NYIT Alumni Mentor Program

Successful Use of the
CSO Mentor Module and
Managing a Mentor Program
Presented by:
Laurie Hollister, New York Institute of Technology
Leigh (Mascianica) Sylvia, Columbia University
Leigh says “Hi”
And welcome’s your questions at: Les2195@columbia.edu
On Having a Good Mentor
Need & Purpose
• Launched in May 2010
• Designed to ease the transition from
college to career
Goals and Objectives
• To become familiar with the world of work
outside of the classroom, reaffirm career
direction, and develop career confidence
• To refine & develop networking skills with
Mentor’s assistance
• To get support finding internships, co-ops or
part-time job opportunities
• To learn how to build a professional brand
What makes our
program different?
• An individual matching process and
consistent contact from career services
• Online career management system, CSO
(known as “Career Net” at NYIT )
• Mentors/Mentee Guidelines (see handout)
Web site promotion
Mentor Registration
Mentee Registration
Mentor Registration
Career Net
Mentor Registration
Career Net
Mentor Registration
Career Net
Student Registration
Find a Match through CSO
Admin Side Career Net
Processes and guides for OCS staff
(see handout)
• Typically 6 months long
• Matched on common areas of interest,
industry, or company
• Open to all students, grad & undergrad , but
typically upper level
Follow Up
• Long lasting relationships:
Monthly check ins via phone or email,
and consistent monitoring from career staff,
results in lengthier, consistent relationships
Mentee’s Growth
• My mentor helped me prepare for a job interview
that I was really nervous about.
• I have become more comfortable meeting new
• For me this program was a bridge between college
and the real world work environment.
• I have increased my network of professionals which is
very important to me
“Xiang (B.F.A. Communication Arts) came to my MTV office in Manhattan to
meet with me. She is a very sweet and eager young lady. I think she will
do great in this business. I took her around to meet everyone in my
department and they are all working to try to get her an internship in
News for next semester. I think that would be a perfect place for her since
she is interested in Journalism.
I also hired her to be a Production Assistant on a shoot I did on Saturday.
She was great! I think that was a great experience for her to be on a real
live set and to actually work on it...not to mention she will get paid for the
day’s work. I am still working on the possibility of getting her in as an
Intern if it's not booked up yet. If not, I will continue hiring her on a
freelance basis whenever possible. We will also continue to meet in
person monthly as well as correspond over email. Thank you for pairing
me up with a really intelligent and eager mentee. She is an absolute
pleasure.” - Gina, Xiang’s Mentor
• Email blast updates
Some Great Press!
4 page Spread!
Final Tidbits
• 75 completed pairs to date
• Seniors & graduate students were most likely to utilize
the program
• Mentors represented private, corporate, non-profit, and
government agencies
• Most relationships lasted 6 – 12 months
• Preferred method of contact used was email
• 80% of mentees said:
• The program met their goals
• Built their networking skills
• Assisted with their professional growth & learning
• Would become a mentor one day!
Networking Night
Thank You
Questions about creating a program?
Reach out to us anytime
Laurie Hollister lhollist@nyit.edu
Leigh Sylvia Les2195@columbia.edu
Thank you for attending!
If you have any additional questions, please
contact the Support Team or your CRM.
What’s next?
The next session
will begin at
CSO’s 2014 Training & Networking Conference | Austin, TX | Copyright © 2014 CSO Research, Inc.