INTRODUCTION to Thesis/Dissertation Procedures THESIS/DISSERTATION OFFICE THE PURDUE GRADUATE SCHOOL Updated 2/16/2015 This slideshow is available on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Templates & Guidance page : research/thesis/info.cfm Welcome • This workshop provides an overview of the thesis/dissertation process for graduate students one to two years from graduation • The following information is current as of the Spring 2015 semester • Some of the procedures and requirements may change by the time you are ready to deposit • Please visit the Thesis/Dissertation Office website for up-to-date deposit procedures: research/thesis/index.cfm Today’s Program • • • • • • • • • • • General Information Required Surveys Required Forms Deposit Appointments Electronic Thesis Deposit PDF Conversion Formatting: Microsoft Word Formatting: LaTeX General Formatting Guidelines Guest Speakers Questions GENERAL INFORMATION Thesis/Dissertation Office Thesis/Dissertation Manager Mark Jaeger Thesis/Dissertation Assistant Anne Lacy Thesis/Dissertation Receptionist Nancy Florence Phone: (765) 494-3231 Training Materials • Please make use of the training materials on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Templates & Guidance page: • You’ll find lots of help, including: – Thesis Timeline: an overview of the entire thesis/dissertation process from first semester to deposit – Deposit Flow Charts: outlines the deposit process – Deposit Checklist: provides detailed checklist for thesis/dissertation deposit Departmental Thesis Format Advisors • If your department has a departmental thesis format advisor, work closely with him/her to get your thesis/dissertation formatted properly • You’ll find a list of format advisors and their contact information on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Departmental Thesis Format Advisor page: research/thesis/contact.cfm Refer to page 2 in your packet REQUIRED SURVEYS Graduate School Exit Questionnaire • All graduate students at the West Lafayette campus must complete the Graduate School Exit Questionnaire • In your final semester, you will access the Questionnaire through your myPurdue account • Print the Certificate of Completion as soon as you finish—you won’t be able to log in again • This certificate is a required part of your thesis/dissertation deposit Survey of Earned Doctorates • Ph.D. candidates are required to take the Survey of Earned Doctorates in their final semester: sed/ • Print the Certificate of Completion as soon as you finish—you won’t be able to log in again • This certificate is a required part of your dissertation deposit Refer to page 3 in your packet REQUIRED FORMS Electronic Form in Development • We are creating a single electronic form to replace all current paper forms • We expect to have it available for all West Lafayette graduate students by the Fall 2015 semester • Updates will be posted on the Thesis/Dissertation Office website: research/thesis/index.cfm Master's Thesis Forms 1. GS Form 9 2. GS Form 32 3. GS Form 30 (formerly called ETD Form 9) Ph.D. Dissertation Forms 1. GS Form 9 2. GS Form 32 3. GS Form 30 (formerly called ETD Form 9) 4. Certificate of Completion for Survey of Earned Doctorates Form Guidelines • All forms can be obtained on the Required Forms page of the Thesis/Dissertation Office site: research/thesis/requiredforms.cfm • Don’t get your forms anywhere else (no Google searches!) • Don’t print double sided GS FORM 9 • Signed by all members of your committee & your department head • Format Approved By line: • IUPUI Master’s students & Clinical Psychology Ph.D.: in most cases your IUPUI contact will sign as Thesis Format Advisor • IUPUI Ph.D. students (except Clinical Psychology): your major professor will sign as Chair in the Format Approved by field GS FORM 32 PAGE 1 • Fill out your personal information • Then, print the form— your original signature is required on some of the following pages • Don’t attach this form to electronic copies of your thesis/dissertation GS FORM 32 PAGE 2 • Review the nonexclusive publication agreement with Purdue e-Pubs • If you want your work to be available openaccess through Purdue’s institutional repository, sign page 2 • If you do not want your work to be available open-access through Purdue’s institutional repository, do not sign page 2 GS FORM 32 PAGE 3 • If you do not want a publication delay: 1. 