Staff record 2012/13 Welcome Objectives • Reflect on the 2010/11 Staff record collection and identify process improvements for onwards data collection • Recognise the reasons behind the changes to the 2012/13 Staff record collection • Understand the changes to the new file structure/format and validation • Learn about the changes to the coverage and fields C10025 Post-collection analysis INSERT deadline 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Commit deadline 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Sign-off deadline Remember that sign-off completes the data collection process! Met deadline Missed deadline Last sign-off not received until January 2012! Keep in touch The Institutional Liaison team are here to help with all aspects of the data collection process. If you experience difficulties please get in contact… 01242 211144 Data quality checking No. Commits checked 343 Average wait for queries 2 working days Maximum wait 5 working days Average no. transactions checked per HEI 2 Average no. Minerva queries per HEI 7 Responding to Minerva queries Of those responses marked as ‘Genuine oddity’ 13% were missing any explanation Your responses are used to: – Explain anomalies in the dataset – Assist us in understanding trends within the data – Help us to analyse our validation Responding to Minerva queries • Use of radio buttons • Mark as draft – remember where using this facility to send responses to HESA once you have finished. • Unanswered issues from 2010/11 • Targets for 2011/12 Feedback on new system features Checkdoc compare Exception report retention Common submission issues Reporting salaries • SALREF/SPOINT information now required for all non-atypical staff – Hourly paid • Low salaries – Picked up by Exception warning where salary less than £7000 – New validation planned for 2011/12 – When could the FTE salary be legitimately low? Potential duplicates • New exception warning to assess individuality of STAFFID numbers • For 2010/11 we will be focusing on non-atypicals only Staff Record 2012/13 C12025 The Review • Fundamental review of the Staff record took place over the last year • Consultation open from 23 May – 8 July 2011 • 108 responses were received to the consultation • Analysis of the responses revealed significant support for most of the proposals for change Format Coverage Fields Format - XML What is XML? • eXtensible Mark-up Language • Hierarchical data structures in a single file • International standard for data transfer • Is used for Student, ITT, Aggregate Offshore, KIS, DLHE, Staff (12/13) records Why the change? Moving with the times In keeping with data standards More robust Allows greater flexibility around the data model One file - You can validate across the entities (tables) In keeping with other HESA record collections The Data Model Entity INSTITUTION Entity PERSON Entity CONTRACT Entity ACTIVITY Nesting An Institution belongs to C12025 INSTITUTION A Person belongs to an Institution PERSON A Contract belongs to a Person CONTRACT An Activity belongs to a Contract ACTIVITY Lets look at an example INSTITUTION Is an Entity It describes the reporting institution Must occur once and only once FIELDS RECID (C12025) UKPRN ENTITY PERSON INSTITUTION Is an Entity Describes the reporting institution Must occur once and only once FIELDS RECID UKPRN ENTITY PERSON PERSON Is an Entity Describes personal characteristics One per a staff member FIELDS (examples) BIRTHDTE HQHELD ENTITY Contract PREVEMP What does it look like? Example raw XML data • Can be edited at source but should be avoided • Must follow XML guidelines • Open and close all tags • Should appear in this format <FIELDNAME>value</FIELDNAME> Please be aware! • XML means Bigger files • Upgrades to IT may be required • Expect longer processing times • Update your institution on the changes • Be prepared Common problems with XML Problems with the file structure can result in error/s Data fields and/or entities not appearing in the right order or not at all. Tags not opened/closed Difficulties with the usability of schema validation. The terminology provided can be difficult to interpret Not encoding using utf-8 Terminology Terminology Meaning Entity A single entity name groups together a set of fields which have the same relationship. Field A field is an attribute (data item) of an entity. For the staff record it refers to the short field name as shown in the coding manual. Reason for null Used to describe a field requiring an explanation for a null value. It must be accompanied by a reason code for example. 