Scholarships and bursaries make a difference in students` lives now

Scholarships and bursaries
make a positive and
lasting impact in students’
lives now and in the future.
School of Environmental Studies
Erica Isomura is the latest recipient
of the Vicky Husband Scholarship
in the School of Environmental
Studies. She says, “ I feel very
honoured to have been selected
and am incredibly grateful for your
donation which supports me in my
final year at UVic. I have learned
how addressing the healing of
people is deeply connected to the
healing of land. I hope my
engagements in environmental –
focussed groups can support
others in making connections with
environmental issues, politics with
more deeply rooted social issues.
Thank you again for this gift.”
Carmen Agar-Newman is the
School of Nursing
recipient of the Elsa Stephens
Scholarship in Nursing. Carmen
is in her 4th year of nursing,
specializing in cardiology. She
says, “I am employed as a
student nurse in the coronary
care unit and am in awe of the
speedy medical team during
acute situations. With this
scholarship I was able to afford
the ‘Introduction to Critical care
Nursing’ course, which will help
build my knowledge base and
guide me in the beginning of
my nursing career. I can’t begin
to explain my appreciation and
gratitude for this scholarship.”
School of Nursing
Emergency ward nurse student
Aharon Arnstein is the recipient
of the James and Phillippa Kerr
Scholarship in the School of
Nursing. Aharon says, “I have
always known that I wanted to
go further in my studies and to
work in the field of education
and policy. I hope to be able to
split my work life so I can teach
and maintain my bedside
nursing. Your gift will help me to
continue my masters courses
over the next term and I thank
you sincerely.”
Trisha Bings was awarded the Roy
School of Social Work
Watson Bursary in the School of
Social Work. As a single mother of
twin boys she says, “I am working
towards my social work degree to
be a good role model for my boys.
Another reason was to prove to
myself that I could do it and I will
be the first in my family to complete
a university education. Both my
mother and grandmother wanted
to attend university, however
parenting duties kept them from
fulfilling their dreams. Thank you so
much for your support. It amazes
me that people can be so
generous, and I look forward to the
day that I am in a position to pay
this kindness forward.”
Shauna Breitkreutz, a single mother, is
the recipient of the Paige Cameron
School of Child and Youth Care
Memorial Bursary in the School of Child
and Youth Care. Shauna says, “I wanted
to gain the knowledge and skills
needed to help empower children,
youth and families to reach their goals
while at the same time impacting
change on a societal level. I have been
honoured to work with some amazing
young people, with diverse abilities who
have all helped shape me into the
practitioner that I have become. I am
happy to share that I have a job
prospect and will be interviewing for an
exciting position in the school system. I
feel optimistic about this new part of
my journey and am truly thankful for
your generosity.”
School of Nursing
Judy Bushe is the recipient of the
Zillah (Hobart) Wood Scholarship in
Nursing. She is training to be a
nurse practitioner and has
extensive emergency room
experience. In the Democratic
Republic of the Congo she has been
working as a nurse educator to
support the prevention and
treatment of children with malaria.
In her spare time she is hoping to
make a difference by raising funds
for orphaned, war-affected children.
She says, “I am honored to receive
such a generous donation that will
help me continue my education in
nursing so that I may be in a better
situation to help others.”
School of Child and Youth Care
Heather Chase is the recipient of the
Darlene Scott Memorial Scholarship.
Growing up with a disabled brother, it
fueled her passion for working with
those who have mental health and
disability issues. She says, “the school
of child and youth care offers an
immediate sense of community and
commitment to supporting students,
and your gracious donation of this
scholarship upholds that. My academic
career has been one of hard work and
for this to be recognized in the final
year of my undergrad is extremely
motivating, exciting and affirms that
my passion is fueling positive results.
Your kindness in offering this gift is
truly appreciated and I wish to sincerely
thank you for this donation.”
