USDA Foods 101 1 Food Distribution Program Module Overview USDA Food Program Explanation USDA Food Types/Groups Commodity Processing Regular USDA Foods Department of Defense Food Programs TX-UNPS USDA Food Delivery, Receiving, Handling, Storing Summary 2 Content Overview USDA Food Program Explanation • • • • 3 Definition Purpose Eligibility Calculation Entitlement USDA FDP: Definition USDA Foods* are foods purchased by the United States Department of Agriculture and donated to Contracting Entities (CEs) for use in their food service operation. * formerly known as commodities USDA FDP: Purpose The purpose of USDA Foods is to support agriculture markets and to provide nutritious, USDA-purchased food to applicable CEs (e.g. public schools, private schools and residential child care institutions). USDA FDP: Eligibility All CEs participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) are eligible to receive USDA donated commodities through the Food Distribution Program (FDP). USDA FDP: Entitlement Calculation Example total meals served X commodity rate of assistance = estimated entitlement $1000.00 X $0.24 cents = $240.00 NOTE: TDA posts the commodity rate of assistance on the FDP Message Board. Content Overview USDA Food Types/Groups • • • 8 Entitlement Foods Bonus Foods Food Groups USDA FDP: Food Types Entitlement Foods Bonus Foods NOTE: Bonus foods do not use entitlement dollars. USDA FDP: Food Groups meat vegetables poultry dairy fruit grain, oil, peanuts Content Overview USDA Commodity Processing • • Definition Benefits Regular USDA Foods 11 USDA FDP: Commodity Processing Definition Commodity processing = USDA foods sent for further processing Commodity processing makes efficient use of donated foods by converting items into more convenient, ready-to-use forms. For example, strips nuggets whole raw chicken fajita Note: USDA Foods sent for further processing are determined by applicable procurement procedures. USDA FDP: Commodity Processing Benefits makes the most efficient use of donated food increases lunch participation, which increases entitlement dollars increases food safety converts donated foods into more convenient and usable forms results in products with a child nutrition (CN) label decreases food service labor USDA FDP: Regular USDA Foods Some USDA Foods are not sent for further processing, but are received by the CE to prepare on site. Example foods not sent for further processing include: • ground beef • cut-up chicken • breaded chicken • canned fruits and vegetables • flour Content Overview USDA/Department of Defense Food Programs • • • 15 DoD Fresh Program DoD Farm to School Program DoD Farm to School Foods USDA FDP: DoD Fresh Program USDA has a partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to purchase US-grown fresh fruit and vegetables for CEs participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). This program allows participants to use a portion of their entitlement to purchase fresh produce from an assigned vendor. CEs orders the produce through the DoD automated system called FFAVORS. USDA FDP: USDA/DoD Farm to School Program The USDA/DoD Farm to School Program allows participants to use a portion of their entitlement to request fresh, locally grown produce. Requests coincide with the regular delivery route schedule from a CE’s contracted warehouse. Produce is delivered from the farmer to the contracted warehouse, then to the CE. Requests are entered into the Texas Unified Nutrition Program System (TX-UNPS). USDA FDP: DoD Farm to School Program Foods DoD Farm to School foods include TEXAS watermelon grapefruit oranges grown! red potatoes apples Content Overview TX-UNPS • • • • • • • 19 Access Terminology FDP Module Annual Survey Farm to School Survey Processing Survey TX-UNPS Reports USDA FDP: TX-UNPS TX-UNPS • Tracks USDA Food entitlement, requests, allocations, reports, and more • Provides online capability for requesting USDA Food deliveries from contracted warehouse Note: USDA Foods messages are posted on the FDP Message Board. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Access To access TX-UNPS: • download FND Form 101 Certificate of Authority • fax to TDA User ID and password will be emailed separately within 5 days of receiving the completed form. DO NOT SHARE LOGIN or PASSWORD Note: TX-UNPS = Texas Unified Nutrition Program System USDA FDP: TX-UNPS FDP Module Terminology Annual Survey list of regular USDA items that may be purchased by USDA CE contracting entity CE Delivery Order Form online process to request allocated USDA Food items for delivery from contracted warehouse CE Information Update annual questions to the CE regarding program participation for the program year Commodity Allocations USDA Foods requested by the CE and then allocated through TX-UNPS to the CE for delivery by the contracted warehouse USDA FDP: TX-UNPS FDP Module Terminology Entitlement amount of funds available to the CE to spend on USDA Foods Farm to School Survey list of Texas-grown items available through the USDA/DoD Farm to School program; uses USDA entitlement FDP Food Distribution Program FDP Contract Packet an annual FDP contract that must be completed and submitted in TX-UNPS before a CE can participate in the FDP for the program year Processing Survey list of USDA bulk items for further processing; co-op members submit information to co-op coordinator for TX-UNPS data entry Submitted clicking a button in TX-UNPS to send information to TDA USDA FDP: TX-UNPS FDP Module To access an FDP Module, click on the appropriate button on the TX-UNPS screen. Note: Some CE users with access to only the FDP module will bypass this screen. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Annual Survey In the Annual Survey, a CE enters a requested quantity for USDA Food items the CE wishes to receive should the items become available from USDA. SAMPLE Check here for special instructions from TDA. Insert requested quantity. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Annual • • • • Survey: Entitlement Beginning entitlement minus SAMPLE Commodity Processing Reserved (if any) minus DoD fresh (if any) minus Requests on other surveys (Annual and FtS Surveys) = Available Entitlement Available Entitlement is uncommitted. Entitlement Used is equal to the value of requests spent on this survey. Entitlement Used cannot be greater than Available Entitlement. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Farm to School Survey A CE completes a Farm to School Survey if the CE is participating in the USDA/Department of Defense Farm to School (FTS) Program. Available weeks display on the survey based on the CE’s assigned delivery route schedule. For example: • if a CE is assigned a weekly route schedule, the CE can request FTS items on the survey for each available week. • if a CE is assigned a monthly route schedule, the available items will display monthly and the date will coincide with the monthly route schedule. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS FTS Survey Read the special instructions. Delivery Week displays items available for each month. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS FTS Survey The Requested Unit text box is active only for the week that coincides with the CE’s delivery route schedule. If Delivery Route is weekly, the Requested Unit text box is active for all weeks. If the delivery route is monthly, only one week per month is active. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS FTS Survey: Entitlement Available Entitlement = uncommitted Entitlement Used = amount used on this survey. Entitlement Used cannot exceed Available Entitlement. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Processing Survey A Processing Survey is completed by the CE’s co-op coordinator. Exception: CEs that process on their own complete the processing survey. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Reports Weekly Commodity Bulletin • • • • • Includes CE and contracted warehouse contact Information Entitlement Account Status Weekly Allocation Data Free and Private Storage Information Bulletins are real time and are not saved in TX-UNPS. Note: To save a bulletin, export to Excel or PDF. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Reports Statement of Commodities Allocated Note: To save a statement, export to Excel or PDF. • Based on search criteria, the statement displays the search dates, CE name, program year, and program name • Displays a list of Entitlement and Bonus Foods allocated, description name, units allocated and the value Exception: Processed commodities are valued at zero because the value is part of the processing reserved amount deducted at the beginning of the school year. USDA FDP: TX-UNPS Reports Statement of Commodities Shipped Note: To save a statement, export to Excel or PDF. • Based on search criteria, displays the search dates, CE name, program year, and program name • Displays a list of Bonus and Entitlement food shipped. • Displays description, quantity and value. • Exceptions: o End Product code values are displayed as $0.00. o For audit purposes, processing value can be obtained from the Weekly Commodity Bulletin, Processing Used. Content Overview USDA Foods Delivery, Receiving, Handling, Storing • Delivery Fees • CE Delivery Order Form • Fuel Surcharge • 100-Mile Rule • Monthly Delivery • Accepting Delivery • Handling and Storage • Reminders 35 USDA FDP: Delivery Fees • CEs are charged TDA-approved delivery fees by the contracted warehouse. • Fees are updated annually each June 1 based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). • CEs arrange delivery schedules with the warehouse prior to the start of the school year. • CEs request USDA Food for delivery via the TX-UNPS CE Delivery Order Form. USDA FDP: CE Delivery This form is used to request USDA Food for delivery from a contracted warehouse. Order Form Important Notes • Delivery Date = next available delivery date; order form must be completed 48 business hours prior to delivery date shown on form • CE may modify form as long as status of form = Open • CE may complete a form for a future delivery date Contracting Entities > DeliveryOrders-CE > Open Orders USDA FDP: CE Delivery Available