2: not sought, 3: refused or 9: not applicable. Terminology Terminology Meaning Parent elements XML is made up of elements. Entities are known as the ‘parent elements’. Child elements XML is made up of elements. Fields are known as ‘child elements’ as they belong to a ‘parent element’ (i.e. entity). Nested Elements (fields and entities) can belong to one another and thus are ‘nested’. Schema The schema describes the structure of the XML document (number of elements, whether an element can be empty, default/fixed values, etc.) and valid entries. The schema is defined by the XSD. There are many XML training resources on the web, including the W3C tutorial which can be found at More to come Validation KIT Data submission Coverage Coverage 2012/13 A significant majority of colleagues responded to the coverage-related questions and support was given to the following conclusions to the changes from 12/13 • HESA hopes to be in a position to discontinue non-academic atypicals • Move to SOC2010 and 3-digit coding to better define staff • Clearer and concise staff definitions • Data requirement changes to staff categories What is changing? <11/12 12/13> Non academic atypicals may be removed following support from you (HEI’s). Awaiting confirmation from HESA’s Statutory Customers and the Equalities and Human Rights Commission Additional data requirements for REF (Research Excellence Framework) and clinical academic staff for MSC (Medical Schools Council) and DSC (Dentistry School Council) Coding of Activities – SOC2010 • From 12/13 the staff record will move from SOC2000 to SOC2010 • Maintained by The Office of National Statistics • Reviewed and updated – Occupational queries – Key areas within SOC2000 problematic – Higher proportion of working population classed as ‘Managers’ – Occupational areas developing rapidly Standard Occupational Classification codes Coded at 3-digit level An index will be available to help assist you when coding Academic employment function field will be used to assist with identifying academic staff SOC2010 Major Groups (1-9) 1 Managers Directors 2 Professional occupations 3 Associate professional Technical occupations 4 Administrative occupations Secretarial occupations 5 Skilled trade occupations 6 Caring Leisure 7 Sales occupations Customer service occupations 8 Process operatives Plant operatives 9 Elementary occupations Senior officials Other service occupations Machine operatives Defining academic atypical staff Working arrangements not permanent • Included in the reporting period • Meets one of the following definition/s Involve complex relationships Atypical • Contract of employment and/or HEI is liable to pay Class 1 National Insurance Contributions Includes work away from the supervision of the normal work provider Characterised by a high degree of flexibility Includes a triangular relationship that includes an agent Are less than four consecutive weeks Are for one-off short-term tasks Examples • Stand-by lecturers • Guest lecturers • Lecturers teaching once a year on a specialist topic Defining academic staff • Academic contracts are recorded using academic employment function and the activity of the contract is within SOC major groups 1, 2 or 3 • If the staff member’s contract meets with the above statement, the roles can include – Managers, Directors, Senior Officials, Professional occupations, Associate professionals, Technical occupations, Vice chancellors, Senior academic managers, Dentists ,Veterinarians and Other health care professionals Defining non-academic staff • The contract/s of employment do not relate to an academic function irrespective of the categorisation of their contract activity • If the staff members contract meets with the above statement, the roles can include – Managers, non-academic professionals, student welfare workers, secretaries, caretakers or cleaners Defining clinical-academic staff • Clinical academic contracts are recorded using academic employment function and the activity of the contract is within SOC major groups 1, 2 or 3, and clinical status confirmed by (CLINICAL) being coded as 1, 2, 3 or 4 • If the staff members contract meets with the above statement, the roles can include – Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Midwives, Health professionals, and Other clinical academic staff Data Requirements Data requirements aid • Available from • Helps pin-point varying data field requirements by staff category • Should be used in conjunction with supporting information