www.sungardhe.com Analyze Student Progress Data Model Overview Objective To present the Analyze Student Progess Model Overview – the big picture Data Model Structure Extract Transform Load Overview Business Concepts Details Institutional Values www.sungardhe.com 2 Index ASP – Academic Time ASP – Student Filters ASP – Student Status Indicators ASP – Student Retention Status ASP – Student Academic Period Measures ASP – Academic Period First Attended Attributes ASP – Student Multi Year Measures ASP – Student ASP – Academic Study ASP – Student Enrollment ASP – Academic Performance ASP – Student Course Filters ASP – Student Course ASP – Person ASP – Demographic ASP – Student Address ASP – Academic Outcome ASP – Activity ASP – Advisor Assignment ASP – Athletic ASP – Banner Communication ASP - Contact ASP – Financial Aid Information ASP – Hold ASP – Post Secondary School ASP – Secondary School ASP – Test ASP – Internal Keys ASP – Report Default Selections ASP – Academic Year Range ASP – Institutional Values www.sungardhe.com 3 Index Analyze Student Progress Overview – the big picture www.sungardhe.com 4 Index Business Concept Business need addressed Which courses / instructors have the best past fail rates? Analyze Student Progress Business need addressed Analyze a student’s academic progress and how it relates to a student’s outcome or retention For Advisors, which advisees need help? Compare overall student body performance with all athletes with a particular sport. Based on meeting patterns, which sections have the best past fail rate? How are grades distributed across courses based on student classification. Which programs are doing the best job of graduating students on time? What group or cohort of students should retention strategies focus on? Who is “at-risk” on our campus? What is the relationship between students’ academic qualifications and subsequent first year college performance and retention to second year? www.sungardhe.com 5 Index Analyze Student Progress Cognos Package This package consists of EDW data preconfigured, logically grouped and joined for ease of reporting. www.sungardhe.com 6 Index Snapshot Analyze Student Progress Cognos Package Snapshots – freeze data at periodic points in time to allow creating cubes and scorecards to do longitudinal analysis Note: this business concept looks exactly like its counterpart with the addition of an event Events – user defined to describe a specific point in time like end of term, census date, monthly www.sungardhe.com 7 Index Student Retention Performance Data Model Structure www.sungardhe.com 8 Index Operational Star Operational Enterprise System – Banner • Continuous data back through time and up to the minute to OPERATE the enterprise Operational Data Store – ODS •Continuous data back through time and up to the last refresh (a few hours old) to report from to OPERATE the enterprise Operational Stars – EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse) •Continuous data back through time and up to the last refresh (a few hours old) to report from to OPERATE the enterprise •Reformated for performance and strategic reporting •Trend, summary, detail reporting www.sungardhe.com 9 Index Operational Star - Analyze Student Progress Aggregate table WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS • Derived from other operational stars bringing together (aggregating) into one super star all the data necessary to power the business concept • Enhanced performance • Ease of use www.sungardhe.com 10 Index Loading Data into the Warehouse First, set up some institutional values EDW Extract Parameters • Parameters set up in the Admin UI to give the data institutional values •What terms to load •What default values do we want for… •What codes mean a student should be excluded from retention counts •What test codes map to test descriptions in the model •Etc. • Must be set up before data is loaded • See the spreadsheet www.sungardhe.com 11 Index Banner Performance Reporting and Analytics (BPRA) Data Flow with Oracle Streams Data Warehouse Banner BRM Oracle Streams (Change Data Capture Mechanism) Legacy Performance Management Applications Recruiting & Admissions Student Retention Advancement Performance www.sungardhe.com 12 Index Banner Performance Reporting and Analytics (BPRA) Data Flow with Oracle Streams Legacy Banner Advance Oracle Streams (Change Data Capture Mechanism) Operational Staging Area Operational Data Store Reporting Tools Legacy ‘ ETL ETL (OWB) (OWB) Composite Tables Reporting Views Performance Management Applications Recruiting & Admissions Banner ‘ Student Retention Advance ‘ Advancement Performance *Contains staging tables and all Banner objects for ODS (Change tables, triggers, Composite Views) * Extract Transform Load (ETL) * Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) www.sungardhe.com 13 Index Banner Performance Reporting and Analytics (BPRA) Data Flow with Oracle Streams Legacy Banner Advance Oracle Streams (Change Data Capture Mechanism) Operational Staging Area Operational Data Store Reporting Tools Legacy ‘ ETL ETL (OWB) (OWB) Composite Tables Reporting Views Performance Management Applications Recruiting & Admissions Banner ‘ Student Retention ETL (OWB) D Advance ‘ *Contains staging tables and all Banner objects for ODS (Change tables, triggers, Composite Views) D F D D OLAP Tools Advancement Performance Enterprise Data Warehouse * Extract Transform Load (ETL) * Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) www.sungardhe.com 14 Index Student Retention Performance Extract Transform Load Overview www.sungardhe.com 15 Index Existing Enterprise Data Warehouse ETL for RAP and SRP ODS SCHEMA GENERAL STUDENT EDW STAGING SCHEMA TABLE FUNCTION INPUT TABLE CLEAN TABLE ERROR TABLE WKEYS TABLE (IF ERRORS) IA ADMIN SCHEMA EDW PRESENTATION SCHEMA ENROLLMENT