2. check the No publication delay box sign & date page 3 • If you want a publication delay: 1. check the Publication delay box & write the length of delay(must match the information you provide ProQuest) 2. Sign & date page 3 3. Have your major professor sign &date page 3 GS FORM 32 PAGE 4 • You must certify the Research Integrity and Copyright Disclaimer by signing the top portion of page 4 • Your major professor must certify that an iThenticate review has taken place by signing the bottom portion of page 4 GS FORM 30 FORMERLY CALLED ETD FORM 9 • Using your signed GS Form 9 as a guide, type the names of your committee members and department head on the appropriate lines • Then print it, scan it & attach it to the front of your thesis as a cover page • NO other forms should be attached to your electronic thesis Special Forms Find these on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Required Forms page • GS Form 15: Request for Confidentiality (required if a student wishes to participate in Purdue’s confidentiality program) • GS Form 36: Thesis Title Abbreviation (required for thesis/dissertation titles over 200 characters) CONFIDENTIALITY How do I request this program? Submit GS Form 15 Who administers this program? Purdue University Graduate School • Major professor • Head of Departmental Graduate Program Whose signature do I need? • Sponsored Programs Contact (if requesting Confidentiality for more than 1 year) DELAY OF PUBLICATION On page 3 of GS Form 32 & when submitting to ProQuest ProQuest • Major professor What are typical periods of confidentiality or delay? • 1 year • 2 years • 6 months • 1 year • 2 years • Indefinite What material will be available? None Abstract & Citations will be online through ProQuest • Pending patents When is this program typically • Pending publications • Proprietary rights used? • Export control • Pending patents • Pending publications • Proprietary rights Do you need a paper copy of my thesis/dissertation? No Only if your department requires a departmental library copy Confidentiality and Delay of Publication • Confidentiality and Delay of Publication may be used individually or together depending on author needs • If you opt to request both Confidentiality and Delay of Publication, the Confidentiality period will be enacted first, when it ends, the Delay of Publication period will begin • If you are considering requesting Confidentiality or a Delay of Publication, please discuss it with your major professor iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Reviews • At least one iThenticate review is required for all theses/dissertations deposited at Purdue • Your major professor will need to perform the review • S/he can obtain an iThenticate account from Dr. Peter Dunn, Purdue’s Research Integrity Officer, by sending an email to Major Professor Certification You and your major professor can find out more about iThenticate on the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships’ Avoiding Plagiarism page: vpr/rschadmin/plagiarism/ Proxy Signatures • Make every effort to obtain signatures from all your committee members • If you cannot obtain a signature, we do permit your major professor or department head to sign as a committee member’s proxy • A permission letter from that committee member must be submitted with the form • We can allow this for up to 2 committee members • See packet for more details & a sample permission letter/email Refer to page 10 in your packet DEPOSIT APPOINTMENTS THESIS/DISSERTATION DEPOSIT DEADLINES ACTION DEADLINE Submit Plan of Study About a month before the graduation semester begins Declare Candidacy About a week after the graduation semester begins Schedule Thesis/Dissertation Appointment 24 hours before appointment time* *Appointment times near deadlines fill up months in advance— schedule your appointment as early as possible Submit GS Form 8 – Request for Appointment of Examining Committee Two weeks before exam/defense date Pass Final Examination/ Defend Thesis/Dissertation About two weeks before the end of classes in graduation semester Submit Electronic Thesis Document for Format Review • Most appointments: 1 business day before your appointment time • Deadline Period* appointments: 2 business days before your appointment time *Deadline Period: The week of the Exam/Degree Only deadline and the two weeks before the General Candidacy Deadline Complete Thesis Deposit Forms & Required Surveys Thesis/dissertation deposit appointment Attend Thesis Deposit Appointment About the time classes end in the graduation semester Pay Thesis/Deposit Fee Commencement in the graduation semester GRADUATION DEADLINES CALENDAR Visit The Graduate School’s Graduation Dates & Deadlines Calendar: about/calendar/deadlines.cfm DEPOSIT DEADLINES SPRING 2015 March 6, 5 pm (ET): Final Deposit Deadline for Exam Only and Degree Only registrants May 1, 5 pm (ET): Final Deposit Deadline for General Candidacy registrants SUMMER 2015 July 10, 5 pm (ET): Final Deposit Deadline for Exam Only and Degree Only registrants July 31, 5 pm (ET): Final Deposit Deadline for General Candidacy registrants FALL 2015 October 16, 5 pm (ET): Final Deposit Deadline for Exam Only and Degree Only registrants December 11, 5 pm (ET): Final Deposit Deadline for General Candidacy registrants Your may have earlier deadlines than this. You are required to meet all departmental deadlines. 