“Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Implementation of the SPMS in the University of the Philippines Dr. ANGELA D. ESCOTO Director, Human Resources Development Office “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CHECKLIST (Ref: Guidebook on the SPMS) KEY PLAYERS UP SYSTEM SPMS PMT UP DILIMAN SPMS PMT HEADS OF UNITS GOAL ALIGNED TO AGENCY MANDATE AND ORGANIZATIONAL PRIORITIES AND OUTPUTS/OUTCOMES BASED “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CHECKLIST (Ref: Guidebook on the SPMS) GOAL ALIGNED TO AGENCY MANDATE AND ORGANIZATIONAL PRIORITIES AND OUTPUTS/OUTCOMES BASED MAJOR FINAL OUTPUTS (MFO) - ACADEMIC UNITS MFO1: HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES MFO2: ADVANCED EDUCATION SERVICES MFO3: RESEARCH SERVICES MFO4:TECHNICAL ADVISORY EXTENSION SERVICES MFO5: HOSPITAL SERVICES- PGH SUPPORT TO OPERATIONS (STO)- ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF AND REPS GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT – FINANCE GROUP “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE KEY RESULT AREA: POVERTY REDUCTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE POOR AND VULNERABLE SECTOR OUTCOME: ENHANCED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS, ATTITUDES AND VALUES OF FILIPINOS TO LEAD PRODUCTIVE LIVES ORGANIZATIONAL OUTCOME: GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION GRADUATES NEW KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES GENERATED AND DISSEMINATED WELFARE IMPROVED OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop KEY STRATEGIES ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE DEVELOPING THE UNIVERSITY’S STUDENTS, RESEARCHERS, FACULTY AND STAFF INTO A POOL OF RESPONSIBLE AND COMPETENT LEADERS WHO SHALL CREATE WORLD-CLASS INNOVATIVE AND PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, PRODUCE CREATIVE WORKS IN THE ARTS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES AND CONDUCT EXEMPLARY EXTENSION SERVICES “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE PROVIDE AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY THROUGH ADMINISTRATIVE EFFICIENCY AND FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY ADMINISTRATIVE EFFICIENCY THROUGH: EFFECTIVE HUMAN MANAGEMENT RESOURCE PROMOTING COST EFFICIENCY “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CHECKLIST (Ref: Guidebook on the SPMS) TEAM APPROACH MANAGEMENT TO PERFORMANCE SPMS GUIDELINES PROVIDE FOR CASCADING OF ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT’S COMMITMENTS/GOALS TO INDIVIDUAL STAFF MEMBERS SUCH THAT INDIVIDUAL WORK PLANS OR COMMITMENT AND RATING FORMS ARE LINKED TO OFFICE/DIVISION/UNIT WORK PLAN OR COMMITMENT AND RATING FORM “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CURRENT PRACTICE : PES FOR REPS AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF – INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE TARGETS AND PERFORMANCE RATINGS SPMS: INDIVIDUAL AND OFFICE COMMITMENT (TARGET SETTING) AND RATING (EVALUATION) OFFICE MANDATES SPMS FORMS “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CHECKLIST (Ref: Guidebook on the SPMS) SPMS FORMS PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT RATING FORMS INCLUDE: MFOs SUCCESS INDICATORS +MEASURES) ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS RATING AND (TARGETS “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE PUTTING IN PLACE SPMS IN THE OFFICE HRDO METHODOLOGY STARTING POINT: UP MANDATE, UP System mission, vision; then how UP Diliman aligns with UP System Review HRDO’s mandate and the alignment of the division and section functions with the OFFICE mandate in support to the operations of UP Diliman and System Review existing duties (contained in current PES form) of individual staff. The performance goals of each employee must contribute and align with the performance goals of the section Translate current PES of individual staff to individual level success indicators (IPCR) “Kawani ng Bayan: Tatak-UP – Magalang, Mahusay, Mapagmalasakit” Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation and Workshop University of the Philippines Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE PUTTING IN PLACE SPMS IN THE OFFICE HRDO METHODOLOGY Section level success indicators must contribute and align with the Division level and Office level success indicators. Success indicators should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Taken together the above can be used to accomplish the OPCR Develop and agree on the rating scale system to be used (performance monitoring and coaching will be implemented during the pilot implementation schedule) 2012 Strategies and Accomplishment l13 HRDO functions 1. Advise management on human resources policy and administration including the proper interpretation, enforcement and implementation of Civil Service laws and other rules. 