officers who want posts in the police command will need to complete a
master’s degree in policing. This brings the academic structure of police training in line with
other university courses. The first courses under the new system will begin in the autumn of
According to the act, the Police University College is responsible for providing scientific
and academic university-level education in national safety and security for specialist
vocational careers and command roles. The Police University College also supports
individuals’ professional development and promotes lifelong learning.
The statutory duties of the Police University College also include applied research and
development to support the planning of police work and national safety and security as well
as the teaching provided at the Police University College. This calls for methodologically and
substantively diverse research as well as the ability to identify and factor in the needs of
different target groups when producing information.
The provisions concerning research and development have been modelled on other
universities of applied sciences. They have considerable experience of practical research and
development projects and of making use of the know-how of teachers and students in project
work. The Police University College can adopt suitable best practices from other universities
of applied sciences.
The act calls special attention to the need for collaboration between the Police University
College and national and international police organisations. The importance of collaboration,
whether national or international, cannot be emphasised enough.
Se även:
Police University College, Finland Research Review presenteras under Artiklar, tidskrifter
Finska Polisyrkeshögskolan mest populära utbildningen
Unga finländare placerar Polisyrkeshögskolan på första plats i en kartläggning av
yrkeshögskolornas anseende. Taloustutkimus gjorde på våren en imageundersökning, enligt
vilken Polisyrkeshögskolan på basis av helhetsbetyget nådde toppen i en jämförelse av 20
Polisyrkeshögskolan har enligt ungdomarna flera särskilda styrkor: examen uppskattas på
arbetsmarknaden, undervisningen håller hög nivå och skolan skiljer sig till sin fördel från de
övriga högskolorna. Polisyrkeshögskolans anseende som studieplats hörde också till de bästa i
Polisen arbetar i en ständigt föränderlig omgivning. Också nu pågår en omfattande reform
av polisutbildningen med syfte att säkerställa den ansedda yrkeskompetensen också i
framtiden. Kvaliteten måste vara inbyggd i polisutbildningen, påpekar rektor Kimmo
Styrning av norska PHS
Politidirektoratet (2014) Styring av Politihøgskolen, utfordringer, dilemmaer og modeller.
Oslo: Politidirektoratet
Fra sammendraget
Et utvalg har vurdert styringsmodellen for Politihøgskolen og stilt spørsmålet «Hvilken styringsmodell vil gjøre
Politihøgskolen i stand til å løse oppdraget sitt på en best mulig måte i fremtiden?»
I rapporten beskrives nå-situasjonen. Videre identifiseres utfordringene ved dagens styringsmodell.
Politiutdannelsen har beveget seg fra å være en etatskole til en akkreditert høyskole. Dette har ført til et
spenningsforhold mellom høyskolens faglige uavhengighet og etatsleders behov for å styre faglig retning og
prioriteringer. Det er uklare roller, ansvar og myndighet innenfor de ulike virksomhetene og nivåene i
styringsmodellen og ved en strukturreform bør Politihøgskolen organisatorisk likestilles med de nye
politidistriktene (regionene) og særorganene for å få samsvar mellom ansvar og myndighet. Verken etats- og
virksomhetsstyringen av Politihøgskolen eller kompetansestyringen i politiet har ikke fungert tilfredsstillende.
Utvalget foreslår følgende:
 ·Å videreføre hybrid -modellen mellom en etatskole og en fristilt høyskole. Dette alternativet vil
balansere behovene knyttet til etatens kortsiktige og langsiktige kompetanseutvikling og den
nødvendige akademiske friheten.
 Å avklare roller, ansvar og myndighet i et svært komplekst styringsbilde og å rendyrke styringslinjene.
Politihøgskolens styre bør beholdes og styrelederen bør delta i styringsdialogmøtene med
 Å styrke Politidirektoratets styringsmuligheter som etatsleder av Politihøgskolen gjennom å etablere
langsiktige strategiske mål og planer for etatens kunnskapsutvikling og kompetanseutvikling.
 Å etablere et strategisk kompetanseråd som fungerer som et rådgivende organ for politidirektørens
strategiske ledergruppe i utviklingen av etatens strategi for kompetanseutvikling.
 Å utnytte forskningsvirksomheten bedre i etaten. Forskning og ny kunnskap blir tilgjengelig for flere og
omsettes til praktisk anvendbar kompetanse
Rapporten inte tillgänglig på nätet när detta nyhetsbrev skrivs
Stort norskt forskningsprojekt: Politimetoder i endring
Politihøgskolen i Norge er av Norges Forskningsråd bevilget forskningsmidler til prosjektet
”Politimetoder i endring” under programmet ”Strategiske høgskoleprosjekter. Prosjektets
ledes av professor Helene O. I. Gundhus ved Politihøgskolens Forskningsavdeling, og skal
pågå fra 2015-2018. Siktemålet er å utvikle ny kunnskap innenfor politivitenskap på områder
som mangler empirisk forskning og teoriutvikling både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, og skape
et mer dynamisk og robust forskningsmiljø for nye og etablerte forskere. Bakgrunn for
prosjektet er manglende systematisk empirisk forskning på utvisking av skiller mellom
forebygging, etterretning og etterforskning, samt reaktivt og proaktivt politiarbeid. Prosjektet
skal undersøke praktiske og normative konsekvenser, samt teoretiske forståelser av slike
dreininger gjennom fire ulike caser:
• Utvisking av skiller mellom økonomisk og organisert kriminalitet
• Politiets arbeid overfor 1% MC-grupper
• Politiets arbeid med volumkriminalitet/mobil vinningskriminalitet
• Utvisking av skiller mellom etterretning, etterforskning og forebygging i relasjon til
grenseoverskridende kriminalitet
Prosjektet vil i løpet av høsten utlyse tre stillinger: 1) PhD-prosjekt som skal utforske
organisasjons- og profesjonsrelaterte aspekter ved politiets arbeid opp mot økonomisk og
organisert kriminalitet, 2) enten et PhD-prosjekt eller seniorforskerprosjekt, avhengig av
søkers kvalifikasjoner, som skal undersøke politiets arbeid overfor 1% MC-grupper, og 3) et
seniorforsker-prosjekt som skal undersøke politiets arbeid med volumkriminalitet/mobil
Svenska Kriminalistföreningen ny hemsida
Svenska Kriminalistföreningen tar nu steget ut på internet och har lagt upp en hemsida med
adressen www.kriminalistforeningen.se. På sidan finns främst information om de
arrangemang som anordnas men också lite annan föreningsinformation som kan vara av
Nyt forskningscenter for økonomisk kriminalitet og Cyber Crime
ved Aalborg Universitet
Med etableringen af et nyt forskningscenter, International Economic Crime and Cyber Crime
Research Centre (IECC-CrimeResearchCentre), vil Aalborg Universitet sætte
forskningsmæssigt fokus på den juridiske dimension af indsatsen mod cyber crime og
international, økonomisk kriminalitet.
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser
Svensk avhandling om polisstudenters syn på mångfald
Malin Wieslander, doktorand i pedagogiskt arbete, försvarar sin avhandling "Ordningsmakter
inom ordningsmakten: Diskurskamp, dilemman och motstånd i blivande polisers samtal om
mångfald", den 12 september kl. 13.00 i Geijersalen, Karlstads universitet.
Forces in the Police Force: Discursive Conflict, Dilemmas and Resistance in Police Trainee Discourse on
This thesis identifies and describes the diversity aspects of police discourse based on the accounts of police
trainees in their final year. Specifically, the focus is on culture, religion and ethnicity, and four main questions
are addressed: What is said about diversity? How is it articulated? What subject positions are offered and
assumed? In what ways are discourses of diversity sustained and challenged?
The analysis of discourse in use is based on field studies conducted at the Swedish National Police Academy
and focus group interviews with police trainees in the educational setting and during their trainee placement
period. The analytical concepts of interpretative repertoire, ideological dilemmas, subject positions and
discursive devices are employed to identify how different meanings are ascribed to diversity. Three central
discourses of diversity are presented: diversity as inescapable difference (a hegemonic practice), diversity as
political goal (recognition of diversity) and diversity as potential likeness (regulation of diversity). These are
competing discourses on how police officers should be and how their role is understood in relation to a
pluralistic society. The study shows that the contradictory diversity discourses reflect a struggle of different ‘us’,
which regulates the conception of the ideal police officer, professional conduct and the performance of policing.