Khama Chibwana is a recipient of the
School of Child and Youth Care
Agnes and William Shahariw Memorial
Scholarship in the School of Child and
Youth care. Shown here with two of his
three children in Malawi, Sub-Saharan
Africa, Khama is pursuing a PhD in
early childhood development in order
to improve the plight of young
children. He says, “issues of child
neglect, abuse, under-nutrition, poor
education, child labor, and extreme
poverty constitute a developmental
challenge to millions of children from
this part of the world. My research will
further advance the care and
education for young children in Africa.
Once again, thank you very much for
this timely award.”
School of Public Administration
Mary Chu is the recipient of the David
and Joanne Bate Scholarship in the
School of Public Administration. She says,
“I am in the second year of UVic's fulltime MPA Co-op program, currently
completing my final course. Previously I
have studied Biology (BSc, uvic), nursing
(RN, U of Alberta) and Social Work (BSW,
UVic). I returned to school for my MPA in
September 2010 to develop the skills,
knowledge, experience and support
network to realize my goal of working
within the public sector in the areas of
leadership, strategic planning, policy
analysis and/or evaluation. Your
scholarship provides welcomed support
as I enter the master's project phase of
the program. I am most grateful for your
demonstrated commitment to supporting
students achieving their goals.”
School of Nursing
Sandrina Contant is a mother of
three sons and returned to UVic later
in life. She is completing her degree
in nursing and is the recipient of the
Glenn and Pauline Greene
Scholarship in the School of
Nursing. She says, “I am very
honoured to receive this award
which means so much to me and
my family. I hope to continue on
with my nursing education and my
goal is to become a nurse
practitioner. Thank you for helping
me realize my dreams.”
Danielle Daigle is a recipient of the
School of Nursing
Sisters of St. Ann Scholarship in
Nursing. She lives in a small
community on Vancouver Island and
is studying to become a Nurse
Practitioner. She says, “I am
particularly interested in women’s
health and pediatric care across the
lifespan. I firmly believe that in the
role of Nurse Practitioner I will
improve the accessibility of primary
health care to the populations in
under serviced communities, while
working collaboratively with other
health care providers. Receiving this
scholarship will make my goal much
easier to attain. Your generosity is
appreciated and accepted with
extreme honor.”
Sarah Davies is the recipient of the
School of Nursing
Sisters of St. Ann Scholarship in Nursing.
She is enrolled at UVic in Advanced
Practice Leadership with the hope of
becoming a Neonatal Clinical Nurse
Specialist. Sarah has been working in
the neonatal unit since 2009 and is
interested in the experiences of families
with medically complex infants as they
transition home. She says, “I am working
while pursuing full-time graduate studies
and receiving this award will help to
reduce some of the financial strain
associated with schooling. I am very
grateful to have been given this
opportunity and will never forget the
support behind the Sisters of St. Ann
Scholarship. Thank you.”
School of Nursing
Benjamin Dowell was a recipient of
the Purves Sisters Scholarship in the
School of Nursing. He completed his
last preceptorship at the Calgary
Foothills Medical Centre where he was
offered a full-time job in Hematology.
Pictured here with his newborn
daughter, Benjamin says, “I am very
thankful for this scholarship, which is
very much appreciated and needed.
Since I began my program I feel I
have found my ‘calling’ and have
pride, satisfaction and fulfillment daily
in what I am doing.” The support of this
important School of Nursing
scholarship enabled Benjamin to finish
his degree and support his family
when they needed him most.
School of Nursing
Christy Earle is a graduate student in the
School of Nursing and a recipient of the
James and Phillippa Kerr Scholarship. As
a mother who works part-time in the
Emergency Department of the Vernon
Jubilee Hospital, she knows what it means
to balance family life with career goals.
She is interested in pursuing clinical
practice within the Nurse Practitioner
program. She says, “Mental health and
community health are areas I am
interested in having worked in small
towns throughout BC including Burns
Lake, Bella Coola and Prince Rupert. As a
mother of three children, your gift has
been highly appreciated. Thank you very
much for your generosity. I can continue
with my studies with a reduced stress
level in regards to finances.”
