Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Information Session An applicant prerequisite to the OTA program Welcome to the World of Occupational Therapy at KVCC Diane Sauter-Davis MA, OTR/L OTA Program Director Julie Larouche MS, OTR/L Academic Fieldwork Coordinator at KVCC Please review the presentation When you are through > > > Complete mini quiz Sign and date Submit to dsauter@kvcc.me.edu Your OTA Information Session requirement will be fulfilled after all above details are completed. QUESTIONS ?? QUERIES??? Write down any QUESTIONS and/or CONCERNS you might have and send them to : dsauter@kvcc.me.edu within 1 week of completing this session. Diane will typically answer you with 24 hours. CONCERNS ? TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION OTA Curriculum Applying credits to Program Requirements OT Programs in ME and workload Licensure Fieldwork Certification Felony Conviction Career Opportunities Immunizations Salary Background Checks & Fingerprinting Program FW I and II Travel Accreditation OT/OTA education, roles and supervision The OTA Program at KVCC is a BIG dog. Big Dog is the analogy we use for the size and scope of the OTA program. One needs to be committed to a Big dog: An OTA student needs to be committed to learning in the OTA program. One needs to train a big dog: An OTA student needs to have discipline and focus on the goal. One needs to have a sense of humor to enjoy a Big dog. Things don’t always go as planned: An OTA student needs to keep their sense of humor and be flexible. No one gets it right all of the time. There is no “one way” in OT. One needs to understand the personality, power and limitations of a Big dog: Each student needs to: Understand how they learn and what they need to learn. Know their limits and strengths. Initiate their own learning. Be a critical thinker. Ask questions, prioritize the information, assignments and activities. Are you ready to meet the demands of a BIG dog? Do you have a system in place? Are you ready to learn? Do you know your learning needs? Are you organized? Do you have reliable transportation? Have you taken inventory of what responsibilities you must meet in your personal life and student life? Do you have layers of childcare? Is your support network strong? OTA Curriculum Year 1, Semester 1 *OTS101 Introduction to Occupational Therapy & Human Occupation (7 credits) Open OTA lab BIO213 Anatomy and Physiology (4 credits) ENG101College Composition (3 credits) PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3 credits) Year 1, Semester 2 *OTS102 Occupational Therapy across the Lifespan I (5 credits) *OTS103 Functional Kinesiology (3 credits) *OTS104 Interpersonal Skills for the Practicing Allied Health Professional (1 credit) BIO214 Anatomy and Physiology (4 credits) PSY215 Developmental Psychology (3 credits) Summer session (5 weeks of fun and learning) *OTS105 OTA Fieldwork Education (FW) I (2 credits) FWI consists of three separate and varied experiences. Each Level I FW is a one week, full time, 40 hour commitment. *OTS 107 Technology and Occupational Therapy Practice (1 credit) *OTS109 Group Process Lab (1 credit) OTS107 and 109 are 40 hour/week, in class, commitments. COM 104 Introduction to Communication (3 credits) Year 2, Semester 1 OTS201 Practice Environments Seminar (2 credits) OTS 203 Occupational Therapy across the Lifespan II (10 credits) Soc101 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits) Humanities Elective (3 credits) Year 2, Semester 2 **All academic class work MUST be completed prior to FWII. OTS206 Level II Fieldwork-A (6 credits) (8 weeks—full time engagement –off campus; facility based education) OTS208 Level II Fieldwork-B (6 credits) (8 weeks—full time engagement –off campus; facility based education) Each student will complete 5 unique FW experiences while in the OTA Program. No portion of FW II can be completed in FW I. After you successfully complete all 70 credits in the OTA program its time for--GRADUATION!!!!! Students must receive a C or better in all Program of Study courses (general education and core) to continue in the Occupational Therapy Assistant program Program Requirements Costs: You must have health insurance while in the OTA program. You may decline the KVCC insurance and use your own or accept the health insurance provided by KVCC. All OTA students must also have professional liability insurance. This insurance is provided by KVCC. Both health insurance and professional liability insurance are student costs. They will be included in the OTA student cost sheet. The KVCC business office can explain this process for you. Costs continued … OTA students are also responsible for books and clinical/course lab fees. The OTA faculty make every attempt to choose books which will be used over and over again throughout the program. OTA books are designed to be used as learning resources throughout your academic work and as resource texts on FW and in entry level practice. Do not plan on selling your OTA books. Costs continued… Fees are associated with several OTA courses, labs and Fieldwork. You will see these fees on your program cost sheet. These fees cover expendable and non expendable class and