Accessible Learning Services

Accessible Learning Services
Group Information and Registration Session
 About Accessible Learning Services
Role of Case Manager
Student Responsibilities
Statement of Confidentiality
Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan
Booking Tests/Exams
 Assessments for Success
 Financial Assistance
 What Now?
 Accessible Learning Services at Mohawk College is a confidential
 The documentation you bring to the Case Manager is held in a
confidential file with Accessible Learning Services.
 Confidential information is shared only with student consent.
 It is your choice with whom your information is shared.
 Limits to Confidentiality.
 Please Note: This is not a confidential forum; please bring specific
concerns to your Case Manager.
Statement of Confidentiality
 Internal Consent: You will be asked to sign a consent form so that
your Case Manager can advocate for you to Mohawk College Faculty
and Staff who can also support your academic goals.
Those people may include:
 Your instructors
 Your Program Coordinator
 Financial Aid, Registration Center etc.
 External Consent: Accessible Learning Services requires you provide
specific consent in order for us to speak with the following individuals:
 Parents/Partners/Family
 Community Agencies
 Anyone else who may ask for information regarding you
 Review and initial all parts of the Statement of Confidentiality Form
Registering with Accessible
Learning Services
 Confirmed applicants or registered students who
have or suspect they have a:
 Physical or medical disability
 Mental health condition
 Learning disability
 Acquired brain injury
Or who are:
 Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing
 Blind, partially sighted
 Accessible Learning Services requires documentation of
disability to provide the appropriate level of
accommodations and services.
 Please refer to the Disability Documentation Guidelines
available online.
 If you suspect you have a Learning Disability, please
complete the Delta Screener available at this workshop.
 If you suspect you have a disability other than a Learning
Disability, please consult with your primary physician.
Role of the Case Manager
 Collaborate with students to develop a personal
program of services and accommodations.
 Offer guidance on financial issues specific to students
with disabilities.
 Promote independence by counselling on disability
 Counsel for transition to the workplace, other
postsecondary programs, or community programs.
Student Responsibilities
1. Identify needs to Accessible Learning Services.
2. Know what your documentation says and be work to
address impact of disability in college.
3. Prepare to discuss your program goals, strengths,
4. Email your Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan to
your professors.
5. Schedule your tests and exams through the online
scheduling system.
Accommodations are:
• “special arrangements made so that persons with disabilities
can fully participate." - Ontario Human Rights Code
Typical Test
Typical Classroom
Extra time
Separate Room
Reader and/or Scribe
Computer and/or adaptive
 Digital recording of lectures
 Peer and/or Computerized
Note taker
 Access to Overheads/Slides
shown in class
 Support Persons such as Sign
Language Interpreters (if
funding available)
Confidential Academic
Accommodation Plan (CAAP)
 Developed by you and your Case Manager.
 Outlines accommodations needed.
 Your communication tool with professors.
 Email to your professors using, “Emailing of CAAP
 Revisions can be made as needed during a semester.
Must be renewed each semester!
Confidential Academic
Accommodation Plan
Testing Accommodations
 MUST have a current CAAP in order to book tests/exams.
 Register for test and exam accommodations through MocoMotion.
 Staff in A124, Fennell Accessible Learning Services Testing Centre, offer
group training sessions and one-to-one support as needed with Online Test
Booking Procedures.
 At STARRT, IAHS, and Branford campus, students can contact their Case
Manager with questions.
Must be scheduled AT least SEVEN days in advance.
Testing Accommodations
 To find the online test booking procedures and system:
1. Log-on to MocoMotion
2. Click Student Academics Tab
3. Scroll down to Accessible Learning Services for Students
Choose, “Click Here to Book Test/Exam”
Supports at Accessible Learning
Learning Strategist
•Develops strategies with students to maximize strengths to
compensate for areas of challenge.
•Teaches students how their disability impacts on their learning in a
post-secondary environment.
Adaptive Technology
•Equipment or software used to support working independently and
maximize strengths.