Person ADMIN TABLES Demo graphic LEARNER CURRICULUM META DATA TABLES Retention Time STUDENT STAR Student www.sungardhe.com Academic Study 16 Index Student Course – Example Trace Student Course data in Banner comes from tables… History - SHRTCKN Registration - SFRSTCR Transfer - SHRTR% ODSSRC ODSMGR - ODSMGR ODSMGR EDWSTG EDWMGR EDWMGR - Streamed Banner Tables Composite Views – one for each of History, Registration, Transfer AS_STUDENT_COURSE_HISTORY AS_STUDENT_COURSE_IN_PROGRESS AS_STUDENT_COURSE_TRANSFER Mappings – load data from these views into the Composite Table Composite Table – MST_STUDENT_COURSE Table Function – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR. f_get_student_course Extracts data from Composite Table to build operational star Operational Star – WFT_STUDENT_COURSE Aggregating Mappings - build aggregate entries EDWMGR.EDW_STUD_PROGRESS_AGG_INSERT EDWMGR.EDW_STUD_ENGAGEMENT_AGG_INSERT www.sungardhe.com 17 Index Student Retention Performance Business Concepts Details Analyze Student Progress www.sungardhe.com 18 Index Analyze Student Progress Package Items Ordered by most likely to be used Items Icons Query Subjects - Dimensions Folders - Used to group items Measures - Facts like counts, rates, etc. Filters - Predefined common filters Query Items – element values www.sungardhe.com 19 Index Analyze Student Progress What data is in this business concept? Banner data only Student / term entries With a SGBSTDN general student record An additional term is added for future terms if permitted to register Through the end of the matriculation if closed Through SOATERM readmit term if it exists - then won’t go past that unless registered for a term Through the end of time if no SOATERM readmit term Term patterns can be specified by LEVEL or ALL or COLLEGE or PROGRAM or CAMPUS or MULTI_SOURCE prevent adding terms into the future not associated with the student See the EDW Extract Parameter – ACADEMIC_PERIOD_PATTERN Attributes about the student or student / term combination www.sungardhe.com 20 Index Analyze Student Progress Which students are included? Look at the headcounts. Student Headcount Enrolled Headcount Registered Headcount Student Not Registered Headcount Withdrawn Headcount Graduated Headcount Excluded Headcount www.sungardhe.com 21 Index Analyze Student Progress Which students are included? www.sungardhe.com 22 Index ASP – Academic Time Includes attributes relevant to time frames - academic year, academic period and related attributes. They set the time frame for most comparison reporting done in the package. The aggregates use academic time as part of their primary key. •Academic Period Type - Derived from Academic Period Description •Dimension table – WDT_ACADEMIC_TIME •Source – STVTERM www.sungardhe.com 23 Index ASP – Student Filters The student level filters are commonly used to filter reports. Student level is associated with the student’s primary program in query subject Academic Study. Note: Parameter Maps can be viewed in Framework Manager (FWM) and values set in Admin UI – a method of assigning values one time and then referencing that value from everywhere else in the model so changes to it only need to be done in one place – the parameter map. Parameter map values impact reporting but not the data being loaded into the stars. Parameter map values are defined in the Admin UI. www.sungardhe.com 24 Index ASP – Student Status Indicators Includes a set of indicators that may be used to divide and classify student numbers and to analyze students by common attributes, for example, students with housing assignments, applying for an outcome (degree), new students for the academic period, etc. These indicators are associated with an academic period. •Applied For Outcome Ind – any degree entry on SHRDGMR with a DEGS code with an award status ind of “P” -- MSVDGMR - SUBSTR(SOKODSF.F_APPLIED_FOR_DEGREE (SHRDGMR_PIDM),1,1) •Cooperative Education Ind – if SGRCOOP entry for term and level MST_STUDENT_WORK_EXPERIENCE - MSKFUNC.F_CHECK_COOP_IND(S.PERSON_UID, S.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, S.PROGRAM_LEVEL) •Developmental Course Ind - registered for course with attribute in extract parameter list for term - MST_STUDENT_COURSE_ATTRIBUTE - see EDW_STUDENT_EXTR – EDW_EXTRACT_PARAMETER •Enrolled Ind – if one of these records exist for term then enrolled – SFBETRM (form SFAREGS SFBETRM_ESTS_CODE is “Y” for STVESTS_EFF_HEADCOUNT on STVESTS), SHRTTRM (form SHAINST), SFRAREG (form SFAREGS) - SOKODSF.F_ENROLLED_THIS_TERM •Graduated Ind – outcome awarded in any academic year <= the academic year for this term for student level – see MST_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME •Matriculated Ind – if SORLCUR_TERM_CODE_MATRIC is not null for term EDW_STUDENT_EXTR – MSVGSTD – AS_LEARNER_CURRICULUM_FOS •New Student Ind – if term admitted is this term - MSVGSTD DECODE(S.ACADEMIC_PERIOD_ADMITTED, S.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, 'Y', 'N') •Permit Registration Ind – has a student status with reg ind set - MSVGSTD – STVSTST_REG_IND •Registered Ind – registered in course registration (SFRSTCR) or course history (SHRTCKN) for term - SOKODSF.F_REGISTERED_THIS_TERM •Housing Ind – if housing assignment record exists for term in SLRRASG SOKODSF.F_HOUS_THIS_TERM •Withdrawn Ind – if SFBETRM record exists for term with ESTS code with STVESTS_WD_IND or STVESTS_THIRD_PARTY_WD_IND •Dimension Table – WDT_STUDENT_STATUS •Source Banner – EDW_ENROLL_EXTR – MST_ENROLLMENT – AS_ENROLLMENT / AS_ENROLLMENT_HISTORY – SFBETRM •See WTT_STUDENT_CLEAN – WTT_STUDENT_INPUT www.sungardhe.com •MSVGSTD – MST_BASE_STUDENT – AS_GENERAL_STUDENT 25 Index ASP – Student Retention Status Includes a set of attributes that will have one of three values (Retained, Not Retained, Excluded) for each student that identify