Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs Request for FY14
Presentation to the SBPC May 30, 2012
Evaluation Team
• Tom Dougan
Vice President, Student Affairs
• Michael Smith
URI Foundation President
• Patricia Morokoff
Chair, Dept. of Psychology; Equity Council
FY 2014 Academic Affairs Division Request
• Total Request
• Less: AA co-share
• Net Request
$75,000 from Fund 110 (Overhead) and $1,627,600 from Fund 100
This request represents about 1% of the AA
FY12 unrestricted budget
Budget Request
Requested from
Cost Share
Faculty Cluster Hires: 6 tenure926,100
track faculty positions/4 lecturers
Experiential Learning and
Community Engagement:
Liaisons half of 6 positions
Graduate Research tuition
differential fellowship
Asst. to Provost for Global
Instructional technology designer 101,000
Classroom Technology support
Masters Physicians’ Assistant
Budget Priority Rank 1
Full Time Faculty hires
2 Cluster hires (total of 6 tenure-track
faculty) in thematic areas (Health and Wellness;
Environment and Green Economy; Science and
Technology; Liberal Learning)
4 Lecturers
Request= $926,100
Additional 10% cost share with Academic Affairs
Relationship to Academic Plan
• 1. Enhance academic quality and value: strategic
investment in areas of emphasis
• 2. Prepare students for changing world: By developing
interdisciplinary research and teaching opportunities, we
support instruction and research in cutting edge areas.
• 3. Research and innovation: develop interdisciplinary
collaboratives among the faculty to enhance research and
Academic Plan cont.
• 4. Global Citizenry:
Interdisciplinary work would be
likely to have a global focus
• 5. Equitable and inclusive campus: allows the
possibility of increasing diversity among faculty; cluster
topics focus on relevant contemporary societal issues and
so will address issues of inclusion, equity, and diversity
• 6. Instructional effectiveness: May increase efficiency by
supporting joint appointment hires and close collaboration
among faculty.
• 1. Enhances the visibility of URI in the higher education
• 2. The cluster themes support the brand—Think Big
• 3. May benefit the RI State economy.
• 4. New courses associated with cluster hires may
generate interest among prospective students
• 5. Faculty have already begun to work more
collaboratively across departments
• 6. Quality of student experience is enhanced through
interdisciplinary learning
Reinvestment Budgetary Efforts
• Academic Affairs holds budget hearings for
each college to propose strategic hiring
• Allocation to colleges is based on these
requests, emphasizing strategic reallocation
within the college
• Cluster hires for FY13 have now been
announced for each thematic area
Data justification for request
• Over the past decade, URI has added more than 4200
FTE students
• Number of full time faculty (tenure-track and lecturers) has
remained constant
• URI spends $5.5 M on part time faculty who provide
instruction primarily to first year students and general
education courses.
• URI spends only about $6500 per FTE student for
instruction but is one of the most expensive public doctoral
granting institutions in the country
Benchmark Data on Faculty Hires
• Institution/Category
Instruction Expenditures as %
Total Operating Budget
• 5 other NE land grant universities’ average 30.24%
Budget Priority Rank 2
Office of ELCE: Liaisons to Academic Units
• 3 liaisons were hired this year via costshare with A&S, HSS, and Business
• Funds are requested to continue the A&S
portion (1.5 FTE) and add liaisons for
another 3 colleges—total request=3 FTE
• $255,000 requested
Relationship to Academic Plan
• The liaison provides a link between faculty,
community organizations, and the OELCE,
thus expanding experiential learning
throughout majors.
• Hands on experience helps prepare
students for a changing world
• Experiential learning includes work on
research and in laboratory settings.
Relationship to Academic Plan Cont.
• Experiential learning may include a global
• Experiential learning can focus on diversity
as noted by the AA Diversity Task Force in
which experiential learning opportunities
were highlighted
Benefits Associated with OELCE Liaisons
• Builds partnerships with RI businesses and
• Uses fewer classrooms and less faculty
time, capitalizing on outside resources—
thus are a cost benefit to the university.
• May include paid internships for students
• Increases quality of student experience
Reinvestment Budgetary Efforts
• 1. Director salary
• 2. Graduate assistant in the OELCE to
manage data and information
• 3. Budget for faculty to lead project-based
learning courses.
• 4. A ‘one stop shop’ has been developed
focusing on experiential learning
Budget Priority 3
Graduate Research Tuition Differential
This fellowship program was instituted in 2010 and continues
through the current year
Originally began with $1.15 M, it is now funded at $1.45 M
Estimate it will need to grow to $2M to appropriately support
our research and graduate education
An additional $150,000 is requested for FY14
Benefits of this proposal
• 1. URI funded research directly impacts the state
• 2. Allows PI’s to include more grad RA positions, thus
allowing us to attract more well qualified grad students.