on HESA web Institution 1. Is an Entity 2. Describes the reporting institution 3. Provides a home for HEI attributes 4. Has 3 elements including the ‘Person Entity’ Institution • Presently – You return INSTID and RECID for all the three tables • Person – RECID and INSTID • Contract – RECID and INSTID • Grade – RECID and INSTID • For 2012/13 – The ‘Institution’ becomes a separate entity and the following fields are sent once and only once and apply to all staff – UKPRN • Replacement for INSTID – RECID • C12025 Institution.UKPRN • Records the UK Provider Reference Number • A unique identifier allocate to HEI’s by UKRLP (UK Register of Learning Providers) • Applicable to all HEI’s and is an 8 digit number • Will be needed to identify the source of the record • Used by us and our Statutory Customers • Find yours at • Please note the HESA INSTID will continue to be used e.g. Aardvark Person 1. Is an Entity 2. Identifies staff registered at the HEI 3. Describes personal characteristics & qualifications 4. Has 28 elements including the ‘Contract Entity’ Changes to existing fields • RECID INSTITUTION • HQHELD • INSTID INSTITUTION • ACCDIS1 ACCDIS • STAFFID • ACCDIS2 ACCDIS • BIRTHDTE • REGBODY • GENDER SEX • ABLWELSH • NATION • DATELEFT • ETHNIC • LEDEST • NATID NATIOND • NATID2 NATIOND LOCLEAVE ACTLEAVE RESCON • DISABLED DISCONTINUED • RESACT DISCONTINUED • DATEFHEI • UOA REFUOA2014 • PREVEMP • TOTSAL DISCONTINUED • PREVHEI • DISABLE 1 DISABLE • DISABLE2 DISABLE Changes to existing fields • RECID INSTITUTION • HQHELD • INSTID INSTITUTION • ACCDIS1 ACCDIS • STAFFID • ACCDIS2 ACCDIS • BIRTHDTE • GENDER • NATION • ETHNIC • NATID • NATID2 • DISABLED • DATEFHEI • PREVEMP • PREVHEI • REGBODY 14 (12 Scotland) SEX • ABLWELSH FIELDS REMOVED • DATELEFT • LEDEST OR REPLACED NATIOND FROM 2012/13 NATIOND • RESACT DISCONTINUED LOCLEAVE ACTLEAVE RESCON DISCONTINUED • UOA REFUOA2014 • TOTSAL DISCONTINUED • DISABLE 1 DISABLE • DISABLE2 DISABLE Additional fields • STAFFID • ACTCHQUAL • OWNSTAFFID • BIRTHDTE • ACTLEAVE • PARLEAVE • NATION • CLINARD • REFUOA2014 • ETHNIC • CURACCDIS • REGBODY • DATEFHEI • DISABLE • RELBLF • PREVEMP • ECRSTAT • RESAST • PREVHEI • GENDERID • SEX • HQHELD • LOCLEAVE • SEXORT • REGBODY • NATIOND • CONTRACT • ABLWELSH • DATELEFT Additional fields • STAFFID • ACTCHQUAL • OWNSTAFFID • BIRTHDTE • ACTLEAVE • PARLEAVE • NATION • REFUOA2014 • ETHNIC • REGBODY • DATEFHEI • RELBLF • PREVEMP • RESAST • PREVHEI • SEX • HQHELD • SEXORT • REGBODY • CONTRACT • ABLWELSH • DATELEFT • CLINARD 18 (17 Scotland) • CURACCDIS NEW• OR DISABLE • ECRSTAT REPLACEMENT • GENDERID FIELDS•FROM LOCLEAVE • NATIOND 2012/13 Person field Coverage Academic atypicals SOC2010 4-9 SOC2010 1-3 Academic staff Clinical academic staff 12 BIRTHDATE- DISABLEETHNIC-GENDERIDNATIOND-NATIONDOWNSTAFFIDPARLEAVERELBLFSEXSEXORT-STAFFID 13 BIRTHDTE-DATELEFT-DISABLEETHNIC-GENDERID-NATIONDNATION-OWNSTAFFIDPARLEAVE-RELBF-SEX-SEXORTSTAFFID 19 ACTLEAVE-BIRTHDTE-DATEFHEI-DATELEFTDISABLE-ETHNIC-GENDERID-HQHELD-LOCLEAVENATIOND-NATION-OWNSTAFFID-PARLEAVEPREVEMP-PREVHEI-RELBLF-SEX-SEXORT-STAFFID 25 27 ABLWELSH-ACTQUAL-ACTLEAVE-BIRTHDTE-CURACCDISDATEFHEI-DATELEFT-DISABLE-ECRSTAT-ETHNIC-GENDERIDHQHELD-LOCLEAVE-NATIOND-NATION-OWNSTAFFID-PARLEAVEPREVEMP-PREVHEI-REFUOA2013-RELBLF-RESAST-SEX-SEXORTSTAFFID ABLWELSH-ACTQUAL-ACTLEAVE-BIRTHDTE-CLINARD-CURACCDIS-DATEFHEIDATELEFT-DISABLE-ECRSTAT-ETHNIC-GENDERID-HQHELD-LOCLEAVE-NATIONDNATION-OWNSTAFFID-PARLEAVE-PREVEMP-PREVHEI-REFUOA2013-REGBODYRELBLF-RESAST-SEX-SEXORT-STAFFID Person field Coverage Academic atypicals SOC2010 4-9 SOC2010 1-3 Legislative 12 13 BIRTHDTE-DATELEFT-DISABLEETHNIC-GENDERID-NATIONDNATION-OWNSTAFFIDPARLEAVE-RELBF-SEX-SEXORTSTAFFID 19 ACTLEAVE-BIRTHDTE-DATEFHEI-DATELEFTDISABLE-ETHNIC-GENDERID-HQHELD-LOCLEAVENATIOND-NATION-OWNSTAFFID-PARLEAVEPREVEMP-PREVHEI-RELBLF-SEX-SEXORT-STAFFID Planning and Monitoring Career monitoring Academic staff BIRTHDATE- DISABLEETHNIC-GENDERIDNATIOND-NATIONDOWNSTAFFIDPARLEAVERELBLFSEXSEXORT-STAFFID 25 ABLWELSH-ACTQUAL-ACTLEAVE-BIRTHDTE-CURACCDISDATEFHEI-DATELEFT-DISABLE-ECRSTAT-ETHNIC-GENDERIDHQHELD-LOCLEAVE-NATIOND-NATION-OWNSTAFFID-PARLEAVEPREVEMP-PREVHEI-REFUOA2013-RELBLF-RESAST-SEX-SEXORTSTAFFID MSC/DSC requirement Clinical academic staff 27 ABLWELSH-ACTQUAL-ACTLEAVE-BIRTHDTE-CLINARD-CURACCDIS-DATEFHEIDATELEFT-DISABLE-ECRSTAT-ETHNIC-GENDERID-HQHELD-LOCLEAVE-NATIONDNATION-OWNSTAFFID-PARLEAVE-PREVEMP-PREVHEI-REFUOA2013-REGBODYRELBLF-RESAST-SEX-SEXORT-STAFFID Person.OWNSTAFFID • Records the HEI’s own internal identifier for staff • Optional