whether the student counts in the overall, student level, program and or college retention headcount for the Retention Period. “Like” academic periods mean Fall to Fall or Spring to Spring. “Sequential” academic periods mean from Fall to Spring or Spring to Fall. A student is retained when s/he is registered in this academic period AND the next like or sequential academic period. •Retention Status Retained or Not Retained institutionally •Student Level Retention Status Retained or not at same level •Program Retention Status Retained or not in same program •College Retention Status Retained or not in same college •Excluded – People excluded from Retention Headcounts and Rates are: deceased, graduated, have an institution defined enrollment status (STVESTS) or an institution defined student status (STVSTST) which identify persons who are to be deleted from the population for complete withdrawals, active military service, peace corps, etc. Set these in EDW Extract Parameter EXCLUSION_STATUS_CODE. Exclusions are temporary so if registered the next academic period – the person is retained. •Dimension Table – WDT_RETENTION •Source – registration and program data www.sungardhe.com 26 Index ASP – Student Academic Period Measures Included are headcount and rate measures relative to an academic period. Student retention measures are included for (Like) terms, meaning for instance from Fall to Fall or Spring to Spring. Also, included are student retention measures for (Sequential) academic periods, meaning for instance Fall to Spring or Spring to Fall. What defines sequential academic periods is in the EDW EXTRACT PARAMETERS. Headcounts are always distinct counts. •Student Headcount – student exists in SGBSTDN for academic period or permitted to register in subsequent terms •Enrolled Headcount – have enrollment status where affect headcount is yes •Retention – those retained (registered from one academic period to next) •Registered Headcount – registered in the first of the two academic periods •Withdrawn Headcount – withdrawn in academic period •Withdrawn Rate – withdrawn headcount / ( registered headcount + withdrawn headcount) •Graduated Headcount – outcome awarded for the program for the academic period •Retention Rate – retention headcount / (registered headcount – excluded headcount) •Non-Persister – those not retained and not excluded •Non-Persister Rate – non retention headcount / (registered headcount – exclude headcount) •View how any of these are calculated in FWM or tool tip on query item •Excluded – People excluded from Retention Headcounts and Rates are: deceased, graduated, have an institution defined enrollment status (STVESTS) or an institution defined student status (STVSTST) which identify persons who are to be deleted from the population for complete withdrawals, active military service, peace corps, etc. • Aggregate Fact Table – WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS • Source – WFT_STUDENT and other fact / dimension tables – see CONTINUED onto next slide www.sungardhe.com 27 Index Analyze Student Progress www.sungardhe.com 28 Index ASP – Academic Period First Attended Attributes Filter to use the student’s first attended academic period. Used for all multi-year reports needing this starting academic period to base retention and graduation trend reporting on. If we want to see what the retention was for those students first attending in Fall 2007 after 1 or n years we need to use this filter. Note that the Student Multi-Year Measures query subject contains this as a query item. The academic period first attended for any student is the first chronological academic period (regardless of whether Fall, Spring, Summer, other academic period) where the student’s registered indicator is Yes www.sungardhe.com 29 Index ASP – Student Multi Year Measures Includes data used to compare retention and graduation stats over multiple years. The academic period first attended is the anchor term for comparison and it includes the initial registered headcount for that academic period. Measures for retention are for the 2 nd year, 3rd year through 8th year (Like) academic periods. Measures for graduation are after 1 year, 2 years through 8 years. Note: A student’s academic period first attended never changes and therefore the measures for years 2 – 8, being relative to that academic period, never change. •Initial Registered Headcount – is for that academic period first attended. All 2-8 year measures are relative to that academic period first attended. This HC includes everyone who was ever registered during that academic period. •Graduation Excluded - deceased, or have an institution defined enrollment status (STVESTS) or an institution defined student status (STVSTST) which identify persons who are to be deleted from the population for complete withdrawals, active military service, peace corps, etc. Retention exclusion includes graduation but Graduation exclusion does not since they’re cumulative – see FAQ discussion. •EDW EXTRACT PARAMETER – Multi-year defines Fall and Spring for Retention measures •Retention measures are from Fall to Fall or Spring to Spring •Graduation measures are from academic year to academic year – see FAQ discussion •Aggregate Fact table – WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS •Source – registration / graduation data www.sungardhe.com 30 Index Analyze Student Progress Student Academic Period Measures Use: Academic Period to look at headcounts relative to the AP Use: Retention Period Like or Sequential to look at retention measures relative to the FROM – TO academic period pair Student Multi Year Measures Use: Academic Period 1st Attended as anchor to look at retention measures relative to the like academic period in the 2nd year and the 3rd year… Use: Academic Period 1st Attended as anchor to look