• 3. Directly impacts enrollment and retention of graduate
• 4. Peer institutions provide a 100% tuition waiver on outof-state graduate assistantships
Budget Priority Rank 4
Asst. to Provost for Global Strategies:
central planning coordinator for internationalizing
the university (already funded on a temporary ,
nonsustainable basis)
• Request includes
– salary + fringe= $148,500
– Operating expenses = $35,000
Position responsibilities
1. Increasing enrollment of international students
2. Enhanced strategic partnering with other universities
3. Expansion of on campus summer programs
4. Institution of a university-wide global steering committee
to coordinate activities across colleges
• 5. Increase enrollment of international undergraduates
(currently only 41/13,000)
• 6. Develop our ESL program with ACE
• 7. Capitalize on our prime geographic location
Rationale for Position
• Staffing for OIS: URI has the lowest number of staff
among comparison schools at 5 (average = 13) (Hanover
• A decline in US high school grads is expected in coming
years—this gap can be closed by international students
• International students will
– increase our revenue stream
– Enrich the cultural experience on campus for all
Relation to Academic Plan
• Goal 1: Increase international student enrollment
• Goal 2: This position will work with colleges through the
global steering group to enhance the global curriculum
including a possible new minor and/or major in global
• Goal 3: Research in areas of international education will
• Goal 4: Position is designed to increase global education
• Goal 5: Inclusive campus goals will be facilitated by more
international students.
• 1. Enhances brand—think big
• 2. RI benefits from students’ increasing
knowledge of other countries
• 3. Key revenue stream from international
• 4. Enhanced reputation for URI as it
becomes more global
Budget Priority 5
Curriculum Technology Support
ITS instructional technology designer
Salary + fringe = $101,000
ITS Classroom Technology Support Staff
Salary + fringe = $87,000
Alignment with Academic Plan Goals
• Enhance academic quality: Advancing learning with
technology will enhance overall student experience by
helping to create the 24/7 learning experience and
maintain classrooms at highest level of technology.
• Changing World: Faculty require support in using
technology and instructional design support is needed to
move the online learning efforts forward including
• This will improve the infrastructure to support research.
Alignment with Academic Plan cont.
• Establish the global classroom: Virtual courses can be
developed with international partner institutions, e.g.,
Ocean University of China
• Institutional effectiveness: Expanding learning with
technology allows for greater efficiency as web and
software teaching resources become available
• Online post-baccalaureate certificates: will require
technological resources
Reinvestment Budgetary Efforts
• 1. New office of Online Teaching and Learning –supports
faculty in use of online learning and teaching with
• 2. Over $1M invested in new state-of-the-art classroom
• 3. Classroom technology budget for the Joint Classroom
Steering Committee has been established
• 4. Champlin Foundation projects fund the purchase of
technology for use in teaching.
Goals of these positions
• Take advantage of the most advanced educational tools,
technologies, and practices
• Adapt to changing needs of students
• Develop individually paced courses, Web-based and
modular classroom experiences
• Provide 24/7 learning practices
• Support a campus-wide digital culture in which students
have up to the minute technology, equipment, and
laboratory experiences
Classroom Technology Support
Classroom Technology Support:
• Support on-line learning technologies
• Maintain existing electronic classrooms
Instructional Designer
Assists faculty in:
Development of online and hybrid courses
Use of technology in the classroom
Unranked Budget Priority
• Masters Physician’s Assistant Program
– No resources requested
– Request is a placeholder
Critique of Academic Affairs Budget
Faculty Hires
1. How does this proposal address increasing the student to
faculty ratio?
2. With tenure-track focus on interdisciplinary hires, will there
be sufficient full time faculty coverage within disciplines?
If not, will this necessitate further part time faculty hiring?
3. Extent to which cluster hires will impact the RI economy
and address global citizenry or diversity issues may
depend on the specific clusters.
Experiential Learning Liaisons
1. Costs are a co-share with colleges—can we
be assured that colleges have financed their
liaisons on sustainable funding? New money
is sought only for Academic Affairs—not for
college portion
2. Suggestion—job description should include
increasing the number of experiential
opportunities that focus on global and
diversity issues.
Graduate Research Tuition Differential
• This program is working well
• Is an investment in our graduate students
and research enterprise
Asst. to Provost for Global Strategies
• Do we have a plan for how to provide
student services and manage a larger
international student population?
• Do we need a stronger investment in order
to get into the marketplace now?
Online Curriculum Technology Support
• To what extent will these hires support
technology for standard classrooms versus
providing assistance with online courses (or
the online portion of hybrid courses)
• Would benefit from benchmarking data—
number of positions we currently have vs.
other institutions