In addition, five dilemmas originating in the tension between the discourses are outlined. Diversity is found
to involve ideological dilemmas regarding how policing should be conducted in relation to profiling and social
categories, how humour and jargon are viewed and handled, and how lack of knowledge may mean attributing
subject positions to others with discriminatory implications. The thesis contributes to showing how diversity
discourses reproduce the social order by affirming the social categories that the representatives of diversity are
assumed to embody. It closes with a discussion of some practical and theoretical implications of its findings.
Key words: diversity, police, policing, discourse, dilemma, resistance, categorization, culture, ethnicity,
religion, jargon, humour, prejudice, profiling, discursive psychology, interpretative repertoire, positioning,
discursive devices, ideological dilemma
För nedladdning av avhandlingen i fulltext:
Innføring i politivitenskap.
Larsson, P., Gundhus, H.O.I. & Granér, R. (Red.). (2014). Innføring i politivitenskap. Oslo:
Cappelen Damm
Dette er den første nordiske innføringsboka i politivitenskap. Boka tar sikte på å bringe både
politiutdanningen og politiet et skritt nærmere vitenskapelig forskning.
Bokas første del tar for seg forskning på politiets historie, kontroll og styring av politiet samt
rettslige aspekter ved politiarbeidet. Andre del diskuterer hvem politiet er og hva som
karakteriserer politiets yrkeskultur. Tredje del belyser hva politiet faktisk gjør og ser nærmere
på sentrale temaer innenfor forebygging og politiavhør. Siste del drøfter det vanskelige
politiarbeidet, polisiær virksomhet utenfor politiet og framtidens politi.
Boka viser at politiarbeid sjelden bygger på vitenskapelig basert kunnskap eller evalueringer
av hva som fungerer, men i stor grad på det man antar virker og på hva som er politisk eller
på andre vis opportunt.
Innføring i politivitenskap henvender seg først og fremst til politistudenter, men også til andre
interesserte praktikere og akademikere som er nysgjerrige på forskning på politiet.
Ur innehållet:
Birgitte Ellefsen og Paul Larsson Skandinavisk politihistorie
Rolf Granér og Ola Kronkvist Kontroll av og i politiorganisasjonen
Tor-Geir Myhrer Politiretten– samfunnsbeskyttelse og rettssikkerhet
Otto Petersson Hvem er politiet?
Rolf Granér Selvstendige sheriffer eller lojale byråkrater– om patruljerende politis yrkeskultur
Lars Holmberg Hva gjør politiet
Helene O.I. Gundhus Forebyggende politiarbeid– i spennet mellom kriminalitetskontroll og
Harriet Jakobsson Öhrn Politiavhøret
Liv Finstad Det konfliktfylte politiarbeidet
Heidi Mork Lomell Polisær virksomhet utenfor politiet
Helene O.I. Gundhus og Paul Larsson Fremtidens politi?
För ytterligare information se:
Norsk politi og familjevold
Aas, Geir (2014) Politiet og familievolden. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
PHS Norges presentation:
Boken belyser politiets arbeid med familievold fra ulike perspektiver, og er særlig aktuell for
alle som har vold i nære relasjoner som en del av sitt arbeidsfelt, som politiet, krisesentre,
barnevernet og bistandsadvokater, forteller førsteamanuensis Geir Aas om publikasjonen.
Om boken sies det: «Familievolden er i løpet av det siste tiåret tydelig plassert på den
politiske dagsordenen, og politiet er den offentlige aktøren som tillegges hovedansvaret for
håndteringen av dette samfunnsproblemet. Denne boken belyser politiets arbeid med
familievold fra ulike vinkler. Her kommer både voldsutsatte på krisesentrene,
barnevernsansatte og politiutøvere til orde.
Bokens innhold bygger på et arbeid som dannet kunnskapsgrunnlag for Stortingsmelding
15 «Forebygging og bekjempelse av vold i nære relasjoner», og omfatter et stort
I boken, som er publisert gjennom Univeristetsforlaget, presenteres dette i tre deler: Del 1
handler om de voldsutsattes egne opplevelser med politiets arbeid, del 2 om organiseringen av
arbeidet og del 3 om anmeldte familievoldssakers videre skjebne.»
Svensk polis: pusselbiten som inte passar in.
Wennström, B. (2014). Svensk polis: pusselbiten som inte passar in. Stockholm: Jure.
Ur förlagets presentation:
Alla klagar på polisen. Justitieministern har uttryckt sin besvikelse. Rikspolischefen har ägnat
sig år självspäkning. Politikerna talar i katastroftermer: Polisen presterar för dåligt! En fråga
ställs gång på gång, varför går det inte att styra Polisen?
Räddningen har från politiskt håll ansetts vara en omorganisation. En ny polisorganisation
ska ge förutsättningar för att lösa dagens problem, heter det. Det märkliga var bara att
omorganisationen bestämdes innan de tre grundläggande frågorna, ”vad”, ”hur” och ”vem”
angående polisverksamhet ställdes. 2015 införs den nya polisorganisationen. Det mesta tyder
på att ännu en kris för Polisen väntar runt hörnet.
I denna bok tas de grundläggande frågorna om polisiär verksamhet på allvar. Det görs
genom en serie intervjuer med politiker, poliser, statstjänstemän och företrädare för
säkerhetsbranschen och ideella krafter. Långsamt framträder en annan bild en den som brukar
ges om orsakerna till vad som sägs vara krisen i Svensk polis. De som klagar mest, politik och
statsförvaltningen, bär själva ett tungt ansvar för situationen. De senaste regeringarna har
satsat oerhört på Polisen. De har haft sina grova mål om 20 000 poliser. Det har egentligen
aldrig fattats pengar. Däremot har det fattats politik. Vilket lett till en politisk tystnad
angående de svåraste frågorna som har skapat utrymme för andra att agera. Administrationen
har flyttat fram positionerna. Det kamerala perspektivet har fått ta överhanden.
I boken beskrivs vad som krävs för att ta frågor om trygghet och brott på allvar. Till att
börja med krävs ett fungerande ramverk för hela det ”polisära” området som inkluderar
organisationen Polisen men också säkerhetsbransch, kommuner och frivilliga. Först då kan
pusselbiten svensk polis förmås att passa in i samhällspusslet.
Politiets Efterretningstjeneste – mellem tillid og kontrol
Greve, E. B. (2014). Politiets Efterretningstjeneste - En retlig belysning af tjenestens
virksomhed og det samlede kontrolsystem. København: DJØFs Forlag.
Forlagets præsentation:
Bogen er den første juridiske undersøgelse af både PET's virksomhed og det samlede
kontrolsystem. Efterretningstjenester har altid haft ry for at være de demokratiske samfunds
problembørn, da tjenesterne ofte lever et mere eller mindre løsrevet liv fra den øvrige
forvaltning og i vidt omfang er undtaget den almindelige kontrol. Reguleringen af Politiets
Efterretnings tjeneste skal derfor sikre befolkningens tillid, at tjenesten kan løse sine opgaver
effektivt, at den enkelte borgers retssikkerhed ikke krænkes og tjenestens demokratiske
legitimitet ikke forsvinder. Derfor er det nødvendigt at behandle henholdsvis reguleringen af
PET's virksomhed og reguleringen af kontrollen med tjenesten, for at kunne belyse
sammenhængen mellem tjenestens virksomhed og kontrolmulighederne.
Blekingegade kommissionen har afgivet sin beretning
Kommissionen har haft til opgave at undersøge og redegøre for, om Justitsministeriet,
Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET) eller andre relevante centrale myndigheder modvirkede
det almindelige politis og anklagemyndighedens opklaring og strafforfølgning af de strafbare
forhold, herunder drabet på en politibetjent i 1988, som i den offentlige debat er blevet
forbundet med den gruppe af personer, der blev kendt som Blekingegadebanden.