120 General Candidacy Deadline 100 80 60 Exam Only/Degree Only Deadline 40 20 0 December 15 December 8 December 1 November 24 November 17 November 10 November 3 October 27 October 20 October 13 October 6 September 29 September 22 September 15 September 8 September 1 August 25 August 18 August 11 August 4 Deposit Appointments by Week DEPARTMENTAL DEADLINES • Please consult with your department to find out if there are any additional departmental procedures, requirements, or deadlines • For a list of departmental Graduate Contacts: prospective/contact/westlafcontact.cfm • For a list of departmental Thesis Format Advisors: research/thesis/contact.cfm DEPOSIT APPOINTMENTS Scheduling Your Appointment To schedule your deposit appointment, go to the Appointment Booking/Cancellation page of the Thesis/Dissertation Office site: AppointmentForms/tdorsusers/students/ Selecting Your Appointment Time • If you plan to deposit near the deadline, make your appointment as early as possible • Appointment times near the deadline fill up months in advance In-Person Appointment Guidelines • Your ETD should already be approved before you arrive • We'll review forms that you bring with you, prepare your Thesis/Dissertation Deposit Receipt, and address any final questions you may have • Most appointments last no more than 5 minutes • Bring your thesis (in Word or LaTeX form) on a flash drive or laptop in case last minute corrections are required Long Distance Appointment Guidelines • If you want a long distance deposit, you need to schedule the appointment at least 2 weeks in advance of the appointment date • All your required forms must be in the Thesis/Dissertation Office before your appointment time or the appointment will be cancelled • Factor in mailing time when choosing your appointment date By Proxy Appointment Guidelines • Provide us with your proxy’s contact information when you schedule your appointment • Make sure your proxy has all required forms, signed and completed • Ensuring your proxy arrives s/he arrives at the appointment on time is your responsibility Deposit Checklist Carefully review the Deposit Checklist, found on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Templates & Guidance page: research/thesis/info.cfm Visa & Funding Implications • Talk to your department's business office before you schedule your appointment about what depositing your thesis/dissertation may mean for your funding or visa • We cannot reverse or suspend a deposit DEPOSIT FEE Thesis/Dissertation Deposit Fee $90 for Master's candidates $125 for Ph.D. candidates • West Lafayette candidates will pay the deposit fee through their myPurdue accounts • The thesis deposit fee will appear your student account 2-3 days after their thesis deposit appointment • Or pay the fee in person at the Bursar’s Office Refer to page 11 in your packet ELECTRONIC THESIS DEPOSIT Using Copyrighted Material • If you wish to include previously copyrighted information, the copyright-holder must give you tangible permission (email, letter, or contract) • You will need authorization to use your own material if you signed over your copyright to a journal—review all contracts carefully • Failure to attach permission(s) could result in unauthorized material being expunged by ProQuest or they may decline to publish the entire thesis Copyright Permissions • Upload permission letter/emails as supplemental PDF files when you submit your thesis • Links to sample permission letters and emails can be found on the Templates and Guidance page of the Thesis/Dissertation Office site: research/thesis/info.cfm • Additional information on copyright law can be found on Purdue’s Copyright Office page: Submitting Your Document To submit your electronic thesis/dissertation, go to ProQuest’s ETD Administrator site: Click Submit Then, follow the instructions to create your account Creating Your ProQuest Account • Be careful when creating your ProQuest account—some of their extra services require payment • If you pay for something you don't actually want, you will need our assistance to request a refunds—this process takes several weeks Format Review by Thesis/Dissertation Office • A thorough review of your format is part of the deposit process • Even if your thesis has been approved by your Departmental Thesis Format Advisor, staff from the Thesis/Dissertation Office will review your document Approval Emails • If your document meets all Purdue formatting guidelines, your thesis format will be approved • You will receive an email (to the email address you use when creating your ProQuest account) telling you your format is approved Corrections Requests and Resubmission • If your document does not meet all Purdue formatting guidelines, you will receive an email (to the email address you use when creating your ProQuest account) outlining you the corrections you should make • You will make all corrections as quickly as possible and resubmit Additional Reviews • The Thesis/Dissertation Office staff will review your document again • The process continues