Evaluation (a.k.a. Assessment) Krista S. Schumacher Schumacher Consulting.org 918-284-7276 krista@schumacherconsulting.org www.schumacherconsulting.org Prepared for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 2010 Summer Grant Writing Institute To Evaluate or to Assess? Technically speaking…. ◦ Assessment Long-term outcomes, aggregated judgment ◦ Evaluation Short-term outcomes, “unique event” judgment krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 2 Why Evaluate? How will you know your project is progressing adequately to achieve objectives? How will funders know your project was successful? ◦ Increasing emphasis placed on evaluation, i.e., U.S. Department of Education National Science Foundation Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 3 Why Evaluate? Improve the program – ◦ “Balancing the call to prove with the need to improve.” (W.K. Kellogg Foundation Determine program effectiveness – ◦ Evaluation supports “accountability and quality control” (Kellogg Foundation) ◦ Significant influence on program’s future Generate new knowledge – ◦ Not just research knowledge ◦ Determines not just that a program works, but analyzes how and why it works With whom is the program most successful? Under what circumstances? krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 4 Why Evaluate? WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH THE RESULTS????? “Evaluation results will be reviewed (quarterly, semi-annually, annually) by the project advisory board and staff. Results will be used to make program adjustments as needed.” krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 5 Types of Evaluation Process evaluation: What processes are used and how well do they work? Outcome evaluation: Did the project achieve its stated objectives? krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 6 Process Evaluation ◦ What was provided and to whom? services (modality, type, intensity, duration) recipients (individual demographics and characteristics) gender, age, race/ethnicity, income level, first-generation status context (institution, community, classroom) cost (did the project stay within budget?) • Do processes match the proposed project plan? ◦ What types of deviation from the plan occurred? ◦ What led to the deviations? ◦ What effect did the deviations have on the project and evaluation? krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 7 Outcome Evaluation ◦ What effect did the program have on participants? Activities / Objectives Achievement / Attitudes and beliefs ◦ What program/contextual factors were associated with outcomes? ◦ What individual factors were associated with outcomes? ◦ How durable were the effects? What correlations can be drawn between outcomes and program? How do you know that the program was the cause of the effect? krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 8 Who will Evaluate? External evaluators increasingly required or strongly recommended ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Partners for effective and efficient programs Methodological orientations Philosophical orientations Experience and qualifications krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 9 How much will it cost? External evaluations cost money…period. Standard recommendation: 5% to 10% of total budget Kellogg Foundation; U.S. Dept of Ed. Check funder limits on evaluation Ensure cost is reasonable but sufficient krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 10 Two Types of Data Quantitative ◦ Numbers based on objectives and activities ◦ Types of data needed: Number of participants (process) Grade point averages (outcome) Retention rates (outcome) Survey data (outcome and process) Qualitative ◦ Interviews ◦ Focus groups ◦ Observation krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 11 Methods/Instruments How are you going to get your data? ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Establish baseline data Pre- and post-assessments (knowledge, skills) Pre- and post-surveys (attitudinal) Enrollment rosters Meeting minutes Database reports Institutional Research Office (I.R.) krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 12 Data Analysis Quantitative data Data analysis programs: ◦ SPSS (Statistical Program for the Social Sciences), Stata, etc... ◦ Descriptive and statistical data: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree,” please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that pigs can fly. Descriptive: 150 (or 75%) of respondents agree or strongly agree that pigs can fly. Statistical (t-test, ANOVA, etc.) There is a statistically significant difference (p<.05) between the sexes that pigs can fly, with men more likely than women to agree or strongly agree with this statement. krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 13 Data Analysis Qualitative Data ◦ Data analysis programs NVivo , ATLAS.ti, etc… ◦ More than pithy anecdotes “May explain – and provide evidence of – those hard-to-measure outcomes that cannot be defined quantitatively.” – W.K. Kellogg Foundation Provides insight into how and why a program is successful ◦ Analyze for themes that support (or don’t) quantitative data krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 14 Two Types of Timeframes Formative ◦ Ongoing throughout life of grant ◦ Measures activities and objectives Summative ◦ At conclusion of grant funding NEED BOTH! krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 15 Timelines When will evaluation occur? ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Monthly? Quarterly? Semi-annually? Annually? At the end of each training session? At the end of each cycle? krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 16 Origin of the Evaluation: Need and Objectives Need: For 2005-06, the fall-to-fall retention rate of first-time degree-seeking students was 55% for the College’s full-time students, compared to national average retention rates of 65% for full-time students at comparable institutions (IPEDS, 2006). Objective: The fall-to-fall retention rate of full-time undergraduate students will increase by 3% each year from a baseline of 55% to 61% by Sept. 30, 2010. krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 17 Evaluation Data Collection and Reporting Plan Objectives Data collected and timeline Methods for data collection and timeline Instruments to be developed and timeline Reports/ outcomes timeline Increase fallto-fall retention by 3% per year to 61% Student enrollment in first fall and second fall within one month of start of second fall Enrollment entered by gender and race/ ethnicity into database within first four weeks of each semester Enrollment rosters separated by gender and race/ethnicity by Jan. 15, 2009 At midpoint of each semester krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 18 BEWARE THE LAYERED OBJECTIVE! By the end of year five, five (5) full-time developmental education instructors will conduct 10 workshops on student retention strategies for 200 adjunct instructors. krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 19 Logic Models From: University of Wisconsin-Extension, Program Development and Evaluation http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/evaluation/evallogicmodel.html A Logic Model is…… ◦ A depiction of a program showing what the program will do and what it is to accomplish. ◦ A series of “if-then” relationships that, if implemented as intended, lead to the desired outcomes ◦ The core of program planning and evaluation Situation Hungry Inputs Get food Outputs Eat food Outcomes Feel better krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 20 Evaluation Resources W.K. Kellogg Foundation – “Evaluation Toolkit” ◦ http://www.wkkf.org/default.aspx?tabid=75&CID=281&NID=61&LanguageID=0 Newsletter resource – The PEN (Program Evaluation News) ◦ http://www.the-aps.org/education/promote/content/newslttr3.2.pdf NSF-sponsored program ◦ www.evaluatorsinstitute.com American Evaluation Association ◦ www.eval.org Western Michigan University, The Evaluation Center ◦ http://ec.wmich.edu/evaldir/index.html (directory of evaluators) OSRHE list of evaluators and other resources ◦ http://www.okhighered.org/grant%2Dopps/writing.shtml “Evaluation for the Unevaluated” course ◦ http://pathwayscourses.samhsa.gov/eval101/eval101_toc.htm krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 21 Evaluation Resources The Research Methods Knowledge Base ◦ http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/ The What Works Clearinghouse ◦ http://www.w-w-c.org/ The Promising Practices Network ◦ http://www.promisingpractices.net/ The International Campbell Collaboration ◦ http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/ Social Programs That Work ◦ http://www.excelgov.org/ Planning an Effective Program Evaluation short course ◦ http://www.the-aps.org/education/promote/pen.htm krista@schumacherconsulting.org 918-284-7276 22