School of Nursing
Kirsten Esau is the recipient
of the Sisters of St. Ann
Graduate Scholarship in
Nursing. Before studying to
become a nurse
practitioner, she worked as
a public health nurse. She
says, “I have developed a
passion for serving
disadvantaged populations
and those with chronic
health conditions. I have
been greatly blessed in my
life and I hope to use what
has been given to me to
help others in need.”
Clayton fair is the recent recipient of the
School of Health Information Science
Dr. Ken and Barbara Thornton Memorial
Award in the School of Health
Information Science. Clayton says, “I
am in my second year of studies at uvic
and more specifically, have found an
academic home within the school of
health information science. As an
accomplished classical violinist of 14
years I look forward to playing in the
uvic orchestra as well as playing squash
at a fitness centre where I work parttime as a fitness supervisor. With your
generosity you have helped to provide
me with a strong academic foundation
as I continue my education and seek to
be, and serve, to my fullest potential. I
am honored to be a recipient of this
School of Public Administration
Jasun Fox, a graduate from the
School of Public Administration, “I
was humbled to be a recipient of
the Ronald C. Corbeil Award for
Merit in Program Evaluation,
because of the high quality of
candidates, and because I
believe that program evaluation
and performance measurement
are essential tools for maximizing
an organization’s effectiveness.
Receiving this award made me
more confident in my abilities and
validated all of the hard work that
I put into the related courses and
co-op work assignments. In the
future, I am hoping to work in a
policy related position for a
provincial or municipal
School of Public Administration
Arielle Guetta is the most recent recipient
of the Jack Ebbels Scholarship. She says,
“I have just completed my first academic
semester of the MPA program and am
about to embark on my first co-op. This
scholarship has allowed me to expand
my job scope, and I will be heading to
Ottawa in January to do a placement with
environment Canada. Through this co-op I
hope to gain a better understanding of
environmental policy in Canada. My goal
is to use this knowledge in environmental
resource management at either the
provincial or municipal level. I love living
in BC and I am excited about working
where I can contribute to protecting the
natural resources of this province. Thanks
again for your contribution to this
wonderful scholarship.”
School of Health Information Science
Karmon Helmle is the recipient
of the Denis and Pat Protti
Scholarship in the School of
Health Information Science.
She says, “I am currently
pursuing my masters in health
informatics via the distributed
stream, while completing my
Fellowship training in
Endocrinology in Calgary. I
also have the great fortune of
being a new mom to a
beautiful nine month old baby
girl. This year has been a
tricky one-with a delicate
balancing act between two
courses of study and a very
important new responsibility.
The support of this award for
me and my family could not
have been more opportune.
Many thanks.”
Chynna Howard is most thankful for
School of Social Work
receiving the Dianne Bourne
Memorial Bursary. She says,
“Studying at the University of
Victoria has undoubtedly been the
most rewarding experience of my
life. Along with my role as a student
representative for the School of
Social Work I feel empowered as
an individual and have also been
able to develop wonderful
connections with professors and
peers. This bursary has allowed me
to focus on my academic
achievements and has helped to
alleviate some of the worry of
financial strain. Thank you again so
much for your generous
contribution to my education.”
Derrilyn Husband is the recent recipient
School of Nursing
of the Purves Sisters Scholarship in the
School of Nursing. She says, “During my
time in school I have become a single
mother and the stress and financial
strain often led me to question my
education’s importance. This award
has made it possible for me to continue
with my studies while providing for my
daughter. I look forward to graduating
in April and beginning my career in
Nursing. As I move forward in my skills
and knowledge I am hopeful that I will
one day work in the Emergency
Department of my hometown hospital.
The words in this letter cannot express
the gratitude I feel for your contribution
to my education and the opportunity it
has helped provide for me.”
