UP MANILA Statement on the case of Kristel Tejada By Manuel B. Agulto, MD UP Manila Chancellor Clarifiying matters related to UP policies that have been mentioned in media: On the issue of “forced” leave of absence: There is no “Forced” LOA LOA is filed by students who are not officially enrolled for various reasons (health, family, migration, financial, etc) which will facilitate their enrolment for the next semester This is not a penalty but a solution so that they can continuously be enrolled as a UP Student Clarifiying matters related to UP policies that have been mentioned in media: On the “No late payment” policy: Article 330 of the University Code “no person who has not duly matriculated may be admitted to classes” This is a means to put order, uniformity and equality among all students UP extends help for students who cannot comply with this rule extension of payment financial assistance loans Application for STFAP Clarifiying matters related to UP policies that have been mentioned in media: On the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program (STFAP)Procedure STFAP is a program that enables poor students to study in UP without having to pay full tuition fees and even receive monthly stipend depending on their bracket STFAP is a dynamic mechanism to respond the students’ financial needs The process allows for a re-bracketing depending on the most current financial status of the students’ family In order to ensure that the bracket is accurate and fair to all UP students, there are standard requirements that students have to comply with Explain Bracket A-E *The STFAP brackets are primarily based on the annual family income and have corresponding fees or benefits. Bracket Annual Family Income Fees / Benefits A More than P1,000,000 Full-cost tuition fee, full miscellaneous and laboratory fees B P500,001 to P1,000,000 Base tuition fee, full miscellaneous and laboratory fees C P250,001 to P500,000 40% discount on base tuition fee, full miscellaneous and laboratory fees D P135,001 to P250,000 70% discount on base tuition fee, full miscellaneous and laboratory fees E1 P80,001 to 135,000 Free tuition, miscellaneous, and laboratory fees E2 P80,000 or less Free tuition, miscellaneous, and laboratory fees plus standard stipend THE TUITION FEE PER UNIT FOR THE CONSTITUENT UNIVERSITY OR CAMPUS IS AS FOLLOWS: BRACKET UP DILIMAN, MANILA, LOS BANOS UP Baguio, UP Mindanao, UP San Fernando, UP Visayas A P 1,500 P 1,000 B P 1,000 P 600 C P 600 P 400 D P 300 P 200 E1 & E2 0 0 Facts On Ms. Tejada’s Case Specific To The Enrolment And Payment Ms. Tejada is a student classified under bracket D from the time she entered UP as a freshman in June 2012. This means that she only paid P300/unit and allowed her to avail of loans from the Student Loan Board. On September 27, 2012 Ms. Tejada filed for an appeal to rebracket her to E2 (free tuition fee+ allowance) but unfortunately was not able to submit the supporting documents. Facts On Ms. Tejada’s Case Specific To The Enrolment And Payment Ms Tejada availed a loan amounting to P6377 which was due at the end of October 2012 before the second semester enrolment. UPM allowed an extension of payment to November 30, 2012 December 7, 2012 December 19, 2012 in response to an appeal from Ms. Tejada. The family was able to pay off this loan on December 19, 2012, and got a form for another loan. Ms. Tejada was not able to pay the tuition fee for the second semester. The family appealed only on January 23, 2013, 9 weeks into the semester, well beyond the last day for payment which was agreed upon by UPM and the student leaders. Ms. Tejada filed for an LOA on March 13, 2013 DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 10 May 2012 Kristel Pilar Mariz Tejada enrols in the BA Behavioral Science program of UP Manila Categorized under STFAP Bracket D (Php300/unit) Total assessed fees (tuition, miscellaneous, NSTP, etc.): Php 9172.50 REMARKS DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 11 May 2012 PARTICULARS Ms. Tejada pays PhP 2795.50; avails of Student Loan Board (SLB) in the amount of PhP 6,377.00 REMARKS DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 27 Sept 2012 Ms. Tejada files appeal for STFAP re-bracketing to Bracket E2 (free tuition + allowance). REMARKS Failed to submit any supporting documentary requirements for appeal to be processed during the designated period despite Reasons cited for appeal: frequent reminders from father lost his job resulting the Office of Student in extreme financial Affairs (OSA). difficulty and parents frequently have “word fight and physical fight over lack of money” DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 11 Oct 2012 PARTICULARS REMARKS VCAA, OSA, NGOHS meet with USC Chair and Chairs of the College Student Councils “to discuss how we can ensure that all students are duly matriculated at the beginning of the semester.” Action points that were agreed on: 1. Option for bank payment of tuition fee 2. Deadline for payment of tuition was set on 23 Nov 2012 3. Student leaders to help disseminate info and to be on the lookout for fellow students who might need help so they can be referred to OSA UP Manila Administration immediately made arrangements with Landbank to enable tuition payments to be made in any branch of Landbank across the country starting 2nd semester 2012-2013. DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 23 Oct 2012 VCAA issues reminder regarding Article 330 of the University Code which states that “No person who has not duly matriculated may be admitted to the classes.” The memo further states that “Students who are experiencing financial difficulties or who expect delays in the arrival of financial support from their parents or sponsors are advised to go to the Office of Student Affairs as soon as