Kommissionen konkluderer i sin beretning, at hverken PET, Justitsministeriet eller andre
centrale myndigheder har modvirket det almindelige politis og anklagemyndighedens
efterforskning og strafforfølgning. Læse mere her:
Svenska BRÅ utvärderar övervakningskameror
Kindgren Johanna, Marklund Fredrik (2014) Kameraövervakning på Stureplan och
Medborgarplatsen : delrapport 2. (2014). Stockholm: Brottsförebyggande rådet
Ur Brå:s presentation
De som vistas på Stureplan och Medborgarplatsen är positiva till de övervakningskameror
som Polisen har satt upp i områdena, men kamerorna har hittills inte hjälpt Polisen att
förebygga och klara upp brott i någon större utsträckning. Det visar en utvärdering som
Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå) publicerar.
För två år sedan inledde Polismyndigheten i Stockholms län ett försök med
kameraövervakning på Stureplan och Medborgarplatsen. Tillståndet gäller i tre år från det att
kamerorna tas i bruk, därefter måste Polisen ansöka om förlängning. Ett krav för förlängning
är att försöket utvärderas.
Brå utvärderar kameraförsöket i tre delrapporter; en efter varje år som kamerorna varit i
bruk. Detta är den andra delrapporten och i den beskrivs:
 hur personer som vistas på platserna upplever dem (jämför med hur de upplevde
dem för ett år sedan)
 hur brottsutvecklingen på platserna sett ut de senaste åren
hur Polisen har arbetat med kamerorna
hur användbart material från kamerorna har varit i utredningar.
För nedladdning:
Nordisk antologi om ekonomisk brottslighet
Alalehto, T., Korsell, L. & Larsson, P. (Red). Ekonomisk brottslighet. Lund: Studentlitteratur
Förlagets presentation:
Ekonomisk brottslighet är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem. Skattebrott och annan ekonomisk
brottslighet orsakar ekonomiska skador i västvärlden som är 17 till 20 gånger högre än för
traditionella brott. Finansiella brott och bedrägerier minskar dessutom tilliten mellan
individer. Återkommande opinionsundersökningar i Västeuropa och USA visar att
allmänheten känner en ökad grad av främlingskap till samhällsordningen på grund av den
ekonomiska brottsligheten, inte minst för att brottsligheten angriper den finansiella grunden
för samhällets institutioner.
Denna bok samlar exempel på betydande nordisk forskning om ekonomisk brottslighet
från tidigt 1940-tal till i dag. De olika bidragen handlar om hur ekonomisk brottslighet bör
definieras, hur utbredd brottsligheten är, vilka datakällor forskare använder sig av och vad vi
vet om den ekonomiske brottslingen. Till det kommer reglering och bekämpningsstrategier.
Sammantaget vill boken visa att den nordiska forskningen om ekonomisk brottslighet håller
hög kvalité i en internationell jämförelse. Den fyller även ett viktigt bidrag i att lyfta fram
nordiska förhållanden, vilket oftast inte uppmärksammas internationellt, samt den särpräglade
forskning som bedrivs i norden.
För ytterligare information se:
Norsk master om rekruttering av ledere i ordenspolitiet
Carlsen, C. (2014). Politiets operative lederideal: En kvalitativ studie om
rekrutteringsprosesser i ordenspolitiet. (Master i styring og ledelse). Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo
og Akershus.
De siste års rapporter om offentlig forvaltning generelt, og politiet spesielt – og senest med Politianalysen, har
avdekket et behov for grunnleggende endringer i holdninger, lederskap og kultur. Det gjelder både i offentlig
forvaltning og i politiet. Forskning på lederrekruttering i politiet er et lite omhandlet fagfelt. Det gjør en slik
oppgave spennende og interessant sett i lys av de over nevnte behov.
Per i dag finnes det ingen krav til hvem som kan bli ledere i politiet, og det er ingen nasjonal plan for utvikling
av politiledere. I følge Politianalysen medfører denne mangelen på systematikk at dyktige og talentfulle
politifolk som vil-‐ og bør-‐ bli ledere, ikke utvikles. Sett i sammenheng med en personlig interesse for
rekrutteringsfeltet, samt god kjennskap til og kunnskap om politiet, har forfatteren utledet følgende
problemstilling: ”Hvilken betydning har formelle og uformelle prosesser for utvelgelse av operative
politiledere?”. For å besvare problemstillingen er ledelses-‐ og polititeori, med politikultur-‐ og legitimitet som
en sentral del.
Forfatteren har intervjuet syv ordenssjefer ved ordensavsnitt i politidistrikt i Sør-‐Norge. Blant hovedfunnene
fremkommer det at ordenssjefene er suverene i å rekruttere divisjonsledere og forme ordensavsnittene etter eget
ønske. Dette uten at en nasjonal eller distriktsplan ligger i bunn. Ansettelsesrådene omgjør i liten grad
innstillingene som blir presentert. Politibetjenter som blir ansett for å være personlig egnet plasseres inn i
midlertidige stillinger som politiførstebetjenter. Det gir dem et klart fortrinn når stillingene skal formaliseres.
Dette medfører, slik blant annet Politianalysen oppsummerer, at andre dyktige og talentfulle politifolk ikke gis
muligheten til en karriere som leder. I alle fall ikke i ordenspolitiet. En ytterligere effekt av denne rekrutteringen
er blant annet vedlikeholdet av konformiteten i den enkelte avdelingen.
Kan leses i fulltekst i PIA: http://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/217522
Norsk master om seleksjonsprosesser i disiplinære organisasjoner
Haugan, S.E. og Sølvsberg, R. (2012) Seleksjonsprosesser i statlige disiplinære
organisasjoner. En studie av i hvilken grad Forsvaret, politiet og kriminalomsorgen
selekterer med bakgrunn i kandidatens kompetanse. Mastergradsoppgave i ledelse og
organisasjonsvitenskap, universitetet i Tromsø
Fra sammendraget
Hensikten med denne oppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan statlige disiplinære organisasjoner vurderer
kompetansen til kandidater som søker på stillinger. Vi har også undersøkt om de fremgangsmåter og verktøy
som blir brukt er beskrevet i kompetansestrategiene til virksomhetene, og om organisasjonene har noe å lære av
hverandre. For å kunne gi et svar på dette, har vi formulert følgende problemstilling:
Hvilke fremgangsmåter og verktøy bruker statlige disiplinære organisasjoner for å vurdere kompetansen til
de aktuelle kandidatene når de skal ansette en medarbeider? I hvilken grad inngår disse fremgangsmåtene og
verktøyene i kompetansestrategien til organisasjonene, og i hvilken grad har eventuelle forskjeller mellom de
undersøkte organisasjonene overføringsverdi?
Denne masteroppgaven er basert på bruken av kvalitative metoder når vi har samlet inn data for å belyse
problemstillingen. Vi har gjennomført dokumentstudier av skriftlige kilder for å finne data som kan bidra til å gi
svar på problemstillingen, og vi har studert aktuell litteratur om kompetanse. I tillegg har det blitt gjennomført
dybdeintervjuer av informanter fra Forsvaret, politiet og kriminalomsorgen, for å få klarhet i hvordan de tar
hensyn til kompetanse når de gjennomfører sine seleksjonsprosesser. Vi har analysert intervjuene og
dokumentstudiene, og deretter systematisert resultatene etter de spørsmålene vi stiller i problemstillingen.
Oppgaven konkluderer med at Forsvaret, politiet og kriminalomsorgen benytter seg av noen verktøy og
metoder for å vurdere kompetansen til aktuelle kandidater, men at det finnes muligheter til å benytte seg av flere.
Vi finner at noen verktøy er beskrevet i kompetansestrategiene til virksomhetene, og vi vurderer at etatene bør
kunne overføre erfaringer seg imellom innen visse deler av seleksjonsarbeidet.