Indigenous Governance Program
Eva Jewell is a Masters in
Indigenous Governance candidate
and the recipient of the David and
Mary Norton Fellowship. Jewell who
is a 23 year old Anishinaabekwe
from Chippewas of the Thames First
Nation in Ontario and a mother of a
young toddler, is thrilled to have the
support provided by this award. Eva
says, “I will be the first in my family
to attain a Graduate degree, and
my mother and grandmother are
looking forward to being present for
the defense. I thank you for
providing me with the opportunity of
alleviating costs so I can focus on
the importance of my education!
Chi Miigwech [Thank you greatly.]”
School of Social Work
Chelsea Kelly is the recent
recipient of the Jean and
Archie Bain Scholarship in the
School of Social Work. Chelsea
is from the Sto:lo Nation and
switched from Psychology to
Social Work after the birth of her
son. She says, “I plan to work
with individuals and families
within my community who live
complex lives where mental
health challenges and/or
addictions present barriers.
From my experience in the
School of Social Work, I feel
equipped to work with people
in a way that preserves their
dignity, works with their
strengths, and provides them
the opportunity to work with me
in a way that is meaningful and
useful to them. As a young,
busy mother, time and money
are limited, so this gift has really
helped me to work to my full
potential. Thank you.”
School of Public Health & Social Policy
Alexandra Kent is the recipient of
the Jennie Butchart Scholarship in
the School of Public Health and
Social Policy. She works full-time
from her home in Harrison Hot
Springs for the Sts'ailes
Community School in the Upper
Fraser Valley while going to UVic
online to complete her degree.
She had the opportunity to
contribute to national research on
the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission of Canada and has
published in the Arbutus Review
on Indigenous rights. She plans to
pursue a Masters degree once
she graduates this year.
Alexandra says, “I take pride in
my academic achievements and
I hope that you too, can take
pride in my present success and
future ambitions as the chosen
recipient of the Jennie Butchart
Jabin Kim is the recipient of the
School of Child and Youth Care
William and Gladys Partridge
Award in Child Care. Living
away from home and working
with families in distress during
her practica, she says, “Your act
of kindness has supported me in
times when financial support
was needed and absolutely
appreciated. I am very excited
to start this career and be a
change agent who is able to
support children, youth and
families.” Jabin is now employed
as a Child Protection Officer in
Port Coquitlam.
Kelsa Laughlin, an emergency
School of Public Health & Social Policy
department nurse, is the recipient of
the James and Phillippa Kerr
Scholarship in the School of Public
Health and Social Policy. She is
pursuing her Masters degree online
as her family temporarily lives
overseas. Raising a young family is
challenging enough, but Kelsa is also
working and going to school as well.
She says, “I am so thankful that I am
able to continue my studies thanks to
distance education. I feel very
fortunate to be in my program, to be
able to travel with my family and
work abroad and I feel so grateful for
being chosen for the James and
Phillippa Kerr scholarship. Many
School of Public Administration
“I am very thankful to receive the Jack
Ebbels Scholarship as it will help me to
pursue my goal of a career in natural
resource management. This is a fitting
match because Jack Ebbels, as the
province's chief negotiator in the nisga'a
land settlement claim, was dedicated to
responsible stewardship of the land we live
in. I am finding that the Masters in Public
Administration program is providing me
with an invaluable skill set directly relevant
to today's need for careful and responsible
management of our natural resources. I
hope to make a difference in local,
national and global management of our
planet's wealthy but limited resources, so
that we can pass on a richer more
sustainable world to future generations.
Once again I thank the Jack Ebbels family
for their assistance in providing this
“I am very thankful for a chance to be
School of Public Administration
an MPA student at UVic. Nearing the
end of the first semester I can say with
confidence that the program has met
and exceeded all of my expectations.
