Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity
Program Review
Business Continuity
A Time-Line Perspective
Normal Operations
Business As Usual
EOC Activated
Emergency Response
Planning Stage
Recovery Stage
Critical Time Period
Aligning BCP With University Goals
Goal #1
Goal #2
Premier Research
1. Physical Space
-Resident Halls
-Dining Halls
2. Mechanical
3. Security
-Physical (locks)
4. Custodial Svcs
5. Risk Mgmt &
1. Internet
2. Data storage &
3. Software
4. Hardware
5. Email
6. Phones
7. IT Security
8. Library
9. Unique/special
10. Instructional IT
Goal #4
Infrastructure Needs
Goal #3
1. Financial Aid /
Tuition Mgmt.
2. Payroll
3. Accounts
4. Liquidity
5. Tracking
Goal #5
Instruction Process Needs
Supply Chain
1. Faculty
2. Administrative
3. Oversight
-Grad. School
4. Human
5. Health &
Counseling Svcs
6. Legal Services
7. Campus
1. Procurement
-Raw product
-Office supplies
-Other vendors
2. Product receipt
storage and
delivery Svcs.
3. Hazardous
waste disposal
1. Instruction
2. Enrollment/
3. Classroom
space mgmt.
4. Housing /
Residence Life
5. Transcript
6. Admissions
-Post Baccalaureate
7. International
Aligning BCP With University Goals
Goal #1
Goal #2
Premier Research
Goal #3
Goal #4
Goal #5
Infrastructure Needs
1. Physical Space
-Grad. Housing
-Equipment /
2. Mechanical
3. Security
-Physical (locks)
4. Custodial Svcs
5. RM&S
1. Internet
2. Data storage &
3. Software
4. Hardware
5. Email
6. Phones
7. IT Security
8. Library
9. Unique/special
Research Process Needs
1. Grant Funding
2. Payroll
3. Accounts
4. Liquidity
5. Tracking
Supply Chain
1. Faculty /
2. Administrative
3. Oversight
-Office of
-Grad School
4. HR
5. Health Svcs
6. Legal Services
7. Camp. Ministry
1. Procurement
-Raw product
-Office supplies
-Other vendors
2. Product receipt
storage and
delivery Svcs.
3. Hazardous
waste disposal
1. Research
2. Grant
3. Technology
transfer /
Hierarchy of the University’s
Business Continuity Project
Institutional Risk & Compliance
Continuity Dept
The Business Continuity Committee has been
charged with ensuring that plans are developed
for essential University departments. The
committee is chaired by Micki Kidder (Office of
the EVP), administered by Scott Knight (Risk
Management & Safety), and includes
representatives from the Controller’s Group,
Human Resources, Office of Information
Technology, Business Operations, and the
Provost’s Office. This committee will review
and evaluate any major vulnerabilities to
identify and resolve potential gaps.
recommendations to the Institutional Risk &
Compliance Committee ( an officer level
committee chaired by John Affleck-Graves) and
keep the Planning Officer of the EOC informed
of all recovery plans.
Business Continuity Planning Flow Chart
And Questionnaire
Communicate BCP to
Operational & Infrastructure
Groups. Completion of Bus.
Impact Questionnaire
Develop BIA’s specific to:
1. IT dependencies
2. Financial dependencies
3. Facility dependencies
4. Other dependencies
Develop Recovery
Establish concise action-based
recovery procedures for
critical processes.
Develop Recovery
Time Objectives
Gap improvements are
Select groups will identify how
long it will take to have their
processes back in operation.
made to increase
resilience of plans
Storage of Plans:
Plans are tested through
ongoing exercises and
table tops
Plans are reviewed and
updated on a scheduled
All plan documents are
imported into a document
management program to
manage, manipulate,
measure and store
Complete remaining
Complete all remaining
elements of their
business continuity plans.
Purpose of your Business Impact
The responses in your questionnaire will be
referenced at each step of the planning
process. It will guide your efforts and
ensure that we stay aligned with our
Purpose of the Business Impact
• Isolate your critical processes
• Identify each dependency associated with the critical
process (includes its origin and importance ranking)
• Identify your tolerability‘s
• Identify implications you face if you are without your
• Identify any alternative options you may have in the
event that you are without your dependencies
“Dependency” = Any service, supply, product, tool or item that is necessary in order for
you to deliver your process that is critical to the University. This may be in the form
of another department’s deliverable to you, an service or product from an outside
vendor or an item or piece of equipment that you own.
What will this information be used for?
• Prioritization of the University’s recovery efforts
• Identification of our vulnerabilities
• Communicating expectations between departments
Business Continuity Planning
Process Resumption Procedures
Purpose of Resumption Procedures
• To expedite the resumption of your critical
• To identify methods for bypassing your
dependencies in the event that they are
• To assist you with establishing recovery time
objectives so that they can be communicated
to your stakeholders (our next step)
Setting the stage for Resumption
The Business Continuity Plan is an action-oriented set of documents that
effectively transforms, into action, all of the conclusions and judgments that were
applied during the information-gathering process. Therefore, these recovery
procedures that are based on your business impact analysis should be clear,
concise, and well organized.