at graduation measures to the like academic period in the 2nd year and the 3rd year BUT measures include graduation in the intervening academic periods www.sungardhe.com 31 Index ASP - Student Includes student characteristics or attributes of student population (new, transfer, continuing), admission population (regular admit, mature admit, early admit), educational goal, educational level, student classification (year of study first, second, and residency). Admit demographics, student attributes and student cohort data is also included. •Student Status – SGBSTDN_STST_CODE •Academic Year Admit – academic year associated with SORLCUR_TERM_CODE_ADMIT •Academic Period Admit – SORLCUR_TERM_CODE_ADMIT •Admissions Population – SARADAP_ADMT_CODE •Current Time Status – SFBETRM_TMST_CODE •Current Time Status Date – SFBETRM_TMST_DATE •Education Goal – SGBSTDN_EGOL_CODE •Education Level – SGBSTDN_EDLV_CODE •Housing Ind – if housing assignment record exists for term in SLRRASG SOKODSF.F_HOUS_THIS_TERM •Intended Time Status – SGBSTDN_FULL_PART_IND •Rate – SGBSTDN_RATE_CODE •Residency – SGBSTDN_RESD_CODE (instate is Y otherwise N) •Site – SGBSTDN_SITE_CODE •Student Classification – calc’d class – MSKFUNC.F_STUDENT_CLASS_DATA •Student Population – SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE • Dimension Tables – WDT_ACADEMIC_TIME,WDT_STUDENT, WDT_ENROLLMENT_STATUS, WDT_PERSON, WDT_POSTAL, WDT_COHORT, WDT_ATTRIBUTE • Fact Tables - WFT_STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE, WFT_STUDENT_COHORT •Source – see EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_STUDENT •MST_ENROLLMENT, MSVGSTD •AS_GENERAL_STUDENT and AS_LEARNER_CURRICULUM_FOS •SGBSTDN and SORLCUR •Admit – SORLCUR -AS_ADMISSIONS_APPLICATION •Cohort – SGRCHRT - AS_STUDENT_COHORT - FTE Report Ind •Attributes – SGRSATT – AS_STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE www.sungardhe.com CONTINUED onto next slide 32 Index Analyze Student Progress •Admit Age Range – see Parameter Map Admin UI •Student Cohort Graduation Status – 'No Data' - if the student has no active cohort in the academic period or if their cohort has no cohort end academic period 'NE' – if there is an active cohort and the cohort end academic period is less than the academic period being reported 'EX'- if there is an active cohort and the cohort end academic period is equal to the academic period being reported 'PE'- if there is an active cohort and the cohort end academic period is greater than the academic period being reported •Student Cohort Graduation Status Description WHEN ('No Data') THEN 'Data Not Avail' WHEN ('NE') THEN 'Not Expected' WHEN ('EX') THEN 'Expected' WHEN ('PE') THEN 'Past Expected' •Student Cohort Report Ind – is it reportable •Student Cohort Count – count of active cohorts for term •Student Cohort Graduated HC – (students graduated before or on report term) •Student Cohort Expected Graduation HC - Headcount of students with an academic period end equal to the report academic period. On STVCHRT an end term can be entered – if it is then that is the term that graduation is expected •Student Cohort Graduation Rate – 0% if expected but didn’t, 100% if did and blank if neither www.sungardhe.com 33 Index ASP – Academic Study Includes the academic program or curriculum attributes including student level (graduate, undergraduate), Program, Degree, College, Major, Department, etc.. For comparisons, there are two distinct sets of Academic Study data included and appropriately labeled. The first set is the current priority curriculum associated with the student for the academic period. As this data changes those changes are reflected in the overall attributes. The second set is the Admit Academic Study which will be set with the initial values set for the student in their academic period admit and will not change for level. •Award Category - STVDEGC_ACAT_CODE •Academic Study Change Ind – Yes if Major Change Count > 0 – see EDW_WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS_EXTR •Major Change Count – number of distinct majors for student level where program primary ind is Yes •Academic Periods Undeclared – count of terms where major is one listed in the EDW EXTRACT Parameter Major_Code • Dimension Table – WDT_ACADEMIC_STUDY • Fact Table – WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS • Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_STUDENT – MST_BASE_STUDENT - AS_CURRICULUM_FOS – SORLCUR •See EDW_STUDENT_EXTR – get changed_major_count etc. www.sungardhe.com CONTINUED onto next slide 34 Index Analyze Student Progress www.sungardhe.com 35 Index ASP – Student Enrollment Includes overall enrollment data that includes attributes such as academic period first and last attended, initial enrollment status date, current enrollment status and date, enrolled by census date ind, etc. Measures include student summarized course activity such as the number of courses registered, dropped and withdrawn, passed and failed, etc. •Attended - means registered for at least one course •Enrollment Status – SFBETRM_ESTS_CODE •Enrolled Age Range and Order – Age Range parameter map Admin UI •Enrolled By… - MST_ENROLLMENT – AS_ENROLLMENT – currently NULL •Registration Reason – SFBETRM_RGRE_CODE •Institution Attending - AS_ENROLLMENT_HISTORY.transfer_to_institution – SHRTTRM_SBGI_CODE_TRANS •Withdrawal Reason – AS_ENROLLMENT_HISTORY - SHRTTRM_WRSN_CODE •Leave Reason – SGBSTDN_LEAV_CODE •Academic Periods Attended – Count of academic periods with Registered Ind Yes relative to reported academic period •Total Academic Period Attended Count – relative to all time and does not change when reporting academic period changes •Dimension Table – WDT_ENROLLMENT_STATUS •Fact Table - WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS •Source – MST_ENROLLMENT – AS_ENROLLMENT – SFBETRM – AS_LEARNER_CURRICULUM_FOS •See EDWSTG.EDW_ENROLL_EXTR.F_GET_ENROLLMENT www.sungardhe.com 36 Index ASP – Academic Performance Includes attributes and measures that identify the student's progress toward their educational goal (positive or negative). Measures include all credits (Attempted, Passed, Earned) and GPA as assigned by the course section grades, GPA (cumulative, academic year and academic period (term). Attributes include Academic Standing (beginning and end of academic period), Combined Academic Standing and Progress Evaluation. The measures are differentiated by levels by filtering on level. •Ranges - Admin UI Parameter Map and cleansing rule •Thresholds - user defined in GPA THRESHOLD cleansing rule •Combined Academic Standing – SHRTTRM_CAST_CODE •Progress Evaluation – SHRTTRM_PREV_CODE •Academic Year GPA – cumulative GPA for terms in reporting academic year •Cumulative Credits – cumulative through reporting academic period •Cumulative GPA – cumulative through reporting academic period •Dimension Table – WDT_STUDENT_PERFORMANCE •Fact Table – WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS •Source – AS_ACADEMIC_STANDING - SHRTTRM - SHRLGPA www.sungardhe.com 37 Index ASP – Student Course Filters Commonly used filters to filter student courses. If not used then all courses are presented. •Course Source Type History •Course Source Type Registration •Course Source Type Transfer •See parameter map Student Course to only view historical courses to only view current courses to only view transfer courses www.sungardhe.com SHRTCKN SFRSTCR SHRTR% 38 Index ASP – Student Course Includes all student courses in progress, completed and transferred with student specific details such as the final grade and credits. Attributes include course data such as course identification, subject, course number, section detail like schedule type, instructional method, session and meeting days and times, primary instructor, initial registration status date, current registration status and date. Measures include course headcounts and rates, credits and GPA. •Course indicators - relative to a student •Developmental Student Course Ind - Attributes set in the EDW EXTRACT PARAMETER – DEV_COURSE_ATTRIBUTE •Registered Census Date Ind – when SSBSECT_CENSUS_ENRL IS NULL THEN NULL when SFRSTCR_ADD_DATE <= SSBSECT_CENSUS_ENRL_DATE AND SFRSTCR_RSTS_DATE <= SSBSECT_CENSUS_ENRL_DATE AND STVRSTS_INCL_SECT_ENRL = 'Y' then 'Y‘ otherwise 'N' • Dimension Tables – WDT_ACADEMIC_TIME, WDT_COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, WDT_COURSE, WDT_COURSE_SECTION, WDT_REGISTRATION, WDT_INSTRUCTOR, WDT_ATTRIBUTE, WDT_MEETING, WDT_MEETING_TIME • Fact Table – WFT_STUDENT_COURSE •Source • - AS_STUDENT_COURSE_IN_PROGRESS - SFRSTCR • - AS_STUDENT_COURSE_HISTORY - SHRTCKN • - AS_STUDENT_COURSE_TRANSFER – SHRTR% www.sungardhe.com CONTINUED onto next slide 39 Index Analyze Student Progress Source: Section detail SSBSECT Meeting Detail SSRMEET www.sungardhe.com CONTINUED onto next slide 40 Index Analyze Student Progress •Course counts and rates •Course grade detail •Course graded counts and rates •Course graded credits and GPA relative to course relative to student relative to course relative to student •Check the grade table SHRGRDE to see how grades impact statistics •What courses are considered failed? •Course has attempted ind = Y •Course has gpa count ind = Y •Course has passed ind = N www.sungardhe.com 41 Index ASP - Person Includes the basic person identification data like full name, ID, birth date, confidentiality indicator, current age, email address and phone number combined. Note the data where a person may have multiple sets of information like email address, phone number and address, a single record is currently brought into the warehouse based on Banner indicators or on a data decision rule established for the warehouse products. •Current Age Range •Email Address •Phone Number Combined User defined Parameter Map Preferred active Primary active • Dimension Table – WDT_PERSON • For PERSON_UID see Internal Keys • Source – AS_PERSON, AS_TELEPHONE – SPRIDEN, SPBPERS, GOREMAL, SPRTELE www.sungardhe.com 42 Index ASP - Demographic Includes the diversity attributes such as gender, minority, traditional, citizenship, residency, veteran and international student indicators and more detail attributes about citizenship type, race, ethnicity, veteran or visa type information. •Legacy - SPBPERS_LGCY_CODE •Minority Ind - EDW_EXTRACT_PARAMETER – Non minority race category from STVETCT – all other race categories are minority •Traditional Student Ind - Parameter Map – Traditional Age – Non traditional age is parameter value and up • Dimension Tables – WDT_DEMOGRAPHIC, WDT_PERSON, WDT_RACE • Source – AS_PERSON, AS_RACE, AS_VISA www.sungardhe.com CONTINUED onto next slide 43 Index Analyze Student Progress Source •Race – EDW_GENERAL_EXTR.F_GET_RACE – MST_RACE - AS_RACE - GTVRRAC, GORRACE, GORPRAC •Veteran data – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_STUDENT – AS_PERSON - SGRVETN SOKODSF.F_GET_CURR_VETC_CODE www.sungardhe.com 44 Index ASP – Student Address Includes the student’s single 'preferred' address identified by a data load rule (preferred address type on GTVSDAX) defined by the institution . Additional address attributes identifying a geographic division and region. •Student Geographic Division – EDW EXTRACT Parameters – see AG_GEOGRAPHIC_REGION (INST) • Dimension Tables – WDT_GEOGRAPHIC_REGION, WDT_POSTAL • Source – EDW_GENERAL_EXTR.GET_ADDRESS and GET_GEOREGION – MST_ADDRESS, MGT_GEOGRAPHIC_REGION – AS_ADDRESS, AG_GEOGRAPHIC_REGION - STVGEOR, STVGEOD, STVATYP, GORPGEO www.sungardhe.com 45 Index ASP – Academic Outcome Includes attributes and measures that identify the student's completion of an educational goal or outcome, whether sought or awarded. Measures