UNIFIED ACCOUNTS CODE STRUCTURE Budget Execution : Budget Issuances FOR State Universities and Colleges Venue of the Training Date of the Training Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Budget Cycle Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Budget Execution Before Example: (Infrastructure) Allotment Release (after enactment) Bidding Process (3-4 months) GAA enacted late (March) Delayed Implementation Rainy season leads to delays, cost overruns & poor quality Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Award (June-July) Budget Execution Now Example: (Infrastructure) Early GAA enactment (Dec of Prior FY) GAA as Release Document (January) Early Procurement *CL 2010-9 (Oct-Dec Prior FY) Early Implementation (As early as January) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Award (January) Early Procurement for Implementation CL No. 2010-9: Guidelines Directing Agencies to Expedite the Implementation of their Procurement Activities Agencies can start undertaking the initial process of procurement activities based on the proposed budget levels per NEP specifically for purposes of conducting public bidding. Will allow early implementation of projects which are scheduled during the first quarter of the year in consideration of our country’s good weather condition. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Key Issuances on the 2014 Budget Execution NBC No. 551: Guidelines on the Release of Funds for 2014 (with Annexes A-D) CL No. 2013-16: Implementation of the Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme for A/Ps Due Creditors/Payees of All NGAs CL No. 2013-16A: Clarification of CL 2013-16 Re: Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme (Expanded MDPS) for Accounts Payable (A/Ps) CL No. 2013-16B: Addendum to DBM CL 2013-16 Re: Expanded Direct Payment Scheme (Expanded MDPS) for Accounts Payable (A/Ps) of National Government Agencies/Operating Units (NGAs/Ous) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Key Issuances on the 2014 Budget Execution National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Fund Release System for 2014 General Guidelines Agencies submit BEDs on Nov 30, 2013 GAA serves as allotment release document for items in FCR list But those in Negative List / FLR will still require SAROs Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Agencies obligate their budgets Disbursement authorities. incl. comprehensive NCAs for 1st semester FARs & BARs serve as guidance for further releases National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 GAA As Release Document Budget Submissions to Congress ••President’s President’sBudget BudgetMessage Message ••Budget BudgetofofExpenditures Expendituresand and Sources SourcesofofFinancing Financing NationalExpenditure ExpenditureProgram Program ••National • Details of the 2014 Budget • Details of the 2014 Budget (Annexes) • (Annexes) • Staffing Summary • Staffing Summary Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 GAA As Release Document General Guidelines GAA The budgets of agencies or “appropriations”— except those included in the negative list—are considered released as allotments when the General Appropriation takes effect. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Negative List General Guidelines Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Lump sum funds within agency budgets Special Purpose Funds Other items subject to conditions All automatic appropriations National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Obligational Authorities General Guidelines NOW BEFORE Agency Budget Matrix (ABM) For budget items Not Needing Clearance Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) For budget items Needing Clearance Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT The GAA Itself For budget items “For Comprehensive Release” SARO For budget items “For Later Release” General Allotment Release Order (GARO) For RLIP only National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Disbursement Authorities General Guidelines Notice of Cash Allocation: for cash disbursements Non-Cash Availment Authority: for loans in kind Cash Disbursement Ceiling: for foreign posts’ expenses Tax Remittance Advice Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 FCR vs. FLR: Agency Budgets General Guidelines For Comprehensive Release (Annex A & A1) Via GAA-as-Release For Later Release (Annex B & B1) Via SARO Agency-specific budgets not in negative list (Annex A) Agency-specific budgets in negative list (Annex B) Transferred appropriations, dept-to-dept or within dept (Annex A-1) Transferred appropriations from one dept. to another (Annex B-1) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 FCR vs. FLR: Automatic Appropriations General Guidelines For Comprehensive Release (Annex C) Via GARO Annual requirements for RLIP (but 50% only for agencies with recently approved RatPlan) For Later Release (Annex C1) Via SARO Via SARO Interest Payments Internal revenue Allotment SAGF of certain agencies (DOTCOTS, DOF-IC, DOJ-LRA, DepEdECCDC) with no specific budget provision on the GAA) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT 50% RLIP balance for newlyrationalized agencies SAGFs of other agencies other than those cited in Annex C based on SBR and BTr certification of fund availability Adjustments on IRA Other auto appropriations (TEF, Grant Proceeds, Pensions for President’s Wives) National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Validity and Sources of Funds General Guidelines 2014 GAA per R.A. No. 10633 Agency Specific Budgets and SPFs –PS: Until Dec 31, 2014 –MOOE & CO: Until Dec 31, 2015 Subject to Issuance of Guidelines 2014 Automatic Appropriations SAGFs, IRA, etc. per BESF) –Until December 31, 2014 2013 Continuing Appropriations per Congress Joint Resolution No. 1 and 2013 Supplemental Appro per R.A. 10634 (for Calamity Fund and QRF) –MOOE & CO: until Dec 31, 2014 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT (RLIP, National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Validity