to all HEI’s and staff • Different from Person.STAFFID • Up to 20 characters of your own choosing • We will use this to assist you when quality checking your data e.g. validation reports Person.BIRTHDTE • Records the date of birth of staff • YYYY-MM-DD format • Compulsory for all HEI’s and staff • Default code no longer available • Used to enable age profiling analysis of staff in HE • Provides additional information for linking between records Equality-related Issues • HESA have worked with the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) to specify a range of changes to the Staff record 2012/13 • Takes into account new legislative requirements and the recent Census • New data requirements introduced to capture data relating to various new protected characteristics • (Currently) optional to all staff at all HEI’s Equality-related Issues • A good practice guide for HEI’s about monitoring for equality and diversity can be found at • Offers various approaches to data collection and data analysis • Aims to maximise the volume and quality of data returns within HEI’s Person.RELBLF • Records the religious belief of the member of staff • Optional for all staff at all HEI’s • Suggested questions are those used in the 2011 census – available from the field list guidance notes • The phrase 'Prefer not to say' can be used when collecting the data • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation Person.SEX • Records the legal sex of the member of staff • Compulsory for all staff at HEI’s in England, Northern Ireland and Wales • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation • Resurveying of staff should not be required as guidance for GENDER and SEX are consistent • Indeterminate code not available Person.GENDERID • Records the gender identity of the member of staff • Based on their own self assessment • Optional to all HEI’s and staff • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation • Suggestion ‘Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?’ Person.SEXORT • Records the sexual orientation of the member of staff • Based on their own self assessment • Optional to all HEI’s and staff • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation • Suggestion ‘What is your sexual orientation?’ Person.ETHNIC • Records the ethnicity of the member of staff • Based on their own self assessment • Compulsory to all HEI’s and staff • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation • Due to changes in the census categories, previous codes '11 White - British' or '12 White - Irish' are no longer valid Person.ETHNIC • Expected that current staff members are recoded, where applicable, using the new coding frame • Staff at institutions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland previously returned as '11 White - British' or '12 White - Irish' should now be returned as '10 White‘ • Staff at institutions in Scotland previously returned as '11 White - British' or '12 White - Irish' should now be returned as '19 Other White background' Person.DISABLE • Records the disability of a member of staff • Based on their own self assessment • Compulsory for all HEI’s and staff • DISABLE 1 (024) and 2 (025) will be removed • DISABLED (010) will be removed • Best practice to resurvey staff as ‘unknown’ code no longer available Person.DISABLE • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation • 00 ‘No known disability’ should only be returned when a member of staff indicates that they do not have a disability Person.NATIOND • Records the national identity of staff • Compulsory for all staff at HEI’s in Wales • No longer Person.NATIOND 1 and 2 • Can code up to two separate entries • Used to monitor the impact of policies and practices on staff of a UK background and compare HE sector data with that from other areas of the economy Person.PARLEAVE • Identifies whether any parental leave was taken by staff during the reporting year • (1) Maternity leave (2) Additional paternity leave or (3) Adoption leave • Optional to all HEI’s and staff • Will be used to monitor equal opportunities in HE and will support you meeting obligations to equality legislation Leaving Information • The data currently being collected about end of contracts and leaving destinations has become untidy, for example reason for leaving and activity after leaving were in the same field • New fields have been added to both the Contract and Person entities to collect new retrospective information • Clearer definitions and better coding options Person.ACTLEAVE • Records the