Norsk master om politiets brug av hunder
Henriksen Glasø Karin (2014) ”Patruljehunden” En studie av hundeførerens politioperative
skjønn i en kulturell kontekst. Masteroppgave i kriminologi, Institutt for kriminologi og
rettssosiologi. Det juridiske fakultet.Oslo Universitet
The legalised use of force by the police is a recurrent topic for discussion, both in the media in general and in
various research communities in particular. While several of the physical means of force used by the police have
been subjected to research, ranking and regulation beyond section 6 of the Police Act, which is the general legal
rule governing the use of force by the police, the police dog leads a sheltered life with little focus from others
than those nearest to it. Against that background, this thesis raises the questions: Which factors are significant for
the dog handler s exercise of discretion, and how may these affect the balance between legality and efficiency?
What significance does the field culture have on practical performance? I have tried to answer these questions
based on 12 interviews and 78 hours of observation of dog handlers in operational police service, in addition to a
number of legal documents. Using Bourdieu s theoretical concepts of field, capital and habitus, I have attempted
to grasp the dog handlers perspectives and perceptions of the relationship between the field culture, themselves
and discretionary assessments. In addition, my own observation has enabled me to interpret and form an opinion
about possible factors and norms that are important for the dog handler s everyday operational discretion. The
thesis discusses how different factors linked to the dog and dog handler s personality, training, experiences and
expectations, may affect the dog handler s exercise of discretion. The thesis shows how the legal principles for
the use of force by the police are central to how the dog handler balances between legality and efficiency. It also
discusses how the dog handler s role as a specialised generalist both shapes and is shaped by the culture in which
he operates, and how experience, which appears to be the dog handler s most important capital, is transferred in
the practical internal interaction between the dog handlers. The use of police dogs is not regulated by regulations
or legislation, apart from section 6 of the Police Act. Nor is the police dog as an instrument of force included in
the police use of force continuum, but it is nonetheless, in legal theory, defined as the second most lethal weapon
after firearms. The wording of section 6 of the Police Act is general, thus providing much scope for
interpretation. How the dog handler operates in the balancing act between efficiency and legality in everyday
work largely appears to be a matter for his personal discretion, and is possibly developed and consolidated
through collaboration with colleagues. This may lead to large national variations in how discretion is exercised,
based on differences in local culture, available competence and networks for the individual dog handler. There is
broad consensus among the dog handlers in my material that working with a police dog is contextual and that
more rules do not necessarily ensure better practice. They maintain that detailed rules do not necessarily lead to
good discretion, and that the overarching principles may be lost. The dog handlers do not find the discretion
onerous but emphasise that the free reins provided by their exercise of discretion is legitimised by their having a
thorough knowledge of the rules and that they must themselves be capable of placing their dog within the scope
of this discretion. A major find seems to be how the dog handler s local place of work is responsible for the use
of the police dog in the tactical field of armed operations. The thesis does not discuss whether the dog should be
used or how, if it is used. However, empirical data show that the police dog is used in operations requiring armed
force, but without overarching guidelines designed to ensure a national uniform performance. As the role of the
police dog is perceived as being not very specifically defined, it is the dog handler who must personally
communicate his competence both horizontally and vertically within the police organisation so that the
expectations of others harmonise with the dog handler s perception of what constitutes good discretion.
För nedladdning:
Se även
Anthology of Finnish Police Research
Muttilainen, Vesa & Huotari, Vesa (toim.) (2014) Poliisin toimintaympäristö:
Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun katsaus. Tampere: Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu, (English
summary, 10 pages: Police’s operating environment. Police University College Review 2014.
Police University College Finland, reports 112).
The first 'Police's operating environment' review by the Police University College was published as an extensive
symposium of articles in 2012. The 2014 review establishes and refines the monitoring and forecasting of the
operating environment initiated earlier. The review comprises more than 30 articles based on research and
statistics, other source material and expert information. The authors represent the Police University College,
other universities and research institutions, the police administration and other areas of administration.
The framework for the review is provided by the division of the research fields of the Police University
College: Police Work and Organisation, Policing, and Police in Society. These sections are preceded by a
chapter describing the preconditions of policing, which discusses the topical challenges of police administration
and legislative changes. The chapter also reviews the state of the public economy, immigration statistics and
long-term trends in crime.
The chapter on police work and organisation reviews the research data and development activities related to
the police as well as the education reform and the effectiveness of training. Other themes include the changes in
police organisations in Western Europe and Russia, police strategy in Finland and occupational welfare and
empowering leadership in the police.
The section on policing starts with an analysis of the quality of pretrial investigation, the pre-trial
investigation of violence against children and road policing. Cooperation in policing is discussed in the articles
on the cooperation between the police, customs and the border guard (PCB), illegal immigration and the
prevention of environmental crimes. The section on technology presents the motives of cyber threats, the
preparedness of the police to use mobile technology and the utilisation of social media in crisis situations.
The chapter on the police in society first reviews the increasing global significance of data networks, issues
of overall state security and regional security activities in the Tampere region. An assessment of trust in the
police sheds light on the perspectives of citizens and the media. The other reviews focus on corruption and
gambling as well as drug crime in Russia and Finland.
The review ends with a summary of the key conclusions of the articles and their intersecting themes. The
review as a whole forms a broad-based analysis of the production of research and expert information on the
police now and in the near future. It serves the needs of police training and the development of policing and
internal security in a variety of ways.
For download:
Svensk magister: Polisstudenters kritiska förhållningssätt
Pappinen Hillert Anna (2014) Polisstudent i akademiska skriftspråksvärldar. En studie av
polisstudenters kritiska förhållningssätt i deras självständiga arbeten. Magisteruppsats.
Växjö/ Kalmar: Linnéuniversitetet
This master’s essay presents a study designed to investigate twelve police students’ability to handle academic
writing conventions and to show critical-analytical competence in their degree projects, which are written as part
of the education at Sweden’s three police academies. The education of police officers is not an academic one,
and the students’ main focus is therefore on writing texts in the field of police discourse. At the same time,
scientific principles and critical thinking are emphasized in their syllabus, but the question of how students
handle the encounter with academic discourse has so far not been investigated. This, therefore, is the aim of the
present study. The texts have been analyzed according to the academic writing conventions of referencing,
citation, hedging and boosting. By studying how these conventions are applied, the writers’ stances become
visible, which makes it possible to discern in what ways they remain critical-analytical to person, theory and
content. The study shows that police students can handle academic writing conventions to varying degrees,
which means that their texts differ in how well they function in an academic context. The fact that they do not
fully master these conventions also makes it more difficult for the students to signal a critical stance, and only
occasionally does their critical-analytical competence show. The difficulties displayed by the police students can
thus be viewed as general within the field of academic discourse. At the same time, the study shows that the
students do acquire a certain competence in textual as well as writing conventions, which they are able to
transfer from police discourse. This, in turn, constitutes the didactic consequence of the study. If this were to be
brought up as part of the educational program, the writing of a degree project might raise police
students’awareness of different genres and further develop the competence necessary in their profession.
Keywords: Police students, academic writing, critical-analytical competence, citation, referencing, hedging,
boosting, stance
Supervision and Prevention of Environmental Crime in Finland
Sahramäki, Iina & Kankaanranta, Terhi (2014) Ympäristörikollisuuden torjunta ja valvonta
Suomessa : kohti vihreämpää viranomaisyhteistyötä? Tampere: Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu.
Environmental crime is largely hidden crime whose supervision and prevention require co-operation between
several different authorities. If carried out efficiently, co-operation between authorities may prevent
environmental crime. This study analysed the state of supervision and prevention of environmental crime in
Finland. The present state was explored from the authorities’ perspective: what is the co-operation process like
between different authorities? What kinds of challenges have the authorities faced in the supervision and
prevention process?
The study focused on co-operation between the Centre of Economic Development, Transport and the
Environment, environmental supervisory authorities in municipalities, the police and prosecutors. In all, 24
officials were interviewed during spring 2013: eight police officers, five officials from the Centre of Economic
Development, Transport and the Environment, seven officials from municipalities and four prosecutors. All of
them were located in the Uusimaa region in Southern Finland.
Co-operation was defined in this study as a multi-professional process whose content and meaning are
constructed in the interaction between authorities. Based on previous research literature, the process was
analysed from several perspectives: operations models, information exchange and flow, ways of co-operating,
financial resources, the grey area of environmental crime, preventive effect of environmental criminal law,
professional identity and professional cultures.