of NCAs General Guidelines To Regular MDS Sub-Accounts and SAGF MDS SubAccounts: Until last working day of 3rd month of a quarter To Special MDS Accounts (RG/TL): Until last working day of following month To Trust MDS Accounts: Until last working day of the year To BTr for Loan Proceeds: Until last working day of the year Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Specific Guidelines Comprehensive Release encompasses the ff: New GAA Annual Agency Specific Budgets, thru the GAA First Quarter requirements for Pension and Subsidy to GOCCs, thru SAROs Automatic Appropriations RLIP, thru GARO IRA and Interest Payment, thru SAROs SAGFs - Annual operating requirements of Agencies fully dependent on their income, thru SAROs Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Specific Guidelines For GOCCs and LGUs For GOCCs (BSGC) 1st quarter subsidy for heavily subsidized GOCCs – for comprehensive release Equity and remaining subsidy – for later release For LGUs (IRA and ALGU) Annual IRA – for comprehensive release IRA adjustments, special shares in the proceeds of national taxes and LGSF – for later release Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Specific Guidelines Notice of Cash Allocation Initial comprehensive NCA (based on Monthly Disbursement Program per NBC 550) shall cover first semester requirements (January to June, 2014) for: Current year requirements –Agency Specific Budget –RLIP Prior Years’ requirements –Accounts Payable (A/Ps) –Obligations expected to become A/Ps Continuing Appropriations Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Implementation Policy Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT National Budget Circular No. 551 dated Jan. 2, 2014 Responsibility and Effectivity Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Budget Execution Process Flow Approval of the Budget GAA , BESF Issuance/Recording of Budget Authorities (GAARD , SARO , NCA) Obligation / Procurement Goods, Services, Projects Payment to Contractors/Creditors/Payees Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT MDS Checks / Advice to Debit Account (ADA) Allotments, Obligations, A/Ps Allotments (GAARD and SAROs) Procurement (Obligations) (Goods, Services, Projects) Not Yet A/Ps Delivered Goods/Services ( current year and prior years) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Due and Demandable Obligations Undelivered Goods/Services Key Issuances on the 2014 Budget Execution Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 Why Expanded MDPS? Uniform payment system across government more transparent, accountable & efficient! Less red tape and paperwork 80% checkless in 2014! Faster & more predictable processing payment to creditors in 2 days! Supports shift to Treasury Single Account more predictable NG cash management! Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 MDPS and the Expanded MDPS Payment System Coverage MDS NCA and Validity MDPS Pilot Departments; External Creditors Special MDS Needed: 2 months validity Disbursement Payment to Creditors LDDAP with ADA Automatic submitted to Payment upon DBM Release of NCA All LDDAP with ADA Part of Departments: and Summary of Automatic Expanded Regular Comprehensive Internal and LDDAP-ADA Payment upon MDPS MDS Release: 1 External issued Submitted Release of NCA quarter validity Creditors to GSB Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (For Starters) Creditors Get Bank Account with GSB Agency encourages Creditors to get GSB account Agency issues Letter of Introduction to creditors addressed to GSB GSB verifies existing account. If no existing account, Agency advises Creditor to open new account Creditors may opt for bank transfer (EPCS) but will shoulder transfer fees Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Expanded MDPS Process) Cash Allocation Agency projects due & demandable A/Ps for FY for inclusion in MDP Agency submits Monthly Disbursement Program to DBM by Nov 30 of prior FY DBM posts reports on MDPs and NCAs released on its website Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT DBM releases comprehensive NCA Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Expanded MDPS Process) Payment of A/Ps GSB credits NCA to Agency’s MDS account Agency submits LDDAP-ADA (with Summary of LDDAPADA Issued) to GSB Agency posts LDDAP-ADA nos. on website & provides to Creditors Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT GSB provides BTr w/ copy of Summary of LDDAP-ADA Issued GSB credits payment to Creditor’s GSB account within 48 hours For non-GSB/EPCS: GSB effects bank transfer. Creditor shoulders fee. Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Expanded MDPS Process) Recording of Payments GSB provides Agency with duly validated LDDAPADA on next banking day Creditor issues Official Receipt to Agency GSB advises Agency of non-payment due to inconsistent information Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Agency records payments in its books Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Expanded MDPS Process) Accountability Reporting GSB provides BTR with copies of Summary of LDDAPADA. Issued on the same day as receipt of LDDAPADA from agency Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT GSB provides DBM with monthly report on NCAs credited & utilized by the 2nd working day after end of the month Agency submits Summary Report on Disbursements by the end of the month Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Correcting Typographical Errors) GSB advises Agency of nonpayment due to inconsistent information through the validated LDDAP-ADA typo errors covered by circular errors not covered by circular Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Agency issues letter of authority to GSB for correction Agency includes A/P in upcoming LDDAP-ADA Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Responsibilities and Timeline) Agencies Submit MDP by November 30 of prior FY Ensure creditors submit accurate account info Submit LDDAP-ADA on an First-in