lab supplies/activities and support clinical/fieldwork pre and post preparation activities. Full vs. Part Time Options The OTA program is designed to be a 2 year, F/T program. We do, however, have part time options available. Students may choose to complete general education electives and A&P I and II prior to beginning the OTA program. F/T vs. P/T The OTA program is a traditional program. It is held during the day typically between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. General education electives are available online and may be taken online; OTA core courses are held on campus. There may be Blackboard enhancement in some courses so technology basics and web access are essential. You must have fluent basic computer skills. Workload The OTA Program is a BIG dog workload. Please be prepared to spend 4-5 hours daily in reading, preparation, organization and general study outside of class. There are also outside of classroom activities required (ex. Service Learning) Class schedules vary from semester to semester. Service Learning is a part of several classes. recognize that “in class” hours and “out of class” learning/activities may leave little time for other pursuits. Please make your educational pursuits a priority and recognize that others may not automatically see this focus as you do. Keep your goal in mind, stay focused and be flexible. Please Working while matriculated in the OTA Program OTA faculty do not recommend that students work while in the program, however, we do recognize that everyone’s financial obligations are unique and therefore students may need to work. Some folks do work first and second semester; summer course load is full time for 5 weeks therefore work is not an option. Please plan for this. Students are committed to 40 hours of fieldwork in the last semester when they are completing OTS 206 and OTS208 Level II Fieldwork. Outside work is not an option. You will not be attending FW II based on the college calendar this semester so please note this and plan accordingly. REMEMBER: It is impossible to add a full time job onto another full time job and be in a state of occupational health. Sample Schedules Day Tuesday Wed Gen Ed Semester 2 Summer Semester Semester 1 Monday Thursday Friday OTA 8:30-1:30 Gen Ed Gen Ed OTA Gen Ed 9:30-2:00 OTA 8:30-3:30 Gen Ed OTA 8:30-11:30 OTA 8-5 OTA 8-5 OTA 8-5 OTA 8-5 OTA 8-5 OTA 8:304:30 Gen Ed OTA 8:30-3:30 OTA 9-3 FWII 8-5 FWII 8-5 FWII 8-5 FWII 8-5 OTA 8:30-5 Semester 3 Semester 4 FWII 8-5 Student Services Academic Support Information can be found in the current KVCC College Catalog Marden Center for Success Academic Support We encourage all OTA students to access these important services. If you need learning assistance of any kind the academic achievement center available to you. Services for Students with disabilities are available to those who require accommodations. Adult education partnerships Pathways program for first year students needing academic skill enhancement TRIO Offers a variety of academic services to those who are eligible. Eligibility includes a wide array of needs. If you have a disability or need learning assistance, we strongly encourage you to learn more about TRIO and about the way you learn. You will be most successful meeting your learning needs if you plan ahead of time. Transfer services Student Services continued Student services also include personal supports such as: career counseling, specialized advising, personal counseling, child care assistance and coordination issues. Linking you with housing, carpooling, medical services, clubs and parking issues are other non academic services provided by student services Attendance The OTA attendance policy is based on respect and professionalism. Each OTA class has an attendance policy per individual course syllabi. Grades and being in “good” academic standing are directly affected by poor attendance. Respect for your learning, your peers and your instructors is key to your future practice as an OTA. Students are expected to be on time for class, attend each class, be prepared for class, participate in class and be responsible for any announcements made in class The OTA program uses lots of partner and group learning. If you don’t show up, your partner’s learning is also affected. Students must be on time for class to attend class session. The door closes if you are 5 minutes late. All students are to be familiar with the Essential Skills & Functions of an OTA student; these are outlined in the OTA student handbook. Effective personal management and communication skills are critical to your learning success. OTA Class/Lab Policies Lab policies are also based on the value of respect. You will be required to read and sign off on your understanding of the policies and procedures as well as student essential skills, responsibilities and roles. No cell phones are allowed in class or lab. Computers/laptops are to be used only for academic learning while in class/lab. If you are taping a class you must make the OTA professor aware and must be responsible to turn off the recording device at breaks and during confidential class discussion. Dress must accommodate the learning outcomes for any