I am very honoured to study alongside
such a great group of aspiring
individuals. I particularly thank our
knowledgeable and experienced
professors who not only teach, but also
take their time to offer career
guidance and any other advice. I am
exceptionally proud to be
acknowledged by way of receiving
the Jack Ebbels Scholarship. I will do
my best to ensure that my Master’s
Project serves as a meaningful
contribution in the realm of natural
resource management.”
School of Nursing
The Purves Sisters Scholarship is
named after three sisters who
all became nurses and who
practiced in British Columbia
their entire careers. Now
retired, the sisters wanted to
help other nursing students,
remembering how difficult it
had been for them to pay for
tuition. Lilly Luk is a recent
award recipient receiving the
Purves Sisters Scholarship in her
final year of studies. She says,
“this scholarship made it easier
for me to focus on my studies
and not have to work as much
to pay for tuition. Thank you!”
School of Nursing
Recipient of the James and
Phillippa Kerr Graduate
Scholarship in the School of
Nursing, Joanne says, “I
wanted to take this opportunity
to say a sincere thank you. I
am truly grateful for this award
and deeply moved to receive
such an honour…while studying
full-time, I am also working fulltime for VIHA and juggling a
busy family life. I hope by role
modeling my love for life-long
learning, this will help my
children to see the value in it
Mehdi Marefat emigrated from Iran
School of Health Information Science
after finishing his degree in
medical sciences. He is the latest
recipient of the Denis and Pat Protti
Scholarship in Health Information
Science. He says, “health
informatics has always been my
passion. As a new immigrant, I felt
the need to update my education
in this area. I am extremely happy
with this decision. I strongly believe
that using information technology
at the preventive health care level
will lead to a substantial reduction
in future health costs. I would also
like to extend my family’s gratitude
for your generosity and I hope to
show myself worthy of this award.”
School of Nursing
Leane Mathias is the recipient of
the James and Phillippa Kerr
Graduate Scholarship in the
School of Nursing. She says, “I
have been a registered nurse
since 1999, with the majority of
my career focusing on the care of
children with cancer and life
limiting illnesses. I have aspired to
be a nurse practitioner for many
years, stemming from my
enjoyment in working closely with
families as well as my passion for
healthy living. On graduating, I
hope to work with marginalized
families, either in my home
community of north Vancouver or
in Vancouver’s downtown
eastside. I am tremendously
grateful, not only for the financial
benefit this scholarship will serve
my family this year, but also for
providing me with a boost of
encouragement as I continue
through the final stretch of this
Thank you very much.”
Glenn and Pauline Greene, donors
School of Nursing
in the School of Nursing, with the
latest recipient of their award, Devlin
McDermitt now a nurse at the Royal
Jubilee hospital. Devlin had not
anticipated the heavy demands that
would be placed on her by following
her calling. “Although the nursing
program has been challenging, and
has expected more of me than I
ever thought possible, it is well worth
the time and effort.” The Greene
Scholarship not only provided Devlin
with much needed financial
assistance, it has motivated her
studies even more as she feels that
her dedication and hard work have
been recognized.
Indigenous Governance Program
Tricia is a recent graduate of the
Indigenous Governance
Program at UVic. She explains,
“The David F. Norton and Mary J.
Norton fellowship provided the
opportunity to finish my
community based research in
my home territory; it provided
the funds necessary to move
home in order to complete my
master’s thesis. I am very grateful
for the assistance the Norton
Fellowship offered in a time when
support was needed. I am now a
Research Officer at the National
Association of Friendship Centres
in Ottawa, Ontario. Without my
master’s degree I could not have
achieved my career goals; goals
supported by the Norton
Bonnie McKechnie is the recipient of
the Royal Jubilee Hospital Auxiliary
School of Nursing
Elsa Groundwater Scholarship. She
says, “I have been working
extremely hard towards my dream of
becoming a nurse, not only for myself
but for my son’s future. I have
continued my nursing degree even
through the extreme stress of my son
being sick with cancer. Your support
has reduced the extreme financial
burden which allowed me to pursue
my dream of becoming a nurse. I
hope one day that I will be able to
give something back to others by
supporting a scholarship for future
students like myself. Thank you so
much for your generous and kind
School of Nursing
Allison Mclean is the recent
recipient of the Royal Jubilee
Hospital auxiliary Elsa Groundwater
Scholarship in the school of nursing.