The findings suggest that the co-operation process between authorities was person-related and case-specific.
The supervision and prevention of environmental crime has improved during the last few years. On the other
hand, officials had fairly little experience of co-operation since the annual number of suspected environmental
offences is low. Operations models were influenced by personal views of the seriousness of the offence as well
as the professional cultures of the officials: police officers defined the ‘reason to doubt’ threshold; the
supervisory authorities were more concerned about how to restore the legal state. The legislation was considered
to be relatively difficult, and its interpretations significantly influenced the authority response. The co-operation
between environmental supervisory authorities and the police started mainly from the request for preliminary
Due to scarce financial resources, there was a clear need for prioritising duties. The financial resources
allocated to supervision influenced the opportunity of the supervisory authority to report the suspected
environmental offence to the police. At the same time, police officers recognised the insufficiency of their
resources if more suspected environmental offences were reported to the police.
The biggest challenge in information exchange was the role of the municipal environmental supervisory
authority. As the plaintiff of environmental offences is the Centre of Economic Development, Transport and the
Environment, the officials in municipalities are not officially recognised as part of the criminal procedure, even
though they may have requested the preliminary investigation in the first place. The challenges in information
exchange diminished the trust between authorities and made co-operation demanding. Unofficial communication
and meetings between officials clearly made the boundaries between authorities lower and made it easier for
officials to find shared interests and goals.
Environmental Crimes in Finland and in Sweden
Sahramäki, Iina & Kankaanranta, Terhi (2014) Vihreämpää rajan toisella puolella?:
vertaileva tutkimus ympäristörikollisuuden torjunnasta ja tutkinnasta Suomessa ja Ruotsissa.
Tampere: Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu
Each year, fewer than 500 suspected environmental offences, as specified in Chapter 48 of the Criminal Code,
come to the attention of the police in Finland. This figure is often compared with the number of environmental
offences reported to the police in Sweden. The annual number of suspected environmental offences in
accordance with the Swedish Environmental Code that come to the attention of the preliminary investigation
authorities in Sweden is 4,000–6,000. The number of hidden crimes has been assessed to be significant in both
This report surveys the differences and similarities between Finland and Sweden with the goal of developing
the prevention and investigation of environmental crime in Finland. The report sets out also to answer the
question: how can the prevention of environmental crime be developed in Finland on the basis of the results of
the comparison?
The material under comparison includes statistics, legislation, the results of earlier studies as well as
discussions between the researcher and authorities. The report compares Finland and Sweden’s institutional
structure and legislation for the prevention of environmental crime. The expertise of the authorities in the
prevention of environmental crime is also analysed.
Legislation is addressed from the viewpoint of environmental criminal law, crime statistics, preliminary
investigation reports and sanctions. In Sweden, environmental criminalisation and other environmental
legislation are compiled in the Environmental Code, which entered into force in 1999. Sweden’s Environmental
Code obligates the environmental supervisory authorities to report all suspected environmental offences to the
preliminary investigation authorities. There is no similar obligation in Finland; the Environmental Protection Act
provides the supervisory authorities with discretionary power subject to certain conditions. The administrative
and criminal sanctions are fairly similar in both countries. The greatest difference is in determining
administrative sanctions and imposing a corporate fine. The majority of environmental offenders are sentenced
to a fine in both countries.
In this report, the institutional structure is the model used by the state to organise prevention and
investigation. Key aspects of the structure include the supervision of compliance with the environmental
legislation, organisation of the police and prosecutor and the perspective of co-operation. In Finland, the police
are in charge of investigations. The Swedish Police has approx. 70 environmental and working environment
crime investigators nationally; in Finland, environmental crime is mainly investigated as part of daily
investigations or white-collar crime investigations. In Finland, five persons act as key environmental crime
prosecutors in addition to their other duties. The Swedish Prosecutor’s Office has a team of 20 environmental
and working environment crime prosecutors, which is responsible for the prosecution of environmental crime
and is in charge of investigations nationally.
In this context, expertise refers to the training received by the police in environmental crime investigation. In
Sweden, environmental crime investigators complete a 12-credit study module at Uppsala University. In
addition, they have the opportunity to take an advanced course worth 1.5 credits. In Finland, police officers
investigating environmental crime may take an annual course worth 2 credits. The course is particularly intended
for the officers in charge of investigations.
Finnish guide: A Child as a Complainant during a Criminal Process
Tuominen, Mia 2014 Lapsen edunvalvonta
esitutkinnan näkökulmasta. Tampere:
When a child becomes as a complainant during a criminal process, he or she encounters issues which might be
too complicated for a child to understand. If child’s father or mother or both parents are suspected of a crime
committed against the child there is no one to guard child’s interests. Therefore a guardian should be appointed
to protect child’s interests.
The legal base for guardianship and to all questions related to that is multidimensional. The provisions
regarding supervision of child’s interests are laid down in the Child Welfare Act and in the Guardianship
Services Act. However, applying those provisions in the criminal process has caused a variety of practices used
in the police departments which cannot be considered as child’s best interest.
This guide has been targeted to provide answers to those frequently need a guardian during the criminal
process. The aim of this guide is to describe those problems and give answers to questions so that practices
applied in the police departments would be as coherent as possible. The arranging child’s guardianship.
Third Sector´s Role in Finnish Safety and Security Collaboration
Perttula, Jouni (2013)
The enhancement of safety and security in society is built upon jointly agreed and mutually coordinated efforts
from representatives of all sectors of society. The Pirkanmaa Safety and Security Cluster is a local response to
this challenge on a regional scale. It consists of a framework for combining skills, knowledge, situational
awareness and practice, as well as insights and visions for the future from different authorities and organizations.
A missing link in its work however has been the third sector. This research project aims to contribute to their
involvement in this joint effort and to investigate the conditions conducive to their participation.
The first task in this action research was to identify the relevant third sector players in the region. The second
was to figure out how regional safety and security work might benefit from their knowledge, skills, and
capabilities, and what role the third sector parties could play, and what it would take to make such a role
available for them. The data was collected from the third sector through direct interviews, discussions at various
events and seminars related to this project, and by conducting a survey on the current members of the steering
group of the Pirkanmaa Safety and Security Cluster.
It turned out that there are a large number of third sector organizations and players in the Pirkanmaa region
that are both willing and capable of increasing their involvement in the development of regional safety and
security. The third sector is also seen as a true contributor and partner in the current, more comprehensive
concept of safety and security. Their involvement is expected to bring fresh, value-based insights and ideas,
constructive criticism, as well as new perspectives, networks and resources, thus enabling a wider basis for
cooperation on safety and security.
Joining forces requires regular, well-coordinated and well planned cooperation. A positive sign is that there
already seems to be an agreed need for the development of mutual cooperation and that common intent already
exists - arguably the most important conditions for accomplishing anything jointly.
Close co-operation requires proper attitudes, mutual respect, and effective platforms for the collaboration.
The first step in this direction was taken, when a representative from a third sector organization was nominated
to the steering group of the Pirkanmaa Safety and Security Network. Furthermore, the steering group decided to
establish a new learning network later this year, calling on the participants from the third sector to participate in
this joint effort in combining forces and capabilities for the better safety and security for everyone in the
Pirkanmaa region. The aim is also to encourage third sector players to promote themselves as an important
element in regional work for safety and security worthy of public recognition, to enlarge the scope of discussion
within the cluster, and to put forward important themes revealed in this research project.
Två rapporter om rocker- og bandekriminalitet i Danmark
Rigspolitiet (2014) Rockere og bander 2013. Rigspolitiet
Rapporten giver en generel og overordnet beskrivelse af situationen på rocker- og
bandeområdet, herunder mere overordnede oplysninger om kriminalitet begået af personer
med tilknytning til rockerklubber og bander. Rapporten beskriver endvidere politiets indsats
på området i 2013.
