Wash DC Youth Court Presentation

The Time Dollar
Youth Court
Presented By: Brittany D. Clark
Profile of the Founder
B.A from Swathmore College
J.D from Yale Law School
Civil Rights Attorney
Speech Writer for Atty. Gen.
Robert Kennedy
Writer of Hungary, USA, a study
on poverty which lead to the
modern food stamp program.
Writer of Our Brother’s Keeper, an
expose about the Bureau of
Indian Affairs
Founder of the National Legal
Services Program
Founder of Antioch Law School
Founder of Time Banking, which
has banks all over the US and
What is the Youth Court?
Programs in which youth sentence their peers for
minor delinquent and status offenses and other
problem behaviors.
An early intervention and prevention program
An option on the continuum of juvenile services
A means for educating youth on the legal and
judicial system and the consequences of breaking
the law
A way to hold juvenile offenders accountable
while enhancing their future.
An avenue for building ties between youth and
their community
How does Youth Court Operate?
Functions as a diversion program
 Accepts first time offenders
 Accepts misdemeanor, non-violent cases
 Requires youth to volunteer to participate
in the program
 Requires parental consent for youth to
participate in program
What is the Time Dollar Youth Court?
Youth Court was created in 1996 as a
solution to the consequential effects of the
adult justice system on the youth of DC.
 A formal agreement between the Superior
Court of DC and the Time Dollar Institute
established “a partnership for the purpose
of jointly developing a diversion program
which provides a meaningful alternative to
the traditional adjudicatory format in
juvenile cases.”
What is the Time Dollar Youth Court?
The Agreement provided that:
1. It shall serve as a unique pre-petition diversion
program for nonviolent first offenders.
2. The Program will foster accountability, mobilize
peer pressure to reduce delinquency and
recidivism, promote responsibility to the
community and victims of delinquent acts, and
assist in the development of self-esteem and
respect for the rule of law in DC.
“The Youth Court has established itself as an important cornerstone in a system of juvenile
justice that really provides justice for juveniles.”
– Chief Judge Eugene Hamilton, June 25, 200l.
The Time Dollar Youth Court (TDYC) is a court
process authorized by the Washington, DC
Superior Court for and by teenagers (12-18)
that converts a youth’s early encounters with
the law into a turning point in that youth’s
life, leading to enhanced self-esteem,
contribution and opportunity.
The founding principle of Time Dollar Youth
Court, Co-Production means working together to
deliver a strong sense of community and more
effect public services.
Co-Production builds on the fact people naturally
want to give back, to make a difference, just as
professional providers do. With Co-Production
that giving back is encouraged. Recipients
become partners and participants in building
successful outcomes.
The five core values of Time Banking are applied
to Co-Production to create a renewed sense of
membership and joint ownership in positive
Core Values
As its foundation and approach, the TDYC
stresses the five core values of CoProduction:
1. Assets/Equity: We are all assets. Every
human being has the capacity to be a
builder and a contributor.
Core Values
2. Redefining Work: Work must be redefined to
include whatever it takes to raise healthy
children, preserve families, make neighborhoods
safe and vibrant, care for the frail and elders,
redress injustice, and make democracy work.
3. Reciprocity: Giving is more powerful as a twoway street. To avoid creating dependency, acts
of helping must trigger reciprocity – giving back
by helping others. “You need me” becomes “We
need each other.”
Core Values
4. Social Capital: “No man is an island.” Informal
support systems, extended families, and social
networks are held together by trust, reciprocity
and civic engagement.
5. Respect: There is respect for each and for what
each brings to the table.
It is important to enlist youth in the coproduction of a new kind of juvenile justice that
seeks to reclaim youth lost within the criminal
justice system by using one act of delinquency to
prevent other acts of delinquency the future!
Restorative Justice and Youth Court
- Holding youth accountable for their actions by increasing
the young person’s understanding of the harm they have
caused and giving them opportunities to repair that harm.
- increasing the skills and competencies of the offenders so
that they can become productive members of society.
- involving the community in the disposition
Youth Court
- community/neighborhood
community service/
jury duty
- family
- individual
enrichment program
Top Three Offenses:
1. Threats and Simple Assault 39%
2. Disorderly Conduct 20%
3. Possession of Marijuana 14%
Process of Cases
Metropolitan Police
Intake Unit
Superior Court Building B 409 E St.