Currently in her 4th year, Allison
chose nursing because she wants to
make a difference in the lives of
others. She says, “I have always
wanted to be an operating room
(OR) nurse. This summer I was
accepted in to the Peri-Operative
Program and begin my training in
January, 2013. Receiving this award
will allow me to focus primarily on
my studies. Thank you so much for
this opportunity.”
School of Nursing
Lisa Mcphee is the latest recipient
of the Eileen Lillian Cowling
Memorial Bursary in the School of
Nursing. Lisa says, “Being in a
degree program is difficult enough
and as a single parent it is even
more complicated and has been
at times overwhelming
emotionally, physically, mentally
and financially. Your donation has
made it possible for me to finish
my degree. I am the first person in
my immediate family to graduate
with a degree and whenever I ask
my daughter what she would like
to be when she grows up, she tells
me ‘a nurse,’ so who knows what
we have started here? Thank you!”
School of Health Information Science
Simon Minshall is the most recent
recipient of the Denis and Pat
Protti Scholarship in the School of
Health Information Science. He
says, “This award has meant a
great deal to me and my family.
The time commitment needed to
complete all the tasks, research
and papers and to complete
them well is significant. The net
result of the award is a number of
hours per week that do not need
to be engaged in employment. To
the donors who help us students
find the time to make good work
possible through this important
endowment fund, I must express
my sincere gratitude and thanks.”
School of Public Health and Social
Faye Missar is in the Graduate Program
of the School of Public Health and
Social Policy and is a recent recipient
of the James and Phillippa Kerr
Scholarship. She is a distance student
working from Ucluelet, BC and upon
graduation hopes to work in
collaboration with the Nuu-chah-nulth
first nation to promote food security
and nutritional awareness. She says,
“this award will alleviate the financial
stress associated with post-secondary
education and allow me to 'dive in'
and focus on my studies. Also, being
rewarded for my hard work empowers
me and motivates me to continue to
study hard and do my best. Thank you
so much for your support.”
School of Public Health and Social Policy
Julie Moore is a registered
psychiatric nurse working with
medically ill children at the Stollery
Children’s Hospital in Edmonton.
She is the first recipient of the
James and Phillippa Kerr
Scholarship in the School of Public
Health and Social Policy, and is
pursuing a Master’s degree
through distance education. She
says, “I am so grateful to have
received this scholarship. It will
allow me to focus more time and
effort on my studies, giving me a
break from working extra nursing
shifts to support my tuition. This is a
true gift and I thank you so much
for your generosity and support.
School of Nursing
Tara Mulcaster is close to finishing
her nursing degree where she is
specializing in post-operative
care. As the recipient of the Royal
Jubilee Hospital Auxiliary Elsa
Groundwater Scholarship she
says, “I am truly grateful for all the
support that I have received as a
nursing student. This financial
assistance will help me during my
journey of becoming a registered
nurse. It makes a valuable
difference in the lives of all seven
of us in my family. The financial
assistance that this award has
provided my family is greatly
appreciated and will never be
John Nsabimana is the recipient of the
School of Public Administration
Nelson Family Bursary for International
Students in the Faculty of HSD. John was
a Rwandan refugee as a child and
plans to pursue a career in
Humanitarian Affairs, particularly in the
areas of child protection, emergencies
and education. John is the Regional
Youth Representative for the United
Nations Children’s Agency
and represents Canada at the Annual
Youth Assembly at the United Nations
headquarters in New York. He
completed a Bachelor degree in child
and youth care at UVic in 2011 and he is
presently pursuing a Masters in Public
Administration (MPA) from the UVic
School of Public Administration.