2. Develop and administer uniform and professional standards for recruitment, selection and placement for all University employees . 3. Develop, implement, monitor and evaluate comprehensive, balanced and relevant career and personnel development programs designed to promote values, integrity, effectiveness, efficiency, economy, responsiveness and progressiveness in the university. 4. Study, rationalize and administer employee benefits packages for all university employees taking into account budgetary and legal considerations. 5. Undertake human resource planning and research, manpower studies and personnel/job audit to rationalize the university’s staffing pattern; Ensure proper management of vacant items 6. Maintain a reliable, computerized and updated personnel records and publish HR statistics and bulletin. 2012 Strategies and Accomplishment l14 FUNCTIONS PER DIVISION 1. Human Resource Planning and Research Division (HRPRD) • Conduct manpower needs / job analysis and job evaluation; • Evaluate organization and staffing requests from all units in the university. • Process requests for staffing modification, creation and hiring of positions, including requests for exemption from the attrition law. • Keep record of Qualification standards/skills requirement for all university positions and implement the position classification and compensation plan of the university. • Maintain and update the university’s computerized manpower data bank • Monitor compliance with existing procedures such as submission of performance evaluation reports (PTs/PRs), SALN • Ensure proper management of the university’s pool of vacant items and facilitate item modification plans. • Maintain and update the HRDO website • Maintain 201 files of University personnel • Serve as PERC secretariat 2012 Strategies and Accomplishment l15 FUNCTIONS PER DIVISION 2. Human Resources Recruitment Division (HRRD) • Process recruitment and placement of University employees. • Advertise/publish vacant positions. • Process transfers, appointments and all kinds of personnel movement recommended by the different units/colleges. • Report administrative appointments to the CSC • Prepare Service Records, Certificates of employment, requests for ID • Process NOSIs, NOSAs , NOPAs and NOPASAs • Maintain and update PSI-POP • Serve as secretariat to the Academic Personnel and Fellowships Committee (APFC) and AdPFC 2012 Strategies and Accomplishment l16 FUNCTIONS PER DIVISION 3. Human Resources Development and Benefits Division (HRDBD) • • • • • • • • • • • Formulate, design and implement development/training courses including the preparation and dissemination of appropriate training materials. Evaluate the impact of development/training programs in the univ. and recommend appropriate measures to improve/update Develop procedures and techniques for assessing and determining training needs. Undertake continuing review of the different development training interventions to ensure its timeliness and relevance to the changing needs and demands of employees and working conditions Process application for fellowship/scholarship and study grants Process requests for special detail, secondment, sabbatical, travel and limited practice of profession Administer all employee benefit programs including retirement Maintain and update employee leave cards Develop, initiate, innovate and propose new benefits program schemes Serve as secretariat to the Administrative Personnel Fellowships Committee and the Reneging Fellows Committee Monitor Admin. Development Fund and REPS Development Fund Performance Measures Tied to a goal or an objective (Target) Represented by dimensional units like hours, number of reports, length of time to do the work, etc. Performance Targets The goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable) Success Indicators = Measures + Targets Step 4. Identification of Success Indicators HRDO Success Indicators for individual employee (Sample) Step 4. Identification of Success Indicators HRDO Success Indicators for individual employee (Sample) Step 8. Develop and Agreed on Rating Scale System at all levels HRDO Success Indicators AND rating scale of individual employee (Sample) MAJOR FINAL OUTPUTS SUCCESS INDICATORS 1 Q T3 2 E Planning and Research Section MFO Manpower needs analysis and management of items based on government and university policies 100% of requests for filling up vacant positions evaluated with completet required documents on a first in first out basis. Processing per request is seven (7) days including evaluation and draft preparation until forwarded to the Division Chief. 