activity of staff after leaving employment at the reporting HEI • Compulsory for all SOC2010 Major Groups 1, 2 or 3 staff (as defined by Activity.ACTSOC) at all HEI’s • Associated fields must be returned also i.e. Person.DATELEFT is not null and Contract.RESCON is not death • Will be used to monitor the activity of staff after leaving HEI Person.LOCLEAVE • Records the location of staff after leaving employment at the reporting HEI • Compulsory for all SOC2010 Major Groups 1, 2 or 3 staff (as defined by Activity.ACTSOC) at all HEI’s • Associated fields must be returned i.e. Person.DATELEFT must exist and Contract.RESCON is not death • Will be used to monitor the location of staff after leaving employment Person.DATEFHEI • Records the date on which staff started their current period of continuous service with the reporting HEI (format YYYY-MM-DD) • Compulsory for all non-atypical staff (as defined by Contract.TERMS) at all HEI’s • Will be used to track career histories of staff for employment research and profiling Person.DATEFHEI • This field must be updated when a break in continuous service occurs (regardless of length) and in this circumstance it is imperative that Person.STAFFID is retained in order to facilitate tracking • Reason for null can be returned in exceptional circumstances; <DATEFHEI ReasonForNull=“1”></DATEFHEI> Person.REFUOA2014 • Records the Research Excellence Framework (REF) unit of assessment for staff • Compulsory for all academic research or teaching and research staff (as defined by Contract.ACEMPFUN) at all HEI’s • Used to support the REF • Any queries on this field should be addressed to • Units of Assessment and recruitment expert panels can be found at; Person.REFUOA2014 • The first two characters refer to the unit of assessment; Example (01) Clinical Medicine • The final character is the letter which indicates if it was single or multiple submission • ‘Z’ must be used for single submissions • If more than one, valid entry patterns are 01-36 followed by letters A, B, C etc. • Please note this field is not required for 2012/13 Person.ECRSTAT • Records the early career researcher status of staff • Compulsory for all academic research or teaching and research staff (defined by Contract.ACEMPFUN) at all HEI’s • This field should be completed for staff in post in 2012/13 with reference to REF definitions and census date • Any queries should be directed to • Will be used to support the Research Excellence Framework (REF) Person.RESAST • Records whether or not the member of staff was a research assistant • Compulsory for all academic research or teaching and research staff (defined by Contract.ACEMPFUN) at all HEI’s • Used to support the Research Excellence Framework (REF) • Any queries on this field should be addressed to Clinical Academics • Following discussions with the Medical Schools Council (MSC) and Dentistry Schools Council (DSC) additional data will be required • MSC/DSC separate data collection will be discontinued in 2013/14 therefore reducing the data burden on HEI’s • Coding frames have been updated as appropriate Person.CLINARD • Identifies staff that hold Clinical Excellence/Merit/Distinction awards • Compulsory for all clinical academic doctors and dentists (defined by Contract.CLINICAL) at all HEI’s • Whilst we are aware of two award systems running concurrently in England, an individual can only hold one award • Will be used to monitor the number of staff working in HEI’s with these type of awards Person.REGBODY • Records the regulatory body for staff working in health and social care professions regulated by a statutory health or social care regulatory body • Compulsory for all clinical status contracts (defined by Contract.CLINICAL) at all HEI’s • Optional for staff at all HEI’s who, although registered to practise with a statutory health and social care regulatory body, do not hold a clinical contract Person.REGBODY • Used to identify the appropriate regulatory body for staff registered to practice in medical, health and social care professions • Note; Staff previously coded to (08) General Social Care Council should now be coded to (07) Health Professions Council (HPC) Academic Information • Reference made in the White paper detailing a requirement for data on teaching qualifications on academics “We encourage higher education institutions to publish anonymised information for prospective and existing students about the teaching qualifications, fellowships and expertise of their teaching staff at all levels.” • HESA has worked with