För nedladdning:
Klement C. & Kyvsgaard B. (2014) Flowet i rocker/bandemiljøerne. Justitsministeriets
Undersøgelsen baserer sig på politiets registreringer, og kortlægger gennemstrømningen af
personer i rocker- og bandegrupperinger i Danmark. Undersøgelsen konkluderer, at
gennemstrømningen er stor og at kun en mindre personskare i grupperingerne tilhører en
stabil kerne. rapporten kan downloades her:
Polisens massmediastrategier
Thunholm Patrik (2014) Kommunikativ maktförskjutning? Legitimitetsskapande kommunikation i kölvattnet av ett massmedialt uppmärksammat omhändertagande. Växjö: Linnæus
University studies in policing. Nr 002, 2014
Denna rapport redovisades i nyhetsbrevet från maj men utan fullständig webbadress för
nedladdning. Den kommer här:
Artiklar, tidskrifter
Första numret av Nordisk Politiforskning ute nu
På polisforskningskonferensen i augusti introducerades Nordens första polisforskningstidskrift, Nordisk Politiforskning. Nordisk politiforskning (Nordic Journal of Studies in
Policing) har som mål å presentere ny kunnskap og forskning innen politiforskning,
politivitenskap og polisiær virksomhet (policing) i de nordiske landene.
Tidsskriftets hovedformål er å medvirke til utviklingen av fagfeltet politiforskning, samt
spredningen av relevant forskning innen akademia, blant praktikere, ledere, i
utdanningssystemet, myndighetene og media. Tidsskriftet skal ha en uavhengig kritisk rolle i
fagutviklingen og tar sikte på å styrke fagfeltets akademiske kvalitet, samt publisere artikler
av praktikere som utfører forskning på eget felt.
Tidsskriftets målgruppe er primært forskere, utdanningsinstitusjoner på alle nivåer,
praktikere, politiets ledelse, media og politiske myndigheter, især innen justissektoren.
Tidsskriftet skal publisere artikler på norsk, dansk, svensk og engelsk og utgis med to
hefter i årlig. Alt innhold i tidsskriftet er åpent tilgengelig for alle (open access)..
Call for Papers! Nordisk politiforskning vil gjerne ha bidrag fra forskere og andre som ønsker
å publisere politirelevante artikler. Manuskripter sendes til redaksjonen: norpol@phs.no.
I detta nummer (artiklarna presenteras separat nedan):
Rolf Granèr Humorns funktion i polisarbetet
Lars Holmberg Nordisk politiforskning – udfordringer og muligheder
Paul Larsson Normaliseringen av det unormale - Utvidelsen i bruk av utradisjonelle
politimetoder Geir Aas Familievold som et spesialfagfelt i politiet?
Gunnar Thomassen & Jon Strype Bokanmeldelse: Just Authority? Trust in England and
Humorns funktion i polisarbete
Granér R. (2014) Humorns funktion i polisarbete. Nordisk Politiforskning Nr 1 2014, 9-23
The purpose of this text is to discuss the function of police humour, especially in the group of patrolling
policemen. The discussion is primarily based on a literature study combined with data from qualitative
interviews and participant observations. Basically «joking relationships» are considered a form of play which
gives the individuals involved a relative freedom from responsibility. In terms of dealing with frustration with
work including resistance against authorities, internal joking can be considered a form of parenthesis behaviour,
i.e. it expresses parts of the personality that are suppressed through demands of authoritative and correct
behaviour in the outer world. Joking can be seen as a form of diversion, partly through making distance to
anxiety provoking situations, partly through rejecting aggressive situations to more neutral ones. Furthermore
joking is a way to devalue the world around, to idealize the police collective in order to relieve feelings of guilt,
and enhance emotions of moral superiority. In terms of internal relationship joking can be seen as ways of
strengthen group cohesion. This is done by marking a boundary to different outgroups. Humour can be a way of
establishing norms and giving sanctions for non-accepted behaviours, to investigate what is accepted in the
group, to express feedback, to deal with conflicts, distribution of power and status and a mean of socialisation of
new members.
För nedladdning
Nordisk politiforskning – udfordringer og muligheder
Holmberg L. (2014) Nordisk politiforskning – udfordringer og muligheder. Nordisk Politiforskning Nr 1 2014, 24-40
The paper discusses possibilities and problems for police research in the nordic countries. Nordic police research
is increasing in volume, but it is still dominated by works originating in norway and sweden. A number of
threats to future research are defined, among them close ties between police and researchers and the desire from
police management to direct research and control it’s output. It is argued that participant observation of the
police is getting increasingly difficult to carry out due to overly restrictive ethical considerations. Furthermore,
an increasing focus on «what works» may guide researchers away from posing more fundamental questions
about the relation between police and society. The paper concludes with the observation that almost all police
research in the nordic countries is undertaken by researchers from the same countries as the police forces
studied. It is suggested that an increased focus on comparative research may bring new insights.
För nedladdning
Utvidelsen i bruk av utradisjonelle politimetoder
Larsson P. (2014) Normaliseringen av det unormale - Utvidelsen i bruk av utradisjonelle
politimetoder. Nordisk Politiforskning Nr 1 2014, 41-57
Summary: Normalizing the abnormal
This article deals with some aspects concerning the use of police methods known under many names. These
methods is often said to be new, even if most of them have a long history, as untraditional or extraordinary,
hidden, secret and deceptive methods of intelligence, investigation, surveillance or even crime prevention. The
main questions analyzed in the text is how does these methods affect policing and the police role in modern
societies. What do we know about the effects of these methods, not only on crime, but also on the society and the
justice system? The challenges and necessity in relation to research and scientific knowledge on secrete and
deceptive methods are raised in the last sections of article.
«What once occurred infrequently and was viewed with disdain as a characteristic pf continental despotism is
now routine administrative practice.» (Fijnaut og Marx, 1995 s. 14).
För nedladdning
Familievold som et spesialfagfelt i politiet?
Aas G. (2014) Familievold som et spesialfagfelt i politiet? Nordisk Politiforskning Nr 1 2014,
Domestic violence is especially challenging for the police to deal with precisely because these crimes occur in
close relationships. The proximity between the victim and the perpetrator represents a problem for the police at a
number of levels. Violent relationships may have been going on for years without anyone knowing about it. In
order to make a criminal case the police often have to penetrate a wall of shame, guilt and close ties to the
perpetrator. It is also challenging for the police to deal with a tragic, complex and sometimes confusing life
story, and simultaneously document and transform it into a written report as a basis for a criminal case. It is
well documented that the police experience powerlessness, frustration and despair in dealing with family
conflicts, which probably can be traced to lack of knowledge and understanding of this reality. Should the police
therefore classify domestic violence as a special field? Domestic violence as a discipline is already specialized to
some extent in the police organizations – particularly through the system of family-violence coordinators,
domestic violence contacts and specialized investigation teams at some police stations in Norway. In addition the
police have also developed some problem-oriented projects like the “Drammen-project” (especially directed
against abuse in minority communities) and the SARA-project (Spousal Assault Risk Assessment guide). One
danger of further specialization is however that only a few police officers will dear to handle this field. The
number of domestic violence incidents reported to the police annually is so large that any police officer must be
able to handle them in a satisfactory manner.
För nedladdning
Police University College, Finland Research Review
In this issue:
Editorial: New act to change the operation of the Police University College
A new Act on the Police University College entered into force at the beginning of 2014. The
act brings big changes to the structure and content of the training provided at the Police
University College but also to its research and development functions.
Research results
With regard to the Police University College’s most recent publications, the spotlight is on
collaboration between the Police, the Finnish Customs and the Border Guard as well as the
prevention and monitoring of environmental crime. The list of other publications includes
analyses on topics such as hate crime and regional safety and security.
Project news:
Review of EU funding and new projects
Project planning is in progress with a view to applying for funding under the EU’s Horizon
2020 programme. The Police University College can participate in the projects in the capacity
of a research centre or as an end user. New research projects have started in fields such as
social media as well as money laundering and terrorist financing.