given day. Clothing must be professional at all times. Facebook must be used responsibly. Perfumes and highly scented products are discouraged. Legal Issues A Felony Conviction will most likely not allow a student to move forward in the OTA program. Please be advised that our partners in service learning and Fieldwork I and II may not accept you if you have a felony history. National certification and State licensure may not allow a graduate with a felony history to sit for the exam or access a professional license. Currently, students must obtain a background check through American DataBank and Maine Department of Education fingerprinting. The cost of these activities is directly incurred by the student and may range from $100.00-$300.00. The average cost is $125.00. These must be completed before the end of the first semester. FIELDWORK EDUCATION A felony or serious legal infraction may impact your fieldwork placement and your ability to proceed in the OTA program. FIELDWORK EDUCATION The OTA program has over 150 fieldwork sites to support our students in their education All OTA students will receive an opportunity to complete 3— (40) hour/ week level I fieldwork placements after successfully completing year one, semester one and two. Level II includes two 8 week full time practice experiences after successfully completing all required academic education (3.25) semesters. OTA Students must be prepared to travel, must be prepared to incur the costs of travel, and must have reliable transportation to their FW site. Fieldwork Rotation All students in the OTA program will participate in 5 varied fieldwork experiences in the following areas: Pediatrics (includes school based) Mental health/psychosocial practice Adult physical disabilities Non traditional/emerging practice Other FIELDWORK EDUCATION We make every attempt to limit travel if possible. This depends on available qualified sites, student learning needs, as well as geographic composition of each class. Planning for fieldwork education is a collaborative process between the student, the KVCC/OTA Academic Fieldwork Educator/Coordinator (AFWE) and the “clinical” fieldwork site coordinator. FIELDWORK EDUCATION You MUST complete the necessary immunizations in the required timeline to be scheduled for Fieldwork. All immunizations must be complete before the end of the first semester. The AFWE must have documentation on the approved KVCC form of all completed immunizations. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the OTA faculty. FIELDWORK EDUCATION Immunizations and CPR Maine State Law requires all full time and degree seeking part time post secondary students show proof of immunization against diphtheria,/tetanus within the last 10 years, and measles, mumps and rubella or MMR. Copies of these immunizations must be sent to admissions prior to entry into KVCC. The Allied Health programs (OTA is included here) require that all students also get the following immunizations/titers from a qualified lab and have the KVCC Immunization Form completed with results noted and signed by healthcare provider : Two Step TB (PPD/Mantoux) skin test within the past year with negative reading Varicella Titer results demonstrating immune status; Hepatitis Series with titer demonstrating immune status FIELDWORK EDUCATION PPD A more familiar name for PPD is TB. All OTA students must have an updated PPD each year they are in the program. VARICELLA TITRE Varicella is a term for the herpes virus. It is the virus that causes chicken pox. For your protection and for the protection of potential clients it is necessary that you know if you are immune or not to this virus. FIELDWORK EDUCATION Immunizations Hepatitis B Series Hepatitis B is a serious health event. This vaccination is set up in 3 parts. Shot 1-Shot 2-Shot 3 After you receive your first inoculation you are required to get the second in month and the third four months after that. As you can see, this series will take up towards 6 months to complete. You must be well on your way before you begin classes in September. After the initial series you will be required to get a titer to track immunity status. Each shot and the titer must be documented and a copy submitted. To the OTA program. FIELDWORK EDUCATION Immunization You may request to sign a waiver or ask for medical/philosophical exemption. A waiver is system is sometimes used if you do not register immunity after titer and a subsequent booster. Some fieldwork sites will not accept students who do not have a completed profile. Their strict protocols regarding immunizations prohibit this. As a potential healthcare provider you must recognize that you are at high risk for exposure to disease. Immunizations protect you and the clients you will be interacting with. FIELDWORK EDUCATION CPR CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification must be intact while you are a student in the OTA program. We must have verification of your status. OTA students are required to receive the BLS Healthcare provider certification. Courses can be found at KVCC, at your local hospital, or with any American Heart Association sponsor of CPR certification. Online courses are not acceptable. ALL OTA STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL IMMUNIZATIONS AND CPR CERTIFICATION BEFORE LEVEL I FIELDWORK EDUCATION BEGINS. The deadline for all immunizations to be complete is the last day of the first semester. You must begin your Hepatitis B series by September 30th in order to complete the series and receive the titer in the allotted time. Please begin to gather your immunizations and CPR certification as soon as you get accepted into the OTA program. MHRT/C Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community The State of Maine requires an MHRT/C for anyone providing mental health services in the community. Many of these jobs are perfect for the skills and education of the OTA. The KVCC/OTA program graduates automatically receive MHRT/C recognition. O.T.A. vs. O.T.role Occupational Therapy Assistants complete a 2 year Associates Degree program in Occupational Therapy; Occupational Therapy Assistants work under the direct supervision of the O.T. and focus on direct implementation of interventions; Occupational Therapy Assistants are initially certified by NBCOT and must be licensed in the state of Maine Occupational Therapists complete Masters Degree program in Occupational Therapy; Occupational Therapists can work independently and focus on evaluation and planning Occupational Therapy services; Occupational Therapists are initially certified by NBCOT and must be licensed in the state of Maine Transferability to Occupational Therapy Programs KVCC Occupational Therapy Assistant Program has a positive relationship with all three Occupational Therapy programs in the state of Maine. Articulation requirements and conditions vary program to program. Husson University USM-Lewiston Auburn College (LAC) University of New England (UNE) Licensure and Certification Licensure is regulated by each state. Maine requires that all Occupational Therapy practitioners be licensed. All OT practitioners must pass the NBCOT exam to be licensed in Maine. Licensure requires supervision and defines how Occupational Therapy practitioners can practice. A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to attain state licensure. Certification is national and is regulated by NBCOT. (National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy) In order to sit for the certification exam you must complete all academic and fieldwork requirements of an accredited Occupational Therapy/Occupational Therapy Assistant program. All Occupational Therapy practitioners must be initially certified. Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants do not have to maintain this certification to practice. A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the certification exam. Career Opportunities and Salary Information The career opportunities for OTA’s are as varied as the people who enter the profession. More and more non traditional opportunities are on the horizon and traditional opportunities are consistent. We have a great track record for our graduates accessing gainful employment within 6 months of graduation. OTA graduate surveys indicate that a majority of responders were working in the OT field. According to 2012 KVCC Graduate Follow-up Report Alumni Report puts the average salary for an OTA in Maine at $37,336; average hourly wages are approximately 26.00/hour. Salaries vary depending on geography and practice environment. Accreditation The KVCC Occupational Therapy Assistant program is accredited by ACOTE Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814-3449 (301) 652-2682 www.aota.org The Occupational Therapy Assistant program has been in existence since 1992. It is scheduled for re-accreditation in 2016. SOAR Orientation and Registration If you have not yet attended a SOAR Orientation please contact Jillienne Hughes, Academic Affairs at jhughes3@kvcc.me.edu After you have completed this OTA Information Session + SOAR you may register for fall classes in the OTA Program. Finally, KVCC holds a Campus Community Day each Fall. The OTA Program has a specific Orientation Meeting to prepare for classes during this time. Date: August 23, 2012 All OTA students are required to attend the OTA orientation meeting. We will meet from 10:30AM-1:00 PM in the OTA lab. Glad to have you join us! Other Questions? Contact: Diane Sauter-Davis MA, OTR/L OTA Program Director (207)453-5172 or dsauter@kvcc.me.edu Please answer the following questions, sign/date and SUBMIT #1 All students in the OTA program must maintain a C average in all courses. Y N #2 The state of Maine requires initial certification and licensure for all Occupational Therapy practitioners. Y N #3 All immunization documentation and background checks must be completed by the end of the first semester Y N #4 An Occupational Therapy Assistant must work under the supervision of an Occupational Therapist. Y N #5 Fieldwork placement options are a collaborative process in the OTA program. Three populations are required. Y N #6 A felony conviction may hinder your chances for licensure and certification. Y N #7 If you have special learning needs you should begin to inquire about them before you actually begin the OTA program Y N Sign_____________________ Date__________ SUBMIT □