Recipient of the Agnes Shahariw
School of Child and Youth Care
Memorial Scholarship in the
School of Child and Youth Care.
Having grown up as a child in
need and going through the
devastation of AIDS on her family,
community and country, Jolly
founded the organization “Action
for Children” which cares for over
10,000 children in more than
3,000 families in Uganda. “When I
received the news of the award
from the University of Victoria, I
felt like a heavy burden had just
been lifted off my head! I had
reason to smile, but instead, I
cried for joy!”
School of Nursing
Halima O’Brien is the recipient
of the Purves Sisters Memorial
Scholarship and is in her last
year in the school of nursing.
She says, “for my practicum I
was able to work at the Easter
Seals’ Camp Shawnigan for
children with disabilities. The
learning was incredible but
most of all the children and
youth at the camp were
inspiring. Thank you for being a
blessing to me this year. I hope
that you will experience the
unexpected joy of having a
stranger help you reach your
School of Nursing
Heather Payrastre is the recipient of the
Zillah (Hobart) Wood Graduate
Scholarship in the School of Nursing and
hopes to pursue a career as a nurse
educator. She says, “My research is
focused on optimizing undergraduate
education surrounding the car of
children with disabilities. I am thrilled to
have been selected for this scholarship
as it helps me to balance the financial
burden of a graduate education and to
feel supported by members of the
community who are dedicated to
nursing practice. Like the late Mrs.
Wood, I was a nurse at a summer camp.
I feel connected to this commemorative
donation through learning about its roots
in a passion for our discipline. Thank you
so much for your support.”
School of Nursing
Denise Scozzafava is a fourth
year Nursing student specializing
in Peri-operative nursing. As the
recipient of the Elsa Groundwater
Scholarship donated by the Royal
Jubilee Hospital Auxiliary she
works as a student nurse in the
operating room of the Victoria
General Hospital and provides
home care for a gentleman with
advanced Parkinson's disease
while going to school. She says,
“My ultimate career goal is to
obtain my specialty as a Certified
Peri-operative Nurse and then
volunteer overseas with a charity
to repair facial deformities of
children in developing countries.
I believe that fulfilling this
particular goal would help me
honour generous donors like you.
I received tremendous support
throughout my nursing education
and I would like to repay that
debt. Thank you again for this
generous gift.”
School of Nursing
Sara Shorten is the recipient of
the Elsa Stephens Scholarship in
Nursing. She says, “This
scholarship will allow me to
focus on achieving academic
success in the year to come, as
I am now able to treat school
as my job. Having the financial
stability to concentrate on my
studies and volunteer work is a
true gift. Thank you again for
believing in the value of nursing
leaders, and for taking the
active steps to support us in our
service to the community.”
School of Social Work
Daleena Siggelkow is a third year
Social Work student who hopes to
specialize in family and foster care.
She is most grateful to be the
student award recipient of the
Anita Lancaster Scholarship in the
School of Social work. This award
allows her time to volunteer at the
Young Parent Support Network and
the Best Buddies program working
with adults who have disabilities.
Daleena says, “without this support
I would be seeking part-time work
and would not have the time to
give back to the community. This
scholarship has been such a
blessing for me!”
School of Social Work
Robyn Spilker is the recipient of
the Anita Lancaster Scholarship
in the School of Social Work.
She says, “I chose to go into
social work because I love
working with people to create
caring, supportive
communities. When I graduate I
plan to work with women,
families and children at
community non-profits.
Eventually I hope to pursue
graduate studies and become
a professor at a faculty of
Social Work in Canada. Thank
you for helping me further my
education and my aspirations!”
School of Child and Youth Care
Colleen Spooner is the
recipient of the Winnifred
M. Clark Bursary for
undergraduates in the
School of Child and Youth
Care. Colleen says,
“education, moving, and
money all cause stress, but
because of my bursary I
did not have to worry as
much about the money
and could concentrate
more on my education and
studying to be who I aspire
to be.”