possible to avail of financial assistance provided by the University for payment of tuition and other fees.” REMARKS DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 6 Nov 2012 PARTICULARS REMARKS Mr. Christopher Tejada, father of Ms. Tejada, files request for extension to settle 1st sem SLB. Deadline was moved from 31 October to 30 Nov 2012. Action: Approved to settle balance of SLB on 30 Nov 2012, but must pay tuition for 2nd sem 2012-2013 during the registration period DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE Nov – Dec 2012 PARTICULARS Ms. Tejada was accommodated in the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) as Student Assistant (pending submission of her Form 5 for the 2nd semester). REMARKS DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 25 Nov 2012 PARTICULARS VCAA sends an email to all Deans (cc: Chancellor, Univ. Registrar, OSA Director, College Secretaries): “There may still be a few students who haven't paid their tuition fee. As a result of a dialogue I held with the USC and College council leaders last Friday, 23 Nov, I have decided to look into the circumstances of these students who haven't availed of our financial assistance programs in order to determine where their difficulty lies and to see how the University can assist them with matriculation. Kindly identify these students and advise them to write a letter to me explaining why they were unable to meet the deadline and to meet with me on TUESDAY, NOV. 27, 2012, 8 AM at the UPM Boardroom. They MUST come and see me on this REMARKS DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 25 Nov 2012 PARTICULARS VCAA sends email to the USC Chair (cc: Student Regent, OSA, IPPAO, Office of the Chancellor, OVCAA): “I am sending you a copy of the email I sent to the Deans. Kindly disseminate this to the various college council chairs. I am requesting the help of the USC and College student leaders in informing the students concerned (thru sms, fb, twitter, etc...) of what they need to do.” REMARKS DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 27 Nov 2012 PARTICULARS REMARKS Ms. Tejada again requests for extension of payment of SLB and late enrolment. Action: Approved to settle SLB on or before 7 Dec 2012; Advised to avail of SELF loan for enrolment on or before 7 Dec 2012. (Note: Ms. Tejada was unable to meet this deadline) DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS Nov – Dec All 79 appeals for late payment 2012 of tuition were approved during this period. REMARKS 28 out of the 79 appeals cited financial difficulty as the reason for the appeal. The rest cited the following reasons: not aware of the deadline, technical glitches during registration, unforeseen events, money did not arrive on time, with outstanding SLB balance, hectic work schedule, and negligence. DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 19 Dec Mr. Tejada settles 1st 2012 sem SLB loan, and obtains form to apply for another loan. REMARKS New loan could no longer be processed as this was already the last working day for UPM. DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE 23 Jan 2013 PARTICULARS REMARKS Mr. Tejada writes to appeal that his daughter be allowed to enrol. This is already 9 weeks after classes have started (excluding Christmas break). Article 332 of the University Code states that: “No student shall be registered in any subject after one week of regular class meetings have been held,...” 3 extensions were already granted to Ms. Tejada and it was already mid-semester. Since it is a violation of Article 332 of the University Code, the appeal could no longer be accommodated as it will set a precedent. DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 4 Feb 2013 Mrs. Blesilda Tejada, mother of Ms. Tejada, approaches Chancellor Agulto at a social gathering of the UPM Assoc. of Parents and Counsellors and reiterates appeal for her daughter to enrol. REMARKS The Chancellor was sympathetic, but the appeal could no longer be granted for the same reasons as previously stated. FOR THE RECORD (As Clarified by Mrs. Blesilda Tejada in reports): No kneeling or begging occurred. DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 13 March Ms. Tejada files 2013 her application for leave of absence (LOA). REMARKS For students who are not officially enrolled, filing a leave of absence is a mechanism which will greatly facilitates his/her return to school the next term. The fact that Ms. Tejada went through the process of getting a college clearance, submitting her application, and paying the LOA fee indicated that she wanted her student record to be in order. It signified her intention of enrolling again the next semester. DETAILS OF KRISTEL PILAR MARIZ TEJADA’S CASE (Prepared by the UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) DATE PARTICULARS 13 March Ms. Tejada files 2013 her application for leave of absence (LOA). REMARKS For students who are not officially enrolled, filing a leave of absence is a mechanism which will greatly facilitates his/her return to school the next term. The fact that Ms. Tejada went through the process of getting a college clearance, submitting her application, and paying the LOA fee indicated that she wanted her student record to be in order. It signified her intention of enrolling again the next semester. Final Statements We do not wish to give anyone a difficult time. We dream for them as they aspire for their future. As administrators, we are not enemies. I would like to consider myself as a surrogate parent to our students, faculty, and staff. We do not wish to pose obstacles in realizing their dreams. In fact, we wish even bigger dreams for them. We always want to work with our students because we were once like them. We pay homage to Kristel Tejada. You will always be remembered.