the Higher Education Academy (HEA) to create a coding frame • Academic subject area data changes based on results of proposal/s Person.ACTCHQUAL • Records whether or not academic staff hold Higher Education teaching qualifications • Compulsory for all academic teaching or teaching and research staff (defined by Contract.ACEMPFUN) at HEI’s in England, Northern Ireland or Wales • Optional for HEI’s in Scotland Person.ACTCHQUAL • Can code up to 6 different entries • However, it is expected for an individual only one of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) codes 02, 03, 04 & 05 will apply at a given point of time • Will be used to monitor the number of staff in HEI’s with a relevant HE teaching qualification and what that qualification/s is Person.CURACCDIS • Records the Joint Academic Coding System (JACS 3.0) code for the academic discipline currently being taught and/or researched by the member of staff • Compulsory for all non atypical (Contract.TERMS) academic teaching and/or research staff (Contract.ACEMPFUN) at all HEI’s • Should only be updated for staff who have undertaken a major shift in their academic activity Person.CURACCDIS • It is expected that HEI’s make use of the new 4-digit coding frame available • Where a member of staff works in two subjects then a second field should be used • If a member of staff works in three or more subjects please use the two which best reflect the discipline • Will be used to identify the academic disciplines of staff Understanding Careers • To be able to better understand careers, specifically academic, it is necessary to track staff year on year • Person.STAFFID makes this possible if the staff member remains at one HEI. • If a member of staff transfers to another HEI the Person.STAFFID does not always remain with them • Whilst there has been improvement in this area, there are still some significant gaps, thus limiting the analysis that can be done with the data Understand Careers • Proposals were made to include staff names, full or partial National Insurance Numbers • This proposal has been temporarily suspended and will not be collected in 2012/13 • May be added from 2013/14 – update will follow • Other options will be explored during this time Contract entity Contract.LEVELS – Contract levels • Replaces the Grade table • Coding frame allows monitoring of grades/levels within HE sector • UCEA senior staff and XpertHR salary surveys • Guidance on code allocation provided Contract.CLINSUB – Clinical subspecialty • Part of HESA’s agenda to reduce burden • Replaces MSC and DSC surveys of staffing levels • Detailed coding frame including 101 specialties • Need to liaise with departmental colleagues MSC 2010 DSC 2010 37 HEIs 19 HEIs CLINSUB – Clinical sub-speciality • Only required for contracts with CLINICAL coded as 01 ‘Clinical academic doctors and dentists’ • Coding frames for HSPEC and CLINSUB align • Sensible coding tie ups expected HSPEC CLINSUB 04 Paediatrics & Child Health 0401 Paediatrics 0402 Paediatric neurology 0403 Paediatric cardiology 0404 Neonatology Contract.RESCON – Reason for end of contract • Part of the trio replacing LEDEST • Information captured by HR • Coverage = all contracts where Contract.ENDCON is not null • Continued employment code where staff changing contract and not leaving HEI Valid entries 1 Continued employment, new HESA contract record generated 2 Atypical contract issued 3 End of fixed-term contract 4 Voluntary redundancy 5 Other redundancy 6 Resignation 7 Retirement (excluding ill-health) 8 Death 9 Other (includes dismissal and ill-health) Contract.MOEMP – Mode of employment • This is not a new field! • However…there is a new code… 6 Dormant • HEI requested code to allow zero hours contracts to be returned • Cross-validation will make a 0FTE and 0Salary acceptable for these contracts Contract.OWNCONTID – Own contract identifier • Optional field • Facilitate ease of tracking and data checking • To be listed within all applicable HESA reports: validation, exception, muster, data supply Activity entity Activity entity • Nested within the contract entity • Replaces the old ACT1/2/3, CCENTRE1/2/3 and CCPROP1/2/3 fields • Entity can be repeated up to 3 times per contract <Activity> <ACTSOC> <CCENTRE> <CCPROP> </Activity> Activity.ACTSOC – Activity Standard Occupational Classification • SOC coding frame moving to SOC2010 • Reason for change: Bring framework up-to-date. Increased detail offer by SOC2010 • Be aware that SOC2000 does not map directly to SOC2010 – activities will need