First-out basis Prepare separate LDDAP-ADA for bank accounts outside NGA’s GSB Ensure consistency of codes used with UACS Furnish creditors with LDDAP-ADA numbers for tracking purposes, and post on their websites Submit Summary Report of Disbursements by the end of the Month Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Responsibilities and Timeline) DBM Include in the comprehensive NCAs Agencies’ requirements for payment of due and demandable A/Ps as indicated in their MDPs Post all MDPs submitted and report on total NCAs issued on the DBM website Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 13, 2013 (Responsibilities and Timeline) GSB Provide DBM a complete list of MDS accounts maintained by all Agencies by Dec 15, 2013 Credit accounts of Agencies upon receipt of NCA Effect payment to creditors within 48 hours Provide Agencies a copy of duly validated ADA (with remarks) on the next banking day Provide BTr copy of Advise of ADAs issued on the same day of receipt of ADA Provide DBM a monthly report on NCAs credited and utilized by the 2nd working day following the month Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16, 2013-16A, 2013-16B Coverage ALL NGAs & Operating Units, for the payment of ALL due and demandable Accounts Payables Except: • Terminal Leave and Retirement Gratuity (2013-16) • Remittance of social insurance premium (2013-16B) contributions to government corporations, such as GSIS, PhilHealth and HDMF • Payment of A/Ps to utility companies (2013-16B) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16, 2013-16A, 2013-16B Forms Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT CL 2013-16 Annex A: List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable – Advice to Debit Accounts (LDDAP-ADA) CL 2013-16 Annex C: Letter of Introduction (LOI) CL 2013-16A Annex A: Summary of LDDAPADAs Issued and Invalidated ADA Entries (SLIIE) CL 2013-16 Annex A: List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable – Advice to Debit LDDAP-ADA Accountable form integrating the ADA with the LDDAP which is a list reflecting the names of creditors/payees to be paid by the NGA/OU and the corresponding amounts of their unpaid claims, duly certified and approved by the heads of the accounting unit and Agency, or authorized officials. Shall be considered as accountable form. The printing, use and reporting of the same shall be pursuant to the Commission on Audit’s existing rules and regulations governing accountable forms. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT CL 2013-16 Annex A: List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable – Advice to Debit Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT CL 2013-16 Annex C: Letter of Introduction (LOI) Letter of Introduction Letter addressed to the MDS-GSB issued by the NGA/OU to its creditor/ Payees for the purpose of opening an account or validation of an existing Acccount. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT CL 2013-16 Annex C: Letter of Introduction (LOI) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT CL 2013-16A Annex A: Summary of LDDAP-ADAs Issued and Invalidated ADA Entries SLIIE Prepared in 4 copies for all LDDAP-ADAs issued, certified correct by the Head of Accounting Unit and approved by the Head of Agency or Authorized Official. Copy 1 and 2 = For MDS-GSB Copy 3 = Chief Accountant (as Agency File) Copy 4 = COA Auditor Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT CL 2013-16A Annex A: Summary of LDDAP-ADAs Issued and Invalidated ADA Entries Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Circular Letter 2013-16, 2013-16A, 2013-16B Effectivity Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Effective March 1,2014 (CL 2013-16A) Other Significant Items National Budget Circular 551 Section 4.8 With the adoption of the UACS and PIB structures of the 2014 GAA, the DBM shall use modified fund release documents, to wit: 4.8.1 Obligational authorities, i.e. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and General Allotment Release Order (GARO), for agencies/OUs to incur obligations; and 4.8.2 Disbursement authorities, i.e., Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA), Non-Cash Availment Authority (NCAA), Cash Disbursement Ceiling (CDC), for agencies/OUs to pay obligations and payables. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Issuance Related to Conversion of UACS Codes National Budget Circular 554 Conversion of Codes to Conform to the Unified Accounts Code Structure Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Other Significant Items DBM-COA Joint Circular 2014-1 To prescribe harmonized formats of the budget and financial accountability reports (BFARs) on appropriations, allotments, obligations, disbursement authorities, disbursements, and balances. The UACS Codes when applied to all phases of budget : preparation, legislation, execution and accountability will be able to enhanced the quality and timeliness of financial data for the generation of required reports and analysis. BFARs are the good example of a harmonized data. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #1. Tuition Fees and School Charges. SUCs are authorized to collect tuition fees and other necessary school charges pursuant to R.A. No. 8292. In consonance with the policies enumerated under R.A. No. 8292, all SUCs shall ensure that fees and charges collected are at such rates that would implement a cost recovery program and a socialized scheme of tuition and school fees in order to democratize access to education by poor and deserving students. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #2. Scholarship Program for Poor and Deserving Students. The amounts appropriated for the scholarship program under the SUCs shall be used exclusively to support their tertiary education: PROVIDED, that in no case shall said amount be used for any other purpose: PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the scholarship programs shall only cover course offerings aligned with the Priorities of the government in key growth areas, such as, semiconductor and electronics, business, process outsourcing, tourism, agriculture and fisheries, general infrastructure, and other priority manufacturing industries: PROVIDED, FURTHERMORE, that the scholarship program shall be availed of through enrollment in SUCs which offer said courses. