香港大学图书馆联盟的发展: JULAC 香港特別行政區大學圖書館長聯席會 Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee 李海鹏 Li Haipeng University Librarian, Hong Kong Baptist University JULAC Chair, 2012/2013 1 Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee 香港大學圖書館長聯席會, 簡稱JULAC Founded in 1967; 成立于1967年 A forum to discuss, co-ordinate and collaborate on library information resources and services among the libraries of the eight tertiary education institutions of the University Grants Committee (UGC) of HKSAR 一个讨论香港特区大学教育资助委员会(教资 会)的8个大专院校图书馆及图书馆信息资源和 服务,并协调合作的论坛/平台 2 Hong Kong UGC Funded Universities Chinese University of HK (CUHK)香港中文大學(中大) City University of HK (CityU)香港城市大學(城大) HK Baptist University (HKBU)香港浸會大學(浸大) HK Institute of Education (HKIEd)香港教育學院(教院) HK Polytechnic University (PolyU)香港理工大學(理大) HK University Science & Technology (HKUST)香港科技大學 (科大) Lingnan University (LU)嶺南大學(嶺大) University of Hong Kong (HKU)香港大學(港大) 4 UGC Funded Student Headcount 2011/12 UGC资助的学生人数2011/12 6 JULAC Libraries Total Volumes 2010/11 JULAC图书馆总藏书量2010/11 2010/2011 JULAC Libraries Total Volumes in Collection 2010/2011 JULAC 圖書館總藏書量 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 CityU城大 CUHK中文 HKBU浸大 HKIEd教院 HKU港大 HKUST科大 LU嶺大 PolyU理大 7 Why Co-operate? 为什么要合作? Common resource and service challenges 公共资源和服务的挑战 Geographical and logistical opportunities 地理位置与后勤便利带来的机会 Benefit for staff/student communities of each institution 获益于各机构, 及社区的工作人员/学生 Potential cost-efficiency – saving money 潜在的成本效率 – 节约钱财 Potential cost-effectiveness – likely to obtain a greater benefit if resources are pooled 潜在的成本效益 –由资源汇集而可能获得的更大利益 Realization of innovative services through common effort and shared expertise 通过共同的努力和共享知识实现创新服务 Potential support and funding from government 政府潜在的支持和资助 Likelihood of support from individual institutions 个别机构支持的可能性 8 合作原则 - 1 Principles of Co-operation – 1 Clients 客户 Every student and staff member a customer of all JULAC libraries 每名联校图书馆的学生和工作人员都为联校的客户 Collections & Services 馆藏与服务 The collections and services of JULAC libraries represent a combined resource available to all JULAC 联校图书馆的馆藏和服务代表提供给所有联校的联合资源 Integration 整合 Aim to provide comprehensive and seamless access to information resources or services at each library 目的为在每个图书馆提供信息资源及服务的综合性和顺利存取 9 合作原则 - 2 Principles of Co-operation - 2 战略契合Strategic Fit JULAC programs aim to extend, enhance and supplement the resources and services of individual libraries. Programs must be aligned with the overall strategic objectives of both JULAC and the participating member libraries联校计划旨在延长个别图书馆的资 源和服务,并对之加强和补充。方案必须符合联校及成员馆总体 的战略目标 共识Consensus A program is pursued by JULAC only if at least 6 of the 8 member libraries are in support. Individual libraries may choose not to participate in all programs based on needs, priorities and circumstances 联校要求在8所成员馆中, 至少要有6所支持, 方可作为联校项目; 成员图书馆可以根据自己馆的需要, 重点, 及其它情况, 而选择不参加联校的 某个项目 10 合作原则-3 Principles of Co-operation – 3 Participation 参与 Commitment to JULAC programs entails active participation of Directors and staff of each library (e.g.: Committee membership) 联校计划的承诺需要每个图书馆的馆长及工 作人员的积极参与(例如:委员会成员) Funding 资金 Programs will be jointly funded according to their anticipated level of use by each institution and the size/capacity of the institution联校项目的资助将根据每个成员馆对其预计的使 用, 成员馆不同的规模及能力而出资 11 JULAC Organizational Structure 组织结构 JULAC Directors 大學圖書館長 Access Services Committee 存取服务委员会 Bibliographic Services Committee 书目服务委员会 Committee on Conservation & Preservation (New in 2012) 保护与保存 (新)委员会 Committee on Media 多媒体委员会 Consortiall 聯盟委员会 Copyright Committee 版权委员会 JURA Working Group 联合大学學術書庫工作组 Learning Strategies Committee 学习策略委员会 Staff Development Committee 员工发展委员会 Statistics Committee 统计委员会 Systems Committee 系统委员会 JULAC Manager JULAC经理/负责人 JULAC Consortiall 图书馆联盟 Consortial electronic database acquisitions 图书馆联盟电子数据库购买 Consortial monograph acquisitions– HKMAC (Hong Kong Monograph Acquisitions Tender) 图书馆联盟的专门购买 - 香港专门购买投标 E-book acquisitions 电子书购买 Inter-Regional e-book consortia 区域性的电子书籍联盟 Perpetual Access and Escrow-CLOCKSS 永久存取和托管的CLOCKSS International membership: CNI (Coalition of Networked Information) and PRDLA (Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance) 国际联盟会员: CNI 和 PRDLA 13 JULAC Consortium Development JULAC 联盟的发展 Leverages member libraries’ collective purchasing power to obtain savings on edatabases and e-journals 利用成员图书馆的集体购买力获得电子数据库和电子期刊的费用节约 Libraries propose products to negotiate - two or more libraries can form a consortium 图书馆提出产品洽谈 - 两个或两个以上的图书馆,可以组成一个联合体 Over 140 consortia have been formed; 140多个联合体已形成 Non UGC affiliates may join to increase spending power (13 affiliates in Hong Kong and Macau). 2013 JULAC will introduce a membership fee for affiliated libraries who wish to participate in consortiums negotiated by Consortiall. 非香港教资附属图书馆亦可加入以增加消费能力; 2013联校将推出交费参加联盟体的 新计划. Flexibility and equity in the packages negotiated谈判方案中保持灵活性和公平性 14 JULAC Access Services Committee JULAC流通服务委员会 • • Library Access 图书馆访问 Undergraduate & above reader access to JULAC libraries. (126,482 visits 2010/11) 本科及以上读者访问其它JULAC图书馆 Library Borrowing & Inter Library Loans 借阅及館际互借 Postgraduate & Staff borrowing from JULAC libraries.(74,028 “in-person” loans & ILL, 2010/11) 研究生及教职员「亲身」或经馆际互借外借其它JULAC图书馆图书 • HKALL (Hong Kong Academic Library Link)港书网(香港高校图书联网) • Local unmediated book request and delivery service(197,754 loans, 2010/11) 香港本地不经人手的图书要求及运送服务 • Document Delivery & RAPID 文献传递 & RAPID Overseas and local unmediated article level request and delivery service. 海外及本地不经人手的期刊论文要求和传递服务 (12,479 requests 2010/11) – (8,415 RAPID = 67%) 15 JULAC Lending借阅量2004 - 2011 JULAC Book Loans 2004-2011 JULAC 圖書借閱量 2004-2011 300,000 280,000 260,000 240,000 220,000 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 04/05 05/06 06/07 In-person Loans 親身借閱 07/08 ILL Books 館際互借圖書 08/09 HKALL Books 經港書網外借圖書 09/10 10/11 16 HKALL Load Balance供求平衡 2010/2011 2011/2012 JULAC 圖書館「港書網」用量統計 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 - 城大 中大 浸大 教院 經「港書網」借入 港大 科大 嶺大 理大 經「港書網」借出 17 JULAC Document Delivery 文献传递 2004 - 2011 JULAC Document Delivery 2004-2011 JULAC 文獻送遞 2004-2011 26,000 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 Non-RAPID Articles非RAPID文獻 08/09 RAPID Articles 文獻 09/10 10/11 18 JULAC Initiatives 2012- 2013 JULAC 计划2012-2013 • JURA development -- JURA 发展状况 • Staff Development 员工发展 - JULAC Staff Forum员工论坛 • • Ethnographic study of Hong Kong university students 香港大学生的人类学方法研 究 ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Program in Hong Kong • Academic Librarian 3: The Yin-Yang of Future Consortial Collaboration and Competition 求同存異,動靜陰陽 :未來聯校圖書館之合作與競爭 19 JULAC “JURA” Co-operative Storage Joint University Research Archive (JURA) Inc. Chinese Name - Full form: 大學聯合典藏學術書庫 (Hong Kong placed in parentheses as suffix 大學聯合典藏學術書 庫 (香港), as and when necessary). Short form: 聯校書庫 Co-operative research collection, single copies of items from UGC university libraries 独本藏书 Space and construction savings at each university