2014-2015 Verification – Other Untaxed Income


Tanya McGee

Katie Starling

Kansas State University

October 3, 2013

• 2013-2014: Where we are

2014-2015: Where we are going

Impact of GEN-13-12

Discussion/Question & Answer

Data elements to verify remained largely the same as 2012-13

• High school completion status and Identity/

Statement of Educational Purpose were added

Introduction of verification groups

• V1, V2, V3, V4, V5

Student should remain in the same verification group

Household size

Number in college

Income information for tax filers


Taxes Paid

Education Credits

Specific untaxed income: IRA distributions, pensions,

IRA deductions, and tax exempt interest

Income information for non-tax filers

• Income earned from work

SNAP benefits (ie. Food Stamps)

• Only if ISIR indicates this was true

Child Support Paid

• Only if ISIR indicates this was true

High School Completion Status

• Recognized equivalents of high school diploma

Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose

• Must use exact wording provided by ED for the

Statement of Educational Purpose





Total ISIRs

Total Selected




















As of Monday, September 30, 2013

• Red ribbon year? Maybe blue, green, white?

• Federal Register published June 13, 2013

Dear Colleague Letter, GEN-13-16, published

June 13, 2013

Verification group changes

• Say goodbye to V2 – SNAP

• Say hello to V6 – Household Resources

Applicants will no longer be assigned to V2, but we will still be required to verify SNAP in the other verification tracking groups (V1, V4, V5, V6)

• Verification items remain the same as AY14, but with one addition

Other Untaxed Income

Introduction of the new verification tracking group –

V6, Household Resources

Q45 for the student and Q94 for the parent(s)

Payments to tax-deferred pension and savings plans

Child support received

Housing, food and other living allowances paid to members of the military, clergy and others

Veterans noneducation benefits

Other untaxed income (workers’ compensation, untaxed portion of health savings accounts, etc.)

Money received or paid on the student’s behalf

• Acceptable documentation includes:

• Signed statement by the student and parent, if applicable, that lists the untaxed income amounts

• Copies of the 2013 W-2s from all sources of income

If the FAA determines the income verified does not appear to provide sufficient financial support , the student or parent must explain how the family was financially supported during calendar year 2013.

Income sources: AGI, income earned from work, all untaxed income, and other untaxed income not included on the FAFSA .

• Hence, the name for the new tracking group -

Household Resources

• Hey! You’re living on nothing! Prove it!

• Sources of income can include the “usual” items

But could also include untaxed income not listed on the FAFSA

Welfare benefits

Earned income credit

Supplemental security income (SSI)

Additional child tax credit

Untaxed social security benefits

Household Resources

• ED will not be specifying an income threshold

• Leaving that to the institution to define

How will you determine your “magic” number?

• Use poverty guidelines?

• What seems appropriate/necessary for a certain family’s size and geographic location?

• Nontax filers – if an institution questions the claim of not filing, the institution may/must require the student to submit a “Verification of

Nonfiling” from the IRS.

• The IRS will not be issuing until after June 15, 2014.

• High School Completion Status

• Previously collected HS Completion documentation may be used as long as it meets the criteria outlined in the Federal Register.

• High School Completion Abroad – may obtain a copy of a “secondary school leaving certificate” through the appropriate government agency

• Homeschool – secondary school completion credential vs. transcript signed by student’s parents

Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose

• Specific text for 2014-2015 provided in the Federal


• Documentation may be converted into an electronic record (ie. your imaging system)

Household Size

Includes parents who are married or unmarried and living together, irrespective of gender


Beginning with 2014-2015, dependent students will be required to provide income information from the student’s legal parents (biological or adoptive) regardless of marital status or gender,

if those parents live together.

In the past, income has been excluded when the parents were unmarried, even if the parents were living together.

Philosophy – the family should help pay the educational expenses of their child.

Help to ensure limited taxpayer resources are directed to students with the most need, regardless of the parents’ marital status or gender, when those parents are living together.

New response to FAFSA question, “As of today, what is the marital status of your legal parents?”, will include “Unmarried and both parents living together.”

FAFSA on the Web will no longer have mother/father reference, but will reference


• Required to enter Identity Verification Results into FAA Access (V4 and V5)

• Manually enter information one student at a time.

• FAA Access will accept a flat file after April 2014.

• Must enter results even for non-respondents.

Possible Topics

Impact to your verification forms

Impact to your student systems

Impact to your website

Federal Register, published June 13, 2013 http://ifap.ed.gov/fregisters/attachments/FR061313FAF


Dear Colleague Letter (GEN-13-16), published 6/13/13 http://ifap.ed.gov/dpcletters/GEN1316.html

2013 NASFAA Conference, Department of Education

Verification session handout/audio www.nasfaa.org/conference/videos/ed-sessions.aspx

NASFAA’s News July 30, 2013 – FAA Access Reporting for

Verification of Identity and HS Diploma Required in 2014-15 www.nasfaa.org/Main/orig/2013/FAA_Access_Reporting_Fo r_Verification_Of_Identity_And_High_School_Diploma_Req uired_In_2014%e2%80%9315.aspx

Tanya McGee

Associate Director

Office of Student Financial Assistance

Kansas State University tanyap@k-state.edu

Katie Starling

Assistance Director

Office of Student Financial Assistance

Kansas State University starling@k-state.edu