until your format is approved • Then, you will receive an email (to the email address you use when creating your ProQuest account) telling you your format is approved Publication • Your document will appear online through ProQuest approximately 5-6 months after graduation (appearance in e-Pubs will take a bit longer) • Please read your ETD approval email carefully—it should answer most of your questions Post-Deposit Edits • To make a change to a thesis/dissertation you’ve deposited: – request a copy of GS Form 37 from the Thesis/Dissertation Office – have it signed and approved by your major professor, your department head, and a dean of the Graduate School – pay the $200 Late Graduation Fee* *Fee can potentially be appealed using GS Form 38: Refer to page 13 in your packet FORMATTING: MICROSOFT WORD MS Word Templates • The Thesis/Dissertation Office strongly recommends that you use puthesis, the LaTeX template for Purdue theses and dissertation • But if you don’t know how to use LaTeX and don’t have time to learn, we also provide MS Word templates on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Templates & Guidance page: research/thesis/info.cfm Template Guidelines • Even if you use our MS Word templates correctly, you will still have to make manual adjustments • Budget in time for formatting • If you are not familiar with MS Word’s advanced features you will need time to learn how they work Template Guide & Help Pages • We offer a Template Guide which provides: – Instructions for using MS Word – Formatting guidance – Troubleshooting for common errors • If you cannot find a solution to your issue in the Template Guide, go to Microsoft’s extensive help pages: MS Word Template Help If you have an issue and cannot resolve it using the Template Guide and Microsoft’s help pages, send an email to with WORD TEMPLATE in the subject line. Refer to page 14 in your packet FORMATTING: LATEX puthesis LaTeX Template • You'll find puthesis (the LaTeX documentclass) and lots of help here: • LaTeX is free and is available for a wide range of operating systems • Most LaTeX theses are approved first or second time puthesis Guidelines • LaTeX isn’t totally error proof: – Some blank pages may have to be removed (after Abstract or between appendices) – Watch for consistency with dates, degrees, names, etc. – The mini-headers on each page of your Table of Contents & List of Tables/Figures may not automatically appear on all pages as required – Be sure the default paper size is Letter Setting (8 ½ inches by 11 inches) LaTeX Help If you have an issue and cannot resolve it using the extensive FAQ section on the puthesis main page, send an email to with PUTHESIS in the subject line. Refer to page 15 in your packet GENERAL FORMATTING GUIDELINES PAPER • Paper copies are not usually required • Exception: if you request Confidentiality and your department wants a departmental library copy (give the Thesis/Dissertation Office the copy instead of your department) • If you want a hard copy for personal or departmental use, check with your IUPUI contacts about local printing vendors • You may also obtain hard copies through ProQuest (please allow 6-8 months for their arrival due to Purdue and ProQuest processing times) FONT • The Thesis/Dissertation Office doesn’t require a specific font, but some departments have style guidelines that will dictate font choice—check with your department • Use a standard academic font (such as Times New Roman, Calibri and Computer Modern) • University format requirements emphasize consistency • Font size variation in tables, figures, captions, symbols or when using mathematical/scientific terms is generally acceptable SPACING • Spacing will be determined by style guidelines (including APA, Chicago, MLA, and the Council of Biology Editors) • Double spacing and 1.5 line spacing are considered standard • Long quotations, headings, and captions may be single spaced • Multi-lined headings, subdivision headings, figure captions, table captions, footnotes, and end notes are normally single spaced MARGINS • • • • • • Left: 1.5 inches Right: 1 inch Bottom: 1.25 inches Top on major/chapter heading pages: 2 inches Top on regular pages: 1 inch Special cases: – All tables and figures, including their captions, must conform to margin requirements – If facing pages are necessary, the right and left margins are reversed PARAGRAPHS • Avoid having a single line of a paragraph appear at either the bottom or top of a page—always have at least 2 lines together • Turn on your “Widow Control” function in Word or LaTeX • Avoid headings with no text underneath at the bottoms of pages • Avoid running headers (as used in APA style) PAGINATION • All pages are numbered except for cover pages • Preliminary pages use lowercase Roman numerals – Title page is technically page number i, but the number is hidden • Starting with Chapter 1, switch to Arabic numerals – The first page of Chapter 1 is