The procedures should take into consideration five key elements that may be
needed to deliver your processes:
1. People
2. Facility needs
3. Data/Information technologies
4. Financial processes
5. Supply chains and distribution channels
Strategies for resumption procedures
• Three core types of recovery strategies
1. Physical solutions
Implemented pre-outage
Example: Duplication of tools (redundancy)/back up generators/use of alternative means of
communication (radios)/take measures to head off outages (protect from damages)
2. Operational solutions
Implemented pre-outage
Example: Back-up files / print hard copies of records routinely / make agreements with external
providers to carry out your processes for you
3. Response/recovery solutions
Implemented post-outage
Example: Re-allocate personnel and resources to focus on a few processes / Use pencil &
paper for record keeping / use foot transportation to distribute your deliverables
• You can use more than one strategy for the same process
Personnel needs
Facility needs
Establish alternative communications procedures (radios vs phones, faxes vs email, delivery via automobile or walking…)
Back up data bases on a scheduled basis to avoid lost or unretreivable data
Print hard copies of critical data resources on a scheduled basis
Use of flash drives that can be plugged into lap tops
Financial process needs
Always consider ways to allow your activities to be as mobile as possible (ie; go to locations where back-up generators are
available or work from home)
Creating stand-by locations to conduct your activities
Identify alternative equipment that can function in the absence of certain utilities (such as electricity)
IT needs
Establish calling lists
Establish pre-determined temporary work assignments/roles
Establish decision trees
Cross train staff
Establish payment deadline lists (for prioritization post-incident)
Ensure that vendors will accept alternative methods of payment or delayed payments
Establish procedures and language to contact payee’s and ask for extensions
Supply chain and distribution channel needs
Identify necessary quantities to keep on hand/in stock
Establish vendor lists
Establish alternative vendors for like products (multiple directions and distances) with the philosophy of redundancy
Identify alternative means of transporting goods or services (both incoming and outgoing)
Planning Process In Review
• Questionnaire development
• Business Impact Analysis
– Identified your needs
– Identified your tolerability’s
• Resumption procedures
– Establish detailed plans to resume and recover your processes
• RTO development
– Identification of expected recovery times
• Critical Document Development
– Develop calling lists, vendor lists, inventories, schedules, etc.
Business Continuity Planning
Assembling Recovery Teams
What are recovery teams?
Recovery teams are groups of employees who will be expected to
assemble and work together to recover or resume a particular process.
These should be employees with specific technical skills or knowledge
needed for the recovery or resumption of the particular process.
The teams may be made up of multiple positions and levels, and may
include personnel from more than one department. The teams should
have a leader present in the field (called “Team Leader”) and should
report to a specific Manager, Director or Officer on the progress, needs,
and trials and tribulations throughout the recovery phase.
It is also important to recognize that there may be personnel who belong
to more than one recovery team. It may be helpful to assign people to as
few teams as feasible in the event that circumstances and priorities
require the resumption of multiple processes at the same time. However,
this may be unavoidable for some departmental processes.
Purpose of Recovery Teams
• By assigning certain people to a recovery effort prior to an incident,
we save time and confusion. A set of contact names and numbers
will be readily available and we will know we have the correct
people working on the correct problems.
• It allows for the assembly of proper personnel to recover a process
even in the absence of a particular leader because this information
will be available to your department and officers of the University.
• It will help to provide a scope for our available (Human) resources
during the recovery efforts. It will help departments identify
possible conflicts with the uses of their man-power.
• It will assist with proper communication lines.
• It will identify back up personnel who can step in, should the
primary personnel be unavailable.
Are Recovery Teams required for all
No, assembling teams of people to deal with problems may
not make sense in many situations. So only assign teams
where teams would be needed. In addition, some recovery
teams may be needed for specific items or services that are
not considered a “process”, rather only one part of a process.
Some departments or functional units of the University may
have no recovery teams where others may have several. This
has more to do with the nature of each process. So it is up to
each department or functional unit to decide if creating teams
makes sense or not.
How does this fit into the overall BCP
• Alignment of Crisis Communications: The teams will have a
designated leader who will communicate to a higher level
who will ultimately communicate to officers of the EOC to
ensure a stream lined path of communications.
• Ensures that all efforts of the recovery or resumption process
align with the University’s goals at the time of the outage
event: As priorities are changed by officers of the University,
effective shifts in resources can be made.
• Officers will be able to sort documents by “recovery team” in
the event that they need to contact the team to get updates
or to re-direct efforts.
What Considerations Are Needed?
• Reflect on each of your processes and determine if the
process is one that needs to be “recovered”, or needs to be
“resumed” by bypassing missing items or services, or if
both apply. See your “Resumption Procedures” tables.
• Identify your personnel that have the expertise and
experience needed to recover or resume the process. Note
that training may be needed to help expedite your overall
• Identify secondary personnel who may be able to take over
those duties should the primary person(s) be unavailable
(unable to reach campus or are busy working on a higher
priority process recovery for instance). This may require
some cross-training.
