Session 0 Syllabus CSC 104 Programming Logic and Problem Solving Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College Pearson Custom Computer Science CSC 104 Nassau Community College 1 Course Logistics Course Title CSC 104 E1 – Programming Logic and Problem Solving Duration September 2, 2014 – December 22, 2014 (see Fall 2014 Calendar) Days Tuesday 10:00AM-11:15AM B Cluster - Room 223 Wednesday 9:30AM-10:45AM B Cluster - Room 223 CRN 15084 Credits 3.0 Instructor Vincent Costa E-Mail IM, Google+ Office Hours RM C2078 Tuesday & Thursday 1:00PM-2:15 PM or email or Google+ Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 2 Course Overview and Description • The course is an introduction to programming logic and problem solving including programming concepts and terminology. The focus of the course is on critical thinking skills necessary to write computer programs and provides students with an introduction to programming without focusing on the details of programming syntax. This course is intended for students with little or no object-oriented programming experience. Students who have completed CMP 104 will not get credit for CSC 104. (3 lecture hours). • Prerequisites: Satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 remediation requirements prior to starting the course Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 3 Required Text • An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012 by David Schneider, 9th Edition, Pearson, 2013, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-337850-4 .This is the full text and is not needed. • You should get the Custom Edition, which only uses Chapters1-6, It has a Custom ISBN: 9781269238458 • This is sold only at NCC bookstore, $60 • However, if you want you can use the full text version or the electronic version which is $57.99 Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 4 Required Text Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 5 Background Knowledge/Materials • Prior knowledge of navigating through a Windows environment, saving and locating files helpful • Prior knowledge of email, using attachments and browsing the web helpful • Will need a USB external storage device (such as a flash drive or jump drive) to save their work • Work at home: need to install Visual Studio, a web browser, and WinZip Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 6 Course Objectives & Philosophy • Focus on the problem solving and logic skills needed to write programs • Understand the solutions to problems and how those solutions can be applied to new problems • Expose you to programming concepts and terminology (how to code) • Introduce the abstract nature of objectoriented programming Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 7 Course Objectives & Philosophy • Computer programming is problem solving • A computer program is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to solve a problem using the limited tools and vocabulary that it understands • The first step in learning how to program is to understand the problem being posed and figure out how it can be solved. Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 8 Course Objectives & Philosophy • Focus of the first third of this course will be on building problem solving skills • You will be presented with a variety of problems, puzzles and games which you will solve without a computer • Prepares you for the rest of the course during which you will use the problem solving skills you have developed to understand and create programs for the computer Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 9 Grades Assessment Exams (2 exams) Final Exam Homework Points 40% (20% each) 25% 35% Assignments not handed in by the due date will receive a grade of zero! Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 10 Tentative Outline Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Building Problem Solving Skills Understanding Programming basics in Visual Basic Programming in Visual Basic Exam 1: 10/10 Exam 2: 11/14 Final Exam: 12/22 Dates of exams may be adjusted to account for progress of the class as a whole Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 11 Attendance • You are expected to attend all classes, arrive on time and stay until class is dismissed • It is your responsibility to find out what was covered in class and makeup any work missed as a result of an absence or lateness prior to the next class meeting • You are expected to hand in all assignments by the due date regardless of attendance • Participation is important to fully appreciate the subject. If you cannot keep up with the sessions for some reason (travel, business commitments, etc.), please let me know Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 12 Make-Ups • Makeup exams will be not given and missing an exam will result in a grade of zero • If you can’t make and exam, contact me prior to missing the class and provide a valid, documented reason for missing an exam or assignment • If you are absent on the day an assignment is due you are still responsible for handing in the assignment electronically before the deadline Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 13 Class Rules • Unless specifically stated otherwise, assignments are to be completed individually. You are encouraged to discuss the understanding of a particular issue or class material with fellow students, but code and solutions have to be your own effort • Academic honesty is to be taken very seriously. If you submit work that references another person’s efforts, then you must properly attribute it to that person, otherwise it is plagiarism and you will receive zero credits and may be given an F for the course Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 14 Withdrawal • The last day to receive an automatic "W" for this class is October 10th • However students may request a “W” any time prior to the final exam. To receive a "W" the student MUST file a signed drop/add form with the registrar. • If a student does not file the appropriate paperwork and stops attending class, the student will receive a "UW" (Unofficial Withdrawal). • A "UW" grade carries the same academic value as a failing grade ("F") when calculating the GPA Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 15 Computer Learning Center • Located in B225 and • It has all the necessary software for this course • A valid NCC ID is required to gain access to the learning center. • You should also avail yourself of further study and/or educational assistance available there • These services are to be considered an integral part of the course work and will help the student master the necessary knowledge and skills for this course Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 16 Disability Statement • If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may have an impact on your ability to carry out the assigned coursework, I urge you to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities(CSD), Building U,(516 572-7241),TTY(516) 572-7617. • The counselors at CSD will review your concerns and determine reasonable accommodations you are entitled to by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • All information and documentation pertaining to personal disabilities (diagnoses) will be kept confidential Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 17 Simple Ground Rules • Cell Phones – “Vibrate” or “Airplane Mode” • Distractions – Twitter, Facebook, Mail,YouTube, Google, Diigo • Smart Spaces – Twitter, Mail,YouTube, Google, Diigo • Don’t Cheat – selfishness • Collaborate – selflessness • Be Mindfall – Observe, Absorb, Don’t Judge • No Hacking – Be respectful Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 18 Questions • Any questions? • There are no dumb questions • Use the Internet for questions (IM, Discussion Board, Email) if necessary Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 19 Welcome! • So welcome to the class. I hope you enjoy it. • Work hard and have fun! Prof. Vincent Costa Nassau Community College 20