to be recoded. Index being created by IER SOC2010 Coding frame splits out activities to a more detailed level than SOC2000. However…. It does NOT provide detail on academic/nonacademic activity Academic activity detailed through ACEMPFUN field Contract.ACEMPFUN – Academic employment function • This field sits within the CONTRACT entity • Required for all SOC2010 Major Groups 1-3 • ACEMPFUN is used in conjunction with ACTSOC to identify academic contracts Activity.CCENTRE – Cost centre New coding frame for 2012/13 across HESA data streams Need to liaise with colleagues involved in compiling the Student and Finance returns CCENTRE changes Reasons for change: – Align with REF2014 UoAs – Move to 3 digit coding frame to distinguish from UoAs – Make coding frame more flexible for future changes Further details on cost centre changes: CCENTRE changes Removed 29 Social studies 31 Humanities & Language based studies 33 Design & creative arts Added 125 Area studies 127 Anthropology & developmental studies 128 Politics & international studies 129 Economics & econometrics 130 Law 131 Social work & social policy 132 Sociology 138 English language & literature 139 History 140 Classics 141 Philosophy 142 Theology & religious studies 143 Art & design 144 Music, dance, drama & performing arts Cost Centre data collection • HESA will collect as contextual data each institution's allocation of departments to (revised) Cost Centres • The provision of this information to HESA will be compulsory in England and optional for institutions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland • The data will be collected via campus record collection in June 2013 • The allocation of professional services to Non-academic Cost Centres (Professional Services Cost Centres from 2012/13) will not be mapped and returned to HESA Validation Insert-stage XML splits validation rules into 2 types of check: – Schema: ‘well formedness’ • Conformity to the .XSD • Missing fields • Tagging • Invalid codes – Business: logic of the submission • Coverage • Consistency between fields • Consistency between entities Schema Business Pass INSERT Validation kit • User friendly interface • One kit framework for all HESA XML data collections • Framework connects to web to download latest rule versions *We recommend that the kit is downloaded onto each PC rather than onto a local network* Validation kit • Business rule switches can be applied to focus data checking • Details of errors/warnings triggered can be downloaded to Excel & printed • Configuration tab – can set to local preferences Configuring the validation kit • Recommended minimum specification of a Dual core processor and 2 GB RAM • Kit validates in batches • Can change size of batch to alter processing times: Reduce size = less memory but greater processing times Increase size = less processing times but greater memory Schema validation Business rule validation Business rule validation Validation kit First release of C12025 kit (schema level checks) Spring 2012 Second release of C12025 kit (including business rules) Autumn 2012 Field list and detail Includes: • Entity descriptions • Field descriptions • Business rule validation (coming soon…) • Change management notes Features: • Page can be sorted by both long names and short names. • Display can be altered to show fields relevant by country. Pre-XML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------XML Or Data submission • Submission process remains virtually identical • Changes: – File type XML – Combined file Multiple files can be submitted but… Each file needs to be complete and discreet Where a staff member appears in both files need to ensure personal characteristics consistent Editing data Recommend that as far as possible all edits are done through software system….. However if you do need to edit the raw XML then… – Be aware that the files can be quite large – Use an editing package e.g. UltraEdit, XML Notepad to view/edit files Institutional Liaison survey 2011 • Survey ran in December 2011 to review customer satisfaction on the services provided by the IL team. • 288 responses received: 30% were Staff contacts • Survey questions looked at the email and telephone helpdesk as well as online guidance documentation. • Results will be used to further the customer experience Institutional Liaison survey 2011 email response times Same day Next day Longer Institutional Liaison survey 2011 01242 211144 pick up speeds Within 4 rings Within 8 rings Longer Further help and support 01242 211144 01242 211472