Electronic Signature Process

Electronic Signature Process
Welcome to the new totally electronic
TimeTrex System
The purpose of this presentation is to explain
how the electronic signature update will affect
TimeTrex users.
Summary of changes by User Type
• No longer necessary to print and sign time study.
• E-mail notification, (if someone enters your time
for you) that a time study has been entered on
your behalf and it is ready for you to review,
make corrections and certify.
• Subsequent changes require a new certification.
• Each time study will now contain an electronic
signature and date of the participant’s
certification of the time study.
Summary of changes by User Type
• Cannot formally approve a time study.
• If entering time studies for participants, the
system will automatically notify the
participants when you have completed the
entry and the time study is ready for the
participant to certify.
Summary of changes by User Type
• Each department can have multiple CADA/ACA’s.
• CADA/ACA’s will be able to review, add/change
contract numbers, and approve time studies for
all participants in the department.
• Each approved time study will now contain an
electronic CADA/ACA signature and the date the
CADA/ACA approved the time study and the
contract number.
Summary of changes by User Type
CADA/ACA- continued
• Any incorrectly answered time study question or
time entry will require the CADA/ACA “reopen”
the time study and return it to the participant for
correction and to be certified again.
• CADA/ACA’s will receive an e-mail at 8AM and
3PM daily IF there are time studies ready for their
review and approval. The e-mail will contain a
link to the system and the system will display
each time study ready for review and approval.
All time studies for the period of July 1, 2010 –
December 31, 2010 must be submitted in the
TimeTrex System the old way – including
submitting a signed and dated paper copy of
the time study to the Reimbursement
Detail of Electronic Process with
The participants, designees and CADA/ACA’s
will continue to receive the 2 reminder e-mails
per month.
After time has been entered by the participant
and the “I Certify” option chosen, the
“Completed Cycles” screen will now appear as
below. The green check mark in the
“Certified” column confirms the time study
has been certified and locked.
Detail of Electronic Process with
The designee and/or participant can review
the PDF of the time study if desired.
If a designee or CADA/ACA enters the time
study for the participant, the participant will
receive an e-mail telling them the time study
is ready to be certified.
The participant can make corrections as
desired and certify the time study.
Detail of Electronic Process with
When the participant logs into the TimeTrex
System they will see to the left a “Certification
Inbox” showing the number of time studies
ready for their review and certification.
Click on the “Certification Inbox” and the time
studies will be displayed.
Detail of Electronic Process with
Click on the reporting cycle you wish to certify
and the time study will come up as completed
by the designee or CADA/ACA.
The time study will look the same and
function the same as before. The participant
can make any necessary corrections or
Detail of Electronic Process with
 The participant can still “Save Time Without
Finalizing” which will leave the time study
without certification.
 The new option is the “I Certify” button which
will lock down the time study so no additional
changes can be made by anyone without
reopening and recertifying the time study.
 “I Certify” will also enter the electronic signature
and date the participant “certified” the time
Detail of Electronic Process with
After the participant certifies the time study
the system will take the participant to the
“Completed Cycles” screen and the “Certified”
column will contain a green checkmark.
The participant can review the PDF if desired.
Detail of Electronic Process with
After the participant certifies the time study,
the system will forward an e-mail to each
CADA/ACA indicating a time study is ready for
Detail of Electronic Process with
 The CADA can see the number of time studies ready for
approval in the “Department Approval Inbox” to the
Detail of Electronic Process with
Click on the “Department Approval Inbox” and
a list of time studies ready for the CADA/ACA
approval will show.
Click on the “Reporting Cycle” you wish to
review and the time study will appear.
The CADA/ACA will not be able to change any
fields with the exception of the Contract
Number. All question responses and time will
be locked down/grayed out.
Detail of Electronic Process with
 The CADA/ACA can choose to reopen the time
study from page 1 or page 2 of the time study by
clicking the “Reopen for Changes” button.
 The CADA/ACA can enter or change the contract
number ONLY.
 If the time study is reopened a text box will
appear allowing you to explain to the participant
the item or items in question. The “Click to
Reopen Time Study” button will actually reopen
the time study.
Detail of Electronic Process with
 This screen will also allow the CADA/ACA to “Go Back”
if it is determined the time study does not need to be
reopened, or if this screen is obtained in error.
 If a time study is reopened the participant will receive
an e-mail indicating which time study, the reason for
the reopening and which office initiated the reopening
(CADA/ACA or Reimbursement).
 When the participant logs in the previously certified
time study will now be in “edit” status and ready for
Detail of Electronic Process with
 The participant will see the CADA/ACA or
Reimbursement return reason in red at the top of
each time study page - regardless of which page
pertains to the return reason.
 All of the time study fields will once again be
open for the participant to make any necessary
 After all changes are made the participant will
certify the time study again and the process
Detail of Electronic Process with
 Once the CADA/ACA approves the time study the
“Completed Cycles” will now show a green checkmark in the “Dept Approved” column.
 The “Checked-In” column will remain in “no”
status until the Reimbursement Department
reviews the time study and approves it.
 After the time study is approved by the
Reimbursement Department a green checkmark
will appear in the “Checked-in Column”.
Detail of Electronic Process with
If the Reimbursement Department sees a
need for the time study to be reopened the
process will begin again.
Both the participant and the CADA/ACA’S will
be able to see the reopen reason the
Reimbursement staff entered.
Report Definition Update
 A time study that has not been entered as well as
a time study that has been entered but NOT
certified will be considered – incomplete.
Incomplete time study hours will not show on
A time study that has been entered and certified
but has NOT been approved by the department
CADA and/or the reimbursement department will
be considered – unchecked.
Unchecked time study hours DO show on the
Thank You!
We would like to thank everyone for their input
regarding the electronic system.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions for
improving the system.
Please contact Susan Turner at 966-5032, or via
e-mail at STurner@unch.unc.edu, if you have
questions regarding the electronic signature