NW 3rd Fl.
Superior Court of DC
Court Social Services
Metro Transit Police
Hearing Held
500 Indiana Ave. NW
Truancy Center
(Penn & Douglas)
Youth Court Sanctions
(Possible Outcomes)
Intake Meeting
Community service
Jury Duty
1) Intake Packet
Completed &
Essay on Subject
Enrichment Services
2) Explanation of
Wrap-Around Referral Services
Youth Development
3) Respondent
4) Hearing Date and
Location Set
Substance Abuse
Life Skills
Consent Decree
(Immediately Sentenced)
YES Program
Process of Cases
Respondents enter into Youth Court byway of
There are six ways respondents can be referred
to Youth Court.
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)
Metro Transit Police Department
Superior Court of DC Court Social Services
Truancy Center (Penn and Douglas)
Office of Corporation Counsel
Parental Diversion
Majority of our respondents come to us through
the MPD
Process of Cases
Intakes are held at Superior Court Building B 409 E. St. NW
Every Monday and Wednesday from 9AM until 2PM
Youth must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
Procedure includes:
Intake specialist explains what Youth Court is and how it can help
respondents if they comply
An intake packet, which includes the terms of compliance with Youth
Court, waivers of respondent’s information, such as their grades and
permission to refer respondent’s case to outside services is completed
and reviewed.
The respondent discusses the incident or infraction. The intake packet
also includes a written respondent and parental statement as well as a
survey so that the intake officer can learn more about their case and
the activities that lead them to Youth Court.
A hearing date and location is set.
If the respondent is a consent decree (sent from DC Superior Court)
he or she is immediately sentenced. That sentence includes 60 hours
of community service, jury duty and an essay.
Process of Cases
Most of our hearings are held on
Saturday mornings at 500 Indiana
Avenue NW
All cases are heard by jurors ages 1218, representing a true jury of the
respondent’s peers.
An advocate judge (usually staff or
undergraduate or law student
volunteer) is also present and he or
she presides over the hearing.
Before the hearing the respondent has
a pre-sentence interview which
advises him of the trial procedures and
the possible sanctions. The
respondent is also given the
opportunity to talk out the incident
that lead him to Youth Court, so that
he is prepared for jury questioning.
Also before the hearing the jury is
given background information on the
respondent, including his charge, his
written statement, the police version
of the events, his age, his school and
his interests.
Process of Cases
During the hearing every
respondent and parent is given
his or her opportunity to speak
and once again tell their side of
the crime committed.
Following is a question and
answer period in which the jury
learns more about the crime and
the character and personality of
the respondent.
The jury deliberates and delivers
a sentence adequate to the crime
committed and the attitude of the
respondent during their hearing.
Following the hearing a postsentence interview is given to
make sure the respondent is
aware of what he or she has been
sanctioned to and how he can
complete his sanctions in a timely
Process of Cases
There are 4 types of sanctions:
1. Inside Services
2. Community Service
3. Enrichment Programs
4. Referred Services
Inside Service
Jury Duty
Respondents are required to serve as a juror for
Youth Court for 8 Saturdays following two
Saturdays of jury training.
Jury Training – allows youth the opportunity to learn
about DC laws and law enforcement, the
consequences of breaking the law, how to be an
effective listener, and how to understand and analyze
the elements of a case.
While serving a juror, youth acquire analytical
and decision-making skills.
They see the law from the other side of the
spectrum, enforcement, and most develop a
new and broader perspective of law and their
place within the legal system.
Inside Service
Essays are from 1 to 5 pages. Essays
topics are usually chosen by the jury
from an array of topics, with the
intention of helping respondents reflect
on what they have done wrong and how
it has affected their own lives as well as
the lives of their victim.
A written or verbal apology may also be
assigned to those who the respondent
Community Service
Youth can be assigned 10 to 90
hours of community service.
This element of the sentence
addresses restorative justice.
Sites are chosen based on their
ability to provide youth with
learning experiences, personal
growth and skill development.
Projects have included helping
to plan a community garden,
reading to elders in a nursing
home, participating in health
fairs and attending a
leadership retreat sponsored
by the Mayor’s office.
