Community Hospital of San Bernardino Allied Healthcare Workforce Development Grant Presentation Presented By: Kimiko Ford, VP Mission & Support Services Carrie Schmidt, Manager Volunteer Services February 4th, 2011 Community Hospital of San Bernardino Our Mission Delivering compassionate, high quality, affordable health services; Serving and advocating for our sisters and brothers who are poor and disenfranchised; and Partnering with others in the community to improve the quality of life. 1910-2011 Community Hospital of San Bernardino Who We Are 343 bed acute care facility A member of Catholic Healthcare West 100 years of service to our community Primary care focus Maternal child ED/MedSurg/ICCU Behavioral Health Services Sub Acute (Adult & Children) Home Health Community Education Outreach Community Hospital of San Bernardino Who We Are 1,300 admissions per year 45,000 Emergency Department visits 1,495 employees 250 medical staff 90 volunteers Purpose of Grant Allied Health Bridge Program To address: The economic development, educational and cultural needs critical to the health of the Inland Empire population The shortage of Allied Health Professionals Provisions and incentives for continued professional development and cultural competence of Allied Health professionals within our community Meeting the Needs of the Community Educational programs are critical to meet the economic development needs of our community Assess and understand the cultural and linguistic needs of the patient population we serve Assess the ability of the current healthcare workforce to meet the needs of the patient population Develop a pipeline of professionals by increasing awareness of Allied Health career opportunities with local student populations Develop local educational programs to increase cultural and linguistic competency of current healthcare workers Inland Empire Community Service Area 652,000* *Nielsen Claritas 2009 Community Hospital’s Service Area is Diverse 4% 3% 12% Hispanic Caucasian African American 20% 61% Asian Other Comparison of Community Hospital’s Employee and Patient Ethnicity In-Patient Ethnicity 18.87% Employee Ethnicity 18.81% 20% 31% 0.34% 0.29% 1.55% 0.45% African American American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian 0.15% 22% Hispanic or Latino Native Hawiian/Pacific Islander 60.14% White (not Hispanic or Latino) 27% Shortage of Allied Health Professionals Allied Health Professionals comprise 60% of the American healthcare workforce according to the US Department of Labor Aging baby boomers with increased cases of chronic health conditions straining healthcare workforce Allied Health shortage predicted at 1.6 to 2.5 million in the U.S. by 2020 According to the California Hospital Association Allied Health Workforce survey of 2010, currently there are 133.4 Allied Health vacancies in the Inland Empire 2010 Inland Empire Allied Health vacancy rate is 4.6%; projected at 15.9% by 2015 Education & Career Advancement The Inland Empire has multiple vocational, community college, and university level Allied Health programs Despite available programs, the region lacks a sufficient number of culturally and linguistically competent healthcare professionals Expand pipeline for Allied Health professionals through partnerships with local secondary schools and colleges Increase awareness of Allied Health professions at the high school level Offer tuition assistance for hospital staff enrolled in accredited Allied Health education programs Develop and provide programs designed to increase cultural and linguistic awareness and competency within our community Developing Solutions Allied Health Bridge Program Bridging the Gap for our Community Allied Health Bridge Program Steering Council Council Members Brian Amador, Pharmacist, CHSB Susan Bangasser, Dean of Science, San Bernardino Valley College Dr. Kim Clark, Professor, Cal State University San Bernardino/Inland Coalition Liaison Kimiko Ford, VP Mission & Support Services, CHSB Dr. Nellie Leon, LLUMC Deborah Hagar, Workforce Investment Board/Coalition for Quality & Affordable Healthcare Rosilyn Nolan, Sr. Director, Community Benefit/Education, CHSB Carrie Schmidt, Manager, Volunteer Services, CHSB Carol Taylor, Educator, Carter High School Marion Moore, RN, Manager, Workforce Development, CHSB Mark Billings, Educator/SBCSS R.O.P, Pacific High School Jeanne Bolin, Human Resources, CHSB Charting Our Course Increasing the Pipeline Integral Components Allied Health Professional Opportunities Educational Partnerships Allied Health Cultural & Linguistic Competency Increasing the Pipeline Educational Partnerships #1 CHSB has partnered with local high schools providing instruction to hundreds of students on Allied Health Careers Multiple student tours of Allied Health departments within the hospital Regional conference hosting 400+ high school students through a partnership with Inland Coalition resulted in one on one interaction between students and CHSB Allied Health professionals Allied Health professionals provided school site visits and presentations on Allied Health career options Healthcare career exploration fair for 7 local high schools (275 students), local colleges and vocational schools, providing information on over 15 Allied Health Careers and education options 15 hours of instruction have been completed to more than 500 students Learning About Allied Health Healthcare Careers Exploration Fair 9/24/2010 Learning About Allied Health Healthcare Careers Exploration Fair Participants Local High School Participants San Bernardino High School San Gorgonio High School San Andreas High School Sierra High School Carter High School Cajon High School Local Vocational & College Participants San Bernardino Adult School