•Assessment and Training provided.
Alternate Format Production
•CD, large print, Braille, MP3, Kurzweil.
Supports at Accessible
Learning Services
Attendant Services
•Students are responsible for ensuring they register with a local service
provider and have all services in place prior to attending classes.
•Attendant Services Information Sheet is online or by contacting
Accessible Learning Services.
Computerized Note-Taker and Interpreters
•For students who are deaf, deafened, or hard of hearing
•Accessible Learning Services coordinates this.
•Early identification (4-6 weeks prior to semester start) is suggested to
ensure that arrangements are in place for start of semester.
•Late registration with Accessible Learning Services may mean that all
arrangements are not in place for the start of classes.
Assessments for Success
 Evaluate incoming students’ communication and
mathematic skills.
 Results do not impact your acceptance to a
college program.
 For all first year students.
 Testing accommodations are available through
Accessible Learning Services.
 Contact Accessible Learning Services early so
that accommodations can be made.
Financial Assistance
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Many bursaries and scholarships are tied to the Ontario
Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
If accessing ODSP and OSAP, you are encouraged to
speak with Financial Aid.
Accessible Learning Services recommends that all students
apply for the OSAP whether they believe they will receive
these funds or not.
Students should make an appointment to see his/her Case
Manager once OSAP is either approved or denied.
You can apply online for OSAP at:
Full Time Students
Canada Access Grant:
Up to $2000 per year for students with permanent
disabilities and is designed to off-set student loan amount.
To receive this grant you must apply for the Ontario
Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
The Bursary for Students with Disabilities
May access to up to $10,000 for each academic year.
Provides funding for disability-related expenses such
equipment and software, tutoring, psychoeducational
Authorized by the student’s Case Manager.
A student will not be reimbursed for purchases made
without the approval of his/her Case Manager.
Additional Funding Options
Continuing/Distance Education Students:
Ontario Special Bursary Program
to $2500 per academic year.
Students with disabilities may also qualify for an additional $2000 of the
Bursary for Students with Disabilities funding.
Part Time Students:
Part-Time Canada Student Loan
to $10,000 over the course of study.
May be eligible for Canada Access Grant.
Student Apprentices:
Student Apprentices With Disabilities (SAWD)
students in Pre-Apprenticeship, Apprenticeship, and Ontario Youth
Apprenticeship (OYAP) programs.
Covers a wide range of services and support such as tutoring,
psychoeducational assessments, and disability-specific equipment.
Other Bursaries and Scholarships
Mohawk College offers a wide range of additional
general bursaries and scholarships.
To find out what bursaries and scholarships are
offered and how to apply, please go to:
Student Services
Financial Aid
Tuition Fee Policy for Students
With Disabilities
 Available as an option for students who reduce their
course load as an accommodation.
 Must have disability documentation to support
reduced course load.
 Students may be eligible for a reduced fee after full
program fees have been paid.
 Does not covered failed courses.
Booking Appointments
 Scheduled appointment times are for students
registered with Accessible Learning Services.
 Schedule early as availability may take time due to
high numbers of students.
 Call 905-575-2211 to cancel any scheduled
appointment that you cannot attend.
Drop-In Appointments
 Offered on a “First come, first seen” basis.
 All Case Managers and Learning Strategists have
daily “Drop-In” times.
 Quick sessions (up to 15 minutes) to ask a question,
solve a small problem, drop off material etc.
 Not reserved or pre-booked.
Five Things to Remember
1. Register with Accessible Learning Services EARLY
so that your accommodations can be developed and
arranged prior to you beginning classes.
You must email your CAAP to your instructors in
order to receive accommodations.
Your CAAP MUST be renewed every semester so
that you can access testing and other
You register for test/exam accommodations online
through MocoMotion.
You must register for testing accommodations at least
SEVEN DAYS in advance of the test/exam date.
For More Information
About Accessible Learning Services
For more information Accessible Learning Services,
you can go to:
Click on Student Services
Click on Accessible Learning Services