Current Allocation = product allocated to CE Order Form: Available & Surplus Column Available Surplus Inventory = extra inventory available to CEs on a first come, first serve basis USDA FDP: CE Delivery Order Form: Entitlement Entitlement Section: must have available entitlement when requesting units in the surplus column USDA FDP: Fuel Surcharge • Implemented in SY 2012 • All contractors may charge a fuel surcharge for delivery of USDA Foods. • The fuel surcharge appears as a separate line item on the invoice. • Fuel surcharges fluctuate based on fuel prices. TDA updates the TX-UNPS FDP Message Board with current fuel surcharge rates. USDA FDP: 100-Mile Rule According to the RFP for commercial distribution, the 100mile rule is applied using an ideal city in each of the seven geographic regions. These ideal cities are: Region 1: Dallas Region 2: Longview Region 3: Houston Region 4: San Antonio Region 5: McAllen Region 6: Lubbock Region 7: El Paso USDA FDP: 100-Mile Rule CEs are categorized into two groups: 100 miles or less from an ideal city More than 100 miles from an ideal city USDA FDP: Monthly Delivery First delivery within a month is based on the actual quantity of cases delivered to the CE. No minimum is required. Example: • 10 cases of food 10 delivered to a CE site • delivery cost per case = $3.00 • fuel surcharge added x $3.00 + current rate per current rate • total invoice to CE site $30.00 plus fuel surcharge amount USDA FDP: Monthly Delivery Subsequent deliveries within the first month include the following rules: Less than 100 miles from an ideal city More than 100 miles from an ideal city • For a second delivery within • For a second delivery within a month from a contracted warehouse, the CE will be charged a minimum fee for 20 cases. a month from a contracted warehouse, the CE will be charged a minimum fee for 40 cases. • For more than 20 cases, the CE • For more than 40 cases, the CE will be charged the actual cost. will be charged the actual cost. USDA FDP: Accepting Delivery • make sure the items delivered were ordered on the TX-UNPS CE Delivery Order Form Before signing receiving documents, the person who receives the shipment should: • count the cases received • check for damage • note shortages/damages on the bill of lading 45 USDA FDP: Handling and Storing USDA Foods • handling and storing USDA Foods properly • receiving and using USDA Foods before they expire Schools are expected to prevent loss by: 46 USDA FDP: Handling and Storing USDA Foods Storage is free for the first 45 days after a new allocation. Private storage fees begin on the 46th day after an allocation. 47 USDA FDP: Handling and Storing USDA Foods Contracted warehouses bid different rates for each storage category. The categories are: • dry • chilled • frozen 48 USDA FDP: Handling and Storing USDA Foods USDA regulations prohibit school inventories of donated food in excess of 6 months. USDA Foods stored longer than 6 months are listed as Long Term Storage on the Weekly Commodity Bulletins. Private storage rates double after 6 months. 49 USDA FDP: Reminders Be aware of the program years when navigating in TX-UNPS! • New program year opens in TX-UNPS January • An FDP Contract Packet must be submitted in TX-UNPS before a CE can access an Annual Survey. 50 USDA FDP: Reminders • TDA distributes March 51 entitlement to DoD Fresh participants. USDA FDP: Reminders • Warehouse delivery June 52 and storage costs are updated in TX-UNPS. USDA FDP: Reminders • USDA announces the official or published Commodity Rate of Assistance for the next school year. July • The Rate of Assistance is updated in TX-UNPS. • CEs may lose or gain entitlement. Check for emails announcing available USDA offerings to spend remaining or extra entitlement. 53 USDA FDP: Reminders • Total meal October information is updated in TX-UNPS with the last completed school year’s meal count. • CEs may gain or lose entitlement. Check for emails for available USDA offerings to spend remaining or extra entitlement. 54 USDA FDP: Reminders preallocations weekly allocations FTS weekly preallocations occur each Tuesday. This allows CEs to meet the 48 business requirement when completing a Order Form that includes FTS product. Weekly allocations occur each Thursday. 55 USDA FDP: Reminders HOT TOPICS 56 Summary CEs commit entitlement dollars on • regular USDA Foods • USDA Foods for further processing • USDA/DoD Fresh Program and/or • USDA/DoD Farm to School Program USDA Foods are ordered by the state based on CE requests entered into TX-UNPS. USDA Foods are shipped from a USDA vendor into state-contracted warehouses. 57 Summary Allocation of USDA Foods are made every Thursday. Allocations are based on CE requests. Contracted warehouses store and deliver USDA Foods to the CE. 58 USDA Foods 101 59 End of Instruction Questions? Comments? 60 The Texas Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Division is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Compliant Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed compliant form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 61