San Bernardino Valley College Riverside City College 4-D College Summit Career College #1 Increasing the Pipeline Cultural and Linguistic Competency Spanish Language for Healthcare Professionals Partnership with San Bernardino Valley College Program instructor: Lydia Barajas-Zepada, Dean of Modern Language Dept. Pilot program consisting of 4, five hour classes began 7/19/2010 Participant survey indicated extremely positive comments on course content, instructor, and value Official classes began 11/12/2010 Community Hospital pays employees for class time 89 staff have signed up and many are on waiting list Final course completes March 11, 2011 #2 Increasing the Pipeline Cultural and Linguistic Competency #2 Increasing the Pipeline Cultural and Linguistic Competency Cont. Cyracom Language Line Provides for an interpreter to enable ease of staff/patient communication Phones being expanded to all patient rooms Includes a house wide training roll-out for clinical staff Staff training occurs in orientation, annual update, and as required Video developed to enhance staff training #2 Increasing the Pipeline Increasing Awareness of Allied Health Professions #3 Career Advancement at CHSB Videos Videos present information on 10 Allied Health career options Internal package includes tuition reimbursement and Cyracom Language Line Videos feature actual CHSB employees Give viewer a brief snapshot of what the career may be like Designed to pique interest and encourage further career exploration Videos will be available for viewing on in the careers page Video content will be packaged with brochure for delivery to local high school career counselors Increasing the Pipeline Increasing Awareness of Allied Health Professions #3 videos Biomedical Technician Clinical Dietician/Dietary Technician Clinical Informatics Clinical Laboratory Scientist/Clinical Laboratory Technician Emergency Medical Technician Licensed Psychiatric Technician Occupational Therapist/COTA Office Coordinator Pharmacist/Pharmacy Technician Radiology Technologist Increasing the Pipeline Increasing Awareness of Allied Health Professions #3 Tuition Reimbursement and Loan Forgiveness Employees are eligible for $3,000 per calendar year tuition reimbursement video developed on tuition reimbursement CHW offers loan forgiveness programs for targeted “hard to fill” Allied Health professionals Pharmacists Clinical Lab Scientists Action was taken throughout the year to promote these programs Allied Health Bridge Program Outcomes Educational Partnerships Solidified Allied Health Bridge Program Steering Council Participated in and hosted numerous events resulting in 15 hours of Allied Health careers instruction to over 500 high school students Cultural and Linguistic Competency In collaboration with San Bernardino Valley College, developed and implemented education courses to increase cultural and linguistic capacity of healthcare professionals 89 employees have enrolled in the Spanish Language class Developed video designed to educate hospital staff on use of Cyracom Language line Current discussion with San Bernardino Valley College to add class to their curriculum Allied Health Bridge Program Outcomes Increasing Awareness of Allied Health Professions Tuition reimbursement campaign designed to increase awareness of existing program Increase from 10 to 43 percent for Allied Health employees seeking assistance Developed video Developed a series of Allied Health career videos designed for: Promoting Allied Health careers and career advancement for hospital staff Fostered an environment focused on valuing our staff (Retention) Promoting Allied Health careers to students within our community Videos available via web and provided to local educators at high school level Next Steps: Sustainability Educational Partnerships Continue quarterly meetings with the Allied Health Bridge Program Steering Council Continue partnership with Inland Coalition Continue to hold Annual Allied Health Careers Exploration Day (Planned for September, 2011) Continue to actively support community events and programs hosted by community educational partners Continue school tours and events which expose high school students to Allied Health careers at CHSB Tours currently scheduled for Feb. 24th and March 4th will provide 8 hours of instruction ROP Career Information Day March 4th will provide 4 hours of instruction Next Steps: Sustainability Cont. Cultural & Linguistic Competency Complete full cycle of Spanish Language for Healthcare Professionals Valley College of San Bernardino is considering adopting as part of their curriculum the Spanish Language for Healthcare Professional course Continue ongoing training with hospital staff in the use and importance of Cyracom language line Include language line video in new employee orientation Include video as part of annual update training Next Steps: Sustainability Cont. Increasing Awareness of Allied Health Professions Roll out Allied Health Career Videos on to attract and encourage internal and external career seekers toward Allied Health professions Roll out Allied Health Career Videos house wide; making them available for viewing in the Learning and Resource Center and kiosks within the facility Continue to promote utilization of tuition reimbursement program Provide Allied Health job video packages to career counselors and educational partners for use with high school and vocational school students Develop a 5 year Allied Health workforce development plan in partnership with our community Identify achievable outcomes - our measures of success Community Hospital of San Bernardino thanks The California Hospital Association and the California Endowment for the opportunity to make a difference in the health of our community