Collaboration Between the Police and Other Authorities in Finland
Niemi, Jenni; Sahramäki, Iina & Jukarainen, Pirjo (2014) Information-sharing in interorganizational collaboration between the police and other authorities in Finland. European
Journal of Policing Studies. - 1 (4), 320-338
Due to the complexity of crime phenomena and crime control, the extent and importance of collaboration and
strategic partnership between security actors has notably increased during the last decades. These changes pose
challenges to the police organization and management. This joint paper of three individual research projects
discusses collaboration between the police and other authorities in Finland within these contemporary type of
inter-organizational networks. The data was in each case collected via thematic interviews of the police and
various other authorities. The focus is on information exchange. We analyse factors that promote information
sharing, as well as factors that hinder it. We also consider the communication practices from the viewpoint of
more profound collaboration and knowledge creation. Our research shows that police officers consider interorganizational collaboration as a substantial part of today’s crime prevention, but the change in policing is still
on-going. The collaboration between the police and other authorities is still largely based on concrete actions and
specific cases. Deeper collaboration and knowledge creation on larger issues mostly takes place at the
managerial level. In the future, a challenge is to bring knowledge creation practices into local collaboration and
planning of concrete actions. Three individual studies enable a wide examination of inter-organizational
collaboration in crime control. Focus on information exchange from the police point of view sheds light on the
practices of everyday policing. The examples are from the Finnish police, but the results on mechanisms of
collaboration can be applied to police work in other countries as well.
Russian and Somali Minorities Distrust of the Police in Helsinki:
Kääriäinen Juha, Niemi Jenni (2014) Distrust of the Police in a Nordic Welfare State:
Victimization, Discrimination, and Trust in the Police by Russian and Somali Minorities in
Helsinki. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice. - 12 (1), 4-24
This study focuses on the trust in the police of the Russian and Somali minorities living in Finland. Three
hypotheses are tested: First, we study whether the level of trust can be explained by experienced insecurity, fear
and victimisation. The second approach is analysing whether the trust can be explained by the immigrants´
personal experiences on police behaviour. Thirdly, we analyse the connection between trust and experienced
discrimination. In the latter case, the reasons behind the distrust are not sought from police activities alone, but
also from the position of the minorities in the society and from individual experiences that reflect this position.
The article is based on the Finnish data of the EU-MIDIS -survey. According to our results, the Russians trust in
the police can be explained primarily with the instrumental approach. On the other hand, all three abovedescribed approaches can be applied to the Somali minority.
Action Research With or Without the Approval of Top Management
Holgersson S. & Melin U. Pragmatic Dilemmas in Action Research: Doing Action Research
With or Without the Approval of Top Management? Systemic Practice and Action Research
March 2014
This article problematizes a basic assumption that action research should be conducted in terms of acceptance by
management. The importance of approval from the responsible stakeholders at the work practice, which is the
subject of action research, has traditionally been emphasized in action research literature. External pressure can
constrain an organisation to initiate and fulfil different types of needs for change. In this article we address the
question of whether it is appropriate to accomplish action research in a way that creates pressure on an
organisation to act. If the public risks suffering as a result of an organisation′s inability or unwillingness to
identify and rectify serious problems, there are strong arguments to answer “yes” to this question. This answer is
particularly relevant when it comes to governmental organisations. The public has a legitimate requirement that
tax-financed organisations should be well-functioning. This article illustrates how action research can put
pressure on a work practice, and discusses the problems and challenges of this type of research design. An
important contribution to action research literature based on this article is that it shows that the dilemma in action
research of balancing practice interests and those of science is not just about dealing with a dual agenda. The
interest of the practice interests is multi-faceted. This article points at the relationship between action research
and principles for conducting critical research in information systems. Practical implications that can be drawn
based on this article are for example that it clarifies the challenge of different considerations that may be eligible
in action research.
A Practice Theory Analysis of Police and Doctors
Lindberg Ola; Rantatalo Oscar (2014) Competence in professional practice: A practice theory
analysis of police and doctors. Human Relations June 30, 2014
This article outlines a theoretical understanding of competence as the inferred potential for desirable activity
within a professional practice. By employing the concept of ‘teleoaffective structure’ as developed in Schatzki’s
practice theory, our study investigates how notions of competent and excellent professionals are defined in two
separate practices in which highly qualified professionals share formal qualifications. The study is comparative
and based on a total of 39 interviews carried out in the Swedish National Police Counter-Terrorist Unit (police)
and with recruiters of medical interns (doctors) in Swedish healthcare. Results indicate that, despite obvious
differences between the professional groups in the study, some remarkable similarities are apparent in what are
regarded as high levels of competence. Surprisingly, technical expertise was downplayed as an indicator of high
levels of competence in both practices. The professional groups emphasized flexibility, drive/ambition and social
competence, as well as the ability to balance between being highly capable and being humble before others,
including other groups of professionals as characteristics of excellence. Based on the results, the authors discuss
a ‘logic of excellence’ that can be used to describe mechanisms of competence differentiation in professional
practices from a practice theory perspective.
Key words:competence medical doctors police practice theory professional practice professionalism
Norwegian Police Murder Case 1926–1950
Media History 20, no. 4 (2014),är ett specialnummer Crime Stories: Criminality, Policing and
the Press in Inter-war European and Transatlantic Perspectives. Bl.a. ingår
Per Jørgen Ystehede “Two Suspicious Persons: Norwegian Narratives and Images of a Police
Murder Case, 1926–1950”
… examines the murder of two police officers in western Norway in 1926. The case remained
relevant beyond the late 1920s: a book published on it in 1933 is considered to be one of the
first “true crime” novels in Norway. A film version was produced in 1949, but was
subsequently banned for half a century. Not only was the murder itself a cause célèbre that
captured the interest of the interwar Norwegian press, but the media images of the killers
reflected fears of foreignness, anxieties related to Norway’s recently achieved independence,
and the influence of “expert” criminological knowledge. (Citat ur introducerande
European Police Science and Research Bulletin Issue 10
European Police Science and Research Bulletin Issue 10 – Summer 2014
ENFORCEMENT INTELLIGENCE EXCHANGE IN THE EU.............................................................. 4
Anselmo Del Moral Torres
MECHANISMS............................................................................................................................. 12
Ivana Glavina Jelaš, Dunja Korak and Joško Vukosav
HOLISTIC APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS AND STUDY OF TERRORISM...................................... 17
José María Blanco Navarro
VICTIMISATION AND FEAR OF CRIME......................................................................................... 20
Andrea Tünde Barabás
THE EUROPEAN FORENSIC SCIENCE 2020 CONCEPT................................................................. 24
Gabor Kovacs and Mónika Nogel
ORGANISATIONS: A NEW ITALIAN PILOT PROJECT.................................................................... 27
Andrea de Guttry
REPORT......................................................................................................................................... 30
Ilona Bodonyi, Andrea Kozáry and Judit Nagy
João Cabaço and Wolfgang Kokoska
UPCOMING EVENTS..................................................................................................................... 40
För nedladdning
Call for Contributions European Police Science and Research
Call for Contributions to Issue No. 11 of the European Police Science and Research Bulletin,
published by CEPOL – European Police College, Contributions are invited concerning the
following areas:
 Small articles or concise reviews of significant original research results in all areas of
police science and research as well as of security research;
 Information about recently finalised or ongoing research projects or programmes in
the field of police, policing or security research;
 Information about police research centres operating in Member States and CEPOL’s
cooperation partners;
 Information about publications of police and security research issued outside the
CEPOL framework;
 Reviews of methodological developments in police science and research;
 Information about forthcoming international police science and research conferences,
seminars, and symposia.
Submissions should be sent to: research.bulletin@cepol.europa.eu
It is recommended consulting and observing the “Manuscript Submission Guidelines”
available for download from the Bulletin's section at CEPOL's webpage at:
All submissions (drafts are acceptable) for the 11th issue must be received as soon as
possible, at the latest by Friday 12 September 2014
Call for abstracts Journal of Police Emergency Responses
The brand new Journal of Police Emergency Response is an open-access, peer-reviewed,
interdisciplinary publication and is now accepting online submissions! The journal welcomes
research on all areas of law enforcement and corrections emergencies, including case studies,
training & legal write-ups, and prescriptive or descriptive research articles. All entries will
given due consideration and peer review.