page number 1 • Page numbers go in the upper right corner of the page: ½ inch below top edge and 1 inch from right edge • Page numbers must be in the same font and font size as your text ORDER OF THESIS/DISSERTATION PAGES A list of the required order of thesis/dissertation pages can be found on the Thesis/Dissertation Office’s Templates and Guidance page: Refer to the handouts in your folder GUEST SPEAKERS Research Integrity & iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Dr. Peter Dunn Professor, Research Integrity Officer Ensuring Research Integrity Peter E. Dunn, Ph.D. Professor Research Integrity Officer New Graduate School Requirement Effective September 1, 2014, a new certification is required when all dissertations and theses are deposited in the Graduate School. Both the degree candidate and their major professor must certify: “Further, I certify that to the best of my knowledge this document is the original work of the author and all content from other authors appearing in the thesis/dissertation has been properly quoted and attributed. The author’s manuscript was diagnostically reviewed by iThenticate on the date indicated as a determining factor in this assessment.” Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop iThenticate Software created by iParadigms for the publishing industry to allow publishers to monitor for potential copyright infringement. Because it was created for publishers, they have provided to the software access to published text both on the open internet and digital content that is behind paywalls that would otherwise require a paid subscription to access. As a result, iThenticate is able to compare an uploaded document to a greater portion of the published literature than other software created to detect potential plagiarism. Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop Detection of plagiarism Please note that no software can detect plagiarism. Software can detect text in an uploaded manuscript which is identical or nearly identical to text in the published literature. The existence of identical or nearly identical text does not always represent potential plagiarism. The judgment of a scholar experienced in the discipline is needed to determine whether the existence of identical text represents potential plagiarism. Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop How it works … iThenticate runs on iParadigms’ servers. User account accessed via the internet using a username and password. No local client required. Draft manuscript in a standard digital word processing format (MS Word, Word XML, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, HWP, OpenOffice (ODT) and plain text) is uploaded; iThenticate begins review automatically. User can log out and review will continue. Review of a thesis completed in 30-45 min (or less) depending on length. When complete, result is a Similarity Report consisting of a color annotated copy of the manuscript and a color-coded list of identified source documents (linking identical text to the identified source). Links within the Report allow the reviewer to see how the annotated text appeared in the identified source document. Report can also be downloaded for archiving and review outside of the software. But, review tools available with the downloaded version are very limited. Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop What the candidate should do … When a draft of your thesis/dissertation is ready, ask your major professor to upload the draft document to iThenticate and to review the Similarity Report with you. Any issues identified by iThenticate should then be addressed in consultation with your faculty advisor and the draft manuscript again reviewed. A common issue identified by iThenticate is inappropriate paraphrasing in which the author has attempted to state the content in their own words, but has retained too many of the original author’s words without use of quotation marks. This often occurs in the literature review sections of the manuscript. Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop What if thesis chapters were previously published as journal papers? In many disciplines, graduate students publish their research results as soon as possible during the course of the research. Then, when writing their thesis, the candidate writes an overview introduction and appends data chapters which are either published papers or based on published papers, followed by a final conclusion chapter. When such a thesis is reviewed using iThenticate, the software identifies the previously published papers as matches, and the report has limited utility. Two options: Review individual papers using iThenticate before submission, and/or Instruct iThenticate to ignore the previously published papers by the same author when looking for matches. Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop To obtain an iThenticate user account Your major professor can obtain an iThenticate user account quickly by sending an email requesting a user account to If you have questions, first check the following website: Any additional questions regarding use of iThenticate should be addressed to me at the email address above. If you contact iThenticate, they will direct you to me. Graduate School: Thesis Formatting and Deposit Workshop Copyright Donna Ferullo Director, University Copyright Office Phone: (765) 496 - 3864 Records Office Nicole Barr Assistant Graduate Records Manager, Purdue Graduate School Records Office Phone: (765) 494-2600 Plan of Study This plan: Outlines the courses that will be completed for the degree Lists the faculty members who will serve on the Advisory Committee Requires the signatures of the Advisory Committee, the Head of the Graduate Program, and the lastly, the Graduate School Must be received at the Graduate School level to the first day of the academic session of graduation Preliminary Examination (Doctoral Students Only) To be eligible, students must have: 1. Filed a plan of study 2. Satisfactorily completed most of the formal study 3. Satisfied any foreign language requirements At least two academic sessions devoted to research and writing must elapse between the preliminary and final examinations. Declaring Candidacy Students must be actively registered, and declare their intent to graduate, by the Candidacy Deadline in the session of anticipated graduation. TYPES OF CANDIDATE REGISTRATIONS: Final Examinations Final examinations must be held before the last week of classes of the academic session in which graduation is expected. Requesting an Examination To submit a request for a prelim or final exam: 1. Login to myPurdue using Purdue Career Account credentials 2. Select the “Graduate School Plan of Study” link under the “Graduate Students” section on the “Academic” tab 3. Select the “Request for Appointment of Examining Committee” link to open the Exam Form Generator 4. Click on the “Request for Appointment of Examining Committee” link to initiate the form Thesis Deposit Following a successful final examination, the completed and corrected deposit copy of the thesis must be delivered to the Thesis/Dissertation Office on or before the last day of classes of the session in which the student is to graduate. May be assessed for the following graduation-related reasons: 1. Missing the plan of study deadline for candidacy in that session. 2. Missing the deadline to declare candidacy. 3. Listing on the Graduate School’s candidate roster for the same degree for more than two consecutive sessions. 4. Late deposit (after the deadline) of a thesis or dissertation. 5. Updates or corrections to deposited theses or dissertations. Final Comments Once your plan has been approved, periodically review it to make sure the courses listed have been satisfactorily completed (and that the course information listed on the plan matches what is listed on your transcript). For a list of upcoming graduation deadlines, please see the Graduation Deadlines Calendar ( If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate School at, or (765)494-2600. Purdue University Research Repository Purdue University Libraries The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR): Publishing and citing your dissertation data. Thesis Formatting & Dissertation Deposit Workshop demonstration USING PURR 96 INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION • Libraries, ITaP, and OVPR initiative • A Purdue research core* •A hub** • A Libraries institutional repository*** * Purdue Research Cores: ** HUBzero platform: *** Purdue e-Pubs: *** e-Archives: SERVICE & PLATFORM • PURR is a free online research data collaboration platform and service solution for Purdue faculty, graduates students, and staff. • Research data - spreadsheets, images, output from sensors and instruments, transcripts, surveys, software source code and tools, video, and observation logs • PURR provides: Data management plan (DMP) resources and consultation Collaborative research data project space Dataset publication with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) * Long-term preservation and management * PURR uses Datacite DOIs. To learn more go to THESES & DISSERTATIONS • Private, invitation-only project space where you can share data with your Advisor / Dissertation Committee for review. • An intuitive process to describe, publish and cite your research data in your thesis or dissertation with a Datacite Digital Object Identifier (DOI). • Example: 10.4231/D39P2W550 • Publishing with PURR increases your dataset’s: Citability Impact Validation Reuse COLLABORATION & PUBLICATION • Easy Collaboration - PURR provides a free 10 GB Hubzero project space for Purdue Graduate Students to store and privately share their data with their thesis / dissertation advisor and committee • Publishing Your Data – Build your academic profile by publishing up to 1 GB of your thesis / dissertation data with Digital Object Identifier that other scholars can use to easily cite your datasets • Example: 10.4231/D39P2W550 • Impact - Your research’s impact is tracked and reported every month in a report that arrives in your inbox detailing total and monthly downloads and page views of your datasets. • Post Graduation Access - Your published data will be preserved post graduation and made accessible for long-term access in a secure, trustworthy digital repository PUBLISHED DATASET DOWNLOAD DOI CITATION EndNote Workshops Amy Van Epps Engineering Librarian, Purdue University Libraries Megan Sapp Nelson Associate Professor of Library Science Two EndNote Products EndNote • Desktop version • Full version • Discounted prices for Purdue users EndNote Basic • Web version • “Light” version • FREE EndNote Basic Open a free account at or 105 Step One Compile references to articles, books, etc. – Collect references – Organize references in groups/folders – Share with colleagues Step Two Create a bibliography Inserts citations into Word documents – with Cite While You Write Plug-in Where can I get EndNote? Free use at or How can I learn to use EndNote? Use the Library Guide and tutorials at: LibGuides Purdue Writing Lab Phone: (765) 494-3723 Purdue Writing Lab and OWL Purdue Writing Lab Resources Individual Tutorials In-lab tutorials Satellite Locations ESL Conversation Groups Writing Lab Workshops OWL Mail Individual Tutorials Heavilon Hall 226 M-Thurs 9:00am-6:00pm Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm Phone: 765-494-3723 Website: **Please bring your student ID Please arrive 10 minutes before your schedule time What a Tutorial Looks Like 30 minutes long Work individually with a graduate consultant Any type of document at any stage of the writing process Bring your document (paper or on computer) Bring any questions and concerns! The consultant will address as many concerns as possible and give you productive ideas to use as you refine your document Skill-based rather than correction-based Appointments Call 765-494-3723 to set up an appointment or make one in person in Heav 226. Each week, you are allowed 2 appointments in our Heavilon Hall location 1 appointment per location each week for our satellite locations Since resources are limited, you are encouraged to appointments in advance Satellite Locations 6:00-9:00pm Monday: HSSE library (in the Collaborate Student Center) Tuesday: Latino Cultural Center Wednesday: Materials and Electrical Engineering Building (Atrium Area) Appointments for the satellite locations are based on a First-come-first-served basis ESL Conversation Groups Heavilon Hall 226 • Mondays 1:30pm-2:20pm • Tuesdays 12:30pm-1:30pm • Wednesdays 9:30am-10:30am • Thursdays 11:30am-12:30pm • Fridays 10:30am-11:30am Common Topics: Daily Life, History, Sports, Your Questions, Friendship, Language Games, Politeness & Manners, Food, Travel, Money & Finance, Open Topic, Movies, Current Events, Idioms and Slang, Shopping OWL Purdue’s renowned Online Writing Lab A Sampling of OWL topics APA, MLA, Chicago Citation, ESL practice activities, grammar instruction, PowerPoints on Academic writing, Resume, Cover letters, avoiding plagiarism, job search writing, sentence variety, academic tone, active/passive voice, paragraphing, applications, visual rhetoric, personal statements, the writing process, and MUCH MORE What is OWLMail? Dedicated tutors: Answer short writing-related questions from all around the world What OwlMail is not designed for: A long distant tutoring session Editing long papers Doing people’s homework for them Links Writing Lab: OWL: OWLMail: tutors Purdue e-Pubs David Scherer Scholarly Repository Specialist, Purdue University Libraries Phone: (765) 494 - 8511 PURDUE E-PUBS REPOSITORY HOW TO PROVIDE FREE GLOBAL ONLINE ACCESS TO YOUR THESES/DISSERTATION David Scherer Scholarly Repository Specialist WHAT IS PURDUE E-PUBS? The institutional repository of Purdue University An Open Access portal to Purdue University Provide free global onlineaccess to Purdue Research and Scholarship THESES/DISSERTATIONS ON E-PUBS ProQuest Theses/Dissertations (Not Open Access) Open Access Theses Open Access Dissertations THESES/DISSERTATIONS ON E-PUBS Benefits It’s Free Affiliated with University “Purdue e-Pubs” Indexed in Google Scholar • Greater visibility/discoverability It’s Open Access • Free to all • Download when you want to • Add it to CV, Job/Grad School application THESES/DISSERTATIONS ON E-PUBS How it Works Step 1 Download GS Form 32 Graduate School Form 32, Thesis/Dissertation Agreement, Publication Delay, and Certification/Disclaimer THESES/DISSERTATIONS ON E-PUBS How it Works Step 2 Complete Part 1: Master’s Thesis/Ph.D. Dissertation Agreement THESES/DISSERTATIONS ON E-PUBS How it Works Step 3 Complete Part II: II. Delay of Publication We take care of the rest…. QUESTIONS & COMMENTS? Thank You David Scherer @davidascherer QUESTIONS (765) 494-3231