Rebecca is a mother and Masters
School of Social Work
student in Social Work, Indigenous
Specialization, at UVic. On her
mother’s side she is Inupiaq from
Alaska and on her father’s side she
is English. She was raised on
Wet’suwet’en territories in Smithers,
BC. Rebecca is the recipient of the
Workplace Family Wellness
Scholarship in Social Work. She
says, “it’s an honour to receive this
scholarship. It’s also a gift that I
really need, after using student
loans for so many years. When I am
finished, I wish to continue working
in the area of my thesis topic, which
is relationship to place and identity.
Thank you for supporting me in this
School of Public Health & Social Policy
Marla Turner lives in Salmon
Arm and is completing her
degree in Health and
Community Services online
while raising a growing family.
She is focusing her work on
Indigenous peoples’ health
and begins her first practicum
at a First Nations health centre.
She says, “my goal is to
continue learning about
different perspectives, as well
as environments that promote
wellness. I have a particular
interest in trauma, addictions
and healing. I hope to
contribute in this area within
the field of health and
community services during my
working career. In deep
appreciation for the Pacific
Blue Cross Scholarship in the
School of Public Health and
Social Policy.”
School of Nursing
Third year Nursing student Jessica
Vandecar is the recipient of the
Dorothy Kergin Bursary. Raising two
small children while attending
university has had its challenges.
Jessica says, “this financial gift is
coming to me at a time of critical
need and I am forever grateful. It is
gifts such as these that have
enabled me to focus on school
without having to worry about how
to feed my kids or keep them
warm. I am a strong student with
high hopes of working in the West
Kootenays in maternal and child
health. Thank you again for your
School of Nursing
Leah Wilson is the recipient of the
Joan E. Newton Scholarship in Nursing
through the Canadian Federation of
University Women. She has been a
long time volunteer with Big Brothers
and Big Sisters. Leah says, “I am
currently starting the final semester in
the first year of my Master’s Degree in
Nursing at the University of Victoria. I
am in the Nurse Practitioner option of
this degree and after graduation plan
to work in the community in primary
care. My clinical interest lies in health
promotion and disease prevention in
women’s health, specifically around
nutrition, body image and the
prevention of eating disorders.”
Jennifer Yeoman received the
School of Nursing
James and Phillippa Kerr Graduate
Scholarship in Nursing. She says, “I
am currently in my first year of the
Masters in Nursing Program at UVic
with the Nurse Educator focus.
Nursing has been my passion for
many years and I currently work
with the intensive care unit at Surrey
Memorial Hospital. I aspire to
educate the next generation of
dynamic nurses and with your
support I am one step closer to
achieving my goals. Thank you for
making the James and Phillippa
Kerr Graduate Scholarship in
Nursing possible. I will never forget
the generosity extended to me.”
School of Social Work
Dione Ross is the recipient of the
Phil Petersen Memorial
Scholarship in the School of
Social work. She is very
appreciative of this award and
says, "my hometown is
Nanaimo, BC and for the past
five years I have been on a
mission to achieve my goal of
earning my very first bachelor of
social work degree. I have
been developing my passion for
the human service field and
never grow tired of helping
others out! My future goal is to
earn my Masters of Social work.
With gratitude and thanks."
School of Nursing
Chari Down is a Licenced
Practical Nurse (LPN) who is
finishing her BSC degree in
Nursing. She says, “I wanted to
write to express my
appreciation for being the
recipient of the Elsa Stephens
Scholarship in Nursing. I had
always wanted to be a nurse
and so I became a Licensed
Practical Nurse in 2010. This was
the right decision for me as I
have been able to work casual
as an LPN throughout my BSN
Degree. My LPN wages and this
scholarship has meant that I
have not needed to receive
student loans. I am very excited
to begin my career as an RN
BSN. Thank you for your
generous gift. "