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #3. Hospital Income In addition to amounts appropriated herein, all income generated from hospital operations of the University of the PhilippinesPhilippine General Hospital (UP-PGH), the Western Visayas State University (WNSU) Hospital, and such other hospitals or medical centers under SUCs, shall be deposited in an authorized government depository bank and shall be used to augment the hospital’s MOOE and Capital Outlays: PROVIDED, that no amount therefrom shall be used for the payment of salaries, allowances and other benefits: PROVIDED, FURTHER, that at least twenty five percent of the said income shall be used to purchase and upgrade hospital equipment used directly In the delivery of health services. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #4. Income from Intellectual Property. SUCs shall own intellectual property created by their faculty and personnel subject to Sections 30 and 178 of R.A. No. 8293. Accordingly, any income derived from the sale, marketing and commercialization of the said intellectual property shall accrue to the SUCs. In addition, SUCs shall develop and administer appropriate incentive schemes to encourage their faculty, personnel and students to create or invent intellectual property. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #5. Allocation of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses. The allocation of MOOE for SUCs shall be completed in accordance with the normative funding scheme prescribed under DBM-CHED Joint Circular No. 2 dated August 3, 2004. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #6. Unified Priority Research Agenda. The amounts appropriated herein for new research and development projects under the respective SUC budgets shall be used exclusively for research and development projects that are consistent with, and directly related to, the priority programs of the government under the Philippine Development Plan (2011-2016). Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #7. Programs or Course Offerings. SUCs shall maintain only programs or courses that directly support their core mandate. They say likewise open new programs or courses on semiconductor and electronics, business process outsourcing, tourism, agriculture and fisheries, general infrastructure, and other priority manufacturing industries, subject to the approval of their respective governing boards, and the CHED pursuant to R.A. No. 8292: PROVIDED, that funding requirements of new programs or courses shall be charged against internallygenerated income. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #8. Creating, Conversion or Reclassification of Positions. SUCs may be allowed to create, convert or reclassify positions as long as there is an authorized allocation for the purpose as appearing in their respective Program of Receipts and Expenditure (PREs) or, when funded through the abolition of vacant positions, in accordance with DBM Circular Letter No. 2004-7 dated March 25, 2004: PROVIDED, that (i) the number of positions to be created shall be at least the same number of positions abolished; (ii) the staffing modifications which will increase the number of lower level teaching positions may be allowed in order to augment inadequate teaching personnel; and (iii) the creation, conversion, or reclassification of positions shall not result in the increase in the total Personnel Services cost of the SUC. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #9. Vocational and Practicum Training of Students. SUCs are authorized to (i) avail the voluntary services of their students, during regular vocational class periods, in the construction or repair of buildings and the fabrication or repair of equipment as part of their vocational training; and (ii) utilize student labor for academic, research and extension, and administrative matters as part of the student’s practicum training: PROVIDED, that in both cases, the student shall be paid a reasonable allowance of at least Twenty Five Pesos per hour: PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the voluntary service of the student in the construction or repair of buildings and fabrication or repair of equipment shall not exceed four hours a day Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #10. Maintenance of Laboratory Classes SUCs are allowed to maintain laboratory classes for their teaching education program in accordance with the policy of the CHED: PROVIDED, that the total number of students in such laboratory classes shall not exceed five hundred per SUC, with one teacher for every twenty five students. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #11. Transfer of Secondary School Teaching Positions Secondary school teaching positions in excess of the required number for laboratory classes maintained by SUCs pursuant to the preceding special provision shall be transferred to the DepEd. Pending actual transfer, the funding requirements for said positions shall continually be paid by the host SUC. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Special Provisions Special Provisions Applicable to SUCs Special Provision #12. Submission of the Program of Receipts and Expenditures Submission of the Program of Receipts and Expenditures. SUCs shall submit to the DBM and CHED not later than November 15 of the preceding year a copy of their PREs for the current year as approved by their respective governing boards pursuant to R.A. No. 8292. They shall likewise submit to the DBM not later than March 1 of the current year their respective audited financial statements for the immediately preceding year. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT