Office for Recreation and Sport

Office for Recreation and
Funding Services
Information Session
Chris Burden – Senior Funding Consultant
What funding is available?
Active Club Program (ACP)
Community Recreation and Sports Facility Program (CRSFP)
Sport and Recreation Sustainability Program (SRSP)
Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program (SRDIP)
Important things to consider
Grants and GST
How applications are assessed
How to apply & useful tips
Dates to remember
Assistance provided by ORS
Active Club Program - Eligibility
Not-for-profit ‘sport or active recreation organisations’
Organisation’s purpose must be to deliver sport or active recreation
Properly constituted
Incorporated under the ‘Associations Incorporations Act 1985 or comparable legal
Must not hold a ‘Gaming Machines Licence’
No outstanding Office for Recreation and Sport (ORS) grants
It is important that:
the organisation registered with ‘Starclub’
the organisation affiliated with their peak body
Active Club Program
$2.35 Million per year available – There are two (2) rounds per year
next round (round 36) anticipated to open August 2013
Notional allocation of $50,000 per electorate per year
– $30,000 towards ‘facilities’ (round 37 only)
– $10,000 towards ‘programs and equipment’ (round 36 and round 37)
Maximum of $5,000 grant per club (categories in application form)
Can receive grants in consecutive funding rounds
Can apply for facilities and programs and equipment in the same round
Maximum of $20,000 grant per club
Clubs must contribute at least 50% towards the total cost of the project
Project cannot commence until funding has been approved
Community Recreation and Sports
Facility Program - Eligibility
Not-for-profit community based organisations
Organisation’s purpose must be to manage sport or recreational facilities
Must not hold a ‘Gaming Machines Licence’
No outstanding Office for Recreation and Sport (ORS) grants
Councils may apply where the project is part of a planning document (feasibility
study/master plan) which justifies and prioritises the need for the project and
evidence that it is contributing significant financial resources towards the project
Schools (school councils/boards of management) may apply where it is
demonstrated that the project will be utilised by clubs and the local community
outside of school hours and is contributing significant financial resources
Community Recreation and Sports
Facility Program
$6.958 Million available for 2014/15 – next round anticipated to open August 2013
Four (4) separate categories
CATEGORY 1 – Facility Planning Projects.
No restrictions on level of funding available. However expectation that key stakeholders will make a
significant contribution towards the project cost
CATEGORY 2– request for funding is between $1 to $200,000
CATEGORY 3 – request for funding is between $200,001 to $500,000
CATEGORY 4 – Major community hubs or sporting facilities, the request for
funding can be up to $2million
Landowner must be contributing significant financial resources
Project must have been identified and prioritised as part of a planning process
Project cannot commence until funding has been approved
Sport and Recreation Sustainability
Program - Eligibility
To be eligible for funding through the Sport and Recreation Sustainability
Program, organisations must be recognised as one of the following:
State Sporting Organisation (SSO)
State Active Recreation Organisation (SARO)
Industry Representative Body (IRB)
A list of organisations that will be considered for Sport and Recreation
Sustainability Funding can be found at:
If your organisation is not currently listed, you will need to contact a Funding
Consultant at the Office for Recreation and Sport for further details on the
screening process. (Being on the list provided does not guarantee funding)
Sport and Recreation Sustainability
$3.1Million per year available
Organisations that fit into any of the listed categories and is not currently receiving
funding should contact the Office for Recreation and Sport
Provides funding for leadership, policies and services provided
Maximum of $100,000
Minimum of $10,000
3 year notional allocation
NOTE: Organisations will not be considered for funding if they have ORS grant
acquittals and/or reports overdue and/or they have a financial turnover of $10
Million or more.
Sport and Recreation Development
and Inclusion Program - Eligibility
To be eligible for funding through the Sport and Recreation Development and
Inclusion Program, an organisation must be:
A sport or active recreation organisation; or
A non-sport or active recreation organisation where the project outcomes deliver
significant benefit for sport or active recreation organisations or where the project
benefits targeted populations and does not duplicate a program delivered by sport
or active recreation organisations.
Be not-for-profit
Be properly constituted and incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act
(1985) or have another comparable legal status
Not have any Office for Recreation and Sport grant acquittals and/or reports
Sport and Recreation Development
and Inclusion Program
$4.073 Million budget for 2014/15 – next round anticipated to open October 2013
Provides funding to projects that contribute to the growth of an organisation, sport
or active recreation
There is no maximum amount that can be requested but the application
demonstrate value for money
Organisations can submit multiple applications
The organisations capacity to deliver multiple projects will
be considered as part of the assessment process
Sport and Recreation Development
and Inclusion Program
The following are examples of projects that will not be considered for funding:
Projects that do not meet the definition of active recreation or sport (refer
Definitions in the guidelines)
Facility related projects
School based projects conducted during curriculum time that do not link
participants to out-of-school hours community based programs
Purchase of vehicles
Grant Programs
Projects MUST have a demonstrated sport or active recreation outcome and
align with the ORS strategic direction
Important things to consider
Grants and GST
It is strongly recommended that applicants seek independent legal and financial
advice to determine all taxation implications before submitting an application.
Successful applicants who are GST registered will have their grant amount
grossed up by 10% to offset the GST payable on the grant.
If not GST registered, grant will not be grossed up.
If successful, organisations cannot have their Grant Agreement transferred to
another body on the basis of GST registration.
How applications are assessed
STEP 1 – Application Screening
The applicant organisation is eligible
The project is eligible
The application has been completed in full, and all essential information has been
Please note: incomplete applications may be deemed ineligible and not assessed
STEP 2 – Assessment against criteria
All eligible applications are assessed against the specific criteria of each program
(refer specific guidelines)
Questions in application forms are designed to match criteria
Projects are scored and ranked on the basis of information provided in the
How applications are assessed
STEP 3 – Recommendations
Funding recommendations forwarded to the Minister for Recreation and Sport for
All organisations will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application
Please note:
Satisfying the assessment criteria alone does not guarantee funding - assessed
against the relative merits of other projects
number of eligible applications and funds sought exceed the funds available
no guarantee projects will be successful, nor that all successful applications will
receive the full amount of funding requested.
How to apply and useful tips
1. If you have any questions contact a Funding Consultant
2. Don’t leave getting essential documentation (such as quotes, letters of support
and landowner consent form) till the last minute
3. Complete the application in full
4. Typed applications are preferred, but neatly handwritten applications are
5. Keep your responses to the questions clear and concise. If you need to attach
additional information (photos etc), ensure they are clearly labelled
6. Have the right people sign the application form
(1 person must be a Board/Management Committee member)
7. Before lodging your application, check that all questions have been answered and
that all of the essential documents is attached
How to apply & useful tips (cont.)
8. Retain a copy of your application and original supporting documentation
9. Send in the original completed and signed application form with copies of support
documentation by the closing time and date
Only supply 1 copy of everything
Only signed original applications can be lodged – FAX or EMAIL applications
will not be accepted
Do not bind applications or use display folders
No late applications will be accepted and any applications that are incomplete
may not be assessed
NOTE: Funding programs are a very competitive process with no guarantees
Assistance provided by ORS
ORS Funding Services staff can help you by:
Giving you general advice about whether your project application is on the right
track before you submit it
Give you feedback if you are unsuccessful
Answering specific questions about programs, criteria and the assessment
I would encourage you to contact the relevant Funding Consultant to discuss your
project prior to applying
Further information in relation to these programs can be
obtained on the ORS website:
Funding Services Contact Details:
 (08) 7424 7708