5 With no revision on draft of evaluation 4 Returned once with minor revision on draft 3 Returned once with major revision on draft 2 Returned twice with minor/major revision on draft 1 Returned thrice or more for revision on draft 5 Processed request 5 Processed a within 5 days or less 4 Processed request within 6 days 3 Processed request within 7 days 2 Processed request within 8-13 days 1 Processed request for 14 days or more 4 request in 1 day Processed a request in 2-3 days 3 Processed a request in 4-5 days 2 Processed a request in 6-7 days 1 Processed a request beyond 7 days Step 8. Develop and Agreed on Rating Scale System at all levels MAJOR FINAL OUTPUTS SUCCESS INDICATORS Q1 E2 T3 Monitoring and Evaluation Section MFO - Employee (REPS and Administrative) Performance Target/Rating Monitoring and Evaluation 100% Percent of Submitted PRs Encoded and Recorded by second week of October 2013. 5 Work is approved 5 or Earlier and accepted as final; Accuracy 100%. 4 Work is highly 4 acceptable; Work revised on first submission with minimal changes. 3 Work is fairly good 2 Draft frequently 4 Within 59-65 Days 3 and normally acceptable; Work revised 2-3 times; with few errors Note: Time frame for this activity is 2 1/2 months or 75 days 5 Within 58 Days 3 Within 66 - 83 Days 2 revised with major corrections and mistakes 1 Work is consistently 1 not acceptable 2 Within 84 149 Days 1 Within 150 Days or more Step 8. Develop and Agreed on Rating Scale System at all levels MAJOR FINAL OUTPUTS SUCCESS INDICATORS Q1 T3 E2 Training Section Section MFO- Develop and Implement Training Programs Training course 5 Average outstanding 5 Monthly 5 implementation of implemented within rating of participants training course, but not 45 days upon more than 45 days receipt of approved 4 Average very 4 Quarterly 4 design proposal satisfactory rating of participants implementation of training course 3 Average satisfactory 3 Semi-Annual 3 rating of participants implementation of training course 2 Average 2 Annual implementation 2 unsatisfactory rating of training course of participants 1 Average poor rating of participants 1 No training implemented 1 Step 9 & 10. Develop the Performance Monitoring and Performance Evaluation Tools Step 9 & 10. Develop the Performance Monitoring and Performance Evaluation Tools for UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES PERFORMANCE TARGET Rating Period: July - December 2013 Name Unit/Office/Dept. LEIZEL P. LECTURA Position HRDO/HRDBD UES III PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AT THE BACK. PERFORMANCE TARGET PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT I shall strive to deliver quality service in the performance of my task by achieving the HIGHEST possible w ork standard as established by the unit PERC and agreed upon w ith my supervisor, for the follow ing functions: ACTUAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES % DISTRIBUTION (B) I. Training 50 1 Develop, design, plan, implement, supervise, monitor and evaluate Training Need Analysis both for organizational and individual needs 1.1 HRDO Level 1.2 University Level QUANTITY (C) QUALITY (D) AVE. SCORE [(C+D)/2] B 0.00 16.67 8.33 8.33 2 Develop, design, plan, implement, supervise, monitor and evaluate Training Management Plan 2.1 HRDO Level 2.2 University Level 16.67 3 Develop, design, plan, conduct, facilitate, monitor and evaluate Training Proposal for UP employees (to improve functional and softskills based on the actual training needs and career development plan) 3.1 Pre-retirement Lecture Series (6th Batch 2013) 3.2 Stress and Anger Management 3.3 Procurement Systems and Inventory Taking 3.4 General Administrative Management & Support Services II. Development 50 16.67 8.33 8.33 4 Learning Module Development and compilation (which includes coaching and mentoring approaches) 4.1 Pre-retirement Lecture Series (6th Batch 2013) 4.2 Stress and Anger Management 4.3 Procurement Systems and Inventory Taking 4.4 General Administrative Management & Support Services 5 Continous professional and non- professional development program for UP Employee 5.1 Develop and manage database of Trainings attended 5.2 Assist in the development of career programs/plan for UP Employees 6 Partnerships among UP Diliman units, UP System and other institutions (which provides education or HR development training) 6.1 GSIS 6.2 ISSI 7 Other duties and responsibilities related to the HRDO functions 7.1 Develop HRDO presentation materials and statistical report 7.2 Provide support to management from time to time 7.3 Monitoring and Reporting Employee's Signature PART I. PERFORMANCE - 70% 100.00 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 12.50 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 12.50 6.25 6.25 12.50 6.25 6.25 12.50 4.17 4.17 4.17 100.00 Date PERFORMANCE TARGET SUB-TOTAL PERFORMANCE RATING I shall strive to ensure the delivery of quality service by providing all possible means to assist and support the employee tow ards the achievement of his/her target for the said rating period. Supervisor's Signature Date Discussed w ith: Date Confirmed by: Date Next Higher Supervisor's Signature Date Attested by: Date