library 节约资金 Initial capacity of 6.3 million volumes and Projected capacity of 9.95 million volumes, to 2030 从6.3百万册9.95 百万册 Equal institutional shares in ownership of facility 共同所 Shared operating costs 分享开销 有 Location J U R A JURA Building – Architects Impression JURA 大厦 - 建筑师印象 22 JURA Building – Architects Impression JURA 大厦 - 建筑师印象 JURA Progress to date • Completion of the detailed design report; 详细设计方案报告 的完成 • Incorporation of the eight JULAC Librarians into a company (JULAC Joint Universities Research Archive Limited, a prerequisite by the Government before land can be allocated for the building of the facility); 建立由联校馆长为成员的聯合 典藏學術書庫 合法机构 • The JURA Board of Directors has developed a twelve month action plan; JURA 董事会完成了十二个月的计划. JURA Progress to date - JURA报告 • Completion of the detailed design report; 详细设计方案报告 的完成 • Incorporation of the eight JULAC Librarians into a company (JULAC Joint Universities Research Archive Limited, a prerequisite by the Government before land can be allocated for the building of the facility); 建立由联校馆长为成员的聯合 典藏學術書庫 合法机构 • The JURA Board of Directors has developed a twelve month action plan; JURA 董事会完成了十二个月的计划. JURA Progress to date (cont.) • Preliminary research into robotic storage systems with likely startup costs and annual maintenance; 初步策划由机器人管理的储 藏系统所需的启动资金及每年维护费用 • In principle agreement for the leasing of land for JURA; 租用土地, 达成共识 • Government did not raise priority status of the project – 12 month waiting period. 政府 在12个月后将此项目视为重点考虑 人类学方法研究 Ethnographic Research Project • Project: study of UCG students’ research behaviours 调查/研究学 生科研行为 • Approach: using an enthnographic methodology 使用人类学方法 • Target audience: studying Hong Kong UGC students 调研香港UGC 学生 • Goal: developing user-centred libraries based on research findings 其目的为以调研结果为依据, 建设成以读者为中心的图书馆 • Researchers: librarians and anthropologists 参加人员为图书馆员 和人类学研究人员 • Funding: explore options 寻求资金赞助 • Timeframe: two year project 为期两年 • Learning Strategies Committee - Proposal 学习策略委员会 – 提案 Learning Strategies Committee 学习策略委员会 • ACRL’s Immersion Program on Information Literacy 美国高校及科研图书馆协会信息素养的融入课程 –embrace educational role by embarking on a path of teacher development and pedagogical inquiry for academic librarians devoted to collaborative learning, individual renewal, and instructional effectiveness 此项目通过对图书馆员教学的发展,方法的探讨,个人的重建和 教学的成效,而发展一条由图书馆员承担教育的作用 • Good staff development programme for JULAC libraries 良好的员工发展计划 28 Hong Kong/JULAC Plan 香港计划 – ACRL’s Immersion Program on Information Literacy in Hong Kong 信息素养融入课程在香港 – Week of 3 June 2013 – week long program 始于2013年成月产量日, 为期一周 – Two Tracks 两条轨道 • Teacher Track教师轨道 focuses on individual development on instruction skills ,侧重于个别发展, 教学技能 – Program Track节目轨道 focuses on developing, integrating, and managing institutional and programmatic information literacy programs. 专注于开发并管理信息素养课程的全面计划 • JULAC Librarians, but limited space open for other librarians 此项目为JULAC设计; 但其他馆员也可报名; 位置有限 29 未来的发展 – 一点看法 Future Development • 深层合作 Deeper Collaboration – 新领导, 新机会 New leadership, new opportunities – 合作项目 Joint membership/projects • 战略策划 Strategic planning – 短期 Short term – 长期 Long term • 资源共享 Resource sharing – 纸本 Print – 电子 Electronic 31 未来的发展 – 一点看法 Future Development • 数字化合作项目Digitization – 例如:Hathi Trust • 电子资源馆藏建设 E-resource building – 联合采购 Group bargaining; e. g. OhioLINK – 发展主体 Main direction • 探索未来 Exploring future directions – 大学发展方向 University future development – 专业发展方向 future for academic libraries 32