Enrichment Program
The Way to Happiness
This program teaches students the art of
studying and learning.
 By helping students learn better study
habits this program hopes to have them
master “The Way to Happiness” pamphlet,
which teaches students how to live
happier lives.
 This program is individually paced for each
Enrichment Program
Life Skills
This is an evidence based program with 16
sessions designed to cover such topics as
anger management, self-awareness, building
self-esteem, increasing communication and
decision making skills, assertiveness, and the
hazards of tobacco, drug, and alcohol use.
Enrichment Program
This service offers respondents the
opportunity to tutor at local elementary
schools, working with students in the 1st
through 5th grade. This sentence is most
often given to truant respondents to help
them realize the importance of education.
Enrichment Program
Yes Program
This program is an “offense specific”
educational program for juveniles charged
with Theft and Shoplifting and is designed to
help prevent their future penetration into the
criminal justice program. The program
consists of a home study that requires
respondents to complete various activities
that we help determine their potential risk to
repeat their offense.
2005 Statistics
Gender Breakdown
- Females
- Males
88% of the Youth between 13-17
Ward 8,7 and 4 have the highest number of
cases heard
2005 Statistics
753 (Sources: MPD, DCPS, DCSC)
Cases Heard
Completed the Program
477 (87%)
Open Cases/Active
No Shows
2006 Statistics
Cases Heard 762
Completed the Program
Open Cases/Active
No Shows
(Sources: MPD, DCPS, DCSC)
Increase in Cases
Increase in Number of Cases
Number of Cases
2004 Year2005
Program Outcomes
Recidivism Rate
Completion of Program
183 youth placed for a total of 7,819 hours = $54,733
(Based on minimum wage)
Life Skills
Compellation of students work
Community Service
85% Completion
Written Essays
11% down from 17% - data from one year
Supplemental program – 80 youth have received
National Geographic
Use of Youth Court model in civic textbook
Youth Court Models
There are four basic types of Youth Courts.
1. Adult Judge Model
2. Youth Judge Model
3. Youth Tribunal Model
4. Peer Jury Model
Adult Judge Model
The Adult Judge Model has youth
volunteers serving in the roles of:
 Defense attorneys
 Prosecuting attorneys
 Jurors.
 Court Clerks
 Bailiffs
An Adult serves as the judge. The
judge is typically the only adult
involved directly in the
proceedings, and the judge's role
is to rule on courtroom procedure
and clarify legal terminology. This
appears to be the model most
widely used throughout the
United States.
Youth Judge Model
The Youth Judge
Model differs from the
Adult Judge Model in
that youth also serve
in the role of judge.
Qualifications of youth
judges typically
include a minimum
level of service as
youth court attorneys,
and minimum age
Youth Tribunal Model
The primary difference in this
model and the other Youth Court
Models is that there are no youth
The case is presented by the
youth attorneys to a youth
judge(s), who determine the
appropriate sentence for the
youth court defendant.
Most programs that use the Youth
Tribunal Model employ a panel of
three youth volunteer judges.
The youth volunteer judge with
the most experience sits in the
middle of the panel and can
counsel the other two youth
judges, if needed.
For those youth court programs
that adjudicate cases, this model
typically is used for arraignment
Peer Jury Model
The main distinction between
programs operating under the
Adult Judge, Youth Judge or Youth
Tribunal Models versus Peer Jury
Models, is that peer jury model
youth court programs do not use
youth in defense and prosecuting
attorney roles.
Instead, the facts of the case are
read by a case presenter and a
panel of youth jurors question the
defendant directly. Most have an
adult volunteer serve in the role
of judge.
Depending on the program, the
case presenter could be the youth
court coordinator, a probation or
law enforcement officer, or a
youth or adult volunteer.
Some programs use the peer jury
model exclusively, while other
programs use this model for
certain types of cases being
heard or for cases involving
younger youth court defendants.
Success Story
The Positive effects of Youth Court expand miles,
but each case brings a smile to our face!
Justin J., a successful program graduate says
Youth Court helped him feel less alone and “make
better choices – not talk back to teachers and
police officers, and watch where I hang around.”
Justin’s mother has even seen the effects. She
says “I have seen a complete turnaround in him,
honestly. He has inculcated a lot of things he
learned from the program.”