What Information Is Needed?
Identify the process (or item or service) that will be ‘recovered’ or
‘resumed by alternate means’.
2. Identify the recovery team name (usually the name of the process
followed by “recovery team”).
3. Identify the Manager, Director or Officer who oversees this process and
would report to the EOC Liaison (ie; the department head).
4. Identify the primary Team Leader who will be in the field, working on the
recovery or resumption process. Note that the Team Leader and the
Mngr/Dir./Officer can be the same person.
5. Identify the Secondary Team Leader should the primary be unavailable.
6. Identify each of the recovery team members and any secondary
7. Provide contact information for each team leader and member. Including
home phone, cell phone, and address. Note that this information will be
protected and secure.
Business Impact Analysis
Part II
Recovery Time Objectives
Purpose of your RTO table
(Business Impact Analysis Phase II)
The purpose of your RTO is to help the
Business Continuity Group to identify gaps
and vulnerabilities and to provide your
stakeholders with realistic expectations.
Defining RTOs
The RTO is your Recovery Time Objective. This is an “estimated” time frame that you will be
able to recover a particular deliverable such that it is available to your stakeholder(s) based on
your current recovery strategies and your technical experience with past or similar outages.
We expect some of your RTO’s to change over time as additional resources and advancements
in methodology become available in the future. Consequently, RTO’s will be revisited annually.
However, at this phase, we ask that the RTO’s be established based on today’s abilities.
If the recovery time of your deliverable is dependent upon the availability of other
dependencies then please indicate that information in the “assumptions” column of your table
(see RTO table). However, you now have available those RTO’s of the infrastructure groups
(Utilities, OIT, Controller Groups) and it is expected that you will consider those recovery times
when establishing your own recovery times, where applicable. For instance, if you require a
certain IT application before you can begin to generate a report that another department
needs and OIT’s recovery time to you is 4 hours for that application, then you would need to
add 4 hours to your RTO for that report.
Who is developing RTO’s?
A compilation of BIA table results have outlined all of the
deliverables (items or services) that have been identified
with an assigned Maximum Tolerable Outage (MTO) time
by a department. Each deliverable will need to be
measured against a respective Recovery Time Objective.
Consequently, all departments who supply deliverables
that have been assigned MTO’s are being asked to
provide RTO’s for each of those listed deliverables. A list
will be provided to you indicating which deliverables you
will need to develop RTO’s for. Some departments will
have few, if any. Others will have numerous deliverables
to develop RTO’s for.
How to Complete the RTO Table
See RTO Table:
Column 1: Deliverable– List your deliverable (may be a portion of one of your processes such as one item or service or
it may be your entire process) that the RTO represents. See the requested items listed by other departments.
Column 2: Customers – This is the department who has developed an MTO for this deliverable (may be several listed,
only separate them by rows if you have different RTO’s for each group).
Columns 3 and 4: Indicate whether they are an internal (within the University) or external (outside the University)
stakeholder. Note, even though an external stakeholder has not been provided to you, if you are aware of a
need to include them, please do so. Otherwise, this is meant for future use when we re-visit this table annually.
Column 5: RTO – This is where we need a time that you currently feel that this deliverable can be recovered and made
available to your respective stakeholder. This may require some additional conversations with other
departments of whom you rely on during this process. Time should be given in Hours.
Column 6: Assumptions – This can be used for any discretionary need you may have. For instance, your RTO may be
reflecting a difficult time of the year when your recovery would likely be slower.
Column 7: Changes which can be implemented to improve your RTO – This gives you an opportunity to explain, in
general terms, what could be implemented which will serve to improve your RTO, such as additional resources
that you currently do not have available. This may serve to expedite the gap resolution process.
Note: If your deliverable can only be provided to a limited number of stakeholders and you are faced with a decision as
to which stakeholder is given priority, please contact Scott Knight @
How will gaps be evaluated
Institutional Risk & Compliance
Continuity Dept
When RTO’s are found to be longer than departmental MTO’s
they will be red-flagged, indicating that a “gap” has been
identified. This can be described as a department not
receiving an item or service in the amount of time that they
are depending on receiving it. This will be considered a
vulnerability for the University.
When gaps are identified by the Working Group of the
Business Continuity Committee, each functional unit tied to
that gap (both the MTO provider and the RTO provider) will
be involved in a discussion and asked to identify alternative
options to resolve the gap. If a resolution is not established
then each group will be asked to develop a report which
explains the options that may be considered which would
serve to close the gap. The MTO group will seek ways to
extend their MTO time while the RTO group will seek ways to
speed up their RTO time. If additional resources are deemed
necessary, costs and timeframes for implementation will
need to be provided.
Ultimately, significant decisions will be made by the IRCC.
They may opt to take one of the proposed options or to defer
the gap resolution to a later date.
Remaining Steps
Departmental Contact Information
Supplier Information
Contractor Information
Business Continuity Planning Committee to
assess all gaps and conduct gap resolution
• On-going:
– Updating information and reflecting changes
– Testing of plans/ Table tops and drills
– Continuous plans to improve