include credits applied to complete the outcome and the associated GPA as well as the number of academic periods attended. Attributes include academic year graduation and academic period graduation, outcome status, outcome honors and other related attributes. The Outcome Academic Study is available when the outcome or degree record is created in Banner and as attributes on this record change they will be updated to reflect current outcome values. The outcome academic study values are not expected to change when the outcome is awarded. •Outcome Number – completed outcomes SOKODSF.F_COUNT_COMPLETED_OUTCOMES,SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_SEQ_NO) •Outcome Awarded Ind – Yes if degree awarded status is “A” •Academic Periods Attended - Count of academic periods where registered ind is Yes relative to the reporting academic periods •Total Academic Period Attended Count – total of all academic periods regardless of reporting academic period – does not change •Outcome GPA – calculated from courses relative to degree and level SOKODSF.F_GET_DEGREE_GPA_DATA(SHRDGMR_PIDM, SHRDGMR_SEQ_NO, 'G') •Outcome Credits – relative to degree and level •Academic Outcome Count – count of outcome records whether sought of awarded (see outcome number) • Dimension Tables – WDT_ACADEMIC_TIME, WDT_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME • Fact Tables – WFT_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME, WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS •Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_ACAD_OUTCOME – MST_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME - AS_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME – SHRDGMR www.sungardhe.com CONTINUED onto next slide 46 Index Analyze Student Progress www.sungardhe.com 47 Index ASP - Activity Includes all student activities based on the institution’s desire to track the information. So while a student may be involved with many non academic pursuits, the institution determines those it wishes to track and records the data in Banner to include the activity code which has a type and category for reporting. In Banner this is recorded for each academic period to be tracked, the warehouse will track first and last year and add the measures to include number of years and number of activities. •Activities – those with an academic period will report with an academic period •Category and Type are independent and not hierarchical and may or may not be used in Banner •Activity Total Years – distinct academic years for activity •Activity Count – relative to reporting term • Dimension Table – WDT_ACTIVITY • Fact Table – WFT_STUDENT_ACTIVITY •Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_STUDENT_ACTIVITY – MST_STUDENT_ACTIVITY – AS_STUDENT_ACTIVITY - SGRSACT www.sungardhe.com 48 Index ASP – Advisor Assignment Includes all advisors assigned to a student with their advisor type and if they are the primary advisor for the student. Measures include the number of advisees (students) for an advisor and the number of advisors for a student. •Primary Advisor filter – primary advisor ind = 1 •Advisee Headount – distinct advisees for advisor for term •Student Advisor Total count – advisor count for term • Dimension Table – WDT_PERSON, WDT_ADVISOR • Fact Table – WFT_ADVISOR •Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_ADVISOR – MST_ADVISOR – AS_ADVISOR - SGRADVR www.sungardhe.com 49 Index ASP - Athletic Includes specific data around participation in athletic teams either official or auxiliary. Attributes identify the sport, sport status, eligibility, athletic aid indicator for the student as well as first and last year and academic period eligibility begins and ends. Measures include number of seasons of competition available, used and remaining. •Athletic Aid Ind – SGRSPRT_ATHL_AID_IND •Athletic Academic Eligibility - SGRSPRT_SAEL_CODE •Seasons of Competition Available – SGRATHC_SEASONS_AVAILABLE •Seasons of Competition Used – SOKODSF.F_CALC_SEASONS_USED •Seasons of Competition Remaining – (available – used) •Athletic Sport Count – sport count per academic period • Dimension Table – WDT_ATHLETIC, WDT_ACTIVITY • Fact Table – WFT_ATHLETIC •Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_ATHLETIC - MST_SPORT – AS_SPORT - SGRATHC,SGRSPRT www.sungardhe.com 50 Index ASP – Banner Communication Included are details for all Banner mail, email and materials sent to a person over time from all offices within the institution. Details will include the type of letter and or the material type as well as which is the first and last to be initiated. Use the Banner Communication star schema to understand the details of any mail or materials forwarded to the student. Banner Communication fact table provides data per person for all communications sent to the person using baseline Banner functionality. This data may be about a communication (letter, email) or it might be a published material sent to the persons for an academic period along with the date it was scheduled or initiated, whether or not it is still pending and date it was sent. Note: some Banner communications are tied to an academic period, some to an aid year, some to both and some to neither. Filtering is appropriate. • Dimension Tables – WDT_BANNER_COMMUNICATION, WDT_CALENDAR_DATE • Fact Table – WFT_BANNER _COMMUNICATION •Source – EDW_GENERAL_EXTR.F_GET_BANN_COMM – MGT_COMMUNICATION – AG_COMMUNICATION - GURMAIL CONTINUED onto next slide www.sungardhe.com 51 Index Analyze Student Progress www.sungardhe.com 52 Index ASP - Contact Includes all contacts stored in the Banner contact table – associated with all academic periods on or after the contact date. • Dimension Tables – WDT_CONTACT, WDT_CALENDAR_DATE • Fact Table – WFT_CONTACT •Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_CONTACT – MST_CONTACT – AS_CONTACT - SORAPPT, SORCONT www.sungardhe.com 53 Index ASP – Financial Aid Information Includes Aid Status Ind which identifies whether the student is a financial aid applicant. Other attributes indicate whether the student is need eligible, was offered aid, accepted aid and was paid aid as well as was their need fully met/not met. Measures include the percent of aid by financial aid type/ financial aid source, percent gift and self help aid and the percent met by institution gift aid. •Ranges user defined – Parameter Maps •Aid Status Ind – has a RORSTAT record •Aid Applicant Ind – has an ISIR record •Gift – see EDW_FINAID_EXTR get_total_offer_amts_acad_pd •Total Offer Gift – types scholarship + grants •Total Offer Self Help – types loan + work •Total Offer Inst Gift – source INST – types Schl + grants • Dimension Table – WDT_FINANCIAL_AID_STATUS • Fact Table – WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS •Source – EDW_FINAID_EXTR – MRT_% www.sungardhe.com 54 Index ASP - Hold Includes detail data on holds, originating office, active ind, hold from and to dates and what Banner processing is stopped by the hold type. Measure is the Hold Count which is the number of holds the person had overtime. Note: although holds are not academic period specific but belong to the person and the active indicator identifies which are in place on the system date – they are associated with academic periods based on date. •Hold is active based on active code and date range • Dimension Table – WDT_HOLD • Fact Table – WFT_HOLD •Source – EDW_GENERAL_EXTR.F_GET_HOLD –MST_HOLD – AS_HOLD – STVHLDD, SPRHOLD www.sungardhe.com 55 Index ASP – Post Secondary School Includes any post secondary schools attended by the student including your own – see EDW Extract Parameter Institution. Attributes for the institution include name, accreditation, select institution indicators (private, public, two or four year), address details and data related to the student including any degree and major, transfer GPA range, transfer credit range attributes. Measures include the Post Secondary School GPA and Transfer Credit. • Dimension Tables – WDT_INSTITUTION, WDT_POST_SECONDARY_SCHOOL, WDT_GEOGRAPHIC_REGION, WDT_POSTAL • Fact Table – WFT_POST_SECONDARY_SCHOOL •Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_POST_SECONDARY MST_PREVIOUS_EDUCATION, MST_INSTITUTION, MST_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME – AS_PREVIOUS_EDUCATION_PCOL - SORPCOL/SORDEGR/SHRTR% CONTINUED onto next slide www.sungardhe.com 56 Index Analyze Student Progress •Ranges user define – CLEANSING DATA ELEMENTS / POST_SECONDARY – Maintain cleansing rules www.sungardhe.com 57 Index ASP – Secondary School Includes the secondary school attended by the student. Attributes for the institution include name, select institution indicators (private, public, home schooled), geographic and address details. Measures include the Secondary School GPA and Secondary School Percentile. •Ranges define with cleansing rule •Geographic Region define with cleansing rule - STVGEOR • Dimension Tables – WDT_INSTITUTION, WDT_SECONDARY_SCHOOL, WDT_GEOGRAPHIC_REGION, WDT_POSTAL • Fact Table – WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS • Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.GET_SEC_SCHOOL MST_PREVIOUS_EDUCATION - AS_PREVIOUS_EDUCATION_HSCH SORHSCH www.sungardhe.com 58 Index ASP - Test Commonly used test filters for getting highest or lowest test score since tests can be taken multiple times. Includes all tests with scores and when more than one score of the same test, indicators for the highest score and the latest score. •Test Score Range – CLEANSING RANGE ELEMENTS – Admin UI •Language, Math, Verbal, Writing, Placement 1, 2, Graduate 1,2, IELTS, TOEFL - EDW Extract Parameters • Dimension Tables – WDT_TEST, WDT_CALENDAR_DATE • Fact Table – WFT_TEST, WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS • Source – EDW_STUDENT_EXTR.F_GET_TEST – MST_TEST – AS_TEST - SORTEST www.sungardhe.com 59 Index ASP – Internal Keys • For advanced users and Cubes •UIDs are unique IDs for the EDW and are cross referenced with PIDMs in table WDT_WAREHOUSE_ENTITY •COURSE_IDENTIFICATION_SECTION – concatenation of course id and section •Count keys are needed for cubes •Cube Identifiers are for cube loading purposes – the multi-year HEADCOUNT query items are actually IDs STUDENT_ACTIVITY_COUNT_KEY (PERSON_UID * 1000000) + (ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY * 100) + MULTI_SOURCE_KEY + (STUDENT_ACTIVITY_KEY * .001) STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_KEY (PERSON_UID * 1000000) + (ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY * 100) + MULTI_SOURCE_KEY + (STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY * .001) STUDENT_COHORT_COUNT_KEY (PERSON_UID * 1000000) + (ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY * 100) + MULTI_SOURCE_KEY + (STUDENT_COHORT_KEY * .001) www.sungardhe.com 60 Index ASP – Report Default Selections • Report default values • Set up with Admin UI Parameter Maps www.sungardhe.com 61 Index ASP – Academic Year Range • Filter 'Academic Year Range' defines a range of academic years using a parameter map value. This filter can be used to limit the data selected to load a cube but could also be used to constrain the data displayed in a Query or Report Studio report as well. • Set up with Admin UI Parameter Maps www.sungardhe.com 62 Index Analyze Student Progress For PM Retention by Academic Period Cube – load all retention like and sequential data as well as all academic period specific data for those students with records for any academic period associated with those academic years defined within the Academic Year Range. For PM Multi Year Retention & Graduation Cube – load all multi-year retention and graduation data as well as