Call for papers for Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and
Submit your research now to this new journal - launching in 2015 Journal of Criminological
Research, Policy and Practice An applied international journal covering policing, corrections
and community justice
This new journal provides a unique single outlet which covers the notion of a ‘seamless
disposal’, covering contact with the police, courts and sentencing through to custody and
release. The journal will also consider how criminal justice institutions engage with the
community and non criminal justice agencies. Each issue will include papers covering three
areas of: Initial and preventative contact Containment (involving police, courts and custody)
Through-care, resettlement and community based work The journal will publish research
from a variety of perspectives including the offender(s), the victim(s), communities and the
professionals involved. - See more at
Konferenser, kurser m.m.
Öppna föreläsningar vid Polisutbildningen i Växjö.
I anslutning till doktorandkursen i polisvetenskap kommer Polisutbildningen vid
Linnéuniversitetet att erbjuda en serie öppna föreläsningar:
Polisens maktanvändning/ accountability
10.15 - Stefan Holgersson
13.15 – Liv Finstad,
Polisverksamhet i praktik och retorik
Weber, hus K
Politiet som rettsstatens garantist og
Linné, hus H
Dennis Töllborg
Illojal maktanvändning inom polisen
och annars
Linné, hus H
Rolf Granér
Otto Pettersson
Socialisation in i polisrollen
Polisens organisering. Polisreformer i de nordiska
länderna Växjö
10.15- Björn Furuhagen
Polisens historia, utvecklingen i de
– 12.00
nordiska länderna,
13.15- Rolf Granér,
Formella och informella
9.15Nicholas Fyfe
Centralizing Forces? - Comparative
Perspectives on Contemporary Police
Reform in Northern and Western
11.00- Lars Holmberg
Polisreformen i Danmark
Linné, hus H
Paul Larsson
Polisreformen i Norge
Stefan Holgersson
Polisreformen i Sverige
Seminarium ang polisreformen med
deltagarna ovan
Skandinavisk konferanse om politipraksis og –forskning 20-21.11
20. og 21. november 2014 arrangerer Politihøgskolen ved avdeling Bodø Skandinavisk
konferanse om politipraksis og -forskning.
Konferansen vil være et møtested hvor forskere, praktikere og utdannere kan utveksle
kunnskap og erfaringer. Her vil praktisk erfaring, forskning og teoretisk refleksjon møtes.
Formålet med konferansen er å belyse hvordan praksis, forskning og utdanning kan bidra til
utvikling av profesjonsfeltet. Hvordan kan aktører fra disse tre ståstedene sammen styrke
politiets praksis? Konferansen søker å belyse hvordan forskning på erfaringer med
politiarbeidet kan føres tilbake til praksisfeltet.
Call for abstracts
Under konferansen vil det gjennomføres en workshop for forskere, praktikere og
politiutdannere inviteres til å holde et innlegg. Workshopen vil organiseres med 15 minutters
innlegg og med fem minutters påfølgende diskusjon. Om du ønsker å bidra, send inn et
abstract, sammendrag, på maks 300 ord, av det du ønsker å presentere til
oddbjorg.edvardsen@phs.no innen 15. september 2014.
I abstractet må det fremkomme et tydelig tema og/eller problemstilling som er relevant for
konferansen. Abstractet blir vurdert av konferansekomiteen og tilbakemelding gis innen 1.
oktober 2014.
Law Enforcement and Public Health Amsterdam 5-8.10
The 2nd International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH2014) will
be held at the Free University in the Dutch capital city of Amsterdam from 5 – 8 October
Policing and public health are both more effective when they are developed and operate in
partnership – a critical partnership long in tradition but often neglected in practice. The LEPH
Conferences confront this neglect by bringing together police, public health practitioners,
academics and policy makers to examine, review, assess, share and learn from each other.
LEPH2014 will present a multi-focused Conference Program that will address three main
 Substantive issues - all the particular public health and social issues in which the
police-public health partnership is important
 Organisational issues - how to best achieve optimal and sustainable partnerships and
 Reflection and methodological issues - creating a science of the public health and law
enforcement intersection
Conference topics:
Disability: policing and People with Disabilities
Road trauma: impacts of road policing on public health
Mental health: special challenges for policing
Public health as crime prevention
Policing and Public Health: the research, education and training agenda
Alcohol regulation: regulation for health and public order
Vulnerability, policing and public health issues
Policing and HIV
Violence: the Unsafe City and other violence prevention
The Developing World
Migrant, Refugee, Minority and Indigenous health
Police leadership in public health responses
Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference Sydney
Dockside Function Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney18-19 February 2015
The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research is convening our second biennial
conference on applied research in crime and criminal justice. This conference will showcase
high quality Australian and international research in the areas of policing, offender
rehabilitation, situational crime prevention, corrections, early-intervention and criminal
justice administration.
The event is intended for both researchers and policy makers. Officers from all levels of
government will have the opportunity to see how new research might assist them in
developing more effective, more efficient and more equitable ways of managing crime and
Keynote Speakers
Professor Doris Layton MacKenzie Director, Justice Centre for Research, PennState
University | Author of What works in Corrections: Reducing the Criminal Activities of
Offenders and Delinquents
Professor David Weisburd, Executive Director, Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy,
George Mason University | Recipient of the 2010 Stockholm Prize in Criminology for his
work on crime, place and policing
Professor James Ogloff, Director of the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science,
Swinbourne University of Technology | Specialist in the assessment and management of
Professor Jenny Williams, Department of Economics, Melbourne University | Considers
the causes and consequences of criminal behaviour by young people from a microeconomic
Lediga tjänster internationellt
University Instructor Policing (+PhD) Canterbury Christ Church University - School of Law,
Criminal Justice and Computing. Closing date 12th September
Associate Lecturer in Criminology Southampton Solent University - Faculty of Business,
Sport and Enterprise. Closing date: 4th September.
Lecturer in Criminology/Forensic Psychology/Sociology Full time/Permanent post Royal
Holloway, University of London - School of Law. Closing date 12th September.
Unestablished University Lecturer in Experimental Criminology, University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology. Closing date 19th September.
Lecturer in Criminology, Victoria University of Wellington - School of Social and Cultural
Studies. Closing date 26th September.
Teaching Fellow in Criminology, College of Humanities and Social Science, University of
Edinburgh - Edinburgh Law School. Closing date 8th September
Reader/Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University of York - Department of Sociology.
Closing date 8th October
Lecturer in Criminology Faculty of Social Science Open University - Department of Social
Policy & Criminology. Closing date 4th September
Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Lancaster University - School of Law. Closing date 19th
Assistant Professor (Fall 2015) Rutgers University The School of Criminal Justice of Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey
Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellowships, European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverket är ett löst sammansatt nätverk som utgår från
polisutbildningarna i Norden. Nätverkets syfte är att stimulera polisforskning i Norden.
Utöver nyhetsbrevet anordnas vartannat år nordiska polisforskningskonferenser.
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev har funnits sedan 2008 och erbjuder en
översikt över vad som händer inom polisforskning i Norden. I uppläggningen eftersträvas att
ge snabblästa, kortfattade och överskådliga presentationer med kompletterande webbadresser
alt. bilagor för ytterligare information. Bl.a. presenteras nyheter, publicerade texter och
evenemang med anknytning till polisforskning. Bidrag till nyhetsbrevet mottages tacksamt.
Rolf Granér, rolf.graner@lnu.se
Tatanya Valland, Tatanya-Ducran.Valland@hioa.no
Redaktion/ kontaktpersoner:
Danmark: Anne-Stina Sørensen ASS003@politi.dk.
Vesa Huotari, Vesa.Huotari@poliisi.fi
Jarmo Houtsonen, Jarmo.Houtsonen@poliisi.fi
Mette Berg, Mette.Berg@phs.no
Patrik Thunholm, http://polisforskning.se
Jonas Hansson: jonas.hansson@polis.umu.se
Oscar Rantatalo: oscar.rantatalo@umu.se
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Vid problem med att anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet kan detta ske direkt till rolf,graner@lnu.se