Sexual and Domestic Violence Education/SaVE Act Presentation

Spring 2011 Meeting
April 7, 2011
Doherty Faculty Lounge, Ives Hall
Advise CU Police re: campus security policies and procedures
Recommendations for improvement regarding
Educating campus community, security personnel and student
advisors/supervisors about sexual assault
Educating about personal safety and crime prevention
Reporting Sexual assaults, DV and stalking
Assisting victims during investigations
Referring complaints to appropriate authorities
Counseling victims
Responding to inquiries from concerned persons
Introduction and Updates – Chief Kathy Zoner
Campus Sexual and Domestic Violence Current Programs and Resources
Crime Prevention
Victims Advocacy
Other Resources
Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act
(Campus SaVE Act)
Discussion and Questions
Cornell Police Crime Prevention Unit
 Current Outreach Programs include:
Personal Safety Tips,
Rape Awareness,
Workplace Violence,
Alcohol Awareness and
Lighting Surveys.
Participation Groups include (but are not limited to):
Fraternity and Sororities,
All incoming students,
Summer students,
International Students and Scholars Office and
Faculty and Staff groups.
Cornell Police Crime Prevention Unit
 Future Programs and Initiatives:
360Degrees Stay Safe,
 Crime Prevention Facebook page,
 New Informational Posters, and
 Voluntary GPS Location technology.
Cornell Police Crime Prevention Unit
Blue light escort services
Blue light phones
Blue light buses
Cornell Victims Advocacy Center
Tompkins County Domestic Violence Prevention
Victim Advocacy Program
Cornell’s Victim Advocacy Program provides
assistance and advocacy to any member of the
university community. Its primary focus is to assist
victims of assault, rape, stalking, harassment and biasrelated incidents. The program is sponsored by
Gannett Health Services.
A representative of the program can:
identify options,
act as a liaison in dealing with academic or employment issues
and identify, and
coordinate and develop resources and support services on and
off campus. The service is free and confidential.
Other Campus Resources:
Campus Watch – CU Annual Security Report
Web Sites:
 Gannett Health Services:
 Cornell University Police:
Student Handbook
The proposed Campus Sexual Violence Elimination
Act would amend existing the Jeanne Clery Act
Current expectation of passage is 2012-2013.
Update the 18 year-old Sexual Assault Policy
requirements for institutions of higher education
Address the broader scope of “intimate partner
violence” to be “any physical, sexual, or psychological
harm against an individual by a current or former
partner or spouse of the individual.”
 Would including stalking, dating violence, sexual violence,
or domestic violence.
Establish a baseline for how institutions would
respond to sexual assault and other intimate
partner violence
Provide students and employees who report
victimization information in writing of their rights:
 to notify law enforcement,
 To be assisted by campus authorities,
 their right to obtain no contact orders and how it will
be applied,
 Information on campus and local advocacy, counseling
and health services
Provide notification to students and employees who
report victimization of options for assistance in changing
academic living, transportation and working situations if
requested and reasonably available.
 Provide for honoring any lawful no contact or restraining
 Disclose a range of possible sanctions that may be
imposed following an institutional disciplinary
 Detail procedures victims should follow if a sex offense
occurs, including who to contact and the importance of
preserving physical evidence.
Disclose a summary of institutional disciplinary
procedures including clear statements of:
 Accuser’s right to request a prompt proceeding
 Proceedings conducted by officials trained on sexual assault
and other intimate partner violence issues
 Use of the preponderance of evidence standard
 Both accuser and accused are entitled to be accompanied to
any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their
choice, and that both must have the same opportunity to
have others present during any proceeding
 Both accuser and accused are entitled to be informed in
writing of the final results within one business day of such
outcome being reached.
Update requirements concerning awareness and
prevention programming about sexual assault and
other intimate partner violence.
 Primary prevention and awareness programs for all
incoming students and new employees that include:
Definitions of consent in sexual relationships
Reporting sex offenses
Bystander intervention
Risk Reduction
 On-going prevention and awareness campaigns