all academic period specific data for those students who’s Academic Period First Attended corresponds to any academic period associated with those academic years defined within the Academic Year Range filter. Keep in mind that (up to) 8 years of multi-year retention data should be loaded for students whose Academic Period First Attended falls within the defined Academic Year Range; meaning we should load the requisite data for all applicable students/academic periods (as it may be available) even if that data extends beyond the academic periods associated to the Academic Year Range (years). www.sungardhe.com 63 Index ASP – Institutional Values • Institutional default values • Set up with Admin UI Parameter Maps www.sungardhe.com 64 Index Student Retention Performance Institutional Values www.sungardhe.com 65 Index Institutional Values Banner code tables like STV% and GTVSDAX select * from gtvsdax where gtvsdax_internal_code = 'PREFADDR' Admin UI Cleansing rules Generally static and most delivered values will be acceptable EDW Extract Parameters Need to be set before data load since data values impacted Parameter Maps Can be set on the fly since data values are not impacted For reporting purposes only See SRP Handbook for those specific to SRP See Spreadsheet to identify Institutional values www.sungardhe.com 66 Index Institutional Values Cleansing Rules Generally static and most delivered values will be acceptable Impact data so needed before loading Rule Types To set code descriptions – from STV% tables To set range descriptions – SQL statement and “Range Rule?“checked Associated with Dimension table elements (columns) To see elements that can be cleansed - Admin UI / Options / Set Up and Maintain Cleansing Data Elements / Set Up a Cleansing Data Element / choose Dim table To see the cleansing rule for the element - Admin UI / Options / Set Up and Maintain Cleansing Rules / choose the element Example – see Post Secondary School slide above www.sungardhe.com 67 Index Institutional Values EDW Extract Parameters Impact data so need to be set before loading See SRP Handbook for complete list of those needing consideration See Spreadsheet to fill in working values Enter values into Admin UI Admin UI / Set Up Parameters / choose EDW EXTRACT PARAMETERS / click Search button Example: Set ESTS and STST codes that should be considered for excluding from retention rates www.sungardhe.com 68 Index Institutional Values Parameter Maps Do not impact data so can be changed before or after data loaded Used for reporting purposes See SRP Handbook for complete list of those needing consideration See Spreadsheet to fill in working values Enter values into Admin UI Admin UI / Set Up Parameters / choose Parameter Map / click Search button Example: Age Range – used to display a student in a range based on age www.sungardhe.com 69 Index Student Retention Performance Keys www.sungardhe.com 70 Index Group Keys Joins aggregate table to repeating fact tables Test, Attributes, Activities etc could have multiple records per person or a group of records per person – thus a group key Preserves Cardinality of model 1 – many relationships etc. Allows for Inner Joins Outer joins not needed since zero key records are inserted if a test or attribute doesn’t exist at all for the person Zero (0) Key Record if No data exists www.sungardhe.com 71 Index Group Keys Example: Student Activity Group Key Granularity (PK) of Aggregate (WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS) is MULTI_SOURCE_KEY, ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY, PERSON_UID Granularity of Repeating Fact table for Student Activities (WFT_STUDENT_ACTIVITY) is MULTI_SOURCE_KEY, ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY, PERSON_UID, STUDENT_ACTIVITY_KEY Key should be constructed so we can find all activities for the Multi Source, Academic Time, Person On the Repeating Fact table, the group key would be the same for every row for the Multi Source, Academic Time and Person combination regardless of activity. If a person doesn’t have any Activities in the Repeating Fact table, their group key is 0 on the Aggregate table Example: Student Activity Group Key Calculation PERSON_UID is 229, ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY is 23 and MULTI_SOURCE_KEY is 1 And the Person has 3 activities with Activity Keys of 1, 2 and 3 Key formula: (PERSON_UID * 1000000) + (ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY * 1000) + (MULTI_SOURCE_KEY) Result: 229023001 www.sungardhe.com 72 Index Count Keys Used via Group Key Joins between aggregate table and repeating fact tables Preserve Cardinality of model Allows for Unique Record Counting Null if no counting should occur (e.g. 0 key record etc.) BRM tables don’t need a count key since already have a unique identifier to count www.sungardhe.com 73 Index Count Keys Example: Student Activity Count Key Granularity (PK) of Aggregate (WAT_STUDENT_PROGRESS) is MULTI_SOURCE_KEY, ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY, PERSON_UID Granularity of Repeating Fact table for Student Activities (WFT_STUDENT_ACTIVITY) is MULTI_SOURCE_KEY, ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY, PERSON_UID, STUDENT_ACTIVITY_KEY Key should be constructed so we can find a COUNT of all activities for the Multi Source, Academic Time, Person, i.e. it should be unique for each activity Example: Student Activity Count Key Calculation PERSON_UID is 229, ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY is 23 and MULTI_SOURCE_KEY is 1 Additionally the Person has 3 activities with Activity Keys of 1, 2 and 3 Key formula: (PERSON_UID * 1000000) + (ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY * 1000) + (MULTI_SOURCE_KEY) + (ACTIVITY_KEY * .001) Results: 